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h1:vN9eftEi1UMyUsIF80+uQXhHjbXYbm0uXoFCACuMGWk= google.golang.org/protobuf v0.0.0-20200109180630-ec00e32a8dfd/go.mod h1:DFci5gLYBciE7Vtevhsrf46CRTquxDuWsQurQQe4oz8= google.golang.org/protobuf v0.0.0-20200221191635-4d8936d0db64/go.mod h1:kwYJMbMJ01Woi6D6+Kah6886xMZcty6N08ah7+eCXa0= google.golang.org/protobuf v0.0.0-20200228230310-ab0ca4ff8a60/go.mod h1:cfTl7dwQJ+fmap5saPgwCLgHXTUD7jkjRqWcaiX5VyM= @@ -564,6 +579,7 @@ google.golang.org/protobuf v1.24.0/go.mod h1:r/3tXBNzIEhYS9I1OUVjXDlt8tc493IdKGj google.golang.org/protobuf v1.25.0/go.mod h1:9JNX74DMeImyA3h4bdi1ymwjUzf21/xIlbajtzgsN7c= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.26.0-rc.1/go.mod h1:jlhhOSvTdKEhbULTjvd4ARK9grFBp09yW+WbY/TyQbw= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.26.0/go.mod h1:9q0QmTI4eRPtz6boOQmLYwt+qCgq0jsYwAQnmE0givc= +google.golang.org/protobuf v1.27.1/go.mod h1:9q0QmTI4eRPtz6boOQmLYwt+qCgq0jsYwAQnmE0givc= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.0 h1:w43yiav+6bVFTBQFZX0r7ipe9JQ1QsbMgHwbBziscLw= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.0/go.mod h1:HV8QOd/L58Z+nl8r43ehVNZIU/HEI6OcFqwMG9pJV4I= gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6 h1:jMFz6MfLP0/4fUyZle81rXUoxOBFi19VUFKVDOQfozc= diff --git a/vendor/code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes/README.md b/vendor/code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes/README.md index 94555c2d..9f02b4df 100644 --- a/vendor/code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes/README.md +++ b/vendor/code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes/README.md @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ [![GoDoc][go-doc-badge]][go-doc] +If you have any questions, or want to get attention for a PR or issue please reach out on the [#logging-and-metrics channel in the cloudfoundry slack](https://cloudfoundry.slack.com/archives/CUW93AF3M) + Diodes are ring buffers manipulated via atomics. Diodes are optimized for high throughput scenarios where losing data is diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CHANGELOG.md index a438fe4b..cc01c08f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CHANGELOG.md @@ -7,9 +7,27 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0 ## [Unreleased] +## [1.5.4] - 2022-04-25 + +* Windows: add missing defer to `Watcher.WatchList` [#447](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/447) +* go.mod: use latest x/sys [#444](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/444) +* Fix compilation for OpenBSD [#443](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/443) + +## [1.5.3] - 2022-04-22 + +* This version is retracted. An incorrect branch is published accidentally [#445](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/445) + +## [1.5.2] - 2022-04-21 + +* Add a feature to return the directories and files that are being monitored [#374](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/374) +* Fix potential crash on windows if `raw.FileNameLength` exceeds `syscall.MAX_PATH` [#361](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/361) +* Allow build on unsupported GOOS [#424](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/424) +* Don't set `poller.fd` twice in `newFdPoller` [#406](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/406) +* fix go vet warnings: call to `(*T).Fatalf` from a non-test goroutine [#416](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/416) + ## [1.5.1] - 2021-08-24 -* Revert Add AddRaw to not follow symlinks +* Revert Add AddRaw to not follow symlinks [#394](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/394) ## [1.5.0] - 2021-08-20 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CONTRIBUTING.md b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CONTRIBUTING.md index 828a60b2..8a642563 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -48,18 +48,6 @@ fsnotify uses build tags to compile different code on Linux, BSD, macOS, and Win Before doing a pull request, please do your best to test your changes on multiple platforms, and list which platforms you were able/unable to test on. -To aid in cross-platform testing there is a Vagrantfile for Linux and BSD. - -* Install [Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/) and [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) -* Setup [Vagrant Gopher](https://github.com/nathany/vagrant-gopher) in your `src` folder. -* Run `vagrant up` from the project folder. You can also setup just one box with `vagrant up linux` or `vagrant up bsd` (note: the BSD box doesn't support Windows hosts at this time, and NFS may prompt for your host OS password) -* Once setup, you can run the test suite on a given OS with a single command `vagrant ssh linux -c 'cd fsnotify/fsnotify; go test'`. -* When you're done, you will want to halt or destroy the Vagrant boxes. - -Notice: fsnotify file system events won't trigger in shared folders. The tests get around this limitation by using the /tmp directory. - -Right now there is no equivalent solution for Windows and macOS, but there are Windows VMs [freely available from Microsoft](http://www.modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools#downloads). - ### Maintainers Help maintaining fsnotify is welcome. To be a maintainer: @@ -67,11 +55,6 @@ Help maintaining fsnotify is welcome. To be a maintainer: * Submit a pull request and sign the CLA as above. * You must be able to run the test suite on Mac, Windows, Linux and BSD. -To keep master clean, the fsnotify project uses the "apply mail" workflow outlined in Nathaniel Talbott's post ["Merge pull request" Considered Harmful][am]. This requires installing [hub][]. - All code changes should be internal pull requests. Releases are tagged using [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). - -[hub]: https://github.com/github/hub -[am]: http://blog.spreedly.com/2014/06/24/merge-pull-request-considered-harmful/#.VGa5yZPF_Zs diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/README.md b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/README.md index df57b1b2..0731c5ef 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/README.md @@ -1,12 +1,8 @@ # File system notifications for Go -[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) +[![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) [![Maintainers Wanted](https://img.shields.io/badge/maintainers-wanted-red.svg)](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/413) -fsnotify utilizes [golang.org/x/sys](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/sys) rather than `syscall` from the standard library. Ensure you have the latest version installed by running: - -```console -go get -u golang.org/x/sys/... -``` +fsnotify utilizes [`golang.org/x/sys`](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/sys) rather than [`syscall`](https://pkg.go.dev/syscall) from the standard library. Cross platform: Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS. @@ -16,22 +12,20 @@ Cross platform: Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS. | kqueue | BSD, macOS, iOS\* | Supported | | ReadDirectoryChangesW | Windows | Supported | | FSEvents | macOS | [Planned](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11) | -| FEN | Solaris 11 | [In Progress](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/12) | -| fanotify | Linux 2.6.37+ | [Planned](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/114) | +| FEN | Solaris 11 | [In Progress](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/371) | +| fanotify | Linux 2.6.37+ | [Maybe](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/114) | | USN Journals | Windows | [Maybe](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/53) | | Polling | *All* | [Maybe](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/9) | \* Android and iOS are untested. -Please see [the documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) and consult the [FAQ](#faq) for usage information. +Please see [the documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) and consult the [FAQ](#faq) for usage information. ## API stability -fsnotify is a fork of [howeyc/fsnotify](https://godoc.org/github.com/howeyc/fsnotify) with a new API as of v1.0. The API is based on [this design document](http://goo.gl/MrYxyA). - -All [releases](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/releases) are tagged based on [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). Further API changes are [planned](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/milestones), and will be tagged with a new major revision number. +fsnotify is a fork of [howeyc/fsnotify](https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify) with a new API as of v1.0. The API is based on [this design document](http://goo.gl/MrYxyA). -Go 1.6 supports dependencies located in the `vendor/` folder. Unless you are creating a library, it is recommended that you copy fsnotify into `vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify` within your project, and likewise for `golang.org/x/sys`. +All [releases](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/releases) are tagged based on [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## Usage @@ -84,10 +78,6 @@ func main() { Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING][] before opening an issue or pull request. -## Example - -See [example_test.go](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/blob/master/example_test.go). - ## FAQ **When a file is moved to another directory is it still being watched?** diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/fsnotify_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/fsnotify_unsupported.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59688559 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/fsnotify_unsupported.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !darwin && !dragonfly && !freebsd && !openbsd && !linux && !netbsd && !solaris && !windows +// +build !darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!openbsd,!linux,!netbsd,!solaris,!windows + +package fsnotify + +import ( + "fmt" + "runtime" +) + +// Watcher watches a set of files, delivering events to a channel. +type Watcher struct{} + +// NewWatcher establishes a new watcher with the underlying OS and begins waiting for events. +func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("fsnotify not supported on %s", runtime.GOOS) +} + +// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel. +func (w *Watcher) Close() error { + return nil +} + +// Add starts watching the named file or directory (non-recursively). +func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error { + return nil +} + +// Remove stops watching the the named file or directory (non-recursively). +func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify.go b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify.go index eb87699b..a6d0e0ec 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify.go @@ -163,6 +163,19 @@ func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error { return nil } +// WatchList returns the directories and files that are being monitered. +func (w *Watcher) WatchList() []string { + w.mu.Lock() + defer w.mu.Unlock() + + entries := make([]string, 0, len(w.watches)) + for pathname := range w.watches { + entries = append(entries, pathname) + } + + return entries +} + type watch struct { wd uint32 // Watch descriptor (as returned by the inotify_add_watch() syscall) flags uint32 // inotify flags of this watch (see inotify(7) for the list of valid flags) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify_poller.go b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify_poller.go index e9ff9439..b572a37c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify_poller.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/inotify_poller.go @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ func newFdPoller(fd int) (*fdPoller, error) { poller.close() } }() - poller.fd = fd // Create epoll fd poller.epfd, errno = unix.EpollCreate1(unix.EPOLL_CLOEXEC) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/kqueue.go b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/kqueue.go index 368f5b79..6fb8d853 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/kqueue.