diff --git a/.goreleaser.yml b/.goreleaser.yml
index 43456ed9..6328b158 100644
--- a/.goreleaser.yml
+++ b/.goreleaser.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ builds:
- -X github.com/commitdev/zero/version.AppVersion={{.Version}} -X github.com/commitdev/zero/version.AppBuild={{.ShortCommit}}
+ goarch:
+ - amd64
+ - 386
- replacements:
darwin: Darwin
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d05978ce..14c1c2a7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,42 +71,7 @@ ___
## Getting Started
-### How to Install and Configure Zero
-There are multiple ways to install Zero:
-- Install Zero using your systems package manager.
-# MacOS
-brew tap commitdev/zero
-brew install zero
-- Install Zero by downloading the binary.
-Download the latest [Zero binary] for your systems architecture. Unzip your downloaded package and copy the Zero binary to the desired location and add it to your system PATH.
-Zero currently supports:
-| System | Support| Package Manager |
-| MacOS | ✅ | `brew` |
-| Linux | ✅ | `deb, rpm, apk` |
-| Windows | ❌ | n/a |
-### Prerequisites
-In order to use Zero, run the `zero check` command on your system to find out which other tools / dependencies you might need to install.
-[AWS CLI], [Kubectl], [Terraform], [jq], [Git], [Wget]
-You need to [register a new domain](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-register.html) / [host a registered domain](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/MigratingDNS.html) you will use to access your infrastructure on [Amazon Route 53](https://aws.amazon.com/route53/).
-> We recommended you have two domains - one for staging and another for production. For example, mydomain.com and mydomain-staging.com. This will lead to environments that are more similar, rather than trying to use a subdomain like staging.mydomain.com for staging which may cause issues in your app later on.
+[See the getting started guide at the Zero docs site.](https://getzero.dev/docs/zero/getting-started/installation)
### Building blocks of Zero
@@ -120,134 +85,6 @@ Also declares dependency used to determine the order of execution with other mod
See [`zero-module.yml` reference](./docs/module-definition.md) for details.
-## Using zero to spin up your own stack
-Using Zero to spin up your infrastructure and application is easy and straightforward. Using just a few commands, you can configure and deploy your very own scalable, high-performance, production-ready infrastructure.
-A few caveats before getting started:
-- For Zero to provision resources, you will need to be authenticated with AWS [(authenticate with aws-cli)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html#cli-configure-files-methods).
-- It is recommended practice to [create a GitHub org](https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/creating-a-new-organization-from-scratch) where your code is going to live. If you choose, after creating your codebases, Zero will automatically create repositories and check in your code for you. You will need to [create a Personal Access Token](https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token) to enable this.
- If using CircleCI as your build pipeline ...
- - Grant [CircleCi Organization access](https://github.com/settings/connections/applications/78a2ba87f071c28e65bb) to your repositories to allow pulling the code during the build pipeline.
- - You will need to [create a CircleCi access token](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/managing-api-tokens/) and enter it during the setup process; you should store your generated tokens securely.
- - For your CI build to work, you need to opt into the use of third-party orbs. You can find this in your CircleCi Org Setting > Security > Allow Uncertified Orbs.
-### zero init
-The `zero init` command creates a new project and outputs an infrastructure configuration file with user input prompted responses into a file. -> 📁 `YOUR_PROJECT_NAME/zero-project.yml`
-# To create and customize a new project you run
-$ zero init
-## Sample project initialization
-✔ Project Name: myapp-infra
-🎉 Initializing project
-✔ EKS + Go + React + Gatsby
-✔ Should the created projects be checked into github automatically? (y/n): y
-✔ What's the root of the github org to create repositories in?: github.com/myapp-org
-✔ Existing AWS Profiles
-✔ default
-Github personal access token: used for creating repositories for your project
-Requires the following permissions: [repo::public_repo, admin::orgread:org]
-The token can be created at https://github.com/settings/tokens
-✔ Github Personal Access Token with access to the above organization:
-CircleCI api token: used for setting up CI/CD for your project
-The token can be created at https://app.circleci.com/settings/user/tokens
-✔ Circleci api key for CI/CD:
-✔ us-west-2
-✔ Production Root Host Name (e.g. mydomain.com) - this must be the root of the chosen domain, not a subdomain.: commitzero.com
-✔ Production Frontend Host Name (e.g. app.): app.
-✔ Production Backend Host Name (e.g. api.): api.
