Helper binary to seemlesly work with encrypted heap dumps.
As all heap dumps are AES encrypted and the AES Key itself is encrypted with Hashicorp Vault's transit encryption, we offer a small companion CLI application to decrypt the heap dump and the AES key in one go.
Maybe OSX is blocking you from execution of downloaded tool.
Go to directory with extracted tool and execute in shell:
xattr -d heap-dump-companion
The tool should now be executable.
Make sure that you are signed into Vault and export your vault token via the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN
Companion implementation intended to work with the general heap dump service.
This command takes a encrypted heap dump, the encrypted AES Key of the heap dump and decrypts both
using the transit engine of hashicorp Vault.
heap-dump-companion decrypt --input-file test/test.dump.crypted --output-file test/test.dump --key test/test.key -t some-tenant
heap-dump-companion decrypt [flags]
-h, --help help for decrypt
-i, --input-file string Path to the encrypted heap dump
-k, --key string Path to the encrypted key that should be used for dectyption
-o, --output-file string Desired output file after decryption
-t, --topic string Topic/Tenant owner of the heap dump to be decrypted
-T, --transit-mount-point string Transit engine mount point in vault (default "eaas-heap-dump-service")
Global Flags:
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.heap-dump-companion.yaml)