{Shop Finder API with Authentication, C#, .NET, Validation, Swagger Documentation and Entity Framework Core}
{Shop Finder API with Authentication and Validation is an ASP.NET Core Web App using Entity Framework Core. It is written in C# and allows the user to connect to a MySQL database using API endpoints. See the folder ShopFinderApi, subfolder InformationalFiles and document Swagger UI ShowFinderApi.pdf. A default User, Shops and Restaurants are seeded into the database. The seeded user will to the api/users/getToken endpoint to get a JSON Web Token JWT and then be able to have Create, Read, Update and Destroy CRUD functionality with Shops and Restaurants. (You can also manually add a user to the Users table in MySQL and get a token associated with that new user.) The program will store added Shops and Restaurants. A recommended program for testing the api endpoints is Postman.}
- ASP.NET Core Web Api
- Entity Framework Core
- Authentication with JSON Web Token JWT
- MySQL Workbench
- .NET Core
- C#
- Postman for Api calls and testing controller business logic
To run the application navigate to the ShopFinderApi folder in the command line and add a file named appsettings.json that is filled in as below, change [username] and [password] including removing the bracket to the username and password you have in MySQL server. MySQL server must be installed on your machine to run this project. You can optionally change the Key value below to a different one as well.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=shop_finder_api;uid=[username];pwd=[password]"
"Jwt": {
"Issuer": "http://locahost:5000",
"Audience": "http://locahost:5000",
"Key": "shopfinderapikeysupersecret"
Once you have set up appsettings.json while in the ShopFinderApi folder run
$ dotnet restore
Now add the database called shop_finder_api and see it in MySQL Workbench.
In the Factory folder run the migration $ dotnet ef database update
If wanted to add new columns in MySQL make a new migration and run the command below, change [DescribeYourMigration] to a description you like and remember to commit the changes.
$ dotnet ef migrations add [DescribeYourMigration]
To include the new database migration again run
$ dotnet ef database update
Database Tables
After you are finished with the above steps, go to MySQL the Navigator > Schemas tab. Right click and select Refresh All. Our new test database and tables will appear.
Now go to the ShopFinderApi folder and run
$ dotnet watch run
As Entity Framework Core is used with the standard naming convention there is not testing added as there is not unique functions used that should be tested.
- navigate to the Factory folder and run
- $ dotnet restore
- Run $ dotnet watch run
- Go to this URL to see the Swagger Docs http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
- To get a token and be able to create a shop go to Postman and make a POST request to http://localhost:5000/api/users/getToken and go in Postman to Body and add { "UserName": "sampleUser", "password": "samplePass" } click send and grab the token returned from the response body
- Now you can create a Shop, make a POST request to http://localhost:5000/api/shops and include the token in the Authorization tab of Postman as type Bearer Token also to the Body of this request add { "description": "DogLandSuperStore","rating": 5 } and click Send
You will get 201 response that the Shop has been created
To update a shop in Postman make a PUT request to http://localhost:5000/api/shops/1 and go to authorization, add the bearer token and add the following JSON body { "shopid": 1, "description": "DogLandz", "rating": 5 } click send note the shopid and url endpoint are both using 1 in this example
To delete a shop in Postman make a DELETE request to http://localhost:5000/api/shops/7 and go to authorization, add the bearer token click send
You can do the same with restaurants, see the swagger docs for more detail at http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
Note for CRUD actions, you need a User to have CUD actions, you can R without a User but a User is recommended
{Double check that the bin and obj folders are created in the ShopFinderApi folder}
- None
- _Make it so that an account is associated with a shop so only the account owner or an admin user can edit the shop once made.
- _Make a appsettings.Development.json file { "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft": "Trace", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Information", "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information" } } }
- There is validation that you are adding details when creating the shop or restaurant
- The naming convention for Entity Framework Core must be followed in the model so the controllers work, note the Authorize keyword is setting up the authorization
- JWT authorization setup was helped by https://medium.com/bina-nusantara-it-division/implementing-jwt-in-asp-net-core-6-0-web-api-c-3a396fa8cfeb
- .NET CLI was used to make initial project structure $ dotnet new webapi -o ShopFinderApi --framework net6.0
- The packages you need are in ShopFinderApi.csproj
- For Entity Framework Core, we use a tool called dotnet-ef to create migrations and update our database. We'll install this tool globally so that it is always available in all of our projects. Run the following command in your terminal now $ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 6.0.0
- In order to use dotnet-ef, we also need to install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design package in our ASP.NET Core projects. Within the production directory of our To Do List app, run the following command $ dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design -v 6.0.0
Remove bin and obj folders from git with
$ git rm --cached obj -r
$ git rm --cached bin -r
{MIT License}
Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Kiss