diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
deleted file mode 100644
index 36ba39fcd..000000000
Binary files a/.DS_Store and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/conektapaymentsprestashop.php b/conektapaymentsprestashop.php
index 4d1b8c715..c8c7473f6 100644
--- a/conektapaymentsprestashop.php
+++ b/conektapaymentsprestashop.php
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
define("METADATA_LIMIT", 12);
+define("CANCELLED_ID", 6);
+define("REFUNDED_ID", 7);
* ConektaPaymentsPrestashop Class Doc Comment
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ public function __construct()
@@ -155,6 +158,10 @@ public function __construct()
$this->live_public_key = $config['LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY'];
+ if (isset($config['PRE_AUTHORIZE_CONEKTA'])) {
+ $this->pre_authorize = $config['PRE_AUTHORIZE_CONEKTA'];
+ }
if (isset($config['CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE'])) {
$this->charge_on_demand = $config['CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE'];
@@ -209,6 +216,7 @@ public function install()
|| !$this->registerHook('paymentReturn')
|| !$this->registerHook('adminOrder')
|| !$this->registerHook('updateOrderStatus')
+ || !$this->registerHook('actionValidateOrder')
&& Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CARD', 1)
&& Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET', 1)
&& Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH', 1)
@@ -224,6 +232,36 @@ public function install()
return true;
+ /**
+ * Adding the reference code of the Conekta order to the order generated by Prestashop.
+ *
+ * @param array $params Array with order data
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function hookActionValidateOrder($params)
+ {
+ $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ?
+ Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
+ $iso_code = $this->context->language->iso_code;
+ \Conekta\Conekta::setApiKey($key);
+ \Conekta\Conekta::setPlugin("Prestashop 1.7");
+ \Conekta\Conekta::setApiVersion("2.0.0");
+ \Conekta\Conekta::setPluginVersion($this->version);
+ \Conekta\Conekta::setLocale($iso_code);
+ if (!empty(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'conektaOrdenID'))) {
+ try {
+ $order = \Conekta\Order::find(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'conektaOrdenID'));
+ $params['order']->reference = $order->metadata['reference_id'];
+ return true;
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Delete configuration and drop table in database.
@@ -323,8 +361,7 @@ public function hookPaymentReturn($params)
public function hookUpdateOrderStatus($params)
- if ($params['newOrderStatus']->id == 7) {
- //order refunded
+ if ($params['newOrderStatus']->id == CANCELLED_ID || $params['newOrderStatus']->id == REFUNDED_ID) {
$key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ?
Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') :
@@ -341,12 +378,19 @@ public function hookUpdateOrderStatus($params)
$conekta_tran_details = Database::getOrderById($id_order);
//only credit card refund
- if (!$conekta_tran_details['barcode']
+ if (!empty($conekta_tran_details)
+ && !$conekta_tran_details['barcode']
&& !(isset($conekta_tran_details['reference'])
&& !empty($conekta_tran_details['reference']))
) {
$order = \Conekta\Order::find($conekta_tran_details['id_conekta_order']);
- $order->refund(['reason' => 'requested_by_client']);
+ if (!empty($order) && $order->charges[0]->payment_method->object == "card_payment") {
+ if ($order->payment_status == 'pre_authorized') {
+ $order->void();
+ } else {
+ $order->refund(['reason' => 'requested_by_client']);
+ }
+ }
@@ -473,14 +517,21 @@ private function createPendingSpeiState()
public function hookHeader()
- $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ? Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
+ $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ?
+ Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
$iso_code = $this->context->language->iso_code;
- if (Tools::getValue('controller') != 'order-opc' && (!($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order.php' || $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-opc.php' || Tools::getValue('controller') == 'order' || Tools::getValue('controller') == 'orderopc' || Tools::getValue('step') == 3))) {
+ if (Tools::getValue('controller') != 'order-opc'
+ && (!($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order.php'
+ || $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-opc.php'
+ || Tools::getValue('controller') == 'order'
+ || Tools::getValue('controller') == 'orderopc'
+ || Tools::getValue('step') == 3))
+ ) {
@@ -499,7 +550,8 @@ public function hookHeader()
$this->smarty->assign("path", $this->_path);
$cart = $this->context->cart;
- $customer = $this->context->customer;
+ $customerPrestashop = $this->context->customer;
+ $address_delivery = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_delivery);
$payment_options = array();
if (Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_SPEI')) {
@@ -514,10 +566,9 @@ public function hookHeader()
array_push($payment_options, 'card');
- // $msi = false;
+ $pre_authorize = false;
$force_3ds = false;
$on_demand_enabled = false;
- $address_delivery = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_delivery);
$state = State::getNameById($address_delivery->id_state);
$country = Country::getIsoById($address_delivery->id_country);
$carrier = new Carrier((int) $cart->id_carrier);
@@ -528,36 +579,33 @@ public function hookHeader()
$items = $cart->getProducts();
$shippingLines = null;
$shippingContact = null;
if (isset($carrier)) {
if ($carrier->name != null) {
$shp_carrier = $carrier->name;
$shp_service = implode(",", $carrier->delay);
$shippingLines = Config::getShippingLines($shp_service, $shp_carrier, $shp_price);
+ } elseif ($this->isDigital($items)) {
+ $shp_carrier = "Producto digital";
+ $shp_service = "Digital";
+ $shippingLines = Config::getShippingLines($shp_service, $shp_carrier, $shp_price);
- $shippingContact = Config::getShippingContact($customer, $address_delivery, $state, $country);
- $customerInfo = Config::getCustomerInfo($customer);
- $result = Database::getConektaMetadata($customer->id, $this->conekta_mode, "conekta_customer_id");
+ $shippingContact = Config::getShippingContact($customerPrestashop, $address_delivery, $state, $country);
+ $customerInfo = Config::getCustomerInfo($customerPrestashop, $address_delivery);
- if (count($payment_options) > 0 && !empty($shippingContact['address']['postal_code']) && !empty($shippingLines)) {
+ if (count($payment_options) > 0
+ && !empty($shippingContact['address']['postal_code'])
+ && !empty($shippingLines)
+ ) {
$order_details = array();
$taxlines = array();
- if (empty($result['meta_value'])) {
- $customer_id = $this->createCustomer($customer, $customerInfo);
- } else {
- $customer_id = $result['meta_value'];
- $customerConekta = \Conekta\Customer::find($customer_id);
- $customerConekta->update($customerInfo);
+ if (Configuration::get('PRE_AUTHORIZE_CONEKTA')) {
+ $pre_authorize = true;
- if ((Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET'))) {
- $msi = true;
- }
if (Configuration::get('CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE')) {
$on_demand_enabled = true;
@@ -576,28 +624,33 @@ public function hookHeader()
if (in_array('cash', $payment_options)) {
- $checkout["expires_at"] = time() + (Configuration::get('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT') * (Configuration::get('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE') == 0 ? 86400 : 3600));
+ $checkout["expires_at"] = time() +
+ (Configuration::get('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT') *
+ (Configuration::get('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE') == 0 ? 86400 : 3600));
$order_details = [
'currency' => $this->context->currency->iso_code,
'line_items' => Config::getLineItems($items),
- 'customer_info' => array("customer_id" => $customer_id),
+ 'customer_info' => array(),
