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WEEK 9 & Mid Sem UX

TingYao3 edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 10 revisions

More on Workaholism


Workaholism is generally described as a tendency to work excessively hard (Oates, 1968, McMillan et al., 2001), and is marked by being obsessed with work and unwillingness to disengage from work (i.e. psychological dependence on work) (McMillan and O’Driscoll, 2004, Shimazu and Schaufeli, 2009). Workaholics have an extremely powerful desire to achieve (Mudrack, 2006, Mudrack and Naughton, 2001), and hence are unable to resist a compulsive need to work (Taris, Schaufeli, & Shimazu, 2010). In pursuit of achievement, workaholics expend a lot of energy on work without sufficient recovery (Sonnentag and Zijlstra, 2006, Porter, 2001). The most obvious characteristic of workaholics is an addiction to work, meaning that they tend to work harder than is required and reject other life contexts (Schaufeli, Taris, & Bakker, 2008). Berglass (Berglass, 2013) found workaholics’ lack of the capacity or willingness to engage in intimacy with others (i.e. a propensity to social pessimism). Thus, focusing on work may serve as an excuse to avoid participating in social functions at work. As a consequence they have poor relationship quality (Bakker, Demerouti, & Burke, 2009), and poor life satisfaction (Taris, Schaufeli, & Verhoeven, 2005).


After conducting user interviews and analysing the data, Bubble Tea...Mmm has categorised the main target users into 2 groups and made 2 personas. In order to create a user-centred system, Bubble Tea...Mmm has created 2 different personas that would be our target users. 2

Persona 1:

William represents workaholics who do not have a lot of free time but still want to find ways to enrich his personal life. He is usually free after business hours so it is hard to participate in many activities.

Persona 2:

Susan represents younger target audiences who have a tight and stranger timetable due to many jobs and university work. However, Susan is still looking for some new hobbies to enrich her lifestyle.


Below are some example scenarios we detailed in our proposal:

How this works is that the user might have previously input into their app profile that they like ‘books’, ‘coffeeshops’, ‘quiet areas’ and ‘cozy ambience’ and the app will dip into the collective data to cross reference these terms against what establishments exist in a 1km radius to the user’s current location. The key here is that the app performs data scraping from trends that match the user’s interest and personality, and does not only focus on what is popular in the collective.

For example: If the app finds that 500m away, there is a coffee shop that is known for consistently serving great coffee and that it is currently in a ‘quiet period’, then the app might notify the user with a message such as:

‘Hey, so we know you enjoy reading books, coffeeshops and cozy ambience! Did you know that there’s a great little coffee shop just around the corner that has really good coffee and is pretty quiet at this time? Sounds like a great place to check out with a book in hand!’

Below are two scenarios based on our final design of 'In the Moment', note how it evolved and differed from our initial proposal.

Looking for a new recommendation a user has never tried before.

  1. William just got back from a long day working in his office.
  2. He wants to make a simple dinner and a simple dessert; however, he does not have any clue on where to for a simple meal in just 30 minutes
  3. He heard his friends recommended "In the moment" as a tool to give recommendation fits into workaholics' limited free time frame and all the recommendation are really at low barrier entry
  4. He decided to give it a try and download it from the app store.
  5. He selected "Food" as his interest, 30 minutes and "Feel like cooking at the moment"
  6. A few results appeared and he managed to choose a recipe from it

Looking for a social event that is near a user' location

  1. Susan just finished for university classes and felt really tired
  2. Susan wanted to look for an indoor activity that can help her to rehabilitate from such a long day but doesn't really travel a long day
  3. She logged in "In the moment" and allowed getting users' location
  4. She chose "Lifestyle" events as her interest
  5. She decided to choose "In-door activities" as "What she feels like doing at the moment?"
  6. The result showed that there is a yoga in the building next to her and she decided to give it try