Steps (further explained below):
- Copy the
file to the correct location for either Neovim or Vim - Install Vundle Plugin Manager and Vim plugins
- Follow optional installation steps as desired
git clone
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/
cp dotfiles/nvim/init.vim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
git clone
cp dotfiles/vim/init.vim ~/.vimrc
cp dotfiles/vim/.vim_plugins.vim ~/
This is a mandatory prerequisite for usage of the this init.vim
Install Vundle:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Then open vim/nvim and run the following to install all of the plugins that
are used by this init.vim
(Or from the command-line: nvim -c ":PluginInstall"
or vim -c ":PluginInstall"
Install Powerline for slick bottom/top bars and fonts that are enabled in this init.vim
The vim-airline*
plugins and their configurations set in this init.vim
require that
Powerline is installed, but vim will function fine without it (there will just be some
odd characters in the buffer and tab bars). Consult Powerline - Installation on Linux and Powerline Fonts for the most up-to-date installation instructions. A summary is here for convenience but may be out of date:
pip install --user powerline-status
To install the fonts, do one of the following:
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline
sudo dnf install powerline-fonts
# clone
git clone --depth=1
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts
Markdown viewing is an optional feature, and it requires another application to perform
the actual viewing of the markdown file. The options supported by this init.vim
file are
, google-chrome
and chromium-browser
The following steps were used on CentOS7 and Fedora29:
tar -zxvf haroopad-v0.12.2_amd64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf data.tar.gz
sudo cp -r ./usr /
tar zxf control.tar.gz
chmod 755 postinst
sudo ./postinst
The first time you open haroopad, click View->Mode->Viewer so that it will function only as a Markdown preview tool, since Vim will of course be your editor.
The other options for viewing markdown are google-chrome
or chromium-browser
, but you will
likely need to install a markdown-preview browser extension.
More information on Syntastic's usage, see Syntastic.
To use the syntastic plugin for Python syntax checking, install the flake8
For Python2.7:
sudo apt-get install python-flake8
pip install --user flake8
For Python3:
sudo apt-get install python3-flake8
pip3 install --user flake8
- Vundle.vim : Plugin Manager
- neomake : Run commands & plugin operations asynchronously
- vim-fugitive : See git branch and other git info in bottom bar
- ctrlp.vim : for fuzzy-finding files - faster file jumping
- vim-move : Move selected text in visual mode with <A-h/j/k/l>
- vim-sneak : Smart movement
- tagbar : Browse tags and structure of current file
- seoul256.vim : Vim colorscheme
- vim-bufferline : See list of buffers in the bottom bar
- vim-airline : buffer and tab bar styles/themes
- vim-airline-themes
- vim-better-whitespace : Highlight trailing whitespace and simplify stripping it
- tabular : Align lines of text based on specified character
- syntastic : Syntax checker - uses above mentioned neomake
- jedi-vim : code completion using in insert mode
- ultisnips : code snippet engine
- vim-snippets : code snippets for various languages
- vim-bitbake : Syntax highlighting for bitbake (bb) files