Please refer to the for more informations.
Value | Type | Description |
bgColor |
String | Project background color |
defaultGridSize |
Int | Default grid size for new layers |
defaultPivotX |
Float | Default X pivot (0 to 1) for new entities |
defaultPivotY |
Float | Default Y pivot (0 to 1) for new entities |
defs |
Definitions | A structure containing all the definitions of this project |
exportTiled |
Bool | If TRUE, a Tiled compatible file will also be generated along with the LEd JSON file. |
jsonVersion |
String | File format version |
levels |
Array of Level | |
minifyJson |
Bool | If TRUE, the Json is partially minified (no indentation, nor line breaks) |
Value | Type | Description |
identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
layerInstances |
Array of Layer instance | |
pxHei |
Int | Height of the level in pixels |
pxWid |
Int | Width of the level in pixels |
uid |
Int | Unique Int identifier |
Value | Type | Description |
__cHei |
Int | Grid-based height |
__cWid |
Int | Grid-based width |
__gridSize |
Int | Grid size |
__identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
__opacity |
Float | Layer opacity as Float [0-1] |
__type |
String | Layer type (possible values: IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer) |
autoLayerTiles Only Auto-layers |
Array of Tile instance | An array containing all tiles generated by Auto-layer rules. The array is already sorted in display order (ie. 1st tile is beneath 2nd, which is beneath 3rd etc.) |
entityInstances Only Entity layers |
Array of Entity instance | |
gridTiles Only Tile layers |
Array of Tile instance | |
intGrid Only IntGrid layers |
Array of Object | This object contains the following fields:
layerDefUid |
Int | Reference the Layer definition UID |
levelId |
Int | Reference to the UID of the level containing this layer instance |
pxOffsetX |
Int | Horizontal offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 |
pxOffsetY |
Int | Vertical offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 |
seed Only Auto-layers |
Int | Random seed used for Auto-Layers rendering |
Value | Type | Description |
d |
Array of Int | Internal data used by the editor. For auto-layer tiles: [ruleId, coordId, tileId] .For tile-layer tiles: [coordId, tileId] . |
f |
Int | "Flip flags", a 2-bits integer to represent the mirror transformations of the tile. - Bit 0 = X flip - Bit 1 = Y flip |
px |
Array of Int | Pixel coordinates of the tile in the layer ([x,y] format) |
src |
Array of Int | Pixel coordinates of the tile in the tileset ([x,y] format) |
Value | Type | Description |
__grid |
Array of Int | Grid-based coordinates ([x,y] format) |
__identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
__tile |
Object (can be null ) |
Optional Tile used to display this entity (it could either be the default Entity tile, or some tile provided by a field value, like an Enum). This object contains the following fields:
defUid |
Int | Reference of the Entity definition UID |
fieldInstances |
Array of Field instance | |
px |
Array of Int | Pixel coordinates ([x,y] format) |
Value | Type | Description |
__identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
__type |
String | Type of the field, such as Int, Float, Enum(enum_name), Bool, etc. |
__value |
Dynamic (anything) | Actual value of the field instance. The value type may vary, depending on __type (Integer, Boolean, String etc.)It can also be an Array of various types. |
defUid |
Int | Reference of the Field definition UID |
Value | Type | Description |
entities |
Array of Entity definition | |
enums |
Array of Enum definition | |
externalEnums |
Array of Enum definition | Note: external enums are exactly the same as enums , except theyhave a relPath to point to an external source file. |
layers |
Array of Layer definition | |
tilesets |
Array of Tileset definition |
Value | Type | Description |
__type |
String | Type of the layer (IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer) |
autoRuleGroups Only Auto-layers |
Array of Object | Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions. This object contains the following fields:
autoSourceLayerDefUid Only Auto-layers |
Int | |
autoTilesetDefUid Only Auto-layers |
Int | Reference to the Tileset UID being used by this auto-layer rules |
displayOpacity |
Float | Opacity of the layer (0 to 1.0) |
gridSize |
Int | |
identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
intGridValues Only IntGrid layer |
Array of Object | This object contains the following fields:
tilePivotX Only Tile layers |
Float | If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to position the tile relatively its grid cell. |
tilePivotY Only Tile layers |
Float | If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to position the tile relatively its grid cell. |
tilesetDefUid Only Tile layers |
Int | Reference to the Tileset UID being used by this tile layer |
uid |
Int | Unique Int identifier |
Value | Type | Description |
color |
String | Base entity color |
fieldDefs |
Array of Field definition | Array of field definitions |
height |
Int | Pixel height |
identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
maxPerLevel |
Int | Max instances per level |
pivotX |
Float | Pivot X coordinate (from 0 to 1.0) |
pivotY |
Float | Pivot Y coordinate (from 0 to 1.0) |
tileId |
Int | Tile ID used for optional tile display |
tilesetId |
Int | Tileset ID used for optional tile display |
uid |
Int | Unique Int identifier |
width |
Int | Pixel width |
Sorry this type has no documentation yet.
Value | Type | Description |
identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
padding |
Int | Distance in pixels from image borders |
pxHei |
Int | Image width in pixels |
pxWid |
Int | Image width in pixels |
relPath |
String | Path to the source file, relative to the current project JSON file |
spacing |
Int | Space in pixels between all tiles |
tileGridSize |
Int | |
uid |
Int | Unique Intidentifier |
Value | Type | Description |
externalRelPath |
String (can be null ) |
Relative path to the external file providing this Enum |
iconTilesetUid |
Int (can be null ) |
Tileset UID if provided |
identifier |
String | Unique String identifier |
uid |
Int | Unique Int identifier |
values |
Array of Object | All possible enum values, with their optional Tile infos. This object contains the following fields: |