Title | Automated Closing of Excessively Old PRs on Staged Recipes |
Status | Accepted |
Author(s) | Matthew R Becker <becker.mr@gmail.com> Christopher J. "CJ" Wright <cjwright4242@gmail.com> |
Created | Nov 15, 2019 |
Updated | Nov 15, 2019 |
Discussion | NA |
Implementation | NA |
While we are still debating CFEP-06 (#9), we can implement a simple bot to close excessively old PRs on staged recipes. Our proposal is to use the GitHub stale bot to close PRs on staged-recipes that are more than 6 months old. The staged-recipes team is charged with both maintaining this bot and deciding on a nice and friendly message.
As of writing, the staged recipes repo has 289 PRs open from 2018 or earlier. Over time, the number of open PRs on staged recipes has grown as PRs are abandoned but not closed. The staged recipes team is busy responding to new PRs and so has not had time to clean out the old PRs. This CFEP adds a minimal level of automation in order to help the team manage the growing number of open PRs.
All CFEPs are explicitly CC0 1.0 Universal.