'discount_lines' => Config::getDiscountLines($discounts),
'shipping_lines' => array(),
'shipping_contact' => $shippingContact,
+ 'pre_authorize' => $pre_authorize,
'tax_lines' => array(),
'metadata' => [
"plugin" => "Prestashop",
"plugin_version" => _PS_VERSION_,
- "reference_id" => $this->context->cart->id
+ "reference_id" => Order::generateReference()
'checkout' => $checkout
$order_elements = array_keys(get_class_vars('Cart'));
foreach ($order_elements as $element) {
- if (!empty(Configuration::get('ORDER_'.Tools::strtoupper($element))) && property_exists($this->context->cart, $element)) {
+ if (!empty(Configuration::get('ORDER_'.Tools::strtoupper($element)))
+ && property_exists($this->context->cart, $element)
+ ) {
$order_details['metadata'][$element] = $this->context->cart->$element;
@@ -656,11 +709,17 @@ public function hookHeader()
- $result = Database::getConektaOrder($customer->id, $this->conekta_mode, $this->context->cart->id);
try {
- if ($order_details['currency'] == 'MXN' && $amount < $this->amount_min) {
- $message = "El monto minimo de compra con Conekta tiene que ser mayor a $20.00 ";
+ // Validate, create and update the customer in conekta
+ $cust_db = Database::getConektaMetadata(
+ $customerPrestashop->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ "conekta_customer_id"
+ );
+ $message = $this->checkedFields($customerInfo['phone'], $order_details, $amount);
+ if ($message !== true) {
'message' => $message,
@@ -668,29 +727,83 @@ public function hookHeader()
return false;
- if (isset($result) && $result['status'] == 'unpaid') {
- $order = \Conekta\Order::find($result['id_conekta_order']);
- if (isset($order->charges[0]->status) && $order->charges[0]->status == 'paid') {
- Database::updateConektaOrder($customer->id, $this->context->cart->id, $this->conekta_mode, $order->id, $order->charges[0]->status);
+ if (empty($cust_db['meta_value'])) {
+ $customerConekta = \conekta\Customer::create($customerInfo);
+ $customerConekta_id = $customerConekta->id;
+ Database::updateConektaMetadata(
+ $customerPrestashop->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ "conekta_customer_id",
+ $customerConekta_id
+ );
+ } else {
+ $customerConekta_id = $cust_db['meta_value'];
+ $customerConekta = \Conekta\Customer::find($customerConekta_id);
+ $customerConekta->update($customerInfo);
+ }
+ $order_details['customer_info'] = array("customer_id" => $customerConekta_id);
+ // Validate, create and update the order in Conekta
+ $ord_db = Database::getConektaOrder(
+ $customerPrestashop->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ $this->context->cart->id
+ );
+ if (isset($ord_db) && $ord_db['status'] == 'unpaid') {
+ $order = \Conekta\Order::find($ord_db['id_conekta_order']);
+ if (isset($order->charges[0]->status) && $order->charges[0]->status != 'unpaid') {
+ Database::updateConektaOrder(
+ $customerPrestashop->id,
+ $this->context->cart->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ $order->id,
+ $order->charges[0]->status
+ );
if (empty($order)) {
$order = \Conekta\Order::create($order_details);
- Database::updateConektaOrder($customer->id, $this->context->cart->id, $this->conekta_mode, $order->id, 'unpaid');
- } elseif (empty($order->charges[0]->status) || $order->charges[0]->status != 'paid') {
+ Database::updateConektaOrder(
+ $customerPrestashop->id,
+ $this->context->cart->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ $order->id,
+ 'unpaid'
+ );
+ } elseif (empty($order->charges[0]->status) || $order->charges[0]->status == 'unpaid') {
+ $order->update([
+ 'customer_info' => $customerInfo
+ ]);
} else {
$order = \Conekta\Order::create($order_details);
- Database::updateConektaOrder($customer->id, $this->context->cart->id, $this->conekta_mode, $order->id, 'unpaid');
+ Database::updateConektaOrder(
+ $customerPrestashop->id,
+ $this->context->cart->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ $order->id,
+ 'unpaid'
+ );
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$log_message = $e->getMessage() . ' ';
if (class_exists('Logger')) {
- Logger::addLog($this->l('Payment transaction failed') . ' ' . $log_message, 2, null, 'Cart', (int) $this->context->cart->id, true);
+ Logger::addLog(
+ $this->l('Payment transaction failed') . ' ' . $log_message,
+ 2,
+ null,
+ 'Cart',
+ (int) $this->context->cart->id,
+ true
+ );
$message = $e->getMessage() . ' ';
@@ -829,8 +942,16 @@ public function checkCurrency($cart)
public function getConektaPaymentOption()
$embeddedOption = new PaymentOption();
- $embeddedOption->setModuleName($this->name)->setCallToActionText($this->l('Pago por medio de Conekta '))->setAction($this->context->link->getModuleLink($this->name, 'validation', array(), true))->setForm($this->generateCardPaymentForm())->setLogo(Media::getMediaPath(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/img/cards2.png'));
+ $embeddedOption->setModuleName($this->name)->setCallToActionText(
+ $this->l('Pago por medio de Conekta ')
+ )->setAction($this->context->link->getModuleLink(
+ $this->name,
+ 'validation',
+ array(),
+ true
+ ))->setForm($this->generateCardPaymentForm())->setLogo(
+ Media::getMediaPath(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/img/cards2.png')
+ );
return $embeddedOption;
@@ -843,23 +964,55 @@ private function postValidation()
if (Tools::isSubmit('btnSubmit')) {
if (!Tools::getValue('PAYEE_NAME')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Payee" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Payee" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
} elseif (!Tools::getValue('PAYEE_ADDRESS')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Address" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Address" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (!Tools::getValue('WEB_HOOK')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Web Hook" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Web Hook" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH') && !Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Expiration date limit" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Expiration date limit" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
- if (Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH') && ( (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE')==0 && (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')<0 || Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')>31)) || (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE')==1 && (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')<0 || Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')>24)) )) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Expiration date limit" is out of range.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ if (Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH')
+ && ( (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE')==0
+ && (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')<0
+ || Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')>31))
+ || (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE')==1
+ && (Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')<0
+ || Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')>24))
+ )) {
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Expiration date limit" is out of range.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH') && !is_numeric(Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT'))) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Expiration date limit" must be a number.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Expiration date limit" must be a number.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
$order_elements = array_keys(get_class_vars('Cart'));
@@ -879,24 +1032,45 @@ private function postValidation()
