Releases: davidrapan/ha-solarman
What's changed
Configuration flow is now aware of all discovered devices as well already configured ones. This feature works in a way that ADD DEVICE form will offer any not yet added discovered device.
Because this feature now utilizes device_unique_id
and this ID is for devices set only during configuration you will have to remove and re-add back your devices for this device_unique_id
to be set.
That being said it's not required, the feature just won't work for those devices and configuration flow will continue to offer ip and serial pairs for your already configured devices...
Full Changelog: v24.08.21...v24.09.06
Full Changelog: v24.08.28...v24.09.02
What's Changed
- refactor: Ethernet detection against frame length
- feat: Update pysolarmanv5 to 3.0.4
- bugfix: Fix request max size by @frsantos in #114
- feat: Add KSTAR Battery SOH sensor by @frsantos in #115
Full Changelog: v24.08.21...v24.08.28
What's new
- Support for Ethernet version of Stick Logger with autodetection
Full Changelog: v24.08.18...v24.08.21
What's Changed
- fix: Experimental testing of ethernet stick
- fix: device_class enum only with proper parsing
- feat: Datetime parsing from up to 6 registers
- feat: Time read/set using multiple registers
- bugfix: Revert battery radiator temperature name by @frsantos in #96
- bugfix: Fix state_class for enums and strings by @frsantos in #99
Full Changelog: v24.08.17...v24.08.18
!!! WARNING !!!
Emergency release, read carefully!
- Fixes issues with improper sensor descriptions for device_class: enum (those which contains lookup property)
! Either reconfigure your device to use custom profile or take changes into account !
You can easily go through these changes by using manual from our wiki: Sensor renaming w/ history
refactor: Renamed solis_1p8k-5g - solis_1p-5g
refactor: Renamed sofar_hyd3k-6k-es - sofar_hyd-es
- Existing configuration won't be affected and will still load the profiles without any reconfiguration!
refactor: Seventh batch of name standardization
- Renamed sofar_ktlxg3 to sofar_tlx-g3
- Cumulative* to Total*
- *Consumption to *Load Consumption
- Lx* prefixed with Load
refactor: Sixth batch of name standardization
- Static values as attributes
- Inverter* to Load*
- Active Power to Load Power
refactor: Fifth batch of name standardization
- PV Instant Generated PW to PV Power
- Today Grid Return to Today Energy Export
- Today Grid Consumption to Today Energy Import
- Today Power Consumption to Today Load Consumption
- Total Grid Return to Total Energy Export
- Total Grid Consumption to Total Energy Import
- Total Power Consumption to Total Load Consumption
- Power Consumption to Load Power
- Battery Total Charge to Total Battery Charge
- Battery Total Discharge to Total Battery Discharge
- Battery Charge / Discharge current to Battery Current
Full Changelog: v24.08.14...v24.08.17
!!! WARNING !!!
Read carefully!
! Either reconfigure your device to use custom profile or take changes into account !
You can easily go through these changes by using manual from our wiki: Sensor renaming w/ history
refactor: Renamed solis_1p8k-5g - solis_1p-5g
refactor: Renamed sofar_hyd3k-6k-es - sofar_hyd-es
refactor: Sixth batch of name standardization
- Static values as attributes
- Inverter* to Load*
- Active Power to Load Power
refactor: Fifth batch of name standardization
- PV Instant Generated PW to PV Power
- Today Grid Return to Today Energy Export
- Today Grid Consumption to Today Energy Import
- Today Power Consumption to Today Load Consumption
- Total Grid Return to Total Energy Export
- Total Grid Consumption to Total Energy Import
- Total Power Consumption to Total Load Consumption
- Power Consumption to Load Power
- Battery Total Charge to Total Battery Charge
- Battery Total Discharge to Total Battery Discharge
- Battery Charge / Discharge current to Battery Current
Full Changelog: v24.08.15...v24.08.16
!!! WARNING !!!
Read carefully!
! Either reconfigure your device to use custom profile or take changes into account !
You can easily go through these changes by using manual from our wiki: Sensor renaming w/ history
feat: Fourth batch of name standardization
- Fixed class type battery to only with SOC
- Battery SoC/Percentage to Battery
- Battery Status to Battery State
- Battery 1* to Battery*
- Device/Inverter Status to Device State
- SN to Serial Number
refactor: Third batch of name standardization
- Renamed *Bought to *Import
- Renamed *Sold to *Export
refactor: Second batch of name standardization
- Renamed Daily to Today('s)
- Renamed Daily to Today('s)
- Renamed Purchased to Import
- Renamed Feed-In to Export
- Renamed Cumulative Grid* to Total Energy*
- Renamed *Consumption to *Load Consumption
- Renamed Battery Daily* to Today Battery*
- Renamed Battery Total* to Total Battery*
- Renamed Daily to Today('s)
- Renamed Generation to Production
- Renamed Generation to Production
- Moved Total and Today at the start of sensor names
- Renamed Purchase to Import
- Renamed Selling to Export
Full Changelog: v24.08.13...v24.08.14
Full Changelog: v24.08.08...v24.08.10