Columbia Libraries Unified Search & Discovery
Getting started on OSX
- Install tools
install XCode from app store and Xcode command line tools
install mysql
install homebrew
```` ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" ````
install git
```` brew install git ````
install rvm
```` \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby ````
install Qt webkit more information
```` brew install qt ````
- Get set up with git
create an account on if you don't already have one
configure your git user name and email
```` git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" ````
Install github for mac (optional, but has some very nice features)
- Fork and clone the repo
fork the repo (fork button at top right of github web interface)
clone the new forked repo onto your dev machine
```` git clone ````
- Prepare your local environment
change to the app directory
cd clio-spectrum
check out the develop branch
git checkout develop
to install the gems -
run the database migrations
rake db:migrate
rename the config files
mv config/blacklight.yml.SAMPLE config/blacklight.yml mv config/database.yml.SAMPLE config/database.yml mv config/app_config.yml.SAMPLE config/app_config.yml
load the Locations, Libraries and Library Hours
```` rake hours:update_all rake locations:load ````
Start the server
rails s
Visit the running app in your browser at
Run the test suite
prepare your test database
```` rake db:test:prepare rake hours:sync RAILS_ENV=test rake locations:load RAILS_ENV=test ````
and ensure that all tests are passing (green)
Contributing to CLIO
Contributions can be submitted to CLIO by making a pull request, following GitHub's fork-and-pull model. Pull requests should be submitted from feature (topic) branches and be based on CLIO's develop (not master) branch.
Read more about the GitHub workflow.
- Create a feature branch off the develop branch
git fetch origin
git checkout origin/develop
git checkout -b your-new-branch
Make and commit your changes
Assure that the test suite is all green
Submit a pull request to the develop branch