Generate, validate, and convert DASH WIFs and Pay Addresses.
(Base58Check encoding/decoding for Private Keys and Public Key Hashes)
WIF: XCGKuZcKDjNhx8DaNKK4xwMMNzspaoToT6CafJAbBfQTi57buhLK
Address: XrZJJfEKRNobcuwWKTD3bDu8ou7XSWPbc9
A fully-functional, production-ready reference implementation of Dash Keys - suitable for learning DASH specs and protocols, and porting to other languages.
- 🚀 Install
- Terminal (CLI)
- Node & Bundlers
- Browser
- 💪 Usage
- ⚙️ API
- 🧰 Developer Resources
- 👩🏫 Glossary of Terms
- Address, Check, Compressed, Private Key,
- PubKey Hash, Public Key, Version, WIF, etc ...
- 🦓 Fixtures (for testing)
- The Canonical Dash "Zoomonic"
- Anatomy of Addrs & WIFs
- Troubleshooting Uncompressed Keys
- Implementation Details
- 👩🏫 Glossary of Terms
- 📄 License
Works in Command Line, Node, Bun, Bundlers, and Browsers
npm install --location=global dashkeys-cli
dashkeys help
See DashKey's CLI README at
npm install --save dashkeys@1.x
npm install --save @dashincubator/secp256k1@1.x
let DashKeys = require("dashkeys");
let toHex = DashKeys.utils.bytesToHex;
let toBytes = DashKeys.utils.hexToBytes;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
async function main() {
"use strict";
let DashKeys = window.DashKeys;
let toHex = DashKeys.utils.bytesToHex;
let toBytes = DashKeys.utils.hexToBytes;
// ...
main().catch(function (err) {
console.error(err.stack || err);
let wif = await DashKeys.utils.generateWifNonHd();
// ex: "XCGKuZcKDjNhx8DaNKK4xwMMNzspaoToT6CafJAbBfQTi57buhLK"
let addr = await DashKeys.wifToAddr(wif);
// ex: "XrZJJfEKRNobcuwWKTD3bDu8ou7XSWPbc9"
You can use DashKeys.privKeyToWif(privateKey)
to encode Private Keys to WIFs:
let privBuf = toBytes(
let wif = await DashKeys.privKeyToWif(privateKey);
let addr = await DashKeys.wifToAddr(wif);
Dash Keys doesn't do anything that other Base58Check libraries don't do.
The purpose of this rewrite has been to provide, a simpler, lightweight, more streamlined production-ready reference implementation that takes advantage of modern, cross-platform JS-native APIs, such as WebCrypto.
However, it does (we think) do a better job at exposing a functions for how the Base58Check codec is used in practice (rather than everything it can theoretically be used for).
// Bi-Directional Conversions
await DashKeys.addrToPkh(address); // PubKey Hash Uint8Array (ShaRipeBytes)
await DashKeys.pkhToAddr(hashBytes, { version }); // Address (Base58Check-encoded)
await DashKeys.pubkeyToAddr(pubBytes); // Address (Base58Check-encoded)
await DashKeys.privKeyToWif(privBytes, { version }); // WIF (Base58Check-encoded)
await DashKeys.wifToPrivKey(wif); // Private Key Uint8Array
// One-Way Conversions
await DashKeys.wifToAddr(wif); // Address (Base58Check-encoded)
await DashKeys.pubkeyToPkh(pubBytes); // shaRipeBytes Uint8Array
Note: these all output either Base58Check Strings, or Byte Arrays (Uint8Array).
// (default) throw if check(sum) fails
validate: true,
// which encoding to use
// (not all are valid all the time - it depends on the use)
version: "mainnet|testnet|private|pkh|xprv|xpub|cc|4c|ef|8c",
// Base58Check Codec for all of Private Key and PubKey Hash (and X Keys)
await DashKeys.decode(b58cString, { validate }); // { version, type, check, etc }
await DashKeys.encodeKey(keyBytes, { version }); // Base58Check-encoded key
Decode Output:
check: "<hex>",
compressed: true,
type: "private|pkh|xprv|xpub",
version: "cc|4c|ef|8c",
valid: true, // check matches
// possible key types
privateKey: "<hex>",
pubKeyHash: "<hex>",
xprv: "<hex>",
xpub: "<hex>",
note: compressed
only applies to Private Keys and is always true
Remains in for compatibility, but not used.
// Byte Utils (NOT async)
let toHex = DashKeys.utils.bytesToHex;
toHex(uint8Array); // hex String
let toBytes = DashKeys.utils.hexToBytes;
toBytes(hexString); // bytes Uint8Array
// Hash Utils
await DashKeys.utils.ripemd160sum(bytes); // hash bytes Uint8Array
await DashKeys.utils.sha256sum(bytes); // hash bytes Uint8Array
We felt it was important to not strictly depend on our chosen
secp256k1 implementation.
(that's why you have to manually install it as a dependency yourself)
Use these functions as-is, or overwrite them with your own implementation.
// Key Utils (over
await DashKeys.utils.generateWifNonHd({ version }); // WIF string (non-hd, dev tool)
await DashKeys.utils.toPublicKey(privBytes); // Public Key Bytes
Example Overwrite
You DO NOT need to do this, but you may if you wish:
let Secp256k1 = require("@noble/secp256k1");
DashKeys.utils.generateWifNonHd = async function (opts) {
let privBytes = Secp256k1.utils.randomPrivateKey();
let privateKey = toHex(privBytes);
let version = opts.version ?? "cc";
let wif = await DashKeys.encode(privBytes, { version });
return wif;
DashKeys.utils.toPublicKey = async function (privBytes) {
let isCompressed = true;
let pubBytes = Secp256k1.getPublicKey(privBytes, isCompressed);
return pubBytes;
Here are bunches of terms by their canonical name, as well as a terse description.
- Address
- Check
- Base X
- Base58
- Base58Check
- Compressed Byte
- HD Key
- Private Key
- PubKey Hash
- Public Key
- Version
- Zoomonic
Also: Payment Address, Pay Addr, Addr
A Base58Check-encoded PubKey Hash.
(can NOT be reversed into the Public Key)
The encoding is like this:
- Coin Version Public byte(s), which is 4c for DASH
- Public Key Hash (20 bytes)
- Check(sum) is 4 bytes of SHA-256(concat(coin, comp, pkh))
- Base58Check is Base85(concat(coin, comp, pkh, check))
Version: cc
PubKey Hash: ae14c8728915b492d9d77813bd8fddd91ce70948
Check: ce08541e
Decoded: ccae14c8728915b492d9d77813bd8fddd91ce70948ce08541e
Encoded: XrZJJfEKRNobcuwWKTD3bDu8ou7XSWPbc9
A bespoke algorithm for arbitrary-width bit encoding.
Similar to (but not at all compatible with) Base64.
Bit-width is based on the given alphabet's number of characters.
A specific 58-character Base X alphabet.
The same is used for DASH as most cryptocurrencies.
Chosen to eliminate confusion between similar characters.
and O
, 1
and l
and I
, etc)
A Base58 encoding schema with prefixes and suffixes.
is added as a prefix (before encoding).
Some metadata may come after the data.
are added as a suffix (before encoding). \
See also Address, Check and WIF
Also: Base58 Checksum, Base58 Hash, Base58 SHA-256
The last 4 bytes of a decoded WIF or Addr.
These are the first 4 bytes of the SHA-256 Hash of the same.
Also: Compression Flag, Recovery Bit, Y is Even / Odd Byte, Quadrant
A Base58Check private key has the suffix 0x01
, the compression flag.
This indicates that Pub Key Hashes must not include the Y value.
See also: Public Key.
Also: HD Wallet WIF
An HD Key is a Private Key or WIF generated from an HD Wallet.
These are recoverable from a Passphrase "Mnemonic".
(HD means Hierarchical-Deterministic, as in "generated from seed")
HD keys are almost always preferrable over non-HD keys.
See Dash HD, Dash Wallet.
Also: PrivKey
Any 32 random bytes (256-bits) that can produce a valid Public Key.
The public key is produced by creating a point on a known curve.
In essence:
let privBuf = genRandom(32);
let pirvHex = toHex(privBuf);
let privNum = BigInt(`0x${privHex}`);
// magic secp256k1 curve values
let curveN =
let Gx =
let Gy =
let windowSize = 8;
let isWithinCurveOrder = 0n < privNum && privNum < curveN;
if (!isWithinCurveOrder) {
throw new Error("not in curve order");
let BASE = new JacobianPoint(CURVE.Gx, CURVE.Gy, 1n);
let jPoint = BASE.multiply(privNum, { Gx, Gy, windowSize }); // fancy math
let pubPoint = jPoint.toAffine(); // fancy math
let isOdd = pubPoint.y % 2n;
let prefix = "02";
if (isOdd) {
prefix = "03";
let x = pubPoint.x.toString(16).padStart(32, "0");
let pubHex = `${prefix}${x}`;
Also: Public Key Hash, PKH, PubKeyHash
The public key is hashed with SHA-256.
