The ConDec Jira plugin enables to create release notes including explicit rationale (=decision knowledge). See the release notes of the ConDec Jira plugin as an example.
The plugin offers a view for release notes creation and management.
Release notes view for a project
Developers and other stakeholders can view and export the release notes there.
View existing release notes
The release notes creator creates new release notes by choosing a time range (either manually or by selecting a sprint or release). The Jira issues that were resolved during the time range are classified into three release notes categories:
- New features
- Improvements
- Bug fixes
The release notes creator can set the mapping between Jira issue type and release notes category during the creation of a single release notes.
Dialog to create new release notes
For every Jira issue, a rating is calculated from the following metrics:
- number of decision knowledge elements reachable from the Jira issue (with a number of hops/link distance of 3)
- priority (e.g., low, medium, high)
- number of comments of the Jira issue
- length of summary and description text (number of words)
- number of days that the Jira issue was open
- number of resolved Jira issues by the assignee user
- number of reported Jira issues by the reporter user
The rating is used to sort the release notes entries: entries with the highest rating are placed at the top. For every metric, the metric value (e.g. number of comments) is multipled with a weight. The rating is calculated as the sum of all metrics. The release notes creator can set the weights during the creation of a single release notes.
The plugin shows the rating for every Jira issue in a tooltip.
Rated Jira issues to be included into the new release notes
Finally, the plugin creates the release notes content including the decision knowledge elements linked to the Jira issues. The release notes content is written in a markdown language so that it can be imported into other systems.
The rationale manager can set default parameters for the release notes creation.
Configuration view for the release notes creation
Besides, the release notes creator can change the default values during the creation of a single release notes.
The following class diagram gives an overview of relevant backend classes for this feature.
Overview class diagram for the release notes creation feature
The Java code for release notes creation can be found here:
The UI code for release notes creation can be found here: