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How to tally votes

A funding round coordinator can tally votes using the MACI CLI, Docker or clrfund scripts.


Clone the MACI repo and switch to version v0.10.1:

git clone
cd maci/
git checkout v0.10.1

Follow instructions in to install necessary dependencies.

Download circuits parameters

Download the zkSNARK parameters for 'batch 64' circuits into the circuits/params/ directory.

Change the permission of the c binaries to be executable:

cd circuits/params
chmod u+x qvt32 batchUst32

Or, run the script monorepo/.github/scripts/ to download the parameter files.

The contract deployment scripts, deploy*.ts in the clrfund repository currently use the batch 64 circuits, if you want to use a smaller size circuits, you can find them here. You will need to update the deploy script to call deployMaciFactory() with your circuit and redeploy the contracts.

   // e.g. to use the x32 circuits
   const circuit = 'x32' // defined in contracts/utils/deployment.ts
   const maciFactory = await deployMaciFactory(deployer, circuit)

Recompile the contracts:

Compile the contracts to generate the ABI that the MACI command lines use in the next step.

cd ../contracts
npm run compileSol

Generate coordinator key

Generate the coordinator key used to encrypt messages. The key will be used when deploying new round.

cd ../cli
node build/index.js genMaciKeypair

A single key can be used to coordinate multiple rounds.

Tally votes

Download the logs to be fed to the proveOnChain step. This step is useful especially to avoid hitting rating limiting from the node. Make sure to run this step againts a node that has archiving enabled, e.g. could use the alchemy node:

cd ../cli
node build/index.js fetchLogs \
    --eth-provider <ETH_HOSTNAME> \
    --contract <MACI_CONTRACT_ADDR> \
    --start-block <BLOCK_NUMBER> \
    --num-blocks-per-request <BLOCKS_PER_REQ> \
    --output logs

Decrypt messages, tally the votes and generate proofs:

node build/index.js genProofs \
    --eth-provider <ETH_HOSTNAME> \
    --contract <MACI_CONTRACT_ADDR> \
    --privkey <COORDINATOR_PRIVKEY> \
    --tally-file tally.json \
    --logs-file logs \
    --macistate macistate \
    --output proofs.json

The coordinator private key (COORDINATOR_PRIVKEY) must be in the MACI key format (starts with macisk). It is used to decrypt messages.

The genProofs command will create two files: proofs.json and tally.json. The proofs.json file will be needed to run the next command, proveOnChain, which submits proofs to the MACI contract:

node build/index.js proveOnChain \
    --eth-provider <json-rpc-api-url> \
    --contract <maci-address> \
    --eth-privkey <eth-private-key> \
    --proof-file proofs.json

The Ethereum private key (eth-private-key) can be any private key that controls the necessary amount of ETH to pay for gas.

The process may take several hours. Results can be found in tally.json file, which must then be published via IPFS.

Finally, the CID of tally file must be submitted to FundingRound contract:

await fundingRound.publishTallyHash('<CID>')

Using Docker

In case you are in a different OS than Linux, you can run all the previous MACI CLI commands by running the Docker image located in the MACI repo.

Note: the batch 64 zkSNARK parameters have been tested using Ubuntu 22.04 + Node v16.13.2

Use the docker image

First, install docker and docker-compose

Inside the maci repo, run:

docker-compose up

Once the container is built, in a different terminal, grab the container id:

docker container ls

Get inside the container and execute the scripts you want:

docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} bash

# inside the container
cd cli/
node build/index.js genProofs ...

Using clrfund scripts

Generate coordinator key

cd contracts/
yarn ts-node scripts/generate-key.ts

A single key can be used to coordinate multiple rounds.

Tally votes

Install zkutil (see instructions in MACI readme).

Switch to contracts directory:

cd contracts/

Download zkSNARK parameters for 'batch 64' circuits to snark-params directory. Example:

ipfs get --output snark-params QmbVzVWqNTjEv5S3Vvyq7NkLVkpqWuA9DGMRibZYJXKJqy

Change the permission of the c binaries to be executable:

cd snark-params
chmod u+x qvt32 batchUst32

Or, run the script monorepo/.github/scripts/ to download the parameter files.

Set the path to downloaded parameter files and also the path to zkutil binary (if needed):

export NODE_CONFIG='{"snarkParamsPath": "path-to/snark-params/", "zkutil_bin": "/usr/bin/zkutil"}'

Set the following env vars in .env:

# private key for decrypting messages

# private key for interacting with contracts

Decrypt messages and tally the votes:

yarn hardhat tally --network {network} --round-address {funding-round-address} --start-block {maci-contract-start-block}

If there's error and the tally task was stopped prematurely, it can be resumed by passing 2 additional parameters, '--maci-logs' and/or '--maci-state-file', if the files were generated.

Result will be saved to tally.json file, which must then be published via IPFS.

Using command line

# start ipfs daemon in one terminal
ipfs daemon

# in a diff terminal, go to `/contracts` (or where you have the file) and publish the file
ipfs add tally.json

Finalize round

Make sure you have the following env vars in .env. Ignore this if you are running a local test round in localhost, the script will know these values itself.


Once you have the tally.json from the tally script, run:

yarn hardhat run --network {network} scripts/finalize.ts

How to verify the tally results

Anyone can verify the tally results using the MACI cli or clrfund scripts.


Follow the steps in tallying votes to get the MACI cli, circuit parameters, and tally file, and verify using the following command:

node build/index.js verify -t tally.json

Using clrfund scripts

From the clrfund contracts folder, run the following command to verify the result:

yarn ts-node scripts/verify.ts tally.json

How to enable the leaderboard view

After finalizing the round, enable the leaderboard view in the vue-app by exporting the round information as follow:

  1. Set the etherscan API key in the hardhat.config.ts file in the contracts folder
  2. Export the round and tally result
cd contracts

yarn hardhat fetch-round --output-dir ../vue-app/src/rounds --network xdai --round-address <round address> --operator <operator>
  1. Build and deploy the app


If you encountered core dumped while running the genProofs script as seen in this issue, make sure the files are not corrupted due to disk space issue, e.g. check file sizes, checksum, and missing files.