issues, but in a simple txt file
- An in game bot that represents the HackRPG server!
- Also, an in game bot that represents the stream!
- A person can feel the investment in their workspace group patterns
- consistency in the workspace (all components work)
- anytime access to any workspace (dynamically booted when needed)
- workspace flow:
- persist dynamic app
- select workspace
- select app in workspace (maybe we already have this for free)
- resize app
- move app
- register control keys
- start move
- stop move (can probably be the same key)
- have app blit to the screen when moving
- update the app coordinates
- register control keys
- name the workspace
- (there are too many controls, maybe I need a menu)
- get blender objs rendering textures properly
- exit window mode (super + e functionality, but zmqapi call)
- create positionable at camera position ("spawn Positionables where I'm at")
- bind click to various commands like screenshot (maybe use mousewheel to scroll through the functions)
- Fix crashes (TBC)
- fix lighting acne (distanced)
- fix lighting distance (it creates a circle pattern (look at the key area))
- fix load app spun around bug
- fix how transparent objects work with apps
Add music overlay so that if I listen to copywritten music, stream viewers can listen along to the same music synced with the silent video
Demo full speed, real time, networked multiplayer, add video link to readme
Reload dynamically created windows
Intuitive window repositioning
can only display 10 apps concurrently bug
keep list of unsupported applications
STACK for hotkey, top of stack is "1".
implement some sort of gravity
- Fix the unfocused screen direct draw bug
- controls for player speed in game
- click to focus
- fix the need to press hotkey to focus after app creation sometimes bug (kind of fixed, just use mouse click)
- Enable rearranging of hotkeys
- proposal 1: swapping system
- add HackMatrix to apt and pacman repos (aur should be simple)