-✔ Staging Root Host Name (e.g. mydomain-staging.com) - this must be the root of the chosen domain, not a subdomain.: commitzero-stage.com
-✔ Staging Frontend Host Name (e.g. app.): app.
-✔ Staging Backend Host Name (e.g. api.): api.
-✔ What do you want to call the zero-aws-eks-stack project?: infrastructure
-✔ What do you want to call the zero-deployable-backend project?: backend-service
-✔ What do you want to call the zero-deployable-react-frontend project?: frontend
-### zero create
-The `zero create` command renders the infrastructure modules you've configured into your project folder and pushes your code to GitHub.
-# Template the selected modules and configuration specified in zero-project.yml and push to the repository.
-$ cd zero-init # change your working dir to YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
-$ zero create
-## Sample Output
-🕰 Fetching Modules
-📝 Rendering Modules
- Finished templating : backend-service/.circleci/README.md
-✅ Finished templating : backend-service/.circleci/config.yml
-✅ Finished templating : backend-service/.gitignore
-✅ Finished templating : infrastructure/terraform/modules/vpc/versions.tf
-⬆ Done Rendering - committing repositories to version control.
-✅ Repository created: github.com/myapp-org/infrastructure
-✅ Repository created: github.com/myapp-org/backend-service
-✅ Repository created: github.com/myapp-org/frontend
-✅ Done - run zero apply to create any required infrastructure or execute any other remote commands to prepare your environments.
-### zero apply
-The `zero apply` command takes the templated modules generated based on your input and spins up a scalable & performant infrastructure for you!
-_Note that this can take 20 minutes or more depending on your choices, as it is waiting for all the provisioned infrastructure to be created_
-$ zero apply
-# Sample Output
-Choose the environments to apply. This will create infrastructure, CI pipelines, etc.
-At this point, real things will be generated that may cost money!
-Only a single environment may be suitable for an initial test, but for a real system we suggest setting up both staging and production environments.
-✔ Production
-🎉 Bootstrapping project zero-init. Please use the zero-project.yml file to modify the project as needed.
-Cloud provider: AWS
-Runtime platform: Kubernetes
-Infrastructure executor: Terraform
-✅ Done.
-Your projects and infrastructure have been successfully created. Here are some useful links and commands to get you started:
-- Repository URL: github.com/myapp-org/infrastructure
-- To see your kubernetes clusters, run: 'kubectl config get-contexts'
-- To switch to a cluster, use the following commands:
-- for production use: kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:123456789:cluster/myapp-infra-production-us-west-2
-- To inspect the selected cluster, run 'kubectl get node,service,deployment,pods'
-- Repository URL: github.com/myapp-org/frontend
-- Deployment Pipeline URL: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/myapp-org/frontend
-- Production Landing Page: app.commitzero.com
-- Repository URL: github.com/myapp-org/backend-service
-- Deployment Pipeline URL: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/myapp-org/backend-service
-- Production API: api.commitzero.com
-***Your stack is now up and running, follow the links in your terminal to visit your application 🎉***
## Zero Default Stack
@@ -258,10 +95,10 @@ The core zero modules currently available are:
| Project | URL |
| AWS Infrastructure | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-aws-eks-stack](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-aws-eks-stack) |
-| Backend (Go) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-backend](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-backend) |
-| Backend (Node.js) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-node-backend](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-node-backend) |
-| Frontend (React) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-react-frontend](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-react-frontend) |
-| Static Site (Gatsby) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-landing-page](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-landing-page) |
+| Backend (Go) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-backend-go](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-backend-go) |
+| Backend (Node.js) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-backend-node](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-backend-node) |
+| Frontend (React) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-frontend-react](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-frontend-react) |
+| Static Site (Gatsby) | [https://github.com/commitdev/zero-static-site-gatsby](https://github.com/commitdev/zero-static-site-gatsby) |
@@ -313,17 +150,11 @@ Why is my deployed application not yet accessible?
- It takes about 20 - 35 mins for your deployed application to be globally available through AWS CloudFront CDN.
