Re: Letter to a Source-Code-Reader
Dear Stewart
Thanks for inspiring me and many like me with the wonders of js. With all its warts and issues, JS is still one of my favorite languages. I think simply by its virtue of being the language of the web, it surpasses most others in its ability to champion the spirit of openness.
I have tried to keep this as simple as possible for the many awesome source code lovers to read, reuse and critique.
Thanks again for caring to write that letter in 2009. It made a kid smile.
Diwank Singh July 2013
Alright, lets get on with it.
Defined here are constants used in the game. To ascertain a particular corner in a list, follow clockwise starting from top-left.
TL = 0
TR = 1
BR = 2
BL = 3
and Y
are just sugar for getting abcissa and ordinate from a point pair.
X = 0
Y = 1
Game constants:
Host name:
ROOT = do ->
root = window.location.href
if root[root.length - 1] is '/' then root[...root.length-1] else root
Browser type:
BROWSER = do ->
ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
if !!~ ua.indexOf 'chrome'
else if !!~ ua.indexOf 'firefox'
else 'other'
unless window.Set
class window.Set extends Array
constructor: -> super
add: (e) -> @push e unless @has e
has: (e) -> e in this
clear: -> @pop() for i in [0...@size()]
delete: (e) ->
found = @indexOf e
@splice found, 1 unless found is -1
size: -> @length
Now, lets define some helper functions for the application.
_ =
# Iterate N times
times: (n, fn, ctx, args...) ->
i = 1
i++ and fn.apply ctx, args while i <= n
# Extend objects
extend: (dest, src) ->
dest[k] = v for own k, v of src
# Pick properties
pick: (obj, props) ->
result = {}
result[k] = obj[k] for k in props when obj[k]?
pluck: (arr, prop) ->
(obj[prop] for obj in arr)
# Return array with unique elements
uniq: (arr) ->
seen = new Set
for e in arr when not seen.has e
seen.add e
# 1-level flatten
flatten: (arr) ->
a = []
for e in arr
if e.length then a = a.concat e else a.push e
# UUID function (Copied shamelessly from
uuid: ->
'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace /[xy]/g, (c) ->
r = Math.random() * 16 | 0
v = if c is 'x' then r else (r & 0x3|0x8)
v.toString 16
# Simple serializer for flat objects
serialize: (obj, {sep, eq}, cb) ->
# Exec callback on all values of obj
obj[k] = cb v for own k, v of obj if cb?
# Return serialized obj
("#{ k }#{ eq }#{ v }" for own k, v of obj).join sep
# Clone object
clone: (obj) ->
# If object extend
if obj is Object obj
_.extend {}, obj
else # Assume its array otherwise
obj.splice 0
# Negate function
negate: (fn) ->
(args...) -> not fn args...
# Return first and last of array
first: (array) -> array[0]
last: (array) -> array[array.length-1]
# Square an integer
sqr: (n) -> n * n
# Choose a random arg
flip: (args...) ->
args[_.random 0, args.length - 1]
# Return random number between min & max
random: (min, max, int=true) ->
if not max?
# Only one arg passed
max = min
min = 0
if int
Math.floor (Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min
wait: (t, fn, args...) -> setTimeout fn, t, args...
# Defer execution of function
defer: (fn, args...) -> _.wait 1, fn, args...
# Bind function to context and arguments
bind: (fn, ctx, args...) ->
(extra...) ->
fn.apply ctx, args.concat extra
# Return function thats run only once
once: (fn) ->
ran = false
mem = null
(args...) ->
# Return stored result if already run
return mem if ran
# Else compute and store result
ran = true
mem = fn.apply this, args
# Deref fn return result
fn = null
# Throttle a function (Inspired by
throttle: (wait, fn, context) ->
# Closure vars
last = 0
deferTimer = null
# Return throttled fn
(args...) ->
# Init
now = +new Date
# Callback
run = ->
last = now
# Execute fn
if context then fn.apply context, args else fn args...
# Check if wait elapsed
if last and now < last + wait
clearTimeout deferTimer if deferTimer
deferTimer = setTimeout run, wait
else run() # For the first time
# Vector functions
vec: ([x, y], [x1, y1]=[0, 0]) ->
add: ([x2, y2]) -> [
x2 + x
y2 + y
multiply: (scalar) -> [
x * scalar
y * scalar
center: -> [
(x + x1) / 2
(y + y1) / 2
dist: ([x2, y2]) ->
Math.sqrt (_.sqr x - x2) + (_.sqr y - y2)
# Shim onkeydown to avoid key repeat delay
onKeyEvent: do ->
_fn = {}
_timers = {}
_repeaters = [37, 39]
(w, fn) ->
_fn[] = fn
_timers[] or= {}
w.onkeydown or= (e) ->
fn = _fn[@name]
timers = _timers[@name]
{keyCode} = e
unless timers[keyCode]?
fn? 'key:down', e
if keyCode in _repeaters
timers[keyCode] = setInterval (-> fn? 'key:down', e), DRAW_INTERVAL
w.onkeyup or= (e) ->
fn = _fn[@name]
timers = _timers[@name]
{keyCode} = e
fn? 'key:up', e
clearInterval timers[keyCode] if timers[keyCode]?
timers[keyCode] = null
w.onblur or= ->
timers = _timers[@name]
for k, v of timers when v?
clearInterval v
timers = {}
Here is a simple class for managing events on objects.
class Events
constructor: ->
# Storage for events
@_events = {}
# Add event handler
on: (name, handler) ->
(@_events[name] ?= []).push handler
# Remove event
off: (name) ->
@_events[name] = null
# Trigger event handlers
trigger: (name, args...) ->
if (handlers = @_events[name])?
handler.apply this, args for handler in handlers
else null
Now, lets define a box that will be the basic building block for the game. All the objects will inherit from this class.
class Box extends Events
# -- Private --
# Default settings
height: 100
width: 200
top: 0
left: 0
template: ''
# Fixed window props
toolbar: false
directories: false
fullscreen: false
location: false
menubar: false
resizable: false
scrollbars: false
status: false
_window: null # Empty window object
_url: ''
_update: (settings) ->
# Update settings
_.extend @_settings, settings
# Adjust window props
@_window?.moveTo? (@_get 'left'), (@_get 'top')
@_window?.resizeTo? (@_get 'width'), (@_get 'height')
# Trigger change event with changed settings
@trigger 'change', settings
# Return a copy of settings
_get: (prop) -> @_settings[prop]
_getAll: -> _.extend (_.clone @_settings), @_props
_getDefault: -> @constructor::_settings
# FIXME: Hacky way to find height of chrome
_getChromeHeight: _.once ->
total = window.screen.height
body = window.innerHeight
chrome = total - body
# -- Public --
constructor: (settings={}) ->
# Make a copy of default settings
@_settings = _.clone @_settings
# Override settings.
@_update settings
# Set random name with namespace
@id = _.uuid()
# Set template on show
@on 'show', => @setTemplate @_get 'template'
# Set inner html
setTemplate: (template) ->
return unless root = @_window?.document.querySelector 'html'
root.innerHTML = template this
# Show window with settings.
show: ->
# Serialize options
opts = _.serialize @_getAll(), {sep: ',', eq: '='}, (v) ->
switch v
when false then 'no'
when true then 'yes'
else "#{ v }"
# Open window
@_window or= @_url, @id, opts
# Trigger show event
@trigger 'show', this
# Hide the window.
hide: ->
@_window = null
# Trigger hide event
@trigger 'hide', this
# Check if window is visible.
isVisible: -> @_window?.location?
