Here are some of the ways you can contribute to ACS AEM Tools:
- Contribute new code: services, components, front end code, whatever…
- File bug reports.
- Fix bugs.
- Develop ideas for new features and file them.
- Participate in code reviews.
New code contributions should be primarily made using GitHub pull requests. This involves you creating a personal fork of the project, adding your new code to a branch in your fork, and then triggering a pull request using the GitHub web UI (it's easier than it sounds). A pull request is both a technical process (to get the code from your branch into the main repository) and a framework for performing code reviews.
The branch naming conventions in your fork should follow projects name conventions.
For new features:
- **feature/**meaningful-feature-name
- ex.
- ex.
For defects:
- **defect/**feature-name/short-name-of-problem-being-fixed
- ex.
- ex.
In many cases, it is worth having a discussion with the community before investing serious time in development. For these cases, create an issue of type "feature review" with a description of the problem you are trying to solve.
There's a good guide to performing pull requests at In the terms used in that article, we use both the Fork & Pull and the Shared Repository Model.
- Run Maven build by running
mvn -Panalysis clean install
to run the static analysis checks. - Ensure license is applied correctly by running
mvn license:update-file-header
- Add JUnit test for Java code. Our coverage ratio isn't great, but we don't want it to get worse.
- More stuff TBD
Even if you don't have time to contribute code, reviewing code contributed by other people is an option. To do this, go to to see the open pull requests.