All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Membership
- Add
function so participants can claim underlying rewards, interest, or other earnings on membership-vaulted assets.
- Add
- Return the amount withdrawn when claiming rewards
- Return the amounts withdrawn when claiming rewards
- StakingRewards event
is added to theaddToStake
function - Created basic svg art to show onchain StakingToken metadata
- StakingRewards event
SeniorPool: breaking changes to the way withdrawals work
- Added public functions requestWithdrawal, cancelWithdrawalRequest, and claimWithdrawalRequest to faciliate withdrawals through the new epoch system
- Added sharesOutstanding view function to query for the pool's outstanding liabilities
- Public functions withdraw and withdrawInFidu cannot be called anymore.
- Asset/Liability mismatch uses SeniorPool's sharesOutstanding instead of FIDU's totalSupply() for liabilities. This is to acommodate FIDU in the SeniorPool that hasn't been burned yet but has but will be when the most recently ended Withdrawal Epoch is checkpointed
- Added the missing
function for erc721 to StakingRewards
- Added WithdrawalRequestToken, an ERC721 to represent a withdrawal request position for senior pool withdrawals
- StakingRewards
- Public functions unstakeAndWithdraw, unstakeAndWithdrawMultiple, unstakeAndWithdrawInFidu, and unstakeAndWithdrawMultipleInFidu have been removed. Events UnstakedAndWithdrew and UnstakedAndWithdrewMultiple will no longer be emitted.
- Need to request that OpenSea to reindex StakingRewards contract after successful deploy
- GIP-27 Goldfinch Membership launch
- Depositing max amount into Staked Fidu position
- Removed rinkeby
- SeniorPool
- Fixed Accountant library for writedown bug
- Writedowns are now done on PoolToken rather then pools
- StakingRewards updated
- Bug fix where unstakeAndWithdrawInFidu did not have a goList check
- None
- GIP-10 Removed vesting for new StakingRewards positions. Also removed slashing for all positions.
- Added batch versions of Zapper functions
- Use the FIDU/Curve LP token ratio in the Curve pool to calculate exchange rate.
- Cleaned up legacy contracts
- TranchedPool changes are merged but will go out in a future deploy