- Review the Code of Conduct
- Join the Slack: https://datarescuemit.herokuapp.com
- Familiarize yourself with the four tracks, and think about which you would join:
- Web archiving, 2) Data archiving, 3) Storytelling, 4) Long Tail / Next Steps
- On the day of the event, sign in at the registration table @ BIDS,
and listen for intro @ 9:30** (FYI Storytelling & Long Tail / Next Steps will convene until the afternoon) - Do you have have subject matter expertise in federal agency data?
You can be a Maven! Pick up some Mardi Gras beads at registration and join any team you'd like. Please also join the #mavens slack channel.
1) Web archiving: contribute to the Internet Archive’s End of Term archive. ("Seeding")
- In this track you will be working through federal websites to identify important data and figure out what we need to do with it. You should have familiarity with a web browser and attention to detail.
- Goals: secure websites from offices of DOE, EPA, DOI, etc.
- To join this track:
- Download our Chrome extension
- Join the #web-archiving slack channel. If you're a Maven, also join the #web-primers slack channel.
- Follow the Web Archiving Workflow
- You will join a group with a guide and will be assigned to work on a subsection of NASA or DOE.
2) Data archiving: contribute to DataRefuge.org, a CKAN instance. ("Harvesting" and "Researching")
- EITHER have deep domain knowledge of scientific datasets, OR be a librarian, OR be a skilled technologist in a programming language of your choice (eg python, javascript, c, java, etc), knowledge of the command line (bash, shell, powershell), experience working with structured data (eg json formatting). Experience in front-end web development a plus.
- Goals: archive data from USGS and other datasets waiting in the queue.
- To join this track:
- Join the #data-archiving slack channel. If you're a Maven, also join the #data-research slack channel.
- Reply to the pinned Slack message to request an invite to the archivers.space app. An admin will message you with a URL you can use to sign up.
- Please use the same username for both slack and app ("firstnamelastname" or whatever you are comfortable with having online)
- Follow the Data Archiving Workflow
- You should have a penchant for developing compelling narratives and/or social media strategies
- Goals: tell/write stories on the importance of climate and environmental data on our everyday lives. Share this work on social media.
- To join this track: join the #storytelling slack channel
- For newbies and veterans alike
- Goals: discuss / spec out the next 3 to 6 months of tech development plans as we move beyond collection; discuss security, resiliency, redundancy. See next steps doc and accompanying technical discusison for more details
- To join this track: join the #next-steps slack channel
If you are ready to learn more about archiving, browse https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving