Improve tests to temporarily downgrade to Xdebug 3.4.1 due to segfaults
Improve tests to temporarily downgrade to Xdebug 3.4.1 due to segfaults
Force push
Improve tests to temporarily downgrade to Xdebug 3.4.1 due to segfaults
Improve tests to temporarily downgrade to Xdebug 3.4.1 due to segfaults
Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable types
Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable types
Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable types
Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable types
Force push
Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable types
Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable types
Update test suite and remove legacy PHPUnit workarounds
Update test suite and remove legacy PHPUnit workarounds
Force push
Update test suite and remove legacy PHPUnit workarounds
Update test suite and remove legacy PHPUnit workarounds
Force push
Update test suite and remove legacy PHPUnit workarounds
Update test suite and remove legacy PHPUnit workarounds
Drop deprecated alternative Connector
constructor argument order
Drop deprecated alternative
constructor argument orderDrop deprecated Server
class, use SocketServer
Drop deprecated
class, use SocketServer
insteadForce push
Drop deprecated Server
class, use SocketServer
Drop deprecated
class, use SocketServer
insteadFix cancelling happy eyeballs when IPv6 resolution is pending
Fix cancelling happy eyeballs when IPv6 resolution is pending
Use Promise v3 template types
Use Promise v3 template types
Force push
Update test suite to avoid unhandled promise rejections
Update test suite to avoid unhandled promise rejections
Include timeout logic to avoid dependency on reactphp/promise-timer
Include timeout logic to avoid dependency on reactphp/promise-timer
Force push