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![Android Arsenal](/danramirez/android-arsenal.com/raw/master/misc/android-arsenal-logo.png)
This repository contains source codes for old version of site. It is still available here: http://android-arsenal.herokuapp.com In spite of this, you can send pull requests or open issues here - they will be processed and the new site will be updated.
To send libraries / tools / projects / suggestions on new version of site, use feedback form: https://android-arsenal.com/feedback
If you want to make this world a little bit better you can:
- Check that the project(s) you want to suggest is (are) not already in the list.
- Fork this repository.
- Add some new interesting projects or fix mistakes.
Modify file:
- projects/free.yml - for free projects
- projects/paid.yml - for paid projects
- or projects/demo.yml - for open source projects or demos
- Check your indentations in text to prevent possible problems with YAML parser.
- Send back a pull request.
To install needed dependencies, run this commands in the project directory:
rvm use 2.1.5
bundle install
To check your changes in life, you can run server locally using the following command:
bundle exec rackup -p 8080 config.ru
Server should be available on http://localhost:8080.
Thanks to all contributors that send to me information about libraries, tools, projects or just some useful feedback. You really help me in the development of the Android Arsenal.
If you'd like to support Android Arsenal development, you could make some donations here:
Thank you very much in advance!