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James Williams edited this page Aug 1, 2014 · 11 revisions

You can configure how Parrot's Vagrantfile sets things up and adjust settings that built the generated virtual machine.

To configure Parrot, place a file called: config.yml into the root of the parrot directory. You can then add options and values into the file, for example, the defaults are:

sites: "sites"
databases: "databases"
memory: 2048
with_gui: false
ip: ""
php_version: "5.3"
mysql_version: "5.5"
webroot_subdir: ""
box_name: "Parrot"

The syntax is yaml, in case you hadn't guessed.

The options that you can configure are:

  • sites - This is the location relative to the Vagrantfile location that will be searched for directories to add a vhosts.
  • databases - This is the location relative to the Vagrantfile location that will be searched for .sql files that will be automatically imported.
  • memory - The amount of memory to provision the virtual machine with, in MB.
  • with_gui - Show the virtual machine provider's GUI when the virtual machine is booted.
  • ip - The IP address of the provisioned virtual machine. Note that this will need to be unique among running virtual machines on your host machine.
  • php_version - The PHP version to install, valid values are: '5.3', '5.4' or '5.5'. Note that you will need to rebuild the VM if you change this option: vagrant destroy;vagrant up make sure you save any important data first!
  • mysql_version - The MySQL version to install, valid values are: '5.5' or '5.6'. Note that you will need to rebuild the VM if you change this option: vagrant destroy;vagrant up make sure you save any important data first!
  • webroot_subdir - A subdirectory within each sites directory to append to create the Apache vhost doc root. If you use this, you want a leading slash, but not a trailing one.
  • box_name - The identifier of the VM. Useful if you want multiple instances of Parrot to run simultaneously.

Note: to configure forwarded ports, edit the 'Vagrantfile' file at the root of your parrot installation, and take note of the existing forwarded ports. This should be done very carefully! Guest ports with numbers greater than 1024 can be forwarded to the same number on the host, but those lower than 1024 need forwarding to a new number, greater than 1024. Port numbers should be kept unique.

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