This repo holds formal descriptions of our user group processes, plus other content and output. And this document explains how we update those things.
In short, raise a PR here, and socialize it on the group's Discord channel.
Configure your Github notifications so you see pull requests and comments on this repo quickly. Respond in some fashion within 24 hours during the work week, or 72 hours if an event happens on the weekend. Follow the checklist and the triage guidelines below to decide whether content is mergeable.
PR has been appropriately socialized. If we're going to change a process, the collective group should know about it.
Enough time has elapsed to allow reasonable feedback. "Reasonable" is subjective and contextual; a minor fix may require little comment, whereas a big change might need to wait for discussion at our next UnSync.
Content is coherent, accurate, legal, and minimally controversial. This means we want something free from typos, spelling errors, and broken links. Also, we cannot accept material that infringes copyright or licenses, that is a political lightning rod, that is branded or styled oddly, or that constitutes self-serving advertisement.
Content is properly attributed. Quotes, facts, and "see also" references need to be properly linked.
Maintainer judgment triages PRs into one of three categories:
Trivial updates (e.g., to fix a typo or hyperlink, or to add meeting notes) can be merged immediately by any maintainer, including the maintainer who submits the PR.
Light PRs that describe relatively simple process changes should be discussed for at least a few days on our Discord channel; if they generate no controversy, they can be merged at maintainer discretion.
More significant PRs should be discussed and formally accepted after in a user group meeting.