-[git]: https://git-scm.com
-[kubectl]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/
-[jq]: https://github.com/stedolan/jq
-[AWS CLI]: https://aws.amazon.com/cli/
[acw]: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/
[vpc]: https://aws.amazon.com/vpc/
[iam]: https://aws.amazon.com/iam/
[asg]: https://aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/
[zero binary]: https://github.com/commitdev/zero/releases/
-[Wget]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33886917/how-to-install-wget-in-macos
[and more]: https://github.com/commitdev/zero-aws-eks-stack/blob/master/docs/resources.md
[terraform]: https://terraform.io
[letsencrypt]: https://letsencrypt.org/
diff --git a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/prerequisites.md b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/prerequisites.md
index f99054be..2168d016 100644
--- a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/prerequisites.md
+++ b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/prerequisites.md
@@ -4,6 +4,31 @@ sidebar_label: Prerequisites
sidebar_position: 2
+Using Zero to spin up your infrastructure and application is easy and straightforward. Using just a few commands, you can configure and deploy your very own scalable, high-performance, production-ready infrastructure.
+A few caveats before getting started:
+- For Zero to provision resources, you will need to be [authenticated with the AWS CLI tool ](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html#cli-configure-files-methods).
+- It is recommended practice to [create a GitHub org](https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/creating-a-new-organization-from-scratch) where your code is going to live. If you choose, after creating your codebases, Zero will automatically create repositories and check in your code for you. You will need to [create a Personal Access Token](https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token) to enable this.
+ If using CircleCI as your build pipeline...
+ -
+ Grant CircleCi Organization access to your repositories to allow pulling the code during the build pipeline.
+ -
+ You will need to create a CircleCi access token and enter it during the setup process; you should store your generated tokens securely.
+ -
+ For your CI build to work, you need to opt into the use of third-party orbs. You can find this in your CircleCi Org Setting > Security > Allow Uncertified Orbs.
### `zero check`
In order to use Zero, run the `zero check` command on your system to find out which other tools / dependencies you might need to install.
@@ -13,5 +38,13 @@ In order to use Zero, run the `zero check` command on your system to find out wh
You need to [register a new domain](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-register.html) / [host a registered domain](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/MigratingDNS.html) you will use to access your infrastructure on [Amazon Route 53](https://aws.amazon.com/route53/).
-> We recommended you have two domains - one for staging and another for production. For example, mydomain.com and mydomain-staging.com. This will lead to environments that are more similar, rather than trying to use a subdomain like staging.mydomain.com for staging which may cause issues in your app later on.
+ We recommended you have two domains - one for staging and another for production. For example, mydomain.com and mydomain-staging.com. This will lead to environments that are more similar, rather than trying to use a subdomain like staging.mydomain.com for staging which may cause issues in your app later on.
+[AWS CLI]: https://aws.amazon.com/cli/
+[git]: https://git-scm.com
+[kubectl]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/
+[jq]: https://github.com/stedolan/jq
+[Wget]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33886917/how-to-install-wget-in-macos
diff --git a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-apply.md b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-apply.md
index 850ba824..7b2f0b2a 100644
--- a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-apply.md
+++ b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-apply.md
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ sidebar_position: 5
The `zero apply` command takes the templated modules generated based on your input and spins up a scalable & performant infrastructure for you!
-_Note that this can take 20 minutes or more depending on your choices, as it is waiting for all the provisioned infrastructure to be created_
+This can take 20 minutes or more depending on your choices, as it must wait for all the provisioned infrastructure to be created
$ zero apply
@@ -33,12 +36,12 @@ zero-aws-eks-stack:
- for production use: kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:123456789:cluster/myapp-infra-production-us-west-2
- To inspect the selected cluster, run 'kubectl get node,service,deployment,pods'
- Repository URL: github.com/myapp-org/frontend
- Deployment Pipeline URL: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/myapp-org/frontend
- Production Landing Page: app.commitzero.com
- Repository URL: github.com/myapp-org/backend-service
- Deployment Pipeline URL: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/myapp-org/backend-service
- Production API: api.commitzero.com
diff --git a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-create.md b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-create.md
index d06c4fae..01b2b9ae 100644
--- a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-create.md
+++ b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-create.md
@@ -27,4 +27,6 @@ $ zero create
✅ Done - run zero apply to create any required infrastructure or execute any other remote commands to prepare your environments.
\ No newline at end of file
+After this step you will be able to examine the created repositories before proceeding to `zero apply`. If you chose not to have zero create a repository for you, you can still use the `zero apply` command to create the infrastructure but you will need to check these repositories into your version control system of choice.
diff --git a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-init.md b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-init.md
index daffa527..461b31e5 100644
--- a/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-init.md
+++ b/doc-site/docs/getting-started/zero-init.md
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ The token can be created at https://app.circleci.com/settings/user/tokens
✔ Staging Frontend Host Name (e.g. app.): app.
