Server class with added methods for Group, Synth and SynthDef creation
This extends the Server
class from @supercollider/server
, adding methods for commonly used constructs.
Each method returns a Promise that resolves when the resource is successfully created. Each method accepts Promises as arguments.
const sc = require("supercolliderjs");
sc.server.boot().then(async server => {
// Compile synthDef from a file, returning a Promise
const synthDef = server.loadSynthDef("formant", "./formant.scd");
// Map 0..1 to an exponential frequency range from 100..8000
const randFreq = () =>, {
minval: 100,
maxval: 8000,
warp: "exp",
const synthPromise = server.synth(
// The promise will be resolved before the command to create the synth
// is sent.
fundfreq: randFreq(),
formantfreq: randFreq(),
bwfreq: randFreq(),
pan:, 1, -1, 1, Math.random()),
// await a promise to get it's value
const synth = await synthPromise;
// This continues execution after the "node is playing" response is received.
Spawn a synth
synthDef: SynthDef,
args: Params = {},
group?: Group,
addAction: number = msg.AddActions.TAIL,
): Promise<Synth>;
A collection of other nodes organized as a linked list. The Nodes within a Group may be controlled together, and may be both Synths and other Groups. Groups are thus useful for controlling a number of nodes at once, and when used as targets can be very helpful in controlling order of execution.
group(group?: Group, addAction: number = msg.AddActions.TAIL): Promise<Group>;
Compile multiple SynthDefs either from source or path.
If you have more than one to compile then always use this
as calling server.synthDef
multiple times will start up
multiple supercollider interpreters. This is harmless, but
very inefficient.
defs - An object with {defName: spec, ...}
where spec is
an object like {source: "SynthDef('noise', { ...})"}
or {path: "./noise.scd"}
Returns an object with the synthDef names as keys and Promises as values.
Each Promise will resolve with a SynthDef.
Each Promises can be supplied directly to server.synth()
synthDefs(defs: { [defName: string]: SynthDefCompileRequest }): { [defName: string]: Promise<SynthDef> }
Load and compile a SynthDef from path and send it to the server.
loadSynthDef(defName: string, path: string): Promise<SynthDef>;
Compile a SynthDef from supercollider source code and send it to the server.
synthDef(defName: string, sourceCode: string): Promise<SynthDef>;
Allocate a Buffer on the server.
buffer(numFrames: number, numChannels = 1): Promise<Buffer>;
Allocate an audio bus.
audioBus(numChannels = 1): AudioBus;
Allocate a control bus.
controlBus(numChannels = 1): ControlBus;
Allocate a Buffer on the server and load a sound file into it. Problem: scsynth uses however many channels there are in the sound file, but the client (sclang or supercolliderjs) doesn't know how many there are.
readBuffer(path: string, numChannels = 2, startFrame = 0, numFramesToRead = -1): Promise<Buffer>;
// @supercollider/server-plus interface
const sc = require("supercolliderjs");
sc.server.boot().then(async server => {
// Compile a SynthDef from inline SuperCollider language code and send it to the server
const def = await server.synthDef(
`{ |out=0, fundfreq=440, formantfreq=440, bwfreq=100, timeScale=1, pan=0|
var saw, envd, panned;
saw =, formantfreq, bwfreq);
envd = saw *, 0.2), timeScale: timeScale, doneAction: 2);
panned = *, 0.2, 0.7), pan);, panned);
// Create group at the root
const group =;
const freqSpec = {
minval: 100,
maxval: 8000,
warp: "exp",
// Map 0..1 to an exponential frequency range from 100..8000
const randFreq = () =>, freqSpec);
// function to spawn one synth event
const spawn = dur => {
fundfreq: randFreq(),
formantfreq: randFreq(),
bwfreq: randFreq(),
pan:, 1, -1, 1, Math.random()),
timeScale: dur,
// spawn each synth into the same group
const next = Math.random() * 0.25;
// Schedule this function again:
setTimeout(() => spawn(next), next * 1000);
// spawn the first event
}, console.error);
Works on Node 10+
Source code is written in TypeScript and is usable in JavaScript es2018 or TypeScript projects.
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