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CoinTiger-API edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 10 revisions

CoinTiger API document

CoinTiger provides stable and secure APIs. You can get the latest market data and trade via the APIs. Your trade-bot can run your algorithms to arbitrage or hedge. Now there are hundreds of algorithms in CoinTiger working safely.

API Request Address

Request type Request address foundation
https Trading_Macro_v2 = new verision of trading(Recommended)
https Trading_Macro = history version of trading(Deprecated)
https Market_Macro = market information
websocket wss://

Create API key

Please visit 【】-[Account] – [API control] – [create the new key] to create your own API Key.

Request Process

There are REST and Websocket two methods of Public Api Request; REST is the only method for Private Trading Api Request.

• Public Api

REST:Require all trading pairs information , check system current time , all transaction information of all coins for last 24 hours, history transaction data of single trading pair, history K line data of single trading pair, ask/bid orders of single trading pair,and transaction data of single trading pair.

Websocket: Require transaction data of specific coins last 24 hours, data of ask/bid orders, real time data of K line, history data of K line, latest transaction data , and history transaction data.

• Private Trading Api

Private Trading Api was used to create/cancel bunch of orders, check current orders and history orders, transaction details ,order information and balance

API Request limits

Both Public Api and Private Trading Api has a request limits.


For every IP, API's access limit is 6times/second.


For every IP, API's access limit is 6times/second.

API Trading Restriction

  1. If a user has a huge amount of order cancellations(≥300 orders per day) detected by our system, CoinTiger will restrict the user's API orders.

  2. Your assets will be frozen by CoinTiger if your account has malicious actions.

  3. CoinTiger reserves the right to freeze suspicious users' account at all times and to pursue their legal responsibility.

API Request Step

• BaseURL

​,Standby domain (we suggest you to create two domain name switching function)

• Sign Verification


​ Rest require header must carry parameter, and meet RFC criterion, for example:

                  Language : zh_CN
                  User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0(Macintosh;U;IntelMacOSX10_6_8;en-
                  Referer :

Private Trading APi needs to do the sigh verification ,and Public Api do not.
Private Trading API sign rules


Request and subscription introduction

API list


Websocket Api

API community

Welcome to CoinTiger API Telegram Group

API demo

  1. Python :

  2. Go :

  3. Java :

  4. C# :

Websocket API Interface

REST API Interface

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