✔ Staging Backend Host Name (e.g. api.): api.
✔ What do you want to call the zero-aws-eks-stack project?: infrastructure
-✔ What do you want to call the zero-deployable-backend project?: backend-service
-✔ What do you want to call the zero-deployable-react-frontend project?: frontend
+✔ What do you want to call the zero-backend-go project?: backend-service
+✔ What do you want to call the zero-frontend-react project?: frontend
\ No newline at end of file
+After this step you will be able to examine the `zero-project.yml` file to ensure your settings are correct before proceeding to `zero create`.
diff --git a/doc-site/src/components/HomepageTrustedBy.js b/doc-site/src/components/HomepageTrustedBy.js
index be1eb9b6..04a65bea 100644
--- a/doc-site/src/components/HomepageTrustedBy.js
+++ b/doc-site/src/components/HomepageTrustedBy.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const trustedByData = [
img: "img/partners/atlasone.png",
- src: "https://atlasone.ca/",
+ src: "https://www.atlasone.ca/",
img: "img/partners/placeholder.png",
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ export default function TrustedByCarousel() {
Trusted By
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internal/config/projectconfig/project_config_test.go b/internal/config/projectconfig/project_config_test.go
index 2614f571..8e585b6b 100644
--- a/internal/config/projectconfig/project_config_test.go
+++ b/internal/config/projectconfig/project_config_test.go
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ func TestLoadConfig(t *testing.T) {
func eksGoReactSampleModules() projectconfig.Modules {
parameters := projectconfig.Parameters{"a": "b"}
return projectconfig.Modules{
- "aws-eks-stack": projectconfig.NewModule(parameters, "zero-aws-eks-stack", "github.com/something/repo1", "github.com/commitdev/zero-aws-eks-stack", []string{}, []projectconfig.Condition{}),
- "deployable-backend": projectconfig.NewModule(parameters, "zero-deployable-backend", "github.com/something/repo2", "github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-backend", []string{}, []projectconfig.Condition{}),
- "deployable-react-frontend": projectconfig.NewModule(parameters, "zero-deployable-react-frontend", "github.com/something/repo3", "github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-react-frontend", []string{}, []projectconfig.Condition{}),
+ "aws-eks-stack": projectconfig.NewModule(parameters, "zero-aws-eks-stack", "github.com/something/repo1", "github.com/commitdev/zero-aws-eks-stack", []string{}, []projectconfig.Condition{}),
+ "backend-go": projectconfig.NewModule(parameters, "zero-backend-go", "github.com/something/repo2", "github.com/commitdev/zero-backend-go", []string{}, []projectconfig.Condition{}),
+ "frontend-react": projectconfig.NewModule(parameters, "zero-frontend-react", "github.com/something/repo3", "github.com/commitdev/zero-frontend-react", []string{}, []projectconfig.Condition{}),
@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@ modules:
dir: zero-aws-eks-stack
repo: github.com/something/repo1
source: github.com/commitdev/zero-aws-eks-stack
- deployable-backend:
+ backend-go:
a: b
- dir: zero-deployable-backend
+ dir: zero-backend-go
repo: github.com/something/repo2
- source: github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-backend
- deployable-react-frontend:
+ source: github.com/commitdev/zero-backend-go
+ frontend-react:
a: b
- dir: zero-deployable-react-frontend
+ dir: zero-frontend-react
repo: github.com/something/repo3
- source: github.com/commitdev/zero-deployable-react-frontend
+ source: github.com/commitdev/zero-frontend-react
diff --git a/internal/registry/registry.go b/internal/registry/registry.go
index 6d345299..1631342b 100644
--- a/internal/registry/registry.go
+++ b/internal/registry/registry.go
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ func GetRegistry(path string) Registry {
"EKS + Go + React + Gatsby",
path + "/zero-aws-eks-stack",
- path + "/zero-deployable-landing-page",
- path + "/zero-deployable-backend",
- path + "/zero-deployable-react-frontend",
+ path + "/zero-static-site-gatsby",
+ path + "/zero-backend-go",
+ path + "/zero-frontend-react",
"EKS + NodeJS + React + Gatsby",
path + "/zero-aws-eks-stack",
- path + "/zero-deployable-landing-page",
- path + "/zero-deployable-node-backend",
- path + "/zero-deployable-react-frontend",
+ path + "/zero-static-site-gatsby",
+ path + "/zero-backend-node",
+ path + "/zero-frontend-react",