if ($attributes_count > METADATA_LIMIT) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('No more than 12 attributes can be sent as metadata', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'No more than '. METADATA_LIMIT .' attributes can be sent as metadata',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (!Tools::getValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Test Private Key" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Test Private Key" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (!Tools::getValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Test Public Key" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Test Public Key" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY') && !Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Live Public Key" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Live Public Key" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
if (!Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY') && Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY')) {
- $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans('The "Live Private Key" field is required.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin');
+ $this->postErrors[] = $this->trans(
+ 'The "Live Private Key" field is required.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
@@ -916,28 +1090,52 @@ private function postProcess()
Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CARD', Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CARD'));
Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET', Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET'));
Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH', Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH'));
- Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_BANORTE', Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_BANORTE'));
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_BANORTE')
+ );
Configuration::updateValue('PAYMENT_METHS_SPEI', Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_SPEI'));
Configuration::updateValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE', Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE'));
- Configuration::updateValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT', Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT'));
- Configuration::updateValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY', Tools::getValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY'));
- Configuration::updateValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY', Tools::getValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY'));
- Configuration::updateValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY', Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY'));
- Configuration::updateValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY', Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY'));
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ Tools::getValue('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')
+ );
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ Tools::getValue('PRE_AUTHORIZE_CONEKTA')
+ );
Configuration::updateValue('CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE', Tools::getValue('CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE'));
Configuration::updateValue('3DS_FORCE', Tools::getValue('3DS_FORCE'));
+ if (Tools::getValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY') && Tools::getValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY')) {
+ Configuration::updateValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY', Tools::getValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY'));
+ Configuration::updateValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY', Tools::getValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY'));
+ }
+ if (Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY') && Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY')) {
+ Configuration::updateValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY', Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY'));
+ Configuration::updateValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY', Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY'));
+ }
$order_elements = array_keys(get_class_vars('Cart'));
foreach ($order_elements as $element) {
- Configuration::updateValue('ORDER_'.Tools::strtoupper($element), Tools::getValue('ORDER_'.Tools::strtoupper($element)));
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ 'ORDER_'.Tools::strtoupper($element),
+ Tools::getValue('ORDER_'.Tools::strtoupper($element))
+ );
$product_elements = self::CART_PRODUCT_ATTR;
foreach ($product_elements as $element) {
- Configuration::updateValue('PRODUCT_'.Tools::strtoupper($element), Tools::getValue('PRODUCT_'.Tools::strtoupper($element)));
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ 'PRODUCT_'.Tools::strtoupper($element),
+ Tools::getValue('PRODUCT_'.Tools::strtoupper($element))
+ );
- $this->html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->trans('Settings updated', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Success'));
+ $this->html .= $this->displayConfirmation(
+ $this->trans('Settings updated', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Success')
+ );
@@ -963,17 +1161,36 @@ public function getConfigFieldsValues()
'MODE' => Tools::getValue('MODE', Configuration::get('MODE')),
'WEB_HOOK' => Tools::getValue('WEB_HOOK', Configuration::get('WEB_HOOK')),
'PAYMENT_METHS_CARD' => Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CARD', Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_CARD')),
+ 'PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET' => Tools::getValue(
+ Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET')
+ ),
'PAYMENT_METHS_CASH' => Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH', Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH')),
+ 'PAYMENT_METHS_BANORTE' => Tools::getValue(
+ Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_BANORTE')
+ ),
'PAYMENT_METHS_SPEI' => Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_SPEI', Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_SPEI')),
+ 'EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE' => Tools::getValue(
+ Configuration::get('EXPIRATION_DATE_TYPE')
+ ),
+ 'EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT' => Tools::getValue(
+ Configuration::get('EXPIRATION_DATE_LIMIT')
+ ),
'TEST_PRIVATE_KEY' => Tools::getValue('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY', Configuration::get('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY')),
'TEST_PUBLIC_KEY' => Tools::getValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY', Configuration::get('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY')),
'LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY' => Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY', Configuration::get('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY')),
'LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY' => Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY', Configuration::get('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY')),
+ 'PRE_AUTHORIZE_CONEKTA' => Tools::getValue(
+ Configuration::get('PRE_AUTHORIZE_CONEKTA')
+ ),
+ 'CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE' => Tools::getValue(
+ Configuration::get('CHARGE_ON_DEMAND_ENABLE')
+ ),
'3DS_FORCE' => Tools::getValue('3DS_FORCE', Configuration::get('3DS_FORCE'))
$order_elements = array_keys(get_class_vars('Cart'));
@@ -988,7 +1205,21 @@ public function getConfigFieldsValues()
return $ret;
- const CART_PRODUCT_ATTR = array("id_product_attribute", "id_product", "cart_quantity", "id_shop", "id_customization", "name", "is_virtual", "description_short", "available_now", "available_later", "id_category_default", "id_supplier", "id_manufacturer", "manufacturer_name", "on_sale", "ecotax", "additional_shipping_cost", "available_for_order", "show_price", "price", "active", "unity", "unit_price_ratio", "quantity_available", "width", "height", "depth", "out_of_stock", "weight", "available_date", "date_add", "date_upd", "quantity", "link_rewrite", "category", "unique_id", "id_address_delivery", "advanced_stock_management", "supplier_reference", "customization_quantity", "price_attribute", "ecotax_attr", "reference", "weight_attribute", "ean13", "isbn", "upc", "minimal_quantity", "wholesale_price", "id_image", "legend", "reduction_type", "is_gift", "reduction", "reduction_without_tax", "price_without_reduction", "attributes", "attributes_small", "rate", "tax_name", "stock_quantity", "price_without_reduction_without_tax", "price_with_reduction", "price_with_reduction_without_tax", "total", "total_wt", "price_wt", "reduction_applies", "quantity_discount_applies", "allow_oosp");
