Generates and submits a SLURM script that takes an unaligned BAM file, converts it to FASTQ, uses STAR two-pass method via ICGC code, produces an aligned BAM file, then runs TRUST for analysis.
Conducts conversion and alignment in an individual generated temporary directory for each job and then distributes output BAM, FASTQ, and other files to appropriate directories. Then runs TRUST.
Capable of processing individual BAM files as input or directories of BAMs. [options]
required input parameters:
-i BAMIN, --bamIn BAMIN
Either a directory containing unaligned BAM files or a
single BAM file (default: None)
optional input parameters:
-o OUT, --out OUT String which SLURM file names are based upon in case
of input directory. String which temporary directory
and all output file names are based upon in case of
single input file. Default string is based on input
name. (default: None)
Work directory (default: ./)
-e EXT, --ext EXT For directory input, scan for files ending in this
string (default: .bam)
-p EXTPRE, --extPre EXTPRE
For directory input, this is an optional string to
precede the extension, in order to specifiy a subset
of those files. (default: )
-s If selected, script will be generated but not
submitted to slurm. Useful for modifying the script
before submission. (default: False)
Create python environment RNA-Seq_Alignment from attached environment file:
conda env create -f resources/environment.yml
Then install TRUST and htseq in environment:
Download the latest version of TRUST from
tar xvzf trust-*.tar.gz
cd trust
source activate RNA-Seq_Alignment
python install
conda install htseq
source deactivate
File structure in working directory:
resources/icgc_rnaseq_align/ modified from
resources/genome/GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa from (GRCh38.d1.vd1 Reference Sequence)
resources/index/star_genome_d1_vd1_gtfv22/ directory and contents from (GDC.h38.d1.vd1 STAR2 Index Files)
resources/annotation/gencode.v22.annotation.gtf from (GDC.h38 GENCODE v22 GTF)
SAMtools -