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/kqueue.go @@ -148,6 +148,19 @@ func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error { return nil } +// WatchList returns the directories and files that are being monitered. +func (w *Watcher) WatchList() []string { + w.mu.Lock() + defer w.mu.Unlock() + + entries := make([]string, 0, len(w.watches)) + for pathname := range w.watches { + entries = append(entries, pathname) + } + + return entries +} + // Watch all events (except NOTE_EXTEND, NOTE_LINK, NOTE_REVOKE) const noteAllEvents = unix.NOTE_DELETE | unix.NOTE_WRITE | unix.NOTE_ATTRIB | unix.NOTE_RENAME diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/windows.go b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/windows.go index c02b75f7..02ce7deb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/windows.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" + "reflect" "runtime" "sync" "syscall" @@ -96,6 +97,21 @@ func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error { return <-in.reply } +// WatchList returns the directories and files that are being monitered. +func (w *Watcher) WatchList() []string { + w.mu.Lock() + defer w.mu.Unlock() + + entries := make([]string, 0, len(w.watches)) + for _, entry := range w.watches { + for _, watchEntry := range entry { + entries = append(entries, watchEntry.path) + } + } + + return entries +} + const ( // Options for AddWatch sysFSONESHOT = 0x80000000 @@ -452,8 +468,16 @@ func (w *Watcher) readEvents() { // Point "raw" to the event in the buffer raw := (*syscall.FileNotifyInformation)(unsafe.Pointer(&watch.buf[offset])) - buf := (*[syscall.MAX_PATH]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&raw.FileName)) - name := syscall.UTF16ToString(buf[:raw.FileNameLength/2]) + // TODO: Consider using unsafe.Slice that is available from go1.17 + // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51187973/how-to-create-an-array-or-a-slice-from-an-array-unsafe-pointer-in-golang + // instead of using a fixed syscall.MAX_PATH buf, we create a buf that is the size of the path name + size := int(raw.FileNameLength / 2) + var buf []uint16 + sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)) + sh.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&raw.FileName)) + sh.Len = size + sh.Cap = size + name := syscall.UTF16ToString(buf) fullname := filepath.Join(watch.path, name) var mask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector.go index 08195b41..4d792aa2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector.go @@ -197,14 +197,6 @@ func goRuntimeMemStats() memStatsMetrics { ), eval: func(ms *runtime.MemStats) float64 { return float64(ms.NextGC) }, valType: GaugeValue, - }, { - desc: NewDesc( - memstatNamespace("gc_cpu_fraction"), - "The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started.", - nil, nil, - ), - eval: func(ms *runtime.MemStats) float64 { return ms.GCCPUFraction }, - valType: GaugeValue, }, } } @@ -268,7 +260,6 @@ func (c *baseGoCollector) Collect(ch chan<- Metric) { quantiles[0.0] = stats.PauseQuantiles[0].Seconds() ch <- MustNewConstSummary(c.gcDesc, uint64(stats.NumGC), stats.PauseTotal.Seconds(), quantiles) ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.gcLastTimeDesc, GaugeValue, float64(stats.LastGC.UnixNano())/1e9) - ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.goInfoDesc, GaugeValue, 1) } @@ -278,6 +269,7 @@ func memstatNamespace(s string) string { // memStatsMetrics provide description, evaluator, runtime/metrics name, and // value type for memstat metrics. +// TODO(bwplotka): Remove with end Go 1.16 EOL and replace with runtime/metrics.Description type memStatsMetrics []struct { desc *Desc eval func(*runtime.MemStats) float64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go116.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go116.go index 24526131..897a6e90 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go116.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go116.go @@ -40,13 +40,28 @@ type goCollector struct { // // Deprecated: Use collectors.NewGoCollector instead. func NewGoCollector() Collector { + msMetrics := goRuntimeMemStats() + msMetrics = append(msMetrics, struct { + desc *Desc + eval func(*runtime.MemStats) float64 + valType ValueType + }{ + // This metric is omitted in Go1.17+, see https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/issues/842#issuecomment-861812034 + desc: NewDesc( + memstatNamespace("gc_cpu_fraction"), + "The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started.", + nil, nil, + ), + eval: func(ms *runtime.MemStats) float64 { return ms.GCCPUFraction }, + valType: GaugeValue, + }) return &goCollector{ base: newBaseGoCollector(), msLast: &runtime.MemStats{}, msRead: runtime.ReadMemStats, msMaxWait: time.Second, msMaxAge: 5 * time.Minute, - msMetrics: goRuntimeMemStats(), + msMetrics: msMetrics, } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go117.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_latest.go similarity index 59% rename from vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go117.go rename to vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_latest.go index d43bdcdd..a0fe95eb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_go117.