This directory holds a single Cloudformation template to set up the following
- A Single VPC, NAT Gateway, IG, Private/Public Subnet, VPC Endpoints to ensure private networking
- GithubRunner attached to your specified Github repository
- Terraform Remote State S3 Bucket and DynamoDB
- S3 bucket containing the exercise's data to be ingested and transformed
Create a Github Personal Access Token with the Repo Scope. This will be used to generate a token to register a GithubRunner.
To reduce clashing with other AWS credentials, the bootstrap script uses an AWS_PROFILE set to
. An AWS profile nameddata-derp
with valid credentials to your AWS account must exist. For those expected to assume a role (within the same account), there is a helper function:
./switch-role -b <starting-role> -t <target-role>
- Create the Stack
./aws-deps -p your-project-name -m your-team-name -u your-github-username
- When prompted, enter your Personal Access Token (created in step 1)
Enter host password for user 'your-github-username': <the-personal-access-token>
- View your Cloudformation Stacks in the AWS Console