1.0.2 (2021-05-11) Bug Fixes gitignore: typo for folder (8392c3a7) add public for gitignore (9e28682f) Other Changes danestves/slidev-theme-flayyer (82c7dd49) 1.0.1 (2021-05-11) Documentation Changes info: adding more infor to README (18873cbe) 1.0.0 (2021-05-11) New Features design: adding code styles and blank slide (81417be3) adding text-image-right layout (9979a627) layout: adding blank layout (a988209f) docs: adding more examples (ea1210f9) Bug Fixes lang: putting all the texts in english (5beec1d9) docs: adding extra words for readme (c0828ea9) 0.0.2 (2021-05-11) Documentation Changes info: adding more information to README.md (4d0aa4af) package: adding extra info for package (a5fb75da) 0.0.1 (2021-05-10) New Features init: first commit (cf972412)