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/go_collector_latest.go @@ -25,11 +25,71 @@ import ( //nolint:staticcheck // Ignore SA1019. Need to keep deprecated package for compatibility. "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" - "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal" dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go" + + "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal" +) + +const ( + goGCHeapTinyAllocsObjects = "/gc/heap/tiny/allocs:objects" + goGCHeapAllocsObjects = "/gc/heap/allocs:objects" + goGCHeapFreesObjects = "/gc/heap/frees:objects" + goGCHeapAllocsBytes = "/gc/heap/allocs:bytes" + goGCHeapObjects = "/gc/heap/objects:objects" + goGCHeapGoalBytes = "/gc/heap/goal:bytes" + goMemoryClassesTotalBytes = "/memory/classes/total:bytes" + goMemoryClassesHeapObjectsBytes = "/memory/classes/heap/objects:bytes" + goMemoryClassesHeapUnusedBytes = "/memory/classes/heap/unused:bytes" + goMemoryClassesHeapReleasedBytes = "/memory/classes/heap/released:bytes" + goMemoryClassesHeapFreeBytes = "/memory/classes/heap/free:bytes" + goMemoryClassesHeapStacksBytes = "/memory/classes/heap/stacks:bytes" + goMemoryClassesOSStacksBytes = "/memory/classes/os-stacks:bytes" + goMemoryClassesMetadataMSpanInuseBytes = "/memory/classes/metadata/mspan/inuse:bytes" + goMemoryClassesMetadataMSPanFreeBytes = "/memory/classes/metadata/mspan/free:bytes" + goMemoryClassesMetadataMCacheInuseBytes = "/memory/classes/metadata/mcache/inuse:bytes" + goMemoryClassesMetadataMCacheFreeBytes = "/memory/classes/metadata/mcache/free:bytes" + goMemoryClassesProfilingBucketsBytes = "/memory/classes/profiling/buckets:bytes" + goMemoryClassesMetadataOtherBytes = "/memory/classes/metadata/other:bytes" + goMemoryClassesOtherBytes = "/memory/classes/other:bytes" ) +// runtime/metrics names required for runtimeMemStats like logic. +var rmForMemStats = []string{goGCHeapTinyAllocsObjects, + goGCHeapAllocsObjects, + goGCHeapFreesObjects, + goGCHeapAllocsBytes, + goGCHeapObjects, + goGCHeapGoalBytes, + goMemoryClassesTotalBytes, + goMemoryClassesHeapObjectsBytes, + goMemoryClassesHeapUnusedBytes, + goMemoryClassesHeapReleasedBytes, + goMemoryClassesHeapFreeBytes, + goMemoryClassesHeapStacksBytes, + goMemoryClassesOSStacksBytes, + goMemoryClassesMetadataMSpanInuseBytes, + goMemoryClassesMetadataMSPanFreeBytes, + goMemoryClassesMetadataMCacheInuseBytes, + goMemoryClassesMetadataMCacheFreeBytes, + goMemoryClassesProfilingBucketsBytes, + goMemoryClassesMetadataOtherBytes, + goMemoryClassesOtherBytes, +} + +func bestEffortLookupRM(lookup []string) []metrics.Description { + ret := make([]metrics.Description, 0, len(lookup)) + for _, rm := range metrics.All() { + for _, m := range lookup { + if m == rm.Name { + ret = append(ret, rm) + } + } + } + return ret +} + type goCollector struct { + opt GoCollectorOptions base baseGoCollector // mu protects updates to all fields ensuring a consistent @@ -51,12 +111,46 @@ type goCollector struct { msMetrics memStatsMetrics } +const ( + // Those are not exposed due to need to move Go collector to another package in v2. + // See issue https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/issues/1030. + goRuntimeMemStatsCollection uint32 = 1 << iota + goRuntimeMetricsCollection +) + +// GoCollectorOptions should not be used be directly by anything, except `collectors` package. +// Use it via collectors package instead. See issue +// https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/issues/1030. +// +// Deprecated: Use collectors.WithGoCollections +type GoCollectorOptions struct { + // EnabledCollection sets what type of collections collector should expose on top of base collection. + // By default it's goMemStatsCollection | goRuntimeMetricsCollection. + EnabledCollections uint32 +} + +func (c GoCollectorOptions) isEnabled(flag uint32) bool { + return c.EnabledCollections&flag != 0 +} + +const defaultGoCollections = goRuntimeMemStatsCollection + // NewGoCollector is the obsolete version of collectors.NewGoCollector. // See there for documentation. // // Deprecated: Use collectors.NewGoCollector instead. -func NewGoCollector() Collector { - descriptions := metrics.All() +func NewGoCollector(opts ...func(o *GoCollectorOptions)) Collector { + opt := GoCollectorOptions{EnabledCollections: defaultGoCollections} + for _, o := range opts { + o(&opt) + } + + var descriptions []metrics.Description + if opt.isEnabled(goRuntimeMetricsCollection) { + descriptions = metrics.All() + } else if opt.isEnabled(goRuntimeMemStatsCollection) { + descriptions = bestEffortLookupRM(rmForMemStats) + } // Collect all histogram samples so that we can get their buckets. // The API guarantees that the buckets are always fixed for the lifetime @@ -67,7 +161,11 @@ func NewGoCollector() Collector { histograms = append(histograms, metrics.Sample{Name: d.Name}) } } - metrics.Read(histograms) + + if len(histograms) > 0 { + metrics.Read(histograms) + } + bucketsMap := make(map[string][]float64) for i := range histograms { bucketsMap[histograms[i].Name] = histograms[i].Value.Float64Histogram().Buckets @@ -83,7 +181,7 @@ func NewGoCollector() Collector { if !ok { // Just ignore this metric; we can't do anything with it here. // If a user decides to use the latest version of Go, we don't want - // to fail here. This condition is tested elsewhere. + // to fail here. This condition is tested in TestExpectedRuntimeMetrics. continue } @@ -123,12 +221,18 @@ func NewGoCollector() Collector { } metricSet = append(metricSet, m) } + + var msMetrics memStatsMetrics + if opt.isEnabled(goRuntimeMemStatsCollection) { + msMetrics = goRuntimeMemStats() + } return &goCollector{ + opt: opt, base: newBaseGoCollector(), rmSampleBuf: sampleBuf, rmSampleMap: sampleMap, rmMetrics: metricSet, - msMetrics: goRuntimeMemStats(), + msMetrics: msMetrics, } } @@ -163,40 +267,47 @@ func (c *goCollector) Collect(ch chan<- Metric) { c.mu.Lock() defer c.mu.Unlock() - // Populate runtime/metrics sample buffer. - metrics.Read(c.rmSampleBuf) - - // Update all our metrics from rmSampleBuf. - for i, sample := range c.rmSampleBuf { - // N.B. switch on concrete type because it's significantly more efficient - // than checking for the Counter and Gauge interface implementations. In - // this case, we control all the types here. - switch m := c.rmMetrics[i].(type) { - case *counter: - // Guard against decreases. This should never happen, but a failure - // to do so will result in a panic, which is a harsh consequence for - // a metrics collection bug. - v0, v1 := m.get(), unwrapScalarRMValue(sample.Value) - if v1 > v0 { - m.Add(unwrapScalarRMValue(sample.Value) - m.get()) + if len(c.rmSampleBuf) > 0 { + // Populate runtime/metrics sample buffer. + metrics.Read(c.rmSampleBuf) + } + + if c.opt.isEnabled(goRuntimeMetricsCollection) { + // Collect all our metrics from rmSampleBuf. + for i, sample := range c.rmSampleBuf { + // N.B. switch on concrete type because it's significantly more efficient + // than checking for the Counter and Gauge interface implementations. In + // this case, we control all the types here. + switch m := c.rmMetrics[i].