Total points: 10pts (each problem 1 point)
Due at the end of class, please raise your hand when you are finished and we can go over your implementation together.
I may ask a few question on your implementation to further clarify your understanding.
- List the name of the artist who recorded the track title 'Front Door'
- List the names of all artists and the StudioID (if any) they worked in
- List any salesperson whose supervisor is supervised by no one.
- List the names of responsible parties along with the artist name of the artist they are responsible for.
- List each genre from the genre table and the total length in minutes of all tracks recorded for that genre if any.
- For each member, report the member name and home phone number. Concatenate the first and last name of each member with a space between.
- List each artist name and a lead source designation. If the lead source is "Ad", then report "Ad" for the lead source designation. If the lead source is anything else, then report "Not Ad" for the lead source designation.
- Report the studio name and the first name of each studio contact. Hint: the first name is the part before the space.
- Report all the genres from the Genre table. Capitalize the first letter of each and the rest of the letters should be lower case.
- List every genre from the Genre table and the names of any titles in that genre if any. For any genres without titles, display 'No Titles' in the Title column.
- Report the names of all artists that came from e-mail that have not recorded a title. Use JOIN to answer this question.
- Each member is given his or her salesperson as a primary contact name and also the name of that salesperson's supervisor as a secondary contact name. Produce a list of member names and the primary and secondary contacts for each.
- List the names of members in the 'Highlander'.
- List each title from the Title table along with the name of the studio where it was recorded, the name of the artist, and the number of tracks on the title.
- List all genres from the Genre table that are not represented in the Titles table
- List every genre from the Genre table and the names of any titles in that genre if any. For any genres without titles, display 'No Titles' in the Title column.
- Report the studio name and the last name of each studio contact. Hint: the last name is the part that follows the space.
- Report the longest track title.
- Redo Q6 using CASE.
- Report the artist name and the age in years of the responsible member for each artist at the time of that artist's entry date.