Eventually the project is going to:
Integrates multiple scanner/audit types
- Container Image vulnerabilities scanners. For example, trivy, clair.
- Kubernetes objects validators. For example, polaris, cluster-lint.
- Kubernetes cluster configuration validation. For example, kube-bench.
- Cloud infrastructure auditors. For example, az-sk, scout-suite, security-monkey.
- Web application scanners. For example, ZAProxy
Historical data
- Persisting all scan/audit results according to a defined retention period
- Providing querying interface to historical data
Supports configuration
- enable/disable security check:
- for the whole solution
- for a subset of objects (tolerations) based on scanned object metadata
- creating new security checks (maybe, Open Policy Agent integration)
- enable/disable security check:
Provides a common control-plane for all scanners types (HTTP and cli interfaces)
The main goal: Add new scanner/audit types.
- container-image vulnerabilities scanner The issue #3:
GET /api/images/
- the summary of all used docker-images vulnerabilities scans;GET /api/images/{image-tag}
- returns a single image vulnerabilities scan details.
audit The issue #4:POST /api/kube-objects/polaris
- requestspolaris
audit;GET /api/kube-objects/polaris
- returns the result ofpolaris
- CVE The issue #5:
GET /api/cve/{id}
- a single CVE detailed description.
audit The issue #6:POST /api/kube-cluster/bench
- requestskube-bench
audit;GET /api/kube-cluster/bench
- returns the result ofkube-bench
audit The issue #7:POST /api/cloud/azure
- requestsaz-sk
audit;GET /api/cloud/azure
- returns the result ofaz-sk
The main goal: database, historical data
- store audit results in a database
- create a querying interface to historical data