The bot kit was all packaged into a gallon ziplok bag. The wood was cut in bulk using a wood shop.
The wheels were cut with a drill press and a 2.5" hole saw.
The links below are where I purchased everything from. Except for the servos.
The servos were purchased in bulk from a dude on eBay for $6.50 each. I had to contact him off-auction but he gave me the deal. I suggest making sure the email is a valid eBay address and the PayPal invoice accurately describes what you are getting (to ensure PayPal protection) if you make a deal like this.
- (1) SainSmart Uno Arduino Clone
- 5mm Wood Platform -- (1) 3" x 6.75" panel and (2) 2.5" wheels
- (2) Continuous Rotation Servos
- (1) 5/8" Ball Caster
- (1) Small Breadboard
- (6) Solderless Breadboard Wires
- (2) 3-pin Headers
- (1) 10' USB Cable (A to B)
- (1) 9v Battery
- (1) 9v to 2.1mm Battery Clip
- (4) Zipties
- (6) #6x3/8" Self-Drilling Screws
- (1) LED + 220 Ohm Resistor