Clean Xcode project
xcode-project clean [-h] [--log-stream STREAM] [--no-color] [--version] [-s] [-v]
[--target TARGET_NAME]
[--scheme SCHEME_NAME]
[--xcpretty-options OPTIONS]
Path to Xcode project (*.xcodeproj)
Path to Xcode workspace (*.xcworkspace)
Name of the Xcode Target
Name of the Xcode build configuration
Name of the Xcode Scheme
Do not use XCPretty formatter to process log output
Command line options for xcpretty formatter. For example "--no-color" or "--simple --no-utf". Default: --color
show this help message and exit
Log output stream. Default stderr
Do not use ANSI colors to format terminal output
Show tool version and exit
Disable log output for commands
Enable verbose logging for commands