+ const CART_PRODUCT_ATTR = array(
+ "id_product_attribute", "id_product", "cart_quantity", "id_shop", "id_customization", "name",
+ "is_virtual", "description_short", "available_now", "available_later", "id_category_default",
+ "id_supplier", "id_manufacturer", "manufacturer_name", "on_sale", "ecotax",
+ "additional_shipping_cost", "available_for_order", "show_price", "price", "active",
+ "unity", "unit_price_ratio", "quantity_available", "width", "height", "depth",
+ "out_of_stock", "weight", "available_date", "date_add", "date_upd", "quantity",
+ "link_rewrite", "category", "unique_id", "id_address_delivery", "advanced_stock_management",
+ "supplier_reference", "customization_quantity", "price_attribute", "ecotax_attr", "reference",
+ "weight_attribute", "ean13", "isbn", "upc", "minimal_quantity", "wholesale_price", "id_image",
+ "legend", "reduction_type", "is_gift", "reduction", "reduction_without_tax", "price_without_reduction",
+ "attributes", "attributes_small", "rate", "tax_name", "stock_quantity", "price_without_reduction_without_tax",
+ "price_with_reduction", "price_with_reduction_without_tax", "total", "total_wt", "price_wt",
+ "reduction_applies", "quantity_discount_applies", "allow_oosp"
+ );
* Build Admin Content
@@ -998,7 +1229,12 @@ public function getConfigFieldsValues()
public function buildAdminContent()
$this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path . 'views/js/functions.js');
- $order_elements = array_keys(array_diff_key(get_class_vars('Cart'), array('definition' => '', 'htmlFields' => '')));
+ $order_elements = array_keys(
+ array_diff_key(
+ get_class_vars('Cart'),
+ array('definition' => '', 'htmlFields' => '')
+ )
+ );
$order_meta = array();
foreach ($order_elements as $val) {
@@ -1021,20 +1257,36 @@ public function buildAdminContent()
$fields_form = array(
'form' => array(
'legend' => array(
- 'title' => $this->trans('Contact details', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'title' => $this->trans(
+ 'Contact details',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ ),
'icon' => 'icon-envelope'
'input' => array(
'type' => 'text',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Payee (name)', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'label' => $this->trans(
+ 'Payee (name)',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ ),
'name' => 'PAYEE_NAME',
'required' => true
'type' => 'textarea',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Address', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
- 'desc' => $this->trans('Address where the check should be sent to.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'label' => $this->trans(
+ 'Address',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ ),
+ 'desc' => $this->trans(
+ 'Address where the check should be sent to.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ ),
'name' => 'PAYEE_ADDRESS',
'required' => true
@@ -1064,7 +1316,11 @@ public function buildAdminContent()
'values' => array(
'query' => array(
array( 'id' => 'CARD', 'name' => $this->l('Card'), 'val' => 'card_payment_method'),
- array( 'id' => 'INSTALLMET', 'name' => $this->l('Monthly Installents'), 'val' => 'installment_payment_method' ),
+ array(
+ 'id' => 'INSTALLMET',
+ 'name' => $this->l('Monthly Installents'),
+ 'val' => 'installment_payment_method'
+ ),
array( 'id' => 'CASH', 'name' => $this->l('Cash'), 'val' => 'cash_payment_method' ),
array( 'id' => 'SPEI', 'name' => $this->l('SPEI'), 'val' => 'spei_payment_method' )
@@ -1091,33 +1347,13 @@ public function buildAdminContent()
'type' => 'text',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Expiration date limit', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'label' => $this->trans(
+ 'Expiration date limit',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Test Private Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
- 'name' => 'TEST_PRIVATE_KEY',
- 'required' => true
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Test Public Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
- 'name' => 'TEST_PUBLIC_KEY',
- 'required' => true
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'password',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Live Private Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
- 'name' => 'LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY',
- 'required' => true
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'password',
- 'label' => $this->trans('Live Public Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
- 'name' => 'LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY',
- 'required' => true
- ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => $this->l('Additional Order Metadata'),
@@ -1193,14 +1429,75 @@ public function buildAdminContent()
'id' => 'id',
'name' => 'name',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'checkbox',
+ 'label' => $this->l('Preauthorize'),
+ 'name' => 'PRE_AUTHORIZE',
+ 'values' => array(
+ 'query' => array(
+ array(
+ 'id' => 'CONEKTA',
+ 'name' => $this->l('Enable Preauthorization'),
+ 'val' => 'pre_authorize'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'id' => 'id',
+ 'name' => 'name',
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ return $fields_form;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the content of the fields of the keys
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function buildAdminContentKey()
+ {
+ $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path . 'views/js/functions.js');
+ $fields_form_keys = array(
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'legend' => array(
+ 'title' => $this->trans('KEYS', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'icon' => 'icon-key'
+ ),
+ 'input' => array(
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'label' => $this->trans('Test Private Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'name' => 'TEST_PRIVATE_KEY',
+ 'required' => true
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'label' => $this->trans('Test Public Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'name' => 'TEST_PUBLIC_KEY',
+ 'required' => true,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'password',
+ 'label' => $this->trans('Live Private Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'name' => 'LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY',
+ 'required' => true
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'password',
+ 'label' => $this->trans('Live Public Key', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'),
+ 'name' => 'LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY',
+ 'required' => true
+ ),
'submit' => array(
- 'title' => $this->trans('Save', array(), 'Admin.Actions')
+ 'title' => $this->trans('Save All', array(), 'Admin.Actions')
- return $fields_form;
+ return $fields_form_keys;
@@ -1211,16 +1508,19 @@ public function buildAdminContent()
public function renderForm()
$fields_form = $this->buildAdminContent();
+ $fields_form_keys = $this->buildAdminContentKey();
$helper = new HelperForm();
$helper->show_toolbar = false;
$helper->id = (int) Tools::getValue('id_carrier');
$helper->identifier = $this->identifier;
$helper->submit_action = 'btnSubmit';
- $helper->currentIndex = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules', false) . '&configure=' . $this->name . '&tab_module=' . $this->tab . '&module_name=' . $this->name;
+ $helper->currentIndex = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules', false)
+ . '&configure=' . $this->name . '&tab_module=' . $this->tab . '&module_name=' . $this->name;
$helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules');
$helper->tpl_vars = array( 'fields_value' => $this->getConfigFieldsValues() );
$this->fields_form = array();
- return $helper->generateForm(array( $fields_form ));
+ $this->fields_form_keys = array();
+ return $helper->generateForm(array( $fields_form, $fields_form_keys ));
@@ -1239,9 +1539,11 @@ public function checkSettings($mode = 'global')
$valid = false;
if ($mode) {
- $valid = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_LIVE') != '' && Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') != '';
+ $valid = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_LIVE') != ''
+ && Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') != '';
} else {
- $valid = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_TEST') != '' && Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST') != '';
+ $valid = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_TEST') != ''
+ && Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST') != '';
return $valid;
@@ -1266,7 +1568,9 @@ public function checkRequirements()
if (Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE')) {
$tests['ssl'] = array(
'name' => $this->l('SSL must be enabled on your store (before entering Live mode)'),
- 'result' => (integer) Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') || (!empty(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTPS')) && Tools::strtolower(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTPS')) != 'off')
+ 'result' => ((integer) Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')
+ || (!empty(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTPS'))
+ && Tools::strtolower(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTPS')) != 'off'))
@@ -1318,9 +1622,7 @@ public function getContent()
$configuration_values = array(
'CONEKTA_MODE' => Tools::getValue('MODE'),
'CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_TEST' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('TEST_PUBLIC_KEY')),
- 'CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_LIVE' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY')),
- 'CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY')),
'CONEKTA_CARDS' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CARD')),
'CONEKTA_MSI' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET')),
'PAYMENT_METHS_CASH' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('PAYMENT_METHS_CASH')),
@@ -1329,6 +1631,16 @@ public function getContent()
+ if (Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY') && Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY')) {
+ $configuration_values = array_merge(
+ $configuration_values,
+ array(
+ 'CONEKTA_PUBLIC_KEY_LIVE' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY')),
+ 'CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE' => rtrim(Tools::getValue('LIVE_PRIVATE_KEY')),
+ )
+ );
+ }
foreach ($configuration_values as $configuration_key => $configuration_value) {
Configuration::updateValue($configuration_key, $configuration_value);
@@ -1350,7 +1662,10 @@ public function getContent()
$this->smarty->assign("requirements", $requirements);
$this->smarty->assign("config_check", $requirements['result']);
if ($requirements['result']) {
- $this->smarty->assign("msg_show", $this->l('All the checks were successfully performed. You can now start using your module.'));
+ $this->smarty->assign(
+ "msg_show",
+ $this->l('All the checks were successfully performed. You can now start using your module.')
+ );
} else {
$this->smarty->assign("msg_show", $this->l('Please resolve the following errors:'));
@@ -1375,24 +1690,80 @@ public function getContent()
- * Create customer of Conekta
+ * Check if the product is digital
- * @param $customer Info user in Prestashop
- * @param $params Info of user
+ * @param array $items Products
- * @return string
+ * @return boolean
- public function createCustomer($customer, $params)
+ private function isDigital($items)
- try {
- $customerConekta = \Conekta\Customer::create($params);
+ $all_digital = true;
+ if (empty($items)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- Database::updateConektaMetadata($customer->id, $this->conekta_mode, "conekta_customer_id", $customerConekta->id);
+ $i = 0;
+ do {
+ if (!$items[$i]['is_virtual']) {
+ $all_digital = false;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ } while ($i < count($items) && $all_digital);
- return $customerConekta->id;
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- return null;
+ return $all_digital;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate fields
+ *
+ * @param string $phone Customer's phone number
+ * @param array $order_details Order details
+ * @param int $amount Total amount
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function checkedFields($phone = null, $order_details = null, $amount = null)
+ {
+ if (!empty($phone)) {
+ if (strpos($phone, '+') !== false) {
+ return $this->trans(
+ 'The phone number must not contain "+"',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
+ } elseif (Tools::strlen($phone) != 10) {
+ return $this->trans(
+ 'The field Phone must be a string with a maximum length of 10. (Example: 52XXXXXXXX)',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
+ } elseif (!is_numeric($phone)) {
+ return $this->trans(
+ 'The Phone field is not a valid phone number',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $this->trans(
+ 'The phone number is empty',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
+ }
+ if (!empty($order_details)) {
+ if ($order_details['currency'] == 'MXN' && $amount < $this->amount_min) {
+ return $this->trans(
+ 'The minimum purchase amount with Conekta must be greater than $ 20.00',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Admin'
+ );
+ }
+ return true;
@@ -1402,7 +1773,8 @@ public function createCustomer($customer, $params)
private function createWebhook()
- $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ? Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
+ $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ?
+ Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
$iso_code = $this->context->language->iso_code;
@@ -1428,7 +1800,11 @@ private function createWebhook()
$failed_attempts = (integer) Configuration::get('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_FAILED_ATTEMPTS');
// If input is valid, has not been stored and has not failed more than 5 times
- if ($is_valid_url && ($config_url != $url) && ($failed_attempts < 5 && $url != Configuration::get('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_FAILED_URL'))) {
+ if ($is_valid_url
+ && ($config_url != $url)
+ && ($failed_attempts < 5
+ && $url != Configuration::get('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_FAILED_URL'))
+ ) {
try {
$webhooks = \Conekta\Webhook::where();
@@ -1470,15 +1846,24 @@ private function createWebhook()
} else {
if ($url == Configuration::get('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_FAILED_URL')) {
- Configuration::updateValue('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE', "Webhook was already register, try changing webhook!");
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ "Webhook was already register, try changing webhook!"
+ );
$failed_attempts = 0;
} elseif ($failed_attempts >= 5) {
- Configuration::updateValue('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE', "Maximum failed attempts reached!");
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ "Maximum failed attempts reached!"
+ );
} elseif (!$is_valid_url) {
Configuration::updateValue('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE', "Not a valid url!");
} else {
- Configuration::updateValue('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE', "Webhook was already registered in your shop!");
+ Configuration::updateValue(
+ "Webhook was already registered in your shop!"
+ );
if (!empty(Configuration::get('CONEKTA_WEBHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE'))) {
@@ -1518,10 +1903,8 @@ public function getJumps($total, $jumps)
protected function generateCardPaymentForm()
//value by default
- $msi = 0;
$jumps = array( 1 );
if (Configuration::get('PAYMENT_METHS_INSTALLMET')) {
- $msi = 1;
$total = $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal();
$jumps = $this->getJumps($total, $jumps);
@@ -1538,15 +1921,10 @@ protected function generateCardPaymentForm()
'action' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink($this->name, 'validation', array(), true),
- 'months' => $months,
- 'years' => $years,
- 'msi' => $msi,
- 'msi_jumps' => $jumps[0],
- 'test_private_key' => Configuration::get('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY'),
- 'charge_on_demand' => $this->charge_on_demand,
'path' => $this->_path
return $this->context->smarty->fetch('module:conektapaymentsprestashop/views/templates/front/payment_form.tpl');
@@ -1559,7 +1937,8 @@ protected function generateCardPaymentForm()
public function processPayment($conektaOrderId)
- $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ? Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
+ $key = Configuration::get('CONEKTA_MODE') ?
+ Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('CONEKTA_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST');
$iso_code = $this->context->language->iso_code;
@@ -1572,10 +1951,31 @@ public function processPayment($conektaOrderId)
$order = \Conekta\Order::find($conektaOrderId);
$charge_response = $order->charges[0];
$order_status = (int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT');
- $message = $this->l('Conekta Transaction Details:') . "\n\n" . $this->l('Amount:') . ' ' . ($charge_response->amount * 0.01) . "\n" . $this->l('Status:') . ' ' . ($charge_response->status == 'paid' ? $this->l('Paid') : $this->l('Unpaid')) . "\n" . $this->l('Processed on:') . ' ' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $charge_response->created_at) . "\n" . $this->l('Currency:') . ' ' . Tools::strtoupper($charge_response->currency) . "\n" . $this->l('Mode:') . ' ' . ($charge_response->livemode == 'true' ? $this->l('Live') : $this->l('Test')) . "\n";
- $this->validateOrder((int) $this->context->cart->id, (int) $order_status, $order->amount / 100, $this->displayName, $message, array(), null, false, $this->context->customer->secure_key);
+ $message = $this->l('Conekta Transaction Details:')
+ . "\n\n" . $this->l('Amount:')
+ . ' ' . ($charge_response->amount * 0.01)
+ . "\n" . $this->l('Status:')
+ . ' ' . ($charge_response->status == 'paid' ? $this->l('Paid') : $this->l('Unpaid'))
+ . "\n" . $this->l('Processed on:')
+ . ' ' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $charge_response->created_at)
+ . "\n" . $this->l('Currency:')
+ . ' ' . Tools::strtoupper($charge_response->currency)
+ . "\n" . $this->l('Mode:') . ' '
+ . ($charge_response->livemode == 'true' ? $this->l('Live') : $this->l('Test')) . "\n";
+ $this->validateOrder(
+ (int) $this->context->cart->id,
+ (int) $order_status,
+ $order->amount / 100,
+ $this->displayName,
+ $message,
+ array(),
+ null,
+ false,
+ $this->context->customer->secure_key
+ );
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>=')) {
$new_order = new Order((int) $this->currentOrder);
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($new_order)) {
@@ -1586,16 +1986,39 @@ public function processPayment($conektaOrderId)
- $reference = $charge_response->payment_method->reference;
- if (isset($charge_response->id) && $charge_response->payment_method->type == "cash") {
- Database::insertOxxoPayment($order, $charge_response, $reference, $this->currentOrder, $this->context->cart->id);
- } elseif (isset($charge_response->id) && $charge_response->payment_method->type == "spei") {
- Database::insertSpeiPayment($order, $charge_response, $reference, $this->currentOrder, $this->context->cart->id);
+ if (isset($charge_response->id) && Tools::strtolower($charge_response->payment_method->type) == "oxxo") {
+ Database::insertOxxoPayment(
+ $order,
+ $charge_response,
+ $charge_response->payment_method->reference,
+ $this->currentOrder,
+ $this->context->cart->id
+ );
+ } elseif (isset($charge_response->id)
+ && Tools::strtolower($charge_response->payment_method->type) == "spei"
+ ) {
+ Database::insertSpeiPayment(
+ $order,
+ $charge_response,
+ $charge_response->payment_method->clabe,
+ $this->currentOrder,
+ $this->context->cart->id
+ );
} elseif (isset($charge_response->id)) {
- Database::insertCardPayment($order, $charge_response, $this->currentOrder, $this->context->cart->id);
+ Database::insertCardPayment(
+ $order,
+ $charge_response,
+ $this->currentOrder,
+ $this->context->cart->id
+ );
- Database::updateConektaOrder($this->context->customer->id, $this->context->cart->id, $this->conekta_mode, $order->id, $order->charges[0]->status);
+ Database::updateConektaOrder(
+ $this->context->customer->id,
+ $this->context->cart->id,
+ $this->conekta_mode,
+ $order->id,
+ $order->charges[0]->status
+ );
$redirect = $this->context->link->getPageLink(
@@ -1613,13 +2036,24 @@ public function processPayment($conektaOrderId)
$log_message = $e->getMessage() . ' ';
if (class_exists('Logger')) {
- Logger::addLog($this->l('Payment transaction failed') . ' ' . $log_message, 2, null, 'Cart', (int) $this->context->cart->id, true);
+ Logger::addLog(
+ $this->l('Payment transaction failed'). ' ' . $log_message,
+ 2,
+ null,
+ 'Cart',
+ (int) $this->context->cart->id,
+ true
+ );
$message = $e->getMessage() . ' ';
- $controller = Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') ? 'order-opc.php' : 'order.php';
- $location = $this->context->link->getPageLink($controller, true) . (strpos($controller, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . 'step=3&conekta_error=1&message=' . $message . '#conekta_error';
+ $controller = Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') ?
+ 'order-opc.php' : 'order.php';
+ $location = $this->context->link->getPageLink($controller, true)
+ . (strpos($controller, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?')
+ . 'step=3&conekta_error=1&message='
+ . $message . '#conekta_error';
@@ -1686,8 +2120,8 @@ public function getTransactionStatus($order_id)
- 'Test (No payment has been processed and you will'
- .' need to enable the "Live" mode)'
+ "Test (No payment has been processed and you will"
+ ." need to enable the ''Live'' mode)"
diff --git a/controllers/front/validation.php b/controllers/front/validation.php
index 44ac57694..57cd6c0c0 100644
--- a/controllers/front/validation.php
+++ b/controllers/front/validation.php
@@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ public function postProcess()
if (!$authorized) {
- print_r($this->getTranslator()->trans('This payment method is not available.', array(), 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Shop'));
+ print_r($this->getTranslator()->trans(
+ 'This payment method is not available.',
+ array(),
+ 'Modules.ConektaPaymentsPrestashop.Shop'
+ ));
} else {
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {
diff --git a/model/Config.php b/model/Config.php
index e809b2981..1bd2e5070 100644
--- a/model/Config.php
+++ b/model/Config.php
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ public static function getShippingContact($customer = '', $address_delivery = ''
return $shipping_contact;
- public static function getCustomerInfo($customer = '')
+ public static function getCustomerInfo($customer = '', $address_delivery = '')
$customer_info = array(
"name" => $customer->firstname . " " . $customer->lastname,
- // "phone" => $address_delivery->phone,
+ "phone" => $address_delivery->phone,
"email" => $customer->email,
"metadata" => array("soft_validations" => true)
diff --git a/model/Database.php b/model/Database.php
index c791c5731..a32bdd313 100644
--- a/model/Database.php
+++ b/model/Database.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public static function getOrderConekta($order_id)
return Db::getInstance()->getValue(
'SELECT module FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders '
- .'WHERE id_order = ' . pSQL((int) $order_id)
+ . 'WHERE id_order = ' . pSQL((int) $order_id)
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ public static function getConektaTransaction($order_id)
return Db::getInstance()->getRow(
'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction '
- .'WHERE id_order = ' . pSQL((int) $order_id) .
- ' AND type = \'payment\''
+ . 'WHERE id_order = ' . pSQL((int) $order_id)
+ . ' AND type = \'payment\''
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ public static function getConektaTransaction($order_id)
public static function insertOxxoPayment($order, $charge_response, $reference, $currentOrder, $cartId)
return Db::getInstance()->Execute(
- 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction (
- type, id_cart, id_order, id_conekta_order, id_transaction, amount,
- status, currency, mode, date_add, reference, barcode, captured)
- VALUES (\'payment\', ' . pSQL((int) $cartId) . ', ' . pSQL((int) $currentOrder) . ', \''
+ 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction ('
+ . 'type, id_cart, id_order, id_conekta_order, id_transaction, amount,'
+ . 'status, currency, mode, date_add, reference, barcode, captured)'
+ . 'VALUES (\'payment\', ' . pSQL((int) $cartId) . ', ' . pSQL((int) $currentOrder) . ', \''
. pSQL($order->id) . '\', \'' . pSQL($charge_response->id) . '\',\''
. (float) ($order->amount * 0.01) . '\', \''
. ($charge_response->status == 'paid' ? 'paid' : 'unpaid') . '\', \''
@@ -158,7 +158,11 @@ public static function createTableConektaOrder()
id_cart int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`mode` enum(\"live\",\"test\") NOT NULL,
id_conekta_order varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `status` enum(\"paid\",\"unpaid\") NOT NULL,
+ `status` enum(\"paid\",\"pre_authorized\",\"unpaid\",\"pending_payment\",\"expired\",\"voided\","
+ . "\"fraudulent\",\"preauthorized\",\"canceled\",\"pending_confirmation\",\"charged_back\","
+ . "\"partially_refunded\",\"refunded\",\"reversed\",\"approved\",\"declined\",\"in_review\","
+ . "\"insufficient_funds\",\"card_declined\",\"stolen_card\",\"suspected_fraud\","
+ . "\"unprocessable_card_type\") NOT NULL,
KEY id_user (id_user),
KEY id_cart (id_cart),
@@ -184,10 +188,10 @@ public static function createTableConektaOrder()
public static function insertSpeiPayment($order, $charge_response, $reference, $currentOrder, $cartId)
return Db::getInstance()->Execute(
- 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction(
- type, id_cart, id_order, id_conekta_order, id_transaction, amount,
- status, currency, mode, date_add, reference, captured)
- VALUES (\'payment\', ' . (int) $cartId . ', ' . (int) $currentOrder . ', \''
+ 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction('
+ . 'type, id_cart, id_order, id_conekta_order, id_transaction, amount,'
+ . 'status, currency, mode, date_add, reference, captured)'
+ . 'VALUES (\'payment\', ' . (int) $cartId . ', ' . (int) $currentOrder . ', \''
. pSQL($order->id) . '\', \'' . pSQL($charge_response->id) . '\', \''
. (float)($charge_response->amount * 0.01) . '\', \''
. ($charge_response->status == 'paid' ? 'paid' : 'unpaid') . '\', \''
@@ -210,10 +214,10 @@ public static function insertSpeiPayment($order, $charge_response, $reference, $
public static function insertCardPayment($order, $charge_response, $currentOrder, $cartId)
return Db::getInstance()->Execute(
- 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction (
- type, id_cart, id_order, id_conekta_order, id_transaction,
- amount, status, currency, mode, date_add, captured)
- VALUES (\'payment\', ' . (int) $cartId . ', ' . (int) $currentOrder . ', \''
+ 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction ('
+ . 'type, id_cart, id_order, id_conekta_order, id_transaction,'
+ . 'amount, status, currency, mode, date_add, captured)'
+ . 'VALUES (\'payment\', ' . (int) $cartId . ', ' . (int) $currentOrder . ', \''
. pSQL($order->id) . '\', \'' . pSQL($charge_response->id) . '\',\''
. (float)($charge_response->amount * 0.01) . '\', \''
. ($charge_response->status == 'paid' ? 'paid' : 'unpaid') . '\', \''
@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ public static function getOrderById($id_order)
return Db::getInstance()->getRow(
'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'conekta_transaction '
- .'WHERE id_order = ' . pSQL((int) $id_order) . ';'
+ . 'WHERE id_order = ' . pSQL((int) $id_order) . ';'
@@ -250,7 +254,9 @@ public static function getConektaMetadata($user_id, $mode, $meta_options)
$table = _DB_PREFIX_."conekta_metadata";
- $sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM $table WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' AND meta_option = '{$meta_options}' AND `mode` = '{$mode}'";
+ $sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM $table WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' "
