These are all my config files. There are two branches; master and gentoo. Master is for my arch machine and gentoo is for my gentoo machine. They're mostly the same, but if you're not a gentoo user then I recommend you pull from the master branch instead.
I use Dwm, fish shell, neovim and most of suckless' tools. Dwm might be the easiest window manager to configure, you don't need to know any C at all. They're a few videos on YouTube on how to patch it, and once you're done, you never have to tweak it again. There's a patches
directory with a list of all the patches.
The zsh config I took from Chris the machine.
A lot of my stuff I've forked or borrowed from Luke Smith. You'll find I have his:
- Scripts for a lot of useful stuff
- Fork of st
- Lf settings
- Sxiv settings
- mutt-wizard
You'll notice that my file structure looks different. That's because I'm using GNU stow. Here's a video from Chris the machine explaining how to use it. He's also the main developer for lunarvim.
Download stow
and git
Clone into your $HOME
directory or ~
You'll also need a nerd font to view icons with my set up.
git clone ~
Run stow
to symlink everything or select any config files you want.
stow */ # this gets everything; the '/' ignores the README
stow fish # Only my fish config