(type) { + case *counter: + // Guard against decreases. This should never happen, but a failure + // to do so will result in a panic, which is a harsh consequence for + // a metrics collection bug. + v0, v1 := m.get(), unwrapScalarRMValue(sample.Value) + if v1 > v0 { + m.Add(unwrapScalarRMValue(sample.Value) - m.get()) + } + m.Collect(ch) + case *gauge: + m.Set(unwrapScalarRMValue(sample.Value)) + m.Collect(ch) + case *batchHistogram: + m.update(sample.Value.Float64Histogram(), c.exactSumFor(sample.Name)) + m.Collect(ch) + default: + panic("unexpected metric type") } - m.Collect(ch) - case *gauge: - m.Set(unwrapScalarRMValue(sample.Value)) - m.Collect(ch) - case *batchHistogram: - m.update(sample.Value.Float64Histogram(), c.exactSumFor(sample.Name)) - m.Collect(ch) - default: - panic("unexpected metric type") } } + // ms is a dummy MemStats that we populate ourselves so that we can - // populate the old metrics from it. - var ms runtime.MemStats - memStatsFromRM(&ms, c.rmSampleMap) - for _, i := range c.msMetrics { - ch <- MustNewConstMetric(i.desc, i.valType, i.eval(&ms)) + // populate the old metrics from it if goMemStatsCollection is enabled. + if c.opt.isEnabled(goRuntimeMemStatsCollection) { + var ms runtime.MemStats + memStatsFromRM(&ms, c.rmSampleMap) + for _, i := range c.msMetrics { + ch <- MustNewConstMetric(i.desc, i.valType, i.eval(&ms)) + } } } @@ -261,35 +372,30 @@ func memStatsFromRM(ms *runtime.MemStats, rm map[string]*metrics.Sample) { // while having Mallocs - Frees still represent a live object count. // Unfortunately, MemStats doesn't actually export a large allocation count, // so it's impossible to pull this number out directly. - tinyAllocs := lookupOrZero("/gc/heap/tiny/allocs:objects") - ms.Mallocs = lookupOrZero("/gc/heap/allocs:objects") + tinyAllocs - ms.Frees = lookupOrZero("/gc/heap/frees:objects") + tinyAllocs + tinyAllocs := lookupOrZero(goGCHeapTinyAllocsObjects) + ms.Mallocs = lookupOrZero(goGCHeapAllocsObjects) + tinyAllocs + ms.Frees = lookupOrZero(goGCHeapFreesObjects) + tinyAllocs - ms.TotalAlloc = lookupOrZero("/gc/heap/allocs:bytes") - ms.Sys = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/total:bytes") + ms.TotalAlloc = lookupOrZero(goGCHeapAllocsBytes) + ms.Sys = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesTotalBytes) ms.Lookups = 0 // Already always zero. - ms.HeapAlloc = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/heap/objects:bytes") + ms.HeapAlloc = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesHeapObjectsBytes) ms.Alloc = ms.HeapAlloc - ms.HeapInuse = ms.HeapAlloc + lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/heap/unused:bytes") - ms.HeapReleased = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/heap/released:bytes") - ms.HeapIdle = ms.HeapReleased + lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/heap/free:bytes") + ms.HeapInuse = ms.HeapAlloc + lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesHeapUnusedBytes) + ms.HeapReleased = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesHeapReleasedBytes) + ms.HeapIdle = ms.HeapReleased + lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesHeapFreeBytes) ms.HeapSys = ms.HeapInuse + ms.HeapIdle - ms.HeapObjects = lookupOrZero("/gc/heap/objects:objects") - ms.StackInuse = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/heap/stacks:bytes") - ms.StackSys = ms.StackInuse + lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/os-stacks:bytes") - ms.MSpanInuse = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/metadata/mspan/inuse:bytes") - ms.MSpanSys = ms.MSpanInuse + lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/metadata/mspan/free:bytes") - ms.MCacheInuse = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/metadata/mcache/inuse:bytes") - ms.MCacheSys = ms.MCacheInuse + lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/metadata/mcache/free:bytes") - ms.BuckHashSys = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/profiling/buckets:bytes") - ms.GCSys = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/metadata/other:bytes") - ms.OtherSys = lookupOrZero("/memory/classes/other:bytes") - ms.NextGC = lookupOrZero("/gc/heap/goal:bytes") - - // N.B. LastGC is omitted because runtime.GCStats already has this. - // See https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/issues/842#issuecomment-861812034 - // for more details. - ms.LastGC = 0 + ms.HeapObjects = lookupOrZero(goGCHeapObjects) + ms.StackInuse = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesHeapStacksBytes) + ms.StackSys = ms.StackInuse + lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesOSStacksBytes) + ms.MSpanInuse = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesMetadataMSpanInuseBytes) + ms.MSpanSys = ms.MSpanInuse + lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesMetadataMSPanFreeBytes) + ms.MCacheInuse = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesMetadataMCacheInuseBytes) + ms.MCacheSys = ms.MCacheInuse + lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesMetadataMCacheFreeBytes) + ms.BuckHashSys = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesProfilingBucketsBytes) + ms.GCSys = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesMetadataOtherBytes) + ms.OtherSys = lookupOrZero(goMemoryClassesOtherBytes) + ms.NextGC = lookupOrZero(goGCHeapGoalBytes) // N.B. GCCPUFraction is intentionally omitted. This metric is not useful, // and often misleading due to the fact that it's an average over the lifetime @@ -324,6 +430,11 @@ type batchHistogram struct { // buckets must always be from the runtime/metrics package, following // the same conventions. func newBatchHistogram(desc *Desc, buckets []float64, hasSum bool) *batchHistogram { + // We need to remove -Inf values. runtime/metrics keeps them around. + // But -Inf bucket should not be allowed for prometheus histograms. + if buckets[0] == math.Inf(-1) { + buckets = buckets[1:] + } h := &batchHistogram{ desc: desc, buckets: buckets, @@ -382,8 +493,10 @@ func (h *batchHistogram) Write(out *dto.Metric) error { for i, count := range h.counts { totalCount += count if !h.hasSum { - // N.B. This computed sum is an underestimate. - sum += h.buckets[i] * float64(count) + if count != 0 { + // N.B. This computed sum is an underestimate. + sum += h.buckets[i] * float64(count) + } } // Skip the +Inf bucket, but only for the bucket list. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/go_runtime_metrics.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/go_runtime_metrics.go index fe0a5218..6cbe063a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/go_runtime_metrics.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/go_runtime_metrics.go @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func RuntimeMetricsToProm(d *metrics.Description) (string, string, string, bool) // other data. name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "-", "_") name = name + "_" + unit - if d.Cumulative { + if d.Cumulative && d.Kind != metrics.KindFloat64Histogram { name = name + "_total" } @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ func RuntimeMetricsToProm(d *metrics.Description) (string, string, string, bool) func RuntimeMetricsBucketsForUnit(buckets []float64, unit string) []float64 { switch unit { case "bytes": - // Rebucket as powers of 2. - return rebucketExp(buckets, 2) + // Re-bucket as powers of 2. + return reBucketExp(buckets, 2) case "seconds": - // Rebucket as powers of 10 and then merge all buckets greater + // Re-bucket as powers of 10 and then merge all buckets greater // than 1 second into the +Inf bucket. - b := rebucketExp(buckets, 10) + b := reBucketExp(buckets, 10) for i := range b { if b[i] <= 1 { continue @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ func RuntimeMetricsBucketsForUnit(buckets []float64, unit string) []float64 { return buckets } -// rebucketExp takes a list of bucket boundaries (lower bound inclusive) and +// reBucketExp takes a list of bucket boundaries (lower bound inclusive) and // downsamples the buckets to those a multiple of base apart. The end result // is a roughly exponential (in many cases, perfectly exponential) bucketing // scheme. -func rebucketExp(buckets []float64, base float64) []float64 { +func reBucketExp(buckets []float64, base float64) []float64 { bucket := buckets[0] var newBuckets []float64 // We may see a -Inf here, in which case, add it and skip it diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go index c936843e..780968d6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go @@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ func (p *clientConnPool) getStartDialLocked(ctx context.Context, addr string) *d func (c *dialCall) dial(ctx context.Context, addr string) { const singleUse = false // shared conn c.res, c.err = c.p.t.dialClientConn(ctx, addr, singleUse) - close(c.done) c.p.mu.Lock() delete(c.p.dialing, addr) @@ -147,6 +146,8 @@ func (c *dialCall) dial(ctx context.Context, addr string) { c.p.addConnLocked(addr, c.res) } c.p.mu.Unlock() + + close(c.done) } // addConnIfNeeded makes a NewClientConn out of c if a connection for key doesn't diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go index fe0b84cc..20d083a7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go @@ -169,25 +169,50 @@ func buildRootHuffmanNode() { // AppendHuffmanString appends s, as encoded in Huffman codes, to dst // and returns the extended buffer. func AppendHuffmanString(dst []byte, s string) []byte { - rembits := uint8(8) - + // This relies on the maximum huffman code length being 30 (See tables.go huffmanCodeLen array) + // So if a uint64 buffer has less than 32 valid bits can always accommodate another huffmanCode. + var ( + x uint64 // buffer + n uint // number valid of bits present in x + ) for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - if rembits == 8 { - dst = append(dst, 0) + c := s[i] + n += uint(huffmanCodeLen[c]) + x <<= huffmanCodeLen[c] % 64 + x |= uint64(huffmanCodes[c]) + if n >= 32 { + n %= 32 // Normally would be -= 32 but %= 32 informs compiler 0 <= n <= 31 for upcoming shift + y := uint32(x >> n) // Compiler doesn't combine memory writes if y isn't uint32 + dst = append(dst, byte(y>>24), byte(y>>16), byte(y>>8), byte(y)) } - dst, rembits = appendByteToHuffmanCode(dst, rembits, s[i]) } - - if rembits < 8 { - // special EOS symbol - code := uint32(0x3fffffff) - nbits := uint8(30) - - t := uint8(code >> (nbits - rembits)) - dst[len(dst)-1] |= t + // Add padding bits if necessary + if over := n % 8; over > 0 { + const ( + eosCode = 0x3fffffff + eosNBits = 30 + eosPadByte = eosCode >> (eosNBits - 8) + ) + pad := 8 - over + x = (x << pad) | (eosPadByte >> over) + n += pad // 8 now divides into n exactly } - - return dst + // n in (0, 8, 16, 24, 32) + switch n / 8 { + case 0: + return dst + case 1: + return append(dst, byte(x)) + case 2: + y := uint16(x) + return append(dst, byte(y>>8), byte(y)) + case 3: + y := uint16(x >> 8) + return append(dst, byte(y>>8), byte(y), byte(x)) + } + // case 4: + y := uint32(x) + return append(dst, byte(y>>24), byte(y>>16), byte(y>>8), byte(y)) } // HuffmanEncodeLength returns the number of bytes required to encode @@ -199,35 +224,3 @@ func HuffmanEncodeLength(s string) uint64 { } return (n + 7) / 8 } - -// appendByteToHuffmanCode appends Huffman code for c to dst and -// returns the extended buffer and the remaining bits in the last -// element. The appending is not byte aligned and the remaining bits -// in the last element of dst is given in rembits. -func appendByteToHuffmanCode(dst []byte, rembits uint8, c byte) ([]byte, uint8) { - code := huffmanCodes[c] - nbits := huffmanCodeLen[c] - - for { - if rembits > nbits { - t := uint8(code << (rembits - nbits)) - dst[len(dst)-1] |= t - rembits -= nbits - break - } - - t := uint8(code >> (nbits - rembits)) - dst[len(dst)-1] |= t - - nbits -= rembits - rembits = 8 - - if nbits == 0 { - break - } - - dst = append(dst, 0) - } - - return dst, rembits -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go index 33765d3a..47524a61 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go @@ -315,6 +315,20 @@ type ServeConnOpts struct { // requests. If nil, BaseConfig.Handler is used. If BaseConfig // or BaseConfig.Handler is nil, http.DefaultServeMux is used. Handler http.Handler + + // UpgradeRequest is an initial request received on a connection + // undergoing an h2c upgrade. The request body must have been + // completely read from the connection before calling ServeConn, + // and the 101 Switching Protocols response written. + UpgradeRequest *http.Request + + // Settings is the decoded contents of the HTTP2-Settings header + // in an h2c upgrade request. + Settings []byte + + // SawClientPreface is set if the HTTP/2 connection preface + // has already been read from the connection. + SawClientPreface bool } func (o *ServeConnOpts) context() context.Context { @@ -383,6 +397,7 @@ func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) { headerTableSize: initialHeaderTableSize, serveG: newGoroutineLock(), pushEnabled: true, + sawClientPreface: opts.SawClientPreface, } s.state.registerConn(sc) @@ -400,7 +415,7 @@ func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) { if s.NewWriteScheduler != nil { sc.writeSched = s.NewWriteScheduler() } else { - sc.writeSched = NewRandomWriteScheduler() + sc.writeSched = NewPriorityWriteScheduler(nil) } // These start at the RFC-specified defaults. If there is a higher @@ -465,9 +480,27 @@ func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) { } } + if opts.Settings != nil { + fr := &SettingsFrame{ + FrameHeader: FrameHeader{valid: true}, + p: opts.Settings, + } + if err := fr.ForeachSetting(sc.processSetting); err != nil { + sc.rejectConn(ErrCodeProtocol, "invalid settings") + return + } + opts.Settings = nil + } + if hook := testHookGetServerConn; hook != nil { hook(sc) } + + if opts.UpgradeRequest != nil { + sc.upgradeRequest(opts.UpgradeRequest) + opts.UpgradeRequest = nil + } + sc.serve() } @@ -512,6 +545,7 @@ type serverConn struct { // Everything following is owned by the serve loop; use serveG.check(): serveG goroutineLock // used to verify funcs are on serve() pushEnabled bool + sawClientPreface bool // preface has already been read, used in h2c upgrade sawFirstSettings bool // got the initial SETTINGS frame after the preface needToSendSettingsAck bool unackedSettings int // how many SETTINGS have we sent without ACKs? @@ -974,6 +1008,9 @@ var errPrefaceTimeout = errors.New("timeout waiting for client preface") // returns errPrefaceTimeout on timeout, or an error if the greeting // is invalid. func (sc *serverConn) readPreface() error { + if sc.sawClientPreface { + return nil + } errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { // Read the client preface @@ -1915,6 +1952,26 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { return nil } +func (sc *serverConn) upgradeRequest(req *http.Request) { + sc.serveG.check() + id := uint32(1) + sc.maxClientStreamID = id + st := sc.newStream(id, 0, stateHalfClosedRemote) + st.reqTrailer = req.Trailer + if st.reqTrailer != nil { + st.trailer = make(http.Header) + } + rw := sc.newResponseWriter(st, req) + + // Disable any read deadline set by the net/http package + // prior to the upgrade. + if sc.hs.ReadTimeout != 0 { + sc.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}) + } + + go sc.runHandler(rw, req, sc.handler.ServeHTTP) +} + func (st *stream) processTrailerHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { sc := st.sc sc.serveG.check() @@ -2145,6 +2202,11 @@ func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st *stream, rp requestParam) (*r } req = req.WithContext(st.ctx) + rw := sc.newResponseWriter(st, req) + return rw, req, nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) newResponseWriter(st *stream, req *http.Request) *responseWriter { rws := responseWriterStatePool.Get().(*responseWriterState) bwSave := rws.bw *rws = responseWriterState{} // zero all the fields @@ -2153,10 +2215,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st *stream, rp requestParam) (*r rws.bw.Reset(chunkWriter{rws}) rws.stream = st rws.req = req - rws.body = body - - rw := &responseWriter{rws: rws} - return rw, req, nil + return &responseWriter{rws: rws} } // Run on its own goroutine. @@ -2316,17 +2375,18 @@ type requestBody struct { _ incomparable stream *stream conn *serverConn - closed bool // for use by Close only - sawEOF bool // for use by Read only - pipe *pipe // non-nil if we have a HTTP entity message body - needsContinue bool // need to send a 100-continue + closeOnce sync.Once // for use by Close only + sawEOF bool // for use by Read only + pipe *pipe // non-nil if we have a HTTP entity message body + needsContinue bool // need to send a 100-continue } func (b *requestBody) Close() error { - if b.pipe != nil && !b.closed { - b.pipe.BreakWithError(errClosedBody) - } - b.closed = true + b.closeOnce.Do(func() { + if b.pipe != nil { + b.pipe.BreakWithError(errClosedBody) + } + }) return nil } @@ -2370,7 +2430,6 @@ type responseWriterState struct { // immutable within a request: stream *stream req *http.Request - body *requestBody // to close at end of request, if DATA frames didn't conn *serverConn // TODO: adjust buffer writing sizes based on server config, frame size updates from peer, etc @@ -2644,8 +2703,7 @@ func checkWriteHeaderCode(code int) { // Issue 22880: require valid WriteHeader status codes. // For now we only enforce that it's three digits. // In the future we might block things over 599 (600 and above aren't defined - // at http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#status.codes) - // and we might block under 200 (once we have more mature 1xx support). + // at http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#status.codes). // But for now any three digits. // // We used to send "HTTP/1.1 000 0" on the wire in responses but there's @@ -2666,13 +2724,41 @@ func (w *responseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) { } func (rws *responseWriterState) writeHeader(code int) { - if !rws.wroteHeader { - checkWriteHeaderCode(code) - rws.wroteHeader = true - rws.status = code - if len(rws.handlerHeader) > 0 { - rws.snapHeader = cloneHeader(rws.handlerHeader) + if rws.wroteHeader { + return + } + + checkWriteHeaderCode(code) + + // Handle informational headers + if code >= 100 && code <= 199 { + // Per RFC 8297 we must not clear the current header map + h := rws.handlerHeader + + _, cl := h["Content-Length"] + _, te := h["Transfer-Encoding"] + if cl || te { + h = h.Clone() + h.Del("Content-Length") + h.Del("Transfer-Encoding") } + + if rws.conn.writeHeaders(rws.stream, &writeResHeaders{ + streamID: rws.stream.id, + httpResCode: code, + h: h, + endStream: rws.handlerDone && !rws.hasTrailers(), + }) != nil { + rws.dirty = true + } + + return + } + + rws.wroteHeader = true + rws.status = code + if len(rws.handlerHeader) > 0 { + rws.snapHeader = cloneHeader(rws.handlerHeader) } } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go index 9180ba3d..4ded4dfd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import ( "errors" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "log" "math" mathrand "math/rand" @@ -2904,7 +2903,12 @@ func (t *Transport) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { log.Printf(format, args...) } -var noBody io.ReadCloser = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil)) +var noBody io.ReadCloser = noBodyReader{} + +type noBodyReader struct{} + +func (noBodyReader) Close() error { return nil } +func (noBodyReader) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF } type missingBody struct{} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go index 2618b2c1..0a242c66 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go @@ -383,16 +383,15 @@ func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) AdjustStream(streamID uint32, priority Priorit func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) Push(wr FrameWriteRequest) { var n *priorityNode - if id := wr.StreamID(); id == 0 { + if wr.isControl() { n = &ws.root } else { + id := wr.StreamID() n = ws.nodes[id] if n == nil { // id is an idle or closed stream. wr should not be a HEADERS or - // DATA frame. However, wr can be a RST_STREAM. In this case, we - // push wr onto the root, rather than creating a new priorityNode, - // since RST_STREAM is tiny and the stream's priority is unknown - // anyway. See issue #17919. + // DATA frame. In other case, we push wr onto the root, rather + // than creating a new priorityNode. if wr.DataSize() > 0 { panic("add DATA on non-open stream") } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s index 6abd48ee..56535728 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ TEXT ·SyscallNoError(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-48 MOVV trap+0(FP), R11 // syscall entry SYSCALL MOVV R4, r1+32(FP) - MOVV R5, r2+40(FP) + MOVV R0, r2+40(FP) // r2 is not used. Always set to 0 JAL runtime·exitsyscall(SB) RET @@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ TEXT ·RawSyscallNoError(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-48 MOVV trap+0(FP), R11 // syscall entry SYSCALL MOVV R4, r1+32(FP) - MOVV R5, r2+40(FP) + MOVV R0, r2+40(FP) // r2 is not used. Always set to 0 RET diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go index 4362f47e..b0f2bc4a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // -//go:build 386 || amd64 || amd64p32 || alpha || arm || arm64 || mipsle || mips64le || mips64p32le || nios2 || ppc64le || riscv || riscv64 || sh -// +build 386 amd64 amd64p32 alpha arm arm64 mipsle mips64le mips64p32le nios2 ppc64le riscv riscv64 sh +//go:build 386 || amd64 || amd64p32 || alpha || arm || arm64 || loong64 || mipsle || mips64le || mips64p32le || nios2 || ppc64le || riscv || riscv64 || sh +// +build 386 amd64 amd64p32 alpha arm arm64 loong64 mipsle mips64le mips64p32le nios2 ppc64le riscv riscv64 sh package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go index 934af313..15721a51 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ package unix import ( - "bytes" "unsafe" ) @@ -45,13 +44,7 @@ func NewIfreq(name string) (*Ifreq, error) { // Name returns the interface name associated with the Ifreq. func (ifr *Ifreq) Name() string { - // BytePtrToString requires a NULL terminator or the program may crash. If - // one is not present, just return the empty string. - if !bytes.Contains(ifr.raw.Ifrn[:], []byte{0x00}) { - return "" - } - - return BytePtrToString(&ifr.raw.Ifrn[0]) + return ByteSliceToString(ifr.raw.Ifrn[:]) } // According to netdevice(7), only AF_INET addresses are returned for numerous diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go index f2a114fc..ac579c60 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ func Creat(path string, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) { } //sys utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) + func Utimes(path string, tv []Timeval) error { if len(tv) != 2 { return EINVAL @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ func Utimes(path string, tv []Timeval) error { } //sys utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flag int) (err error) + func UtimesNano(path string, ts []Timespec) error { if len(ts) != 2 { return EINVAL @@ -215,12 +217,12 @@ func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { return } -func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { // Recvmsg not implemented on AIX return -1, -1, -1, ENOSYS } -func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { +func sendmsgN(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { // SendmsgN not implemented on AIX return -1, ENOSYS } @@ -300,11 +302,13 @@ func direntNamlen(buf []byte) (uint64, bool) { } //sys getdirent(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) + func Getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return getdirent(fd, buf) } //sys wait4(pid Pid_t, status *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid Pid_t, err error) + func Wait4(pