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truths = [ "If you had to choose between dating someone ugly who was good in bed or dating someone hot who was bad in bed, which would you choose?", "If you could be invisible, who would you spy on?", "Who are the top 5 hottest girls at our school? In our class?", "Who in this room would you make out with?", "If you could date one of your bro's girlfriends, who would it be?", "What your favorite body part?", "When was the last time you flexed in the mirror?", "Describe your perfect partner.", "Have you ever been in love?", "Blondes or brunettes?", "What turns you on the most?", "If your parents hated your girlfriend, would you dump her?", "If your girlfriend hated your best friend, what would you do?", "Who is your biggest celebrity crush?", "Would you take steroids?", "Have you ever had a crush on a friend's girlfriend?", "Who are you jealous of?", "Who do you think is the hottest in our group?", "What is your biggest turn-off?", "Have you ever been rejected by someone?", "If you had to choose between being poor and smart or being rich and dumb, what would you choose?", "What have you lied to your partner about?", "Have you ever cheated on your partner?", "Would you go out with an older woman?", "Do you have a crush on someone from another school?", "Boxers or briefs?", "When was the last time you cried?", "Have you ever had a crush on a friend's girlfriend?", "If you could make out with someone else's girl, who would it be?", "If every time you checked out a girl's body you would gain 5 pounds, how often would you do it?", "Have you ever lied about your age?", "Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?", "If a girl you didn't like had a crush on you, how would you act around her?", "What if she was your friend?", "What would you do if you found out your girlfriend liked someone else?", "If we formed a boy band, who here would make the best lead singer?","Do you currently have a crush on anyone?", "Describe what your crush looks like.", "What is your crush's personality like?", "Is there anything about your life you would change?", "Who do you hate, and why?", "What's your biggest pet peeve?", "How many people have you kissed?", "What's your biggest turn-on?", "If you could date anyone in the world, who would you date?", "Would you rather be skinny and hairy or fat and smooth?", "Who would you ask to prom if you could choose anyone?", "Describe your perfect date.", "Would you ever date two people at once if you could get away with it?", "You have to delete every app on your except for five. Name the five you would keep.", "Have you ever sent out a nude Snapchat?", "Have you ever received a nude selfie? Who was it from?", "What was your reaction? Like or dislike?", "Have you ever gotten mad at a friend for posting an unflattering picture of you?", "Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?", "Who do you think would make the best kisser? (List a few people for them to choose.)", "Have you ever sent someone the wrong text?", "Have you ever cursed at your parents? Why?", "Who do you think is the cutest person in our class?", "What is the most attractive feature on a person?", "What the biggest deal-breaker for you?", "How far would you go on a first date?", "Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush's attention?", "Would you ever be mean to someone if it meant you could save your close friend from embarrassment?", "Of the people at our school, who do you think would make the best president?", "If we didn't have a dress code, what would you wear to school that you can't wear now?", "Describe what makes someone husband or wife material.", "If you could make $1 million, would you drop out of school?", "What is your worst habit?", "What's one thing you do that you don't want anyone to know about?", "Do you frequently stalk anyone on social media? Who?","If your crush told you he liked your best friend, what would you do?", "What if your best friend told you that she liked your crush?", "If you knew your friend's boyfriend was cheating on her, what would you do?", "Have you ever told a lie about your best friend to make yourself look better?", "What was your first impression of [fill in the name of a person in the room]?", "If you had to date someone else's boyfriend, who would it be?", "Who's hotter: you or your friend?", "Have you ever shared your friend's secret with someone else?", "Rate everyone in the room from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hottest.", "Would you share a toothbrush with your best friend?", "Rate everyone in the room from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best personality.", "Have you ever ignored a friend's text? Why did you do it?", "Have you ever lied to your best friend?", "Would you let a friend cheat on a test?", "If your friend asked you to lie for her and you knew you would get in trouble, would you do it?", "If one of your friends were cheating with your other friend's boyfriend, what would you do?", "Would you ditch your friends if you could become the most popular girl in school?", "If you had to choose, who would you stop being friends with?", "Name one thing you would change about each person in this room.", "If you had to trade your friend in for the celebrity crush of your dreams, which friend would you choose?", "What was your first impression of your best friend's boyfriend?", "What do you think about him now?", "Have you ever thought about ditching your friend for a boy?", "If someone asked you what your best friend is like, how would you describe her?", "You win a trip and are allowed to bring two people. Who do you pick?", "On an overnight trip, would you rather share a bed with your best friend or her boyfriend?", "If you could swap one physical feature with your best friend, what would that be?", "Have you ever told a secret you were told to keep?", "If your best friend had B.O., would you tell her?", "What is the most annoying thing about your best friend?", "Who do you think your friend should date instead of her current boyfriend?", "If she doesn't have a boyfriend, who do you think she should date?", "Do you think your friend's boyfriend is hot?", "Would you hook up with him if you knew she would never find out?", "Have you ever ditched your friend for a boy?", "If your friend and your boyfriend were both dying in front of you, who would try to save first?","Who would you hate to see naked?", "How long have you gone without a shower?", "If you could only text one person for the rest of your life, but you could never talk to that person face-to-face, who would that be?", "How long have you gone without brushing your teeth?", "What's one thing you would never eat on a first date?", "What have you seen that you wish you could unsee?", "If you could be reincarnated into anyone's body, who would you want to become?", "If you switched genders for the day, what would you do?", "What's one food that you will never order at a restaurant?", "What's the worst weather to be stuck outside in if all you could wear was a bathing suit?", "If your car broke down in the middle of the road, who in this room would be the last person you would call? Why?", "What's the most useless piece of knowledge you know?", "What did you learn in school that you wish you could forget?", "Is it better to use shampoo as soap or soap as shampoo?", "If you ran out of toilet paper, would you consider wiping with the empty roll?", "What would be the worst part about getting pantsed in front of your crush?", "If you could only use one swear word for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?", "What's the best thing to say to your friend that would be the worst thing to say to your crush?", "Who do you think is the Beyonce of the group?", "Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?", "If you had nine lives, what would you do that you wouldn't do now?", "If you could play a prank on anyone without getting caught, who would you play it on?", "What would the prank be?", "Have you ever pretended to like a gift? How did you pretend?", "Would you rather not shower for a month, or eat the same meal every day for a month?", "What animal most closely resembles your eating style?", "If you could choose to never sweat for the rest of your life or never have to use the bathroom, which would you choose?", "If you could spend every waking moment with your girlfriend or boyfriend, would you?","How many people have you kissed?", "Who was your first kiss?", "What is one thing that you never want your parents to know about?", "What is something that only a couple of people know about?", "Have you ever picked your nose and eaten it?", "When you fart, do you sit there or try to move away from it?", "Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?", "Who is your current crush?", "What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower?", "What is the longest you have worn the same pair of underwear?", "Do you sing in the shower?", "What is something you’ve done that could have gotten you in serious trouble?", "What is your worst habit?", "What is the biggest lie you ever told?", "Do you cheat when playing games?", "Have you ever lied to answer a truth question?", "Who is your biggest secret crush that you would never pursue?", "What is one thing that you would want to change about yourself?", "Do you ever just stare at yourself in the mirror?", "What is one thing you find the most annoying about _____?","What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?", "If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?", "Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?", "After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it?", "Have you ever tasted a booger?", "Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents?", "What's the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex?", "Have you ever peed in the pool?", "Who do you think is the worst-dressed person in this room?", "Have you ever farted in an elevator?", "True or false: You have a crush on [fill in the blank].", "Of the people in this room, who do you want to trade lives with?", "What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet?", "Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?", "Do you cover your eyes during a scary part in a movie?", "Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?", "Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk?", "What is your guilty pleasure?", "What is your worst habit?", "Has anyone ever walked in on you when going #2 in the bathroom?", "Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?", "Have you ever walked into a wall?", "Do you pick your nose?", "Do you sing in the shower?", "Have you ever peed yourself?", "What was your most embarrassing moment in public?", "Have you ever farted loudly in class?", "Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?", "You’re in a public restroom and just went #2, then you realized your stall has no toilet paper. What do you do?", "What would be in your web history that you’d be embarrassed if someone saw?", "Have you ever tried to take a sexy picture of yourself?", "Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?", "Do you drool in your sleep?", "Do you talk in your sleep?", "Who is your secret crush?", "Do you think [fill in the name] is cute?", "Who do you like the least in this room, and why?", "What does your dream boy or girl look like?", "What is your go-to song for the shower?", "Who is the sexiest person in this room?", "How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10?", "Would you rather have sex with [insert name] in secret or not have sex with that person, but everyone thinks you did?", "What don't you like about me?", "What color underwear are you wearing right now?", "What was the last thing you texted?", "If you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind from this room, who would it be?", "Do you think you'll marry your current girlfriend/boyfriend?", "How often do you wash your undergarments?", "Have you ever tasted ear wax?", "Have you ever farted and then blamed someone else?", "Have you ever tasted your sweat?", "What is the most illegal thing you have ever done?", "Who is your favorite: Mom or Dad?", "Would you trade your sibling in for a million dollars?", "Would you trade in your dog for a million dollars?", "What is your biggest pet peeve?", "If you were allowed to marry more than one person, would you? Who would you choose to marry?", "Would you rather lose your sex organs forever or gain 200 pounds?", "Would you choose to save 100 people without anyone knowing about it or not save them but have everyone praise you for it?", "If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?", "If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it?", "Who in this room would be the worst person to date? Why?", "Would you rather live with no internet or no A/C or heating?", "If someone offered you $1 million to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, would you do it?", "If you were reborn, what decade would you want to be born in?", "If you could go back in time in erase one thing you said or did, what would it be?", "Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever embarrassed you?", "Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner?", "If you could suddenly become invisible, what would you do?", "Have you ever been caught checking someone out?", "Have you ever waved at someone thinking they saw you when really they didn't? What did you do when you realized it?", "What's the longest time you've stayed in the bathroom, and why did you stay for that long?", "What's the most unflattering school picture of you?", "Have you ever cried because you missed your parents so much?", "Would you rather be caught picking your nose or picking a wedgie?", "Describe the strangest dream you've ever had. Did you like it?", "Have you ever posted something on social media that you regret?", "What is your biggest fear?", "Do you pee in the shower?", "Have you ever ding dong ditched someone?", "The world ends next week, and you can do anything you want (even if it's illegal). What would you do?", "Would you wear your shirt inside out for a whole day if someone paid you $100?", "What is the most childish thing that you still do?", "How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams?", "Tell us about a time you embarrassed yourself in front of a crush.", "Have you ever kept a library book?", "Who is one person you pretend to like, but actually don’t?", "What children’s movie could you watch over and over again?", "Do you have bad foot odor?", "Do you have any silly nicknames?", "When was the last time you wet the bed?", "How many pancakes have you eaten in a single sitting?", "Have you ever accidentally hit something with your car?", "If you had to make out with any Disney character, who would it be?", "Have you ever watched a movie you knew you shouldn’t?", "Have you ever wanted to try LARP (Live Action Role-Play)?", "What app on your phone do you waste the most time on?", "Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something? If so, what was it?", "What is the most food you’ve eaten in a single sitting?", "Do you dance when you’re by yourself?", "Would you have voted for or against Trump?", "What song on the radio do you sing with every time it comes on?", "Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?", "Do you own a pair of footie pajamas?", "Are you scared of the dark?", "What \"as seen on TV\" product do you secretly want to buy?", "Do you still take bubble baths?", "If you were home by yourself all day, what would you do?", "How many selfies do you take a day?", "What is something you’ve done to try to be ‘cooler’?", "When was the last time you brushed your teeth?", "Have you ever used self-tanner?", "What do your favorite pajamas look like?", "Do you have a security blanket?", "Have you ever eaten something off the floor?", "Have you ever butt-dialed someone?", "Do you like hanging out with your parents?", "Have you ever got caught doing something you shouldn’t?", "What part of your body do you love, and which part do you hate?", "Have you ever had lice?", "Have you ever pooped your pants?", "What was the last R-rated movie you watched?", "Do you lick your plate?", "What is something that no one else knows about you?", "Do you write in a diary?","What is your biggest fear in a relationship?", "What was your funniest first date ever?", "What is your biggest turn off in a partner?", "What is your weirdest habit?", "How many kids would you like to have?", "What is the perfect first day?", "What is one embarrassing fact I should know about you?", "What was your childhood nickname?", "What is your favourite movie?", "Describe your worst date ever?", "If there was no such thing as money, what would you do with your life?", "What is your favourite food?", "What are your three favourite colours, and why?", "What is your dream job?", "If you were trapped on an island for 3 days, what would you take with you?", "Who is your favourite person and why?", "Do you prefer apple or android?", "How do you put your toilet paper on the roll?", "What is your best talent?", "Do you believe in love at first sight?", "Do you believe in love at all?", "What is your dream wedding?", "Would you ever consider being a nudist?", "How do you feel about end pieces of a loaf of bread?", "Can you touch your tongue to your nose?", "If you could take away one bad thing in the world, what would it be?", "What is your guilty pleasure?", "What is the most exotic food that you have ever eaten?", "What country would like to live in if you had the chance?", "If you could change one thing on your body, what would it be?", "What do you daydream about the most?", "Describe the weirdest dream you've ever had?", "Can you lick your elbow?", "Is the dress Black and Blue or Gold and White?", "How do you feel about social media?", "What is your favourite season of the year?", "Could you go a week without junk food?", "How was your first kiss?", "Describe your worst kiss ever?", "Do you like to exercise?", "Have you ever blacked out from drinking too much?", "Did you smoke or drink before college? Or did you start when you got here?", "What is the craziest thing that you have ever done while drunk?", "What is the funniest dream that you have ever had?", "Who is your best looking teacher that you have ever had?", "Have you ever cheated on any test?", "Who is your crush at school?", "Who is the most annoying person you know?", "Have you ever pulled a prank on your teacher?", "Have you ever lied to your parents about what you were doing after school?", "Have you ever blamed something that you have done on one of your siblings?", "What college do you plan on going to?", "Are you still a virgin?", "How many boyfriends (or girlfriends) have you had?", "Have you ever been kissed yet? If so, who was your best kiss?", "What is your biggest pet peeve?", "What is the best vacation you've ever been on?", "Have you ever told one of your best friend's secrets, even if you said you wouldn't?", "Have you ever had a crush on someone that your best friend has dated?", "What is the most annoying thing that one of your siblings has done?", "Do you have a job? If so, what is your favourite thing about it?", "If you were a billionaire, what would you spend your time doing?", "What is the longest time you have ever been grounded?", "What is the longest time that you think you could go without your cell phone?", "What is the most expensive thing you own?", "If you had the choice to live on your own right now, would you do it?", "Can you see yourself being married to the creepiest kid a your school someday?", "Would you ever get on a dating website?", "Have you ever watched an adult film without your parents knowing?", "If you could own your own business one day, what would it be?", "What is your favourite kind of clothing?", "What celebrity are you obsessed with?", "What is the funniest youtube video you have ever seen?", "Who is the worst teacher you have ever had, why?", "What is your favourite sports team?", "How old were you when you had your first kiss?", "How long have you gone without showering?", "What color is your underwear?", "What is your special talent?", "Exchange shirts with the person next to you", "What's your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend name?", "What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?", "What would you do with a million dollars if you ever won the lottery?", "If you could change one thing on your body, what would it be?", "What is the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?", "What was your childhood nickname?", "Describe something about your date?", "What is something you have stolen?", "Say 5 bad habits you have?", "Tell 5 secrets of yours?", "What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?", "Wrap yourself up in toilet paper and take a picture.", "Have you ever peed in the swimming pool?", "If you could marry one teacher in the school, who would you pick and why?", "Have you ever lied to your best friend?", "What he craziest thing that you have ever done without your parents knowing?", "What would you do if your parents left the house to you for a whole week?", "What is your favourite song that is out right now?", "Could you go two months without talking to your friends?"
,"What does your dream boy or girl look like?",
"Would you rather live with no internet or no A/C or heating?",
"If you could go back in time in erase one thing you said or did, what would it be?",
"Have you ever waved at someone thinking they saw you when really they didn't? What did you do when you realized it?",
"Describe the strangest dream you've ever had. Did you like it?",
"The world ends next week, and you can do anything you want (even if it's illegal). What would you do?",
"How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams?",
"What is the most childish thing that you still do?","What’s the last lie you told?",
"Whose chats/calls do you ignore the most in this room?"
"What’s your most bizarre nickname?"
"What’s been your most physically painful experience?"
"What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on public transportation?"
"If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be?/n You cannot say 'n' more wishes."
"What’s one thing you’d do if you knew there no consequences?"
"What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror?"
"What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else?"
"Who are you most jealous of?"
"What's the type of cloth your partner to wears that turns you on?"
"What's your most embarrasing incident in front of your college professor?"
"Would you date your high school crush today?"
"Do you believe in any superstitions? If so, which ones and why?"
"What’s your most embarrassing habit?"
"Have you ever considered cheating on a partner? If yes then why?"
"If you were guaranteed to never get caught, who on Earth would you murder?"
"What’s the cheapest gift you’ve ever gotten for someone else?"
"Which of your family members annoys you the most and why?"
"What’s your biggest regret in life?"
"Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush or partner’s attention?"
"What’s one not so common job you could never do?"
"If you switched genders for a day, what would you do?"
"When’s the last time you made someone else cry and how?"
"What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a crowd?"
"If you could become invisible, what’s the worst thing you’d do?"
"Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else and to whom?"
"What’s something you would die if your mom found out about?"
"If you had one week to live and you had to marry someone in this room, who would it be?\nImagine everyone in your list is single."
"List one negative thing about anyone in the room."
"What’s the most sinful thing you’ve done in a house of worship?"
"Who would you call to help bury a body?"
"What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?\nAhem ahem!"
"When’s the last time you peed your pants?"
"What’s your biggest insecurity?"
"What’s your wildest fantasy?"
"If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be?"
"What’s the best lie/brag you’ve ever told anyone?"
"What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in a bathroom? Ahem Ahem!"
"What’s the biggest secret you’ve kept from your parents?"
"If you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind from this room, who would it be?\nCruel isn't it :p"
"When did you first started watching p*rn?"
"Why are you still addicted to something that you know is bad?"
"Have you ever hit on anyone's private part?What's their worst reaction"
"Do you think any girl loves you?"
"Why is melody chocolate melody?"
"If you could get a bf from this room assuming everyone's single, who would it be?"
"Who do you think hits on you the most in this room?"
"What is your biggest fantasy?"
"When was the last time you lied?"
"When was the last time you cried?"
"What's your biggest fantasy?"
"What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?"
"what's your last web search history"
dares = ["Give yourself a 10-second manicure. Every nail must be painted.", "Brush the teeth of the person sitting next to you.", "Text your crush and tell them you love them.", "Call a random number and try to flirt with the person who picks up.", "Stuff ice inside your bra and leave it there for 60 seconds.", "Let everyone rummage through your purse.", "Post a really long and serious Facebook status confessing your love for chocolate.", "Take your bra off under your shirt and don't put it back on until the end of the game.", "Do 10 push-ups.", "Run around the house with a pair of underwear on your head.", "Use three items in the fridge as lotion.", "Let the person to your left do your makeup.", "Call a guy of the group's choosing and tell him he's the ugliest person you've ever met.", "Lick a doorknob.", "Be blindfolded for the rest of the game.", "Let each person in the group crack an egg on your head.", "Sing everything you say for the rest of the game.", "Twerk to an NSYNC song.", "Dip a toothbrush into the toilet water and brush your teeth with it.", "Let people throw food at you.", "Rub mayonnaise in your hair and leave it on for the rest of the game.", "Blindfold someone and have them kiss three objects.","Draw a tattoo with marker on your bicep.", "Give yourself a mohawk.", "Shave off all the hair on one leg.", "Put all of your clothes on backward.", "Hold hands with the person next to you.", "Send a romantic text message to a girl of the group's choosing.", "Wear lipstick for the rest of the game.", "Eat 10 Oreo cookies that are filled with mayo.", "Pluck a single nose hair.", "Eat a spoonful of wasabi.", "Exchange shirts with the player to your right.", "Lick peanut butter off of someone's armpit.", "Kiss the person to your right on the back of their neck.", "Eat a handful of uncooked rice.", "Call a random guy and flirt with him in a girly voice.", "Lick the toilet seat.", "Tie your shirt up to expose your midriff and twerk.", "Take a picture of yourself next to a bra and post it on Instagram.", "Write on Facebook: \"I'm a size 36 C.\"", "Color your teeth with lipstick.", "Wear women's clothing and walk down the street. Then, take a selfie and post it to your social media accounts.", "Knock on your neighbor's door and ask if they have a spare condom.", "Wet your socks and freeze them.", "Post something embarrassing on Facebook for one minute, then delete it.", "Walk like a crab for the rest of the game.", "Cover your whole face in blush.", "Eat a spoonful of sugar and act like you're really hyper.", "Call a random girl from your class and tell her you want to break up.", "Drink a soda and belch as loudly as possible.", "Mix orange juice and milk and drink it.", "Trim all of your toenails by biting them.", "Put on mascara.", "Snapchat a picture of your elbow and caption it: \"My favorite part of my body.\"","Get on your knees and walk like that until the end of the game.", "Silently do the macarena.", "Give yourself a permanent marker mustache.", "Shave one of your arms.", "Hold your nose while talking.", "Give everyone in the room a hug.", "Do as many squats as you can. On the front lawn.", "Go outside and hug a tree.", "Sing the “I Love You” Barney song.", "Eat an ant.", "Attempt to breakdance.", "Do the worm.", "Have a full conversation with yourself in a mirror.", "Put your shoes on the wrong feet and keep them there.", "Do a hula dance.", "Lick the wall.", "Sing like an opera singer.", "Wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes.", "Sing the chorus of your favorite song.", "For the next 15 minutes, only speak in baby talk.", "Put hot sauce on ice cream and eat it.", "Admit on Facebook that you still wear a training bra.", "Let someone in the group cut a piece of your hair.", "Do 50 sit-ups.", "Call Walmart and ask if they do makeovers for prom.", "Call a tattoo shop and ask if they can tattoo 30 teardrops on your face.", "Run down the street with a wet T-shirt on.", "Move across the floor using only your hands.", "Film a makeup tutorial and post it to Facebook.", "Tweet or update your Facebook status to \"I think eggplants are sexy.\"","Let the person next to you wax you wherever they want.", "Sniff another player’s armpit for 10 seconds.", "Give your phone to another player to send a text message to their contact of choice.", "Let the other players go through your phone for a minute.", "Let another player throw flour in your face.", "Sing a song chosen by the group while eating spoonfuls of peanut butter.", "Close your eyes and let your friends put whatever food from the fridge they want in your mouth.", "One by one, make up a title for each player's movie about their life.", "Let your friends pose you and stay like that until the next round.", "Let each player choose one word, then attempt to form a sentence with them and post it to Facebook.", "Empty your purse, backpack, or wallet, and let everyone see what you have.", "Allow the person to your right to tickle you.", "Whoever's name begins with an A in the group must call your parents and tell them what a bad friend you are to them.", "Do your best impression of someone in the room and keep going until someone correctly guesses who it is.", "Be blindfolded and let someone feed you something.", "Someone has to dip their finger in the trash can, and you have to lick it.", "Go to the bathroom. The person to your left has to be in there with you the whole time.", "Trade socks with the person to your right.", "Have the person to your right do 10 squats while you lie underneath them.", "Hold hands with the person to your left for the rest of the game.", "Hand your phone to the person across from you and let them post whatever they want to your social media accounts.", "Take the socks off the feet of the person across from you and wear them like gloves until your next turn.", "Serenade the person next to you.", "Take a selfie with the person next to you, and post it on social media along with a deep and emotional paragraph about what they mean to you.", "Let the person across from you give you a wedgie.", "Eat a single spaghetti like in Lady and the Tramp with the person to your left.","Run around outside yelling, “I have lice!”", "Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning.", "Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and Like every post on their wall going back a full year.", "Pick the nose of the person next to you.", "Lick a car tire.", "Lick the bottom of your shoe.", "Jump into a dumpster.", "Take a plate of leftovers over to your neighbor, knock on their door, and say, \"Welcome to the neighborhood\" as if you've never met them before.", "Text someone “hey.” Every time they respond, say “hey.” Do this 10 times. For the 11th time, reply with “hi.”", "Dip your finger in the toilet, and then kiss that finger.", "Make a hand puppet by drawing a face on your hand, and use your hand to say what you want to say.", "Let everyone look through your search history for two minutes.", "Coat your hands in food coloring and don’t wash them off for 10 minutes.", "Skype/FaceTime someone and pick your nose during the conversation.", "Remove your underwear and throw it in the garbage.", "Lick mayonnaise off of someone's toe.", "Let a person in the group put a leash on you and walk you down the street.", "Cry like a baby for one full minute.", "Call a drug store and ask them which laxative is the most effective. After they answer, ask how many they have.","Go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers.", "Eat a whole piece of paper.", "Fill your mouth with water, and each person in the group must tell the funniest joke they know. If you spit up the water, you have to eat a spoonful of dirt.", "Tie your hands to your ankles for the rest of the game.", "Suck your big toe.", "Eat a mouthful of raw pasta.", "Dump a bunch of LEGOs on the floor and walk over them with your bare feet.", "Write a letter to your doctor describing an embarrassing rash you have, and post it on Facebook.", "Go outside and hug a mailbox until at least three passersby have seen you.", "Only speak in rhymes for the rest of the game.", "Soak a shirt in water, put it in the fridge for 20 minutes, and then wear it.", "Trade clothes with the person next to you.", "Make a silly face and keep it that way until the next round.", "Kneel for an hour.", "Let someone wax your back.", "Drink water straight from a running faucet for a whole minute.", "For the rest of the game, do not say \"I.\"", "Make up a rap about koalas.", "Call a stranger and tell them a secret.", "Allow someone to pour ice down your shirt and pants.", "Let each person in the group slap you as hard as they can on your butt.", "Walk down the street in your underwear.", "Make your ear touch your shoulder for the rest of the game.","Go on Facebook Live and read the back of a shampoo bottle.", "Call a 7-Eleven and ask if they’re open.", "Stand in the backyard and yell at the top of your lungs, “Nooooo! I was adopted!”", "Go outside in the driveway and do the disco without music.", "Call a car part store and tell them that you need a part for your Model T.", "Take a selfie with the toilet and post it online.", "Sniff everyone’s feet and rank them in order of freshest to stinkiest.", "Call a NY-style pizza place and ask them what the difference is between NY pizza and “real” pizza.", "Open your front door and loudly sing “Hallelujah!”", "Go outside and pretend you're cutting the grass with an invisible mower.", "Call a pizza place and ask if they use cruelty-free wheat in their dough.", "Call your mom and tell her you can't find a girlfriend in a very panicked voice.", "Wear your underwear over your pants for the rest of the game.", "Call the library and ask if they carry a dictionary that translates British to American.", "Send a Snapchat of you pretending to cry because you just found out you were adopted.", "Go on Facebook and write \"How do you spell \"facebook\"?\" as your status.", "Sniff the armpit of the person next to you, and describe what it smells like to the entire group.", "Go outside and try to summon the rain.", "Sing the \"Star-Spangled Banner\" in a British accent.", "Take a picture of a tampon and post it on Instagram.", "Call a random number, and when someone picks up, immediately start singing the national anthem.", "Call Target and ask them if they deliver popcorn.", "Call McDonald's and ask if they sell Whoppers.", "Call a pizza shop and ask if you can return a pizza.", "Call a car dealership and ask if they have any horse buggies in stock.", "Change your relationship status on Facebook to \"it's complicated.\"", "Call Macy's and tell them you're interested in buying them.", "Sing instead of speaking for the next two rounds of the game.", "Call a random number and sing \"Happy Birthday.\"", "Call a Chinese restaurant and ask if they have sushi.","Take an embarrassing selfie and post it as your profile picture.", "Remove your socks with your teeth.", "Go next door with a measuring cup and ask for a cup of sugar.", "Let the group choose an item for you to brush your teeth with.", "Write your name on the floor with your tongue.", "Stick a Hot Cheeto in your nose, and leave it there for five minutes.", "Open your front door and howl like a wolf for 30 seconds.", "Let the person to your right put duct tape on any part of your body they choose and rip it off.", "Put a bunch of honey on your nose and coat it with flour.", "Until the next round, talk super loud, like nobody can hear you.", "Call your crush.", "Take a shot of pickle juice.", "Talk to a pillow like it’s your crush.", "Pretend you’re a bird and eat cereal off the floor using only your mouth.", "Make out with your hand.", "Let someone else style your hair and keep it that way for the rest of the day.", "Use a brush like you’re talking into a microphone each time you speak.", "Color one of your front teeth black. (Eyeliner works!)", "Pick your friend’s nose.", "Fake cry.", "Make repulsive sounds while eating and drinking.", "Cross your eyes when talking.", "Talk without closing your mouth.", "Act like an animal of the group’s choosing.", "Get into a debate with a wall.", "Squirt your face with a squirt gun continuously while talking.", "See how many grapes you can stuff in your mouth.", "Hiccup in between each word.", "Burp the alphabet.", "Draw on your face with permanent marker.", "Dip your sock-covered feet in the toilet, and don't dry them off for the rest of the game.", "Eat a spoonful of mustard.", "Lift up the couch cushions, and if there is anything under them, you need to put it in your mouth for 10 seconds.", "Spin around 10 times and try to walk straight.", "Eat a raw egg.", "Let the group choose three random things from the refrigerator and mix them together. Then you have to eat the mixture.", "Stand up and do jumping jacks until your next turn.", "Rub your armpits and then smell your fingers.", "Dig through the trash and name everything you find.","Do an impression of your favorite celebrity", "Close your eyes and send a blind text to a random person", "Go grab a broom and do your best tango", "Give a 3 minute stand-up comedy routine", "Break dance", "Make up a story about the item to your right", "Sing the alphabet without moving your mouth", "Do your best president impression", "Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now", "Call the pizza place and order 300 sardine pizzas", "Pound on your chest and act like a gorilla for the next minute", "Sing everything you say for the next 10 minutes", "Give a foot massage", "Say the alphabet backwards in 15 seconds", "Go to the neighbour's house and ask for a banana", "Go up to someone random and ask for a hug", "Set your cell phone language to Chinese for the next 10 minutes", "Act like your favourite Disney character for the rest of the game", "Sing 'Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star' while beat boxing", "Give a concert with your air guitar", "Make a poem using the words orange and moose", "Unbuckle your own belt using your elbows", "Brush someone else's teeth", "Twerk for a minute", "Belly dance to a country song", "Make up a country song of the top of your head", "Get on all fours and act like a dog until your next turn", "Make up a short rap about another player", "Act like Romeo from 'Romeo and Juliet' (pick who you want to be Juliet)", "Do an impression of someone until another player can guess who you are", "Say 'ya heard meh' after everything you say for the next 5 minutes", "Act like you do not understand your own language until your next turn (come up with your own language)", "Use the letters of the name of another player to describe them", "Only use sign language for the next round", "Do pushups until it's your turn again", "Wear a finger moustache for the next 5 minutes", "Only use your elbows and knees to go make a sandwich", "Write a Facebook (or other social media) post only using your toes", "Take a selfie with the toilet and post it online", "Paint your toenails only using your teeth", "Brush your spouse's teeth", "Prank call someone you know.", "Ask the neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar.", "Post a YouTube video of you singing a currently popular song.", "Go outside and shout at the top of your lungs,``I am [your name]! Hear me roar!``", "Moonwalk while a friend takes a video.", "Paint each toenail and fingernail a different color and keep the polish on for a week.", "In your next class, raise your hand each time the teacher asks a question and give the answer (if you can!!)", "Do the silliest dance that you can think of", "Call someone random, and talk freaky to them", "Email one of your professors and tell them you love them", "Lick the wall", "Exchange shirts with the person next to you", "Try licking your elbow.", "Give a flying kiss to a girl", "Crack an egg on your head.", "Call your parents and tell them you're dropping out", "Record yourself doing the silliest dance you can do, and post it to Facebook", "Ask your crush out on a date", "Put the socks of the person to your right in your mouth", "Take a selfie with your finger up your nose and post it to all your social media"
,"Rate everyone in the room from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best personality.",
"Go next door with a measuring cup and ask for a cup of sugar.",
"Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and like every post on their wall going back to a year.",
"Call your crush.", "Get into a debate with a wall.", "Eat a spoonful of mustard.",
"Write a letter to your doctor describing an embarrassing rash you have, and post it on Facebook.",
"Let the group choose three random things from the refrigerator and mix them together. Then you have to eat it.",
"Dig through the trash and name everything you find.",
"Call a NY-style pizza place and ask them what the difference is between NY pizza and “real” pizza.",
"Take a selfie with the toilet and post it online.","Call your crush or any random person you never talk and start a random talk."
"Belly dance, twerk or do the moonwalk in front of everyone."
"Quote or enact your favourite Bollywood celebrity!"
"Try putting your entire fist in your mouth!"
"Call a person(opposite sex) and tell him that he/she is the most handsome/beatuiful person you have ever seen."
"Sing a romantic song."
"Share an old, embarrassing picture from your FB album on your timeline."
"Talk in a different accent for one hour."
"Apply soap on your face and don’t wash it for 10 minutes."
"Call up a restaurant and ask them the contact number of another restaurant."
"Post a random long status on Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp Status."
"Remove your socks with your teeth."
"Do jumping jacks for one minute."
"Dial a random number and sing ‘Happy Birthday!’"
"Talk like a robot for the next 15 minutes of the game."
"Call up your friend and tell him/her how much you love his/her boyfriend/girlfriend."
"Tell your siblings that you just found out they are adopted."
"Fill your mouth with water and sing a song."
"Sing a song in a sexy voice."
"Try to turn someone on in the room."
"Kiss a stuffed toy/object passionately."
"Treat me with 3 plates of momo whenever we meet next."
"Pick up a random book and read a chapter in the most seductive voice you can manage."
"Say atleast one honest thing about every player in the room."
"Do 20 push-ups."
"Eat 2-7 green chillies."
"Roast the person below you."
"Shave a small portion of your head with a trimmer."
"Do your best impression of someone in the room and keep going until someone correctly guesses who it is."
"Fake a pregnancy on social media."
"Take a selfie and upload it now, without any filters on your whatsapp status without hiding anymore person."
"Show us how you cry alone."
"Go to Facebook or Instagram profile of the girl and comment romantic line(s) on her pic."
"Sing like you are an opera singer."
"Call the last person you texted and shout on him/her."
"Make the first five emoji faces that you have used recently."
"Call an old friend of yours and tell him/her that they were your first crush."
"Make a call to your teacher. Ask, when will be the next class?"
"Predict the future of every person in this room. "
"Call/text someone randomly and say, You have a crush on them. (wait for their response)"
"Call/text someone randomly and say, You want to have a threesome with them. (wait for their response)"
"Confess something, that no one knows."
"Draw something on your forehead."
"Talk like Alexa or Siri."
"Call your partner and inform. “It’s over.”"
"Share your thoughts on relationships and marriage, like an expert."
"Go out and shout “I don't want to die.” Three times."
"Cry as if you just broke up with your loving partner. "
"Lick your shoe/slipper."
"Apply dettol to your face mask."
"How would you react if your partner says, let's have s*x."
"Act as if your parents caught you m@$turb@t!ng."
"Drink 1L of water right now."
"Dance but no one should record."
"Try doing a bottle flip but everytime you fail you scream."
"Shout song lyrics for next 10 seconds."
"Roast a person here."
"Draw something on your cheek with marker."
"Send a message in the chat about your sexual fantasies."
"Moan for next 30 seconds."
"Say O with your mouth closed."
"Start talking in babu shona totla language for the next 30minutes."
"Go on a date with your gf oops sorry your single lmao"
"Solve a question from any given assignment right now."
"Post this in your insta story the pic of your first crush"
"Solve JEE Advance 2021 Physics first question?"
"Do 100 squats"
"Show the most embarrasing photo on your phone"
"Show your last 5 chats"
"Order a zomato delivery for your friend!"
"Watch Boku no Pico with your crush"]