img_to_txt is a small utility that converts images of various formats into ASCII art. It's in early development but feel free to try it out! See the Build and Usage sections for more details on getting started. If you'd like to get involved please see the Contributing section. Also please submit an issue if you have any problems using or building this program.
Image Type | Support Status |
jpg | Full |
png | Full |
bmp | Full |
tga | Most Subsets |
hdr | RGBE Format |
gif | Static |
pic | Softimage |
pnm/pgm/ppm | Binary only |
Only tested on Linux so far however minimal changes would be needed to support other platforms.
git clone
cd ./img_to_txt
Usage: img_to_txt [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Convert images to text. Either Ascii, Ansi (true color),
or solid background (Ansi true color).
Available input image types:
- jpg/jpeg
- png
- bmp
- tga
- hdr
- gif (static)
- pic (not tested yet)
- ppm/pnm/pgm
-w --width Set width and height (rows and cols) of output.
-h --height
-o --original-size Output original size. (Size of image in text)
-a --ascii Ascii mode. (no ansi colors)
-s --solid Solid mode. (Background colors with no ascii chars)
-t --true-color Use true color for ANSI output.
(Need true-color supported terminal)
-n --no-squashing Disable standard image squashing that tries to make
image look less elongated by chars being taller than
they are wide.
-q --quiet Quiet mode (suppress header)
-? --help Print help message and exit.
-v --version Print version and exit.
img_to_txt -h 100 -w 200 -s some_img.png
img_to_txt -whqt 30 some_img.png
img_to_txt -a some_img.jpg
img_to_txt -q -t -o some_img.bmp
If you come across bugs or problems with this software please feel free to submit in issue on GitHub. Pull requests are accepted too. :-)
If you'd like to get involved with the development then fork and download the source! You'll just need gcc
and make
. The Makefile should contain everything you need to get building in debug mode (see section below).
make config=debug