# Check for equality
equals: (box) -> is @id
# Reset window settings.
reset: ->
@_update @_getDefault()
# Return or update window position coords.
position: (coords) ->
_default = @_getDefault()
# Set new coords
if coords
@_update changed =
left: Math.ceil coords[X] ? _default.left # x
top: Math.ceil coords[Y] ? # y
@trigger 'move', [changed.left,]
# Return coords
{left, top} = @_getAll()
[left, top]
# Return or update window dimensions.
size: (dimensions) ->
_default = @_getDefault()
# Set new dimensions
if dimensions
@_update changed =
width: Math.ceil dimensions[X] ? _default.width
height: Math.ceil dimensions[Y] ? _default.height
@trigger 'resize', changed
# Return dimensions
[(@_get 'width'), (@_get 'height')]
# Get all corners
corners: ->
[width, height] = @size()
position = @position()
# Return corners
_.vec(position).add [0, 0] # tl
_.vec(position).add [width, 0] # tr
_.vec(position).add [width, height] # br
_.vec(position).add [0, height] # bl
# Get edge centers
edgeCenters: ->
[tl, tr, br, bl] = @corners()
# Return center coordinates
_.vec(tl, tr).center() # T
_.vec(tr, br).center() # R
_.vec(br, bl).center() # B
_.vec(bl, tl).center() # L
# Get center
center: ->
[tl, tr, br, bl] = @corners()
# Return center coordinates
_.vec(tl, br).center()
Now lets use the class Box
to design the Brick
class which
will be used to render the bricks.
Its pretty much a useless box.
class Brick extends Box
Alright, so the ball is a little tricky. It has to move two- dimensionally and bounce off of objects.
So, we need an instance that also stores its velocity at any instant and the methods to manipulate it.
class Ball extends Box
# -- Private --
_velocity: [0, 0]
# Override getDefault to get default velocity
_getDefault: -> _.extend {velocity: @_velocity}, super
# -- Public --
constructor: (args...) ->
# Copy deafults
@_velocity = _.clone @_velocity
super args...
# Set or retrieve velocity
velocity: (vel) ->
[vx, vy] = @_getDefault().velocity
# Set new velocity
if vel then @_velocity = [
vel[X] ? vx
vel[Y] ? vy
].map Math.ceil
# Return velocity
# Change direction of velocity components
bounce: (dir) ->
[dx, dy] = dir
[vx, vy] = @velocity()
@velocity newVelocity = [
if dx isnt 0 then dx * Math.abs vx else vx
if dy isnt 0 then dy * Math.abs vy else vy
@trigger 'bounce', newVelocity
# Override show to make sure paddle is correctly sized after it becomes visible
show: (args...) ->
super args...
# Resize to current size
@size @size()
# Define constraints
atEdge: ->
[x, y] = @position()
[w, h] = @size()
{availHeight, availWidth} = window.screen
ch = @_getChromeHeight()
# Left edge
if x <= 0
[1, 0]
# Right edge
else if x + w >= availWidth
[-1, 0]
# Top edge
else if y <= 0
[0, 1]
# Bottom edge
else if y + h >= availHeight
[0, -1]
else false
# Move n steps
move: (n=1) ->
_.times n, =>
change = _.vec(@velocity()).multiply DRAW_INTERVAL / 1000
# Move to new position
@position _.vec(@position())
.add change
A paddle is basically an enlarged ball thats constrained to move in a straight line.
class Paddle extends Ball
left: ->
[vx, vy] = @velocity().map Math.abs
@velocity [-vx, vy]
right: ->
@velocity @velocity().map Math.abs
# Add constraints
move: (n) ->
if @atEdge() then return else super n
atEdge: ->
[x] = @position()
[vx] = @velocity()
[w] = @size()
# Left edge
if x <= 0 and vx < 0
[1, 0]
# Right edge
else if x + w >= window.screen.availWidth and vx > 0
[1, 0]
else false
Collection of Brick
instances that organizes itself.
It also ascertains whether the Ball
is touching a Brick
class Bricks extends Array
# -- Private --
# Generate bricks
_generate: ({@columns, @rows, template}) ->
# Viewport dimensions
ch = Box::_getChromeHeight()
vt = window.screen.availTop
# Brick dimensions
@brick =
height: height = Math.ceil @height / @rows
width: width = Math.ceil @width / @columns
# Add bricks
for row in [0...@rows]
this.push []
for column in [0...@columns]
this[row].push new Brick
height: height
width: width
top: ((height + ch) * row) + vt
left: width * column
template: template
# -- Public --
constructor: (viewport, props) ->
@_initialized = false
# Default dimensions
@height = viewport.height() * 0.3
@width = viewport.width()
# Generate bricks
@_generate props
# Number of bricks
len: ->
length = 0
length++ for brick in row when brick? for row in this
# Max bricks
max: _.once ->
(row.length for row in this).reduce ((t, l) -> t+l), 0
# Map function
map: (fn) ->
result = (fn? brick for brick in row for row in this)
result.reduce ((a, b) -> a.concat b), []
# Find brick by test
find: (test) ->
found = null
for row, i in this
for brick, j in row
found = [i, j] if test brick
# Remove elements based on search function
remove: (id) ->
[i, j] = @find (brick) -> brick and is id
# Hide brick
# Remove element
this[i][j] = null
# Hide all elements
hide: ->
brick?.hide() for brick in row for row in this
# Show all elements
show: ->
brick?.show() for brick in row for row in this
This class is supposed to keep track of screen dimensions, offsets etc.
class Screen extends Events
# -- Private --
_screen: window?.screen
_offset: [0, 0]
_getDefault: -> offset: @constructor::_offset
# -- Public --
constructor: ->
# Copy offset
@_offset = _.clone @_offset
# Get available screen coordinates
height: -> @_screen.availHeight - 2*@offset()[Y]
width: -> @_screen.availWidth - 2*@offset()[X]
top: -> @offset()[Y]
left: -> @offset()[X]
# Set or retrieve offset
offset: (args...) ->
[ox, oy] = @_getDefault().offset
if args.length then @_offset = [
args[X] ? ox # offsetX
args[Y] ? oy # offsetY
# Return offset
_.clone @_offset
# Adjust coords
adjust: (x=0, y=0) ->
# Get offset
[xo, yo] = @offset()
# Return adjusted value
x + xo
y + yo
adjustX: (x) -> (@adjust x, 0)[X]
adjustY: (y) -> (@adjust 0, y)[Y]
Grid manages the elements according to their context.
class Grid extends Screen
constructor: ->
# Set offset and get viewport props
offset = @offset()
height = @height()
width = @width()
ch = Box::_getChromeHeight()
# Create elements
@elements =
bricks: new Bricks this,
rows: 3
columns: 10
template: -> """
<body style="
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/bricks.png');
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/bricks.png');
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/bricks.png');
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/bricks.png');
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/bricks.png');
paddle: new Paddle
height: paddleHeight = 0.1 * height
width: paddleWidth = 0.3 * width
top: paddleTop = height - paddleHeight # Place at bottom
left: (center = width / 2) - paddleWidth / 2
template: -> """
<body style="
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/pattern.png');
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/pattern.png');
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/pattern.png');
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/pattern.png');
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%), url('#{ ROOT }/img/pattern.png');
ball: new Ball
height: ballHeight = 0.1 * height
width: ballHeight
# Place ball on the paddle
top: paddleTop - ballHeight
left: center - ballHeight / 2
template: -> """
<body style="background: black; overflow: hidden;">
<div style="background: lime;
height: 80vh;
width: 80vh;
margin: 0 auto;
border-radius: 50%;">
# Set velocity
@elements.paddle.velocity [PADDLE_VELOCITY, 0]
@elements.ball.velocity _.vec([
_.flip -1, 1
# Between 30deg and 60deg
-1 * _.random Math.sqrt(1/3), Math.sqrt(3), false # Return fraction
]).multiply BALL_VELOCITY
# Change visibility
show: -> for name, element of @elements
hide: -> element.hide() for name, element of @elements
# Check popups
popupsDisplayed: ->
popups = (i) -> i._window
popups.reduce ((result, popup) -> result and popup?), true
We use a state machine (fancy term for a simple concept) to manage game state.
class StateMachine extends Events
# -- Private --
_getState: -> @_state ? null
_setState: (next) ->
unless next?
return @_throw "Invalid state '#{ next }'"
current = @_getState()
@_state = next+''
@trigger 'state:change', current, next
_throw: (error) ->
error = new Error error
@trigger 'error', error
_addStates: (states) ->
# Add to blueprint
for {state, events} in states
@_blueprint[state] = events
# Add events to machine
for event in _.uniq _.flatten (_.pluck states, 'events').map Object.keys
this[event] = do =>
e = event
return =>
@_triggerEvent e
_triggerEvent: (event) ->
# Get current state and find out if event allowed
current = @_getState()
next = @_blueprint[current]?[event]
# Set next state
if next?
@_setState next
@_throw "Invalid event '#{ event }' for current state '#{ current }'"
# -- Public --
constructor: (states) ->
# List of states and events to initialize machine
# Ex: [
# {
# state: 'blah',
# events: {
# 'someEvent': 'newState'
# }
# },
# { ... }
# ]
@_blueprint = {}
# Add events for corresponding states
@_addStates states
# Start
@_setState states[0].state if states[0]
# Override trigger to run machine events
trigger: (event, args...) ->
unless this[event]?.apply this, args
super event, args...
class Game extends StateMachine
# -- Private --
_incDifficulty: ->
{ball, bricks} = @_grid.elements
base = ball.velocity()
prev = @_ballVelocity
# Calc new difficulty (exponential growth)
@_difficulty = _.sqr 2 - bricks.len() / bricks.max()
@_ballVelocity = next = BALL_VELOCITY * @_difficulty
# Set new velocity
ball.velocity _.vec(
_.vec(base).multiply 1/prev
).multiply next
_playSound: (name) ->
sound = new Audio "sounds/#{ name }.wav"
_moveBall: ->
{ball, paddle, bricks} = @_grid.elements
{height, width} = bricks.brick
ch = Box::_getChromeHeight()
return @win() unless bricks.len()
# Points
[__, __, b2, b1] = ball.corners()
[p1, p2] = paddle.corners()
[bT, bR, bB, bL] = ball.edgeCenters()
# Bounce ball off walls and paddle
if dir = ball.atEdge()
if dir[Y] is -1
ball.bounce dir
@trigger 'bounce:wall', this
else if b1[Y] >= p1[Y] and
p1[X] <= b1[X] <= p2[X] and
p1[X] <= b2[X] <= p2[X]
ball.bounce [0, -1] # Up
@trigger 'bounce:paddle', this
# Brick collisions
# Top edge
else if brick = bricks[Math.floor bT[Y] / (height + ch)]?[Math.floor bT[X] / width]
ball.bounce [0, 1]
@trigger 'bounce:brick', this
# Bottom edge
else if brick = bricks[Math.floor bB[Y] / (height + ch)]?[Math.floor bB[X] / width]
ball.bounce [0, -1]
@trigger 'bounce:brick', this
# Right edge
else if brick = bricks[Math.floor bR[Y] / (height + ch)]?[Math.floor bR[X] / width]
ball.bounce [-1, 0]
@trigger 'bounce:brick', this
# Left edge
else if brick = bricks[Math.floor bL[Y] / (height + ch)]?[Math.floor bL[X] / width]
ball.bounce [1, 0]
@trigger 'bounce:brick', this
# Move it
_controlGame: (key) ->
state = @_getState()
# Game controls
switch key.keyCode
when 32 # space
if state is 'running' then @pause() else @resume()
when 80
if state in ['lost', 'idle'] then @stop().display() # 'p'
when 27 then @stop() # Esc
when 37 # <-
{paddle} = @_grid?.elements
switch state
when 'running' then paddle.left().move()
when 'paused' then @resume()
else @start()
when 39 # ->
{paddle} = @_grid?.elements
switch state
when 'running' then paddle.right().move()
when 'paused' then @resume()
else @start()
when 191 # ?
h = window.screen.availHeight
w = window.screen.availWidth
b = new Box
height: h * 2/3
width: w / 4
top: h / 6
left: w * 3/8
b._url = 'help.html'
else @trigger 'error', new Error 'Invalid control'
_loop: (current, next) ->
# Draw and undraw game elements on state change
switch next
when 'drawn'
# Init game elements
@_difficulty = 1
@_ballVelocity = BALL_VELOCITY
@_grid = new Grid
# Show grid
when 'idle', 'won'
return @hide()
when 'lost'
{ball} = @_grid.elements
# Route actions
if @_getState() is 'running'
_.defer => @_moveBall()
# Recurse
_.wait DRAW_INTERVAL, => @_loop()
# -- Public --
constructor: ->
# Define game states
super [
state: 'idle'
events: {
display: 'drawn'
state: 'drawn'
events: {
start: 'running'
stop: 'idle'
state: 'running'
events: {
pause: 'paused'
stop: 'idle'
win: 'won'
lose: 'lost'
state: 'paused'
events: {
resume: 'running'
stop: 'idle'
state: 'won'
events: {
stop: 'idle'
display: 'drawn'
state: 'lost'
events: {
stop: 'idle'
display: 'drawn'
# Init game controls
@on 'key:down', @_controlGame
# Run game cycle on state change
@on 'state:change', @_loop
# Increase difficulty
@on 'bounce:brick', @_incDifficulty
# Play sounds
@on 'bounce:brick', _.bind @_playSound, this, 'brick'
@on 'bounce:wall', _.bind @_playSound, this, 'wall'
@on 'bounce:paddle', _.bind @_playSound, this, 'paddle'
@on 'state:change', (__, next) =>
if next in ['won', 'lost']
@_playSound next
# Prompt for rematch
_.wait 400, =>
@display() if window.confirm "You #{ next }! Play again?"
# Show
show: ->
# Check for popup blocker
_.defer =>
if @_grid? and not @_grid.popupsDisplayed()
@trigger 'popup:blocked'
# Take user to help page
if window.confirm "Please enable popups before playing this game. Do you wish to be taken to your browser's corresponding support page?"
url = switch BROWSER
when 'chrome' then ''
when 'firefox' then ''
else ''
window.location.replace url, '_blank'
# Attach key events
handler = _.throttle DRAW_INTERVAL, (type, e) =>
@trigger type, e
for name, {_window} of @_grid.elements when _window? and name in ['ball', 'paddle']
_.onKeyEvent _window, handler (brick) ->
w = brick?._window
_.onKeyEvent w, handler if w?
hide: ->
return unless @_grid?
# Detach key events
for name, {_window} of @_grid.elements when _window? and name in ['ball', 'paddle']
_.onKeyEvent _window, null (brick) ->
w = brick?._window
_.onKeyEvent w, null if w?
@_grid = null
cheat: ->
{bricks} = @_grid.elements
for row, i in bricks
for brick, j in row
if i+j
@_grid.elements.bricks[i][j] = null
Set things up and start game.
# Alias for querySelector
$ = (q) -> window.document.querySelector q
$$ = (q) -> window.document.querySelectorAll q
init = -> = game = new Game
# Attach keydown event
_.onKeyEvent window, _.throttle DRAW_INTERVAL, (type, e) ->
game.trigger type, e
# Animate onscreen keys
game.on 'key:down', ({keyCode}) ->
# Display keypress
if k = $ "#k#{ keyCode }"
k.classList.add 'pressed'
game.on 'key:up', ->
# Remove pressed state
for k in $$ 'kbd'
k.classList.remove 'pressed'
k.classList.remove 'shown'
# Manage glow
game.on 'state:change', (__, next) ->
k = $ '#k80'
original = _.once -> k.className
classes = 'animated delay repeat glow'.split ' '
if next is 'idle'
k.classList.add cls for cls in classes
k.classList.remove cls for cls in classes
# Popup pointer
game.on 'popup:blocked', ->
arrow = $ '#arrow'
arrow.className = 'animated delay bounce'
_.wait 3*1000, ->
arrow.className = 'hidden'
# Log errors
game.on 'error', ({message}) -> console.log "Error: #{ message }"
# Attach DOM load listener
window?.addEventListener 'load', init, false
# Cleanup on close
window.onbeforeunload = ->
if game._getState() in ['idle', 'won']
else 'Active game!'
window.onunload = -> game?.stop()