diff --git a/conda_smithy/lint_recipe.py b/conda_smithy/lint_recipe.py
index 67dbdb909..8938fdb1c 100644
--- a/conda_smithy/lint_recipe.py
+++ b/conda_smithy/lint_recipe.py
@@ -413,16 +413,44 @@ def _maintainer_exists(maintainer: str) -> bool:
         gh = _cached_gh()
+            is_user = True
         except github.UnknownObjectException:
-            return False
-        return True
+            is_user = False
+        # for w/e reason, the user endpoint returns an entry for orgs
+        # however the org endpoint does not return an entry for users
+        # so we have to check both
+        try:
+            gh.get_organization(maintainer)
+            is_org = True
+        except github.UnknownObjectException:
+            is_org = False
-        return (
-            requests.get(
-                f"https://api.github.com/users/{maintainer}"
-            ).status_code
-            == 200
+        # this API request has no token and so has a restrictive rate limit
+        # return (
+        #     requests.get(
+        #         f"https://api.github.com/users/{maintainer}"
+        #     ).status_code
+        #     == 200
+        # )
+        # so we check two public URLs instead.
+        # 1. github.com/<maintainer>?tab=repositories - this URL works for all users and all orgs
+        # 2. https://github.com/orgs/<maintainer>/teams - this URL only works for
+        #    orgs so we make sure it fails
+        # we do not allow redirects to ensure we get the correct status code
+        # for the specific URL we requested
+        req_profile = requests.get(
+            f"https://github.com/{maintainer}?tab=repositories",
+            allow_redirects=False,
+        )
+        is_user = req_profile.status_code == 200
+        req_org = requests.get(
+            f"https://github.com/orgs/{maintainer}/teams",
+            allow_redirects=False,
+        is_org = req_org.status_code == 200
+    return is_user and not is_org
diff --git a/news/2171-fix-maintainer_exists.rst b/news/2171-fix-maintainer_exists.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f44239008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/news/2171-fix-maintainer_exists.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* <news item>
+* <news item>
+* <news item>
+* <news item>
+* Fixed a bug in checking in recipe maintainers exist without a GitHub token
+  where the anonymous API would run out of requests. (#2171)
+* <news item>
diff --git a/tests/test_lint_recipe.py b/tests/test_lint_recipe.py
index 4534fd7da..b49f19b31 100644
--- a/tests/test_lint_recipe.py
+++ b/tests/test_lint_recipe.py
@@ -1871,6 +1871,42 @@ def test_maintainer_exists(self):
         expected_message = 'Recipe maintainer "isuruf" does not exist'
         self.assertNotIn(expected_message, lints)
+        lints, _ = linter.lintify_meta_yaml(
+            {"extra": {"recipe-maintainers": ["conda-forge"]}},
+            conda_forge=True,
+        )
+        expected_message = 'Recipe maintainer "conda-forge" does not exist'
+        self.assertIn(expected_message, lints)
+    def test_maintainer_exists_no_token(self):
+        gh_token = os.environ.get("GH_TOKEN", None)
+        try:
+            if "GH_TOKEN" in os.environ:
+                del os.environ["GH_TOKEN"]
+            lints, _ = linter.lintify_meta_yaml(
+                {"extra": {"recipe-maintainers": ["support"]}},
+                conda_forge=True,
+            )
+            expected_message = 'Recipe maintainer "support" does not exist'
+            self.assertIn(expected_message, lints)
+            lints, _ = linter.lintify_meta_yaml(
+                {"extra": {"recipe-maintainers": ["isuruf"]}}, conda_forge=True
+            )
+            expected_message = 'Recipe maintainer "isuruf" does not exist'
+            self.assertNotIn(expected_message, lints)
+            lints, _ = linter.lintify_meta_yaml(
+                {"extra": {"recipe-maintainers": ["conda-forge"]}},
+                conda_forge=True,
+            )
+            expected_message = 'Recipe maintainer "conda-forge" does not exist'
+            self.assertIn(expected_message, lints)
+        finally:
+            if gh_token is not None:
+                os.environ["GH_TOKEN"] = gh_token
     def test_maintainer_team_exists(self):
         lints, _ = linter.lintify_meta_yaml(