That result is hashed with RIPEMD-160.
Also: PubKey
An 32-byte X
value, prefixed with a byte describing the Y
The indicator is 0x02
, if Y
is ever, or 0x03
if Y
is odd. \
In essence:
let expectOdd = 0x03 === pubkey[0];
let xBuf = pubkey.subarray(1);
let xHex = toHex(xBuf);
let x = BigInt(xHex);
// magic secp256k1 curve values
let a = 0n;
let b = 7n;
let P = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2fn;
function mod(a, b = P) {
let result = a % b;
if (result >= 0n) {
return result;
return b + result;
let x2 = mod(x * x);
let x3 = mod(x2 * x);
let y2 = mod(x3 + a * x + b);
let y = curveSqrtMod(y2); // very complicated
let isYOdd = (y & 1n) === 1n;
if (expectOdd && !isYOdd) {
y = mod(-y);
let pubPoint = { x: x, y: y };
An old, deprecated hash 20-byte algorithm - similar to MD5.
We're stuck with it for the foreseeable future. Oh, well.
Also: Base58Check Version, Coin Version, Privacy Byte
is used for DASH mainnet WIFs (Private Key).
is the prefix for Payment Addresses (PubKey Hash) .
These bytes Base58Encode to X
, (for mystery, i.e. "DarkCoin").
(Priv) and 0x8c
(PKH) are used for DASH testnet.
These Base58Encode to Y
For use with HD tools, this Base58Check codec also supports:
, which Base58-encodes to the xprv
, which Base58-encodes to the xpub
and 0x043587cf
, which encode to tprv
and tpub
See Dash HD for more info about Extended Private Keys (xprv
) and Extended Public Keys (xpub
Also: Wallet Import Format, Paper Wallet, Swipe Key, Private Key QR
A Base58Check-encoded Private Key.
(CAN be reversed into the Private Key)
The encoding is like this:
- Coin Version Private byte(s), which is cc for DASH
- Compression byte (always 0x01)
- Private Key (32 bytes)
- Checksum is 4 bytes of SHA-256(concat(coin, privkey, compression))
- Base58Check is Base85(concat(coin, privkey, compression, checksum))
Version: cc
Comp Byte: 01 (always)
Private Key: 1d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950
Checksum: ec533f80
Decoded: cc011d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950ec533f80
Encoded: XCGKuZcKDjNhx8DaNKK4xwMMNzspaoToT6CafJAbBfQTi57buhLK
The HD Wallet used for all testing fixtures in this ecosystem of code.
(chosen from the original Trezor / BIP-39 test fixtures)
See The Canonical Dash "Zoomonic".
For troubleshooting, debugging, etc.
All keys used in this example - and across this ecosystem of DASH tools - are HD keys derived from the "Zoomonic":
Passphrase (Mnemonic) : zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo wrong
Secret (Salt Password) : TREZOR
HD Path : m/44'/5'/0'/0/0
WIF : XCGKuZcKDjNhx8DaNKK4xwMMNzspaoToT6CafJAbBfQTi57buhLK
Addr : XrZJJfEKRNobcuwWKTD3bDu8ou7XSWPbc9
dashkeys inspect --unsafe ./examples/m44_5_0_0-0.wif
Version: cc
Private Key: 1d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950
Compressed: 01
Pay Addr: XrZJJfEKRNobcuwWKTD3bDu8ou7XSWPbc9
Check: ec533f80
Valid: true
Correct Private Key
PrivateKey: cc011d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950
Version: cc
Comp Flag: 01 (Compressed)
Priv Key: 1d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950
WIF: XCGKuZcKDjNhx8DaNKK4xwMMNzspaoToT6CafJAbBfQTi57buhLK
Correct Pub Key Hash
PubKey: 0245ddd5edaa25313bb88ee0abd359f6f58ac38ed597d33a981f1799903633d902
Comp Flag: 02 (Quadrant 2)
X: 45ddd5edaa25313bb88ee0abd359f6f58ac38ed597d33a981f1799903633d902
SHA256: 8e5abfc42a6d7529b860ce2b4b8889380db893438dc96430f597ddb455e85fdd
*RMD160: 54408a877b83cb9706373918a430728f72f3d001 (*not used)
PubKeyHash: ae14c8728915b492d9d77813bd8fddd91ce70948
Check: ce08541e
Version: 4c
Pay Address: XrZJJfEKRNobcuwWKTD3bDu8ou7XSWPbc9
If you see these values, then you've mistakenly used uncompressed keys.
