diff --git a/@commitlint/format/src/format.test.ts b/@commitlint/format/src/format.test.ts
index dd88fdabaa..10b70e76aa 100644
--- a/@commitlint/format/src/format.test.ts
+++ b/@commitlint/format/src/format.test.ts
@@ -35,6 +35,29 @@ test('returns empty summary if verbose', () => {
 	expect(actual).toContain('0 problems, 0 warnings');
+test('returns empty summary with full commit message if verbose', () => {
+	const actual = format(
+		{
+			results: [
+				{
+					errors: [],
+					warnings: [],
+					input:
+						'feat(cli): this is a valid header\n\nThis is a valid body\n\nSigned-off-by: tester',
+				},
+			],
+		},
+		{
+			verbose: true,
+			color: false,
+		}
+	);
+	expect(actual).toStrictEqual(
+		'⧗   input: feat(cli): this is a valid header\n\nThis is a valid body\n\nSigned-off-by: tester\n✔   found 0 problems, 0 warnings'
+	);
 test('returns a correct summary of empty .errors and .warnings', () => {
 	const actualError = format({
 		results: [
diff --git a/@commitlint/format/src/format.ts b/@commitlint/format/src/format.ts
index e3fa2dd266..13baf4bf5e 100644
--- a/@commitlint/format/src/format.ts
+++ b/@commitlint/format/src/format.ts
@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ function formatInput(
 	const sign = '⧗';
 	const decoration = enabled ? chalk.gray(sign) : sign;
-	const commitText = errors.length > 0 ? input : input.split('\n')[0];
-	const decoratedInput = enabled ? chalk.bold(commitText) : commitText;
+	const decoratedInput = enabled ? chalk.bold(input) : input;
 	const hasProblems = errors.length > 0 || warnings.length > 0;
 	return options.verbose || hasProblems