+ . "AND meta_option = '{$meta_options}' "
+ . "AND `mode` = '{$mode}'";
return Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
@@ -270,11 +276,13 @@ public static function updateConektaMetadata($user_id, $mode, $meta_options, $me
$table = _DB_PREFIX_."conekta_metadata";
if (empty(Database::getConektaMetadata($user_id, $mode, $meta_options))) {
- $sql = "INSERT INTO $table(id_user, mode, meta_option, meta_value) VALUES ('{$user_id}','{$mode}','{$meta_options}','{$meta_value}')";
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table(id_user, mode, meta_option, meta_value) "
+ . "VALUES ('{$user_id}','{$mode}','{$meta_options}','{$meta_value}')";
} else {
- $sql ="UPDATE $table SET id_user = '{$user_id}', meta_option = '{$meta_options}', meta_value = '{$meta_value}' WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' AND meta_option = '{$meta_options}' AND `mode` = '{$mode}'";
+ $sql ="UPDATE $table SET id_user = '{$user_id}', meta_option = '{$meta_options}', "
+ . "meta_value = '{$meta_value}' WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' AND meta_option = '{$meta_options}' "
+ . "AND `mode` = '{$mode}'";
return Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql);
@@ -291,8 +299,9 @@ public static function getConektaOrder($user_id, $mode, $cart_id)
$table = _DB_PREFIX_."conekta_order_checkout";
- $sql = "SELECT id_conekta_order, `status` FROM $table WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' AND `mode` = '{$mode}' AND `status` = 'unpaid' AND id_cart ='{$cart_id}'";
+ $sql = "SELECT id_conekta_order, `status` FROM $table WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' "
+ . "AND `mode` = '{$mode}' AND `status` = 'unpaid' AND id_cart ='{$cart_id}'";
return Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
@@ -310,13 +319,28 @@ public static function getConektaOrder($user_id, $mode, $cart_id)
public static function updateConektaOrder($user_id, $cart_id, $mode, $id_conekta_order, $status)
$table = _DB_PREFIX_."conekta_order_checkout";
if (empty(Database::getConektaOrder($user_id, $mode, $cart_id))) {
- $sql = "INSERT INTO $table(id_user, id_cart, mode, id_conekta_order, `status`) VALUES ('{$user_id}','{$cart_id}','{$mode}','{$id_conekta_order}', '{$status}')";
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table(id_user, id_cart, mode, id_conekta_order, `status`) "
+ . "VALUES ('{$user_id}','{$cart_id}','{$mode}','{$id_conekta_order}', '{$status}')";
} else {
- $sql = "UPDATE $table SET `status` = '{$status}' WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' AND id_cart = '{$cart_id}' AND id_conekta_order = '{$id_conekta_order}' AND `mode` = '{$mode}'";
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET `status` = '{$status}' WHERE id_user = '{$user_id}' "
+ . "AND id_cart = '{$cart_id}' AND id_conekta_order = '{$id_conekta_order}' AND `mode` = '{$mode}'";
return Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql);
+ /**
+ * Returns the id of the order related to the reference_id
+ *
+ * @param string $reference_id Alphabetical reference code assigned to the order.
+ *
+ * @return array|string
+ */
+ public static function getOrderByReferenceId($reference_id)
+ {
+ $table = _DB_PREFIX_."orders";
+ $sql = "SELECT id_order FROM $table WHERE reference = '{$reference_id}'";
+ return Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
+ }
diff --git a/notification.php b/notification.php
index bfee9294b..934b3aaf1 100644
--- a/notification.php
+++ b/notification.php
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config/config.inc.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../init.php';
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/model/Database.php';
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {
@@ -41,8 +42,9 @@
if ($event_json->type == 'order.paid' && isset($event_json->data)) {
$conekta_order = $event_json->data->object;
- $reference_id = (integer) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
- $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($reference_id);
+ $reference_id = (string) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
+ $result = Database::getOrderByReferenceId($reference_id);
+ $id_order = $result['id_order'];
$order = new Order($id_order);
$order_fields = $order->getFields();
$currency_payment = Currency::getPaymentCurrencies(
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
$total_order_amount = $order->getOrdersTotalPaid();
$str_total_order_amount = (string) $total_order_amount * 100;
if ($currency_payment[0]['iso_code'] === $conekta_order->currency) {
if ($str_total_order_amount == $conekta_order->amount) {
$orderHistory = new OrderHistory();
@@ -71,8 +73,9 @@
} elseif ($event_json->type == 'order.expired' && isset($event_json->data)) {
$conekta_order = $event_json->data->object;
- $reference_id = (integer) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
- $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($reference_id);
+ $reference_id = (string) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
+ $result = Database::getOrderByReferenceId($reference_id);
+ $id_order = $result['id_order'];
. 'orders SET current_state = '. ORDER_CANCELED .' WHERE id_order = '
@@ -80,9 +83,9 @@
} elseif ($event_json->type == 'order.canceled' && isset($event_json->data)) {
$conekta_order = $event_json->data->object;
- $reference_id = (integer) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
- $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($reference_id);
+ $reference_id = (string) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
+ $result = Database::getOrderByReferenceId($reference_id);
+ $id_order = $result['id_order'];
. 'orders SET current_state = '. ORDER_CANCELED .' WHERE id_order = '
@@ -90,9 +93,9 @@
} elseif ($event_json->type == 'order.refunded' && isset($event_json->data)) {
$conekta_order = $event_json->data->object;
- $reference_id = (integer) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
- $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($reference_id);
+ $reference_id = (string) $conekta_order->metadata->reference_id;
+ $result = Database::getOrderByReferenceId($reference_id);
+ $id_order = $result['id_order'];
. 'orders SET current_state = '. ORDER_REFUNDED .' WHERE id_order = '
diff --git a/views/templates/hook/admin-order.tpl b/views/templates/hook/admin-order.tpl
index 7db63d5b3..22e9411bf 100644
--- a/views/templates/hook/admin-order.tpl
+++ b/views/templates/hook/admin-order.tpl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
{l s='Processed on:' mod='conektapaymentsprestashop'} {$processed_on|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
- {l s='Mode:' mod='conektapaymentsprestashop'} {$txt_mode|unescape:"htmlall"}
+ {l s='Mode:' mod='conektapaymentsprestashop'} {$txt_mode|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}