Incorrect Private Key (Uncompressed)
PrivateKey: cc1d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950
Version: cc
Comp Flag: missing, or 00 (Uncompressed)
Priv Key: 1d2a6b22fcb5a29a5357eaf27b1444c623e5e580b66ac5f1109e2778a0ffb950
WIF: XCGKuZcKDjNhx8DaNKK4xwMMNzspaoToT6CafJAbBfQTi4vf57Ka (00 comp flag)
7qmhzDpsoPHhYXBZ2f8igQeEgRSZXmWdoh9Wq6hgvAcDrD3Arhr (no comp flag)
Incorrect Pub Key Hash (Uncompressed)
PubKey (X+Y): 04
Comp Flag: 04, or 'false' (uncompressed)
X: 45ddd5edaa25313bb88ee0abd359f6f58ac38ed597d33a981f1799903633d902
Y: 607c88b97231d7f1419c772a6c55d2ad6a7c478a66fdd28ac88c622383073d12
SHA256: 85c03bf3ba5042d2e7a84f0fcc969a7753a91e9c5c299062e1fdf7e0506b5f66
*RMD160: b9d17c4c4fb6307ba78c8d4853ed07bd7e4c9f5a (*not used)
PubKeyHash: 9eee08ab54036069e5aaa15dcb204baa0fae622d
Check: d38b9fd2
Version: 4c
Pay Address: XqBBkSnvWMcLyyRRvH1S4mWH4f2zugr7Cd
It also serves as a reference implementation for porting to other platforms such as modern mobile and desktop programming languages.
As a reference implementation, it's valuable to understand that tedium, here's a peek behind the curtain:
- Address
↔️ PubKey Hash - WIF
↔️ Private Key - Private Key ➡️ Public Key
- Public Key ➡️ PubKey Hash
These are simplified version of what's in the actual code:
(removed error checking, etc, for clarity)
let Base58Check = require("@dashincubator/base58check").Base58Check;
// "dash58check" because we're using the Dash magic version bytes.
let dash58check = Base58Check.create({
privateKeyVersion: "cc", // "ef" for dash testnet, "80" for bitcoin main
pubKeyHashVersion: "4c", // "8c" for dash testnet, "00" for bitcoin main
* @param {String} addr
* @returns {Promise<Uint8Array>} - p2pkh (no magic byte or checksum)
async function addrToPkh(addr) {
let b58cAddr = dash58check.decode(addr);
let pubKeyHash = toBytes(b58cAddr.pubKeyHash);
return pubKeyHash;
* @param {Uint8Array} pubKeyHash - no magic byte or checksum
* @returns {Promise<String>} - Pay Addr
async function pkhToAddr(pubKeyHash) {
let hex = toHex(pubKeyHash);
let addr = await dash58check.encode({ pubKeyHash: hex });
return addr;
* @param {String} wif
* @returns {Promise<Uint8Array>} - private key (no magic byte or checksum)
async function wifToPrivKey(wif) {
let b58cWif = dash58check.decode(wif);
let privateKey = toBytes(b58cWif.privateKey);
return privateKey;
* @param {Uint8Array} privKey
* @returns {Promise<String>} - wif
async function privKeyToWif(privKey) {
let privateKey = toHex(privKey);
let wif = await dash58check.encode({ privateKey: privateKey });
return wif;
* @param {String} addrOrWif
async function decode(addrOrWif) {
let parts = await dash58check.decode(addrOrWif);
let check = await dash58check.checksum(parts);
let valid = parts.check === check;
parts.valid = valid;
//parts.privBytes = toBytes(parts.privateKey);
//parts.shaRipeBytes = toBytes(parts.pubKeyHash);
return parts;
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
* @returns {String} - Pay Addr or WIF
* @throws {Error}
async function encode(buf) {
let hex = toHex(buf);
if (32 === buf.length) {
return await dash58check.encode({
privateKey: hex,
if (20 === buf.length) {
return await dash58check.encode({
pubKeyHash: hex,
throw new Error("buffer length must be (PubKeyHash) or 32 (PrivateKey)");
To keep the dependency tree slim, this includes BaseX
and Base58Check
, which
are derivatives of base58.cpp
, as well as RIPEMD160.
These have all been complete for several years. They do not need updates.
Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Dash Incubator
Copyright (c) 2021-2023 AJ ONeal
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 base-x contributors
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 crypto-browserify
MIT License