All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.15.0 - 2025-01-23
- Class:
- Data properties:
- Data type :
- Shipment, subClassOf DFC_BusinessOntology_Relation
- Vehicle, subClassOf What_Subject
- hasVariant, domain: DefinedProduct, inverseOf: isVariantOf
- isVariantOf, domain: DefinedProduct, inverseOf : hasVariant
- isOpenDuring, domain : PhysicalPlace, range : OpeningHoursSpecification
- isAvailableDuring, domain : Vehicle, range : OpeningHoursSpecification
- basedAt, domain : Vehicle, range : PhysicalPlace
- transportedBy, domain : Stock, inverseOf : transports
- transports, domain : Shipment, inverseOf : transportedBy
- startsAt, domain : Shipment, range : PhysicalPlace
- endsAt, domain : Shipment, range : PhysicalPlace
- ships, domain : Vehicle, inverseOf : isShippedIn
- isShippedIn, domain : Shipment, inverseOf : ships
- quantity
- Domain : hasQuantity, (DefinedProduct | Ingredient | OrderLine) -> (ConsumptionFlow | DefinedProduct | Ingredient | LocalizedProduct | OrderLine | PhysicalProduct | ProductionFlow | SaleSession | ShippingOption | Stock | Transaction | Vehicle)
- Domain : beginDate, (AsPlannedLocalTransformation | AsRealizedTransformation | SaleSession | Shipping option) -> (AsPlannedLocalTransformation | AsRealizedTransformation | SaleSession | Shipment | Shipping option)
- Domain : endDate, (AsPlannedLocalTransformation | AsRealizedTransformation | SaleSession | Shipping option) -> (AsPlannedLocalTransformation | AsRealizedTransformation | SaleSession | Shipment | Shipping option)
1.14.0 - 2024-11-13
- A list of definitions has been added to the ontologie to describe Classes
- fulfills, domain: PhysicalProduct, inverseOf: fullfilledBy
- fulfilledBy, domain: OrderLine, inverseOf: fullfills
- 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.11.1, 1.12.0, 1.13.0
- context-generator : python script to generate context from rdf ontology file
- uri_standerdizer : python script to standardized uris from predefied format and deprecated last uris
- concerns, domain: Offer, inverseOf: concernedBy
- Domain : hasPrice, (Offer|PaymentMethod|Transaction) -> (Offer|PaymentMethod|Transaction|OrderLine)
1.13.0 - 2024-05-30
- Weight, subClassOf: QuantitativeValue.
- Volume, subClassOf: QuantitativeValue.
- Length, subClassOf: QuantitativeValue.
- holds, domain: SaleSession, inverseOf: belongsTo
- hasOffer, domain: CustomerCategory, inverseOf: offersTo
- selectedBy, domain: ShippingOption, inverseOf: selects
- added missing
opening bracket forsells
(owl file now parses/loads in Protege) - Domain : belongsTo, (Order | Agent) -> Order
- Rename: sold -> sells
- subpropertyOf hasStatus : DFC_BusinessOntology_ObjectProperty -> subpropertyOf DFC_Interface_Property
- subpropertyOf hasTransformationType : DFC_BusinessOntology_ObjectProperty -> subpropertyOf DFC_Interface_Property
- refersTo
- suppliesTo
- uses
1.12.1 - 2024-02-01
- file context_1.8.2.json
1.12.0 - 2024-02-01
- sold, domain: Agent, inverseOf: soldBy
- soldBy, domain: Order, inverseOf: sold
- hasTransformationType, domain: AsPlannedTransformation, range: skos:Concept and (skos:broader value TransformationType) and (skos:inScheme value DFC_Vocabulary)
1.11.1 - 2024-01-29
- upgrade context.json to add tech ontology object property and owner (required to prototype)
- dfc-t:represent
- dfc-t:hasPivot
- dfc-t:hostedBy
- dfc:owner
1.12.0 - 2024-02-01
- sold, domain: Agent, inverseOf: soldBy
- soldBy, domain: Order, inverseOf: sold
- hasTransformationType, domain: AsPlannedTransformation, range: skos:Concept and (skos:broader value TransformationType) and (skos:inScheme value DFC_Vocabulary)
1.11.1 - 2024-01-29
- upgrade context.json to add tech ontology object property and owner (required to prototype)
- dfc-t:represent
- dfc-t:hasPivot
- dfc-t:hostedBy
- dfc:owner
1.11.0 - 2024-01-11
- region, domain: Address, range: xsd:string
- Rename: hasIncome -> hasInput
- Rename: hasOutcome -> hasOutput
- Rename: incomeOf -> inputOf
- Rename: outcomeOf -> outputOf
1.10.0 - 2023-12-22
- hasStatus
- hasFulfilmentStatus, domain: Order, range: skos:Concept and (skos:broader value FulfilmentState) and (skos:inScheme value DFC_Vocabulary), subpropertyOf: hasStatus
- hasOrderStatus, domain: Order, range: skos:Concept and (skos:broader value OrderState) and (skos:inScheme value DFC_Vocabulary), subpropertyOf: hasStatus
- hasPaymentStatus, domain: Order, range: skos:Concept and (skos:broader value PaymentState) and (skos:inScheme value DFC_Vocabulary), subpropertyOf: hasStatus
- physicalCharacteristicsOf: PhysicalCharacteristic
- stocklimitation: xsd:float
- totalTheoreticalStock: xsd:float
- inverse property: hasLabellingCharacteristic inverseOf labellingCharacteristicOf
- PhysicalProduct: subClassOf (consumedBy only AsRealisedProductionFlow) -> subClassOf (consumedBy only AsRealisedConsumptionFlow)
- Address: subClassOf addressOf only Person and subClassOf addressOf only PhysicalPlace -> subClassOf addressOf only (Person or PhysicalPlace)
- Agent: subClassOf owns only PhysicalProduct -> subClassOf owns only (PhysicalProduct or Brand)
- mainContactOf: subPropertyOf affiliatedBy -> mainContactOf subPropertyOf DFC_BusinessOntology_ObjectProperty
- hasMainContact: subPropertyOf affiliates -> hasMainContact subPropertyOf DFC_BusinessOntology_ObjectProperty
- Person: mainContactOf only Enterprise -> mainContactOf only (Enterprise or PhysicalPlace)
- Domain: magages, Agent -> Enterprise
- Domain: affiliatedTo, Enterprise -> Agent
- Domain: websitePage, (Agent or VirtualPlace) -> (Agent or VirtualPlace or SocialMedia)
- Rename: affiliatedBy -> affiliatedTo
- symmetry: referencedBy
- upgrade context.json to match ontology
- replace dfc-b:offeres by dfc-b:offers
- add dfc-b:offersTo as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:affiliatedB as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:orders as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:orderedBy as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:hasPart as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:partOf as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:belongsTo as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:selects as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:concerns as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:uses as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:hasOption as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:hostedAt as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:lists as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:listedIn as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:objectOf as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:managedBy as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:coordinatedBy as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:hasObject as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:localizedBy as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:constitutes as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:identifiedBy as uri predicate
- add dfc-b:storedIn as uri predicate
1.9.0 - 2023-10-05
- Temperature, subClassOf: QuantitativeValue.
- containerInformationOf, domain: skos:Concept and (skos:broader value ContainerInformation) and (skos:inScheme value DFC_ProductGlossary_Facet), subPropertyOf: facetOf, inverseOf: hasContainerInformation.
- hasContainerInformation, domain: DefinedProduct, subPropertyOf: hasFacet, inverseOf: containterInformationOf.
- deliveredAt, domain: DeliveryOption.
- pickedUpAt, domain: PickupOption.
- hasPaymentMethod, domain: Order, inverseOf: paidWith.
- paidWith, domain: PaymentMethod, inverseOf: hasPaymentMethod.
- hasTemperature, domain: SuppliedProduct, inverseOf: hasTemperature.
- isTemperatureOf, domain: Temperature, inverseOf: hasTemperature.
- minValue, domain: QuantitativeValue, range: float, subPropertyOf: value.
- maxValue, domain: QuantitativeValue, range: float, subPropertyOf: value.
- accessibilityInfo, domain: DeliveryOpiton, range: string.
- deliveryConstraint, domain: DeliveryOption, range: string.
- frozen, domain: SuppliedProduct, range: boolean.
- refrigerated, domain: SuppliedProduct, range: boolean.
- Domain hasMainContact: Enterprise -> (Enterprise or PhysicalPlace).
- Domain hasPhoneNumber: Agent -> (Agent or PhysicalPlace).
- Facets classes
- refersTo.
- uses.
1.8.0 - 2023-10-03
- Add creators: florenceA, baptisteD.
- Add contributors: maximeL, garetheH.
- Add .gitignore file.
- Add the DFC_BusinessOntology.graphml file in the conception folder.
- PhoneNumber subClassOf What Subject.
- SocialMedia subClassOf What Subject.
- hasPhoneNumber: domain Agent, inverse: phoneNumberOf.
- phoneNumberOf: domain PhoneNumber, inverse: hasPhoneNumber.
- hasSocialMedia: domain Agent, inverse: socialMediaOf.
- socialMediaOf: domain SocialMedia, inverse: hasSocialMedia.
- discount: domain (Offer | Order | OrderLine), range: float.
- websitePage: domain (Agent | VirtualPlace), range: anyURI.
- countryCode: domain PhoneNumber, range: nonNegativeInteger
- Domain hasQuantity: (DefinedProduct | Ingredient) -> (DefinedProduct | Ingredient | OrderLine).
- Domain concernedBy: (DefinedProduct | PhysicalProduct) -> (Offer | PhysicalProduct).
- Domain manages: Enterprise -> Agent.
- Domain logo: Enterprise -> Agent.
- ClassName: Repository -> Catalog.
- Domain phoneNumber: Agent -> PhoneNumber.
- Range date: date -> dateTime.
- Replace all links to "" by links to "".
- Remove link to contributors file.
- Version number updated to 1.8.0.
- Last modified date to 2023-02-13.
- Moved the "context.json" file at the root.
- InstagramPage, LinkedinPage, TwitterPage, facebookPage.
- Cardiality: stockLimitation.
- The file
was auto-generated by Protégé. - The
folder has been moved to a dedicated repository. - The conception PDF files are now released as assets.
- The
folder contained only the DFC logo wich is hosted here. - The
folder containing the data model has been moved to a dedicated repository. - The
folder containing taxonomies has been moved to a dedicated repository. - The "" site is replaced by our GitHub home pages so the
file andindex.html
are now removed.
1.7.3 - 2022-06-03
- LabellingCharacteristic.
- hasLabellingCharacteristic, domain: DefinedProduct.
- hasLabellingDimension, domain: LabellingCharacteristic.
- labellingCharacteristicOf, domain: LabellingCharacteristic.
- labellingDimensionOf, domain: Dimension.
- availabilityDate, domain: Stock.
- bestBeforeDate, domain: ProductBatch, range: xsd:date.
- Domain: date, Stock -> (DFC_BusinessOntology_Relation | DFC_BusinessOntology_Subject).
1.7.2 - 2022-06-02
- Ingredient
- composedOf, domain: Ingredient, inverseOf: composes.
- composes, domain: DefinedProduct, inverseOf: composedOf.
- hasIngredient, domain: DefinedProduct, inverseOf: isIngredientOf.
- isIngredientOf, domain: Ingredient, inverseOf: hasIngredient.
- Domain: DefinedProduct hasQuantity -> (DefinedProduct | Ingredient) hasQuantity.
1.7.1 - 2022-05-17
- Price: subpropertyOf QuantitativeValue.
- (Offer | PaymentMethod | Transaction ) hasPrice, inverse of isPriceOf.
- Price isPriceOf, inverse of hasPrice.
- VATrate, domain: Price, range: float.
- availabilityTime, domain: SuppliedProduct, range: xsd:duration.
- deliveryCondition, domain: SuppliedProduct, range: xsd:string.
- extraAvailabilityTime, domain: CatalogItem, range: xsd:duration.
- extraDeliveryCondition, domain: CatalogItem, range: xsd:string.
- name, domain: DFC_BusinessOntology_Subject, range: xsd:Name.
- Domain: VirtualPlace URL -> (DefinedProduct | VirtualPlace) URL.
- price, domain: (Offer | PaymentMethod | Transaction), range: float.
1.7.0 - 2022-04-11
- Introduction of facets vocabulary, remove link to ProductGlossary.
- Brand: A product can be from an entreprise but an entreprise can manage different brands.
- -> http://static.-
- Domain for subproperty of facetOf: DFC_ProductGlossary.owl#{Facet} -> INSTANCE a skos:Concept AND skos:inScheme http://static.-{Facet}.
- dfc_b:referencedBy inverseOf dfc_b:referencedBy -> dfc_b:referencedBy inverseOf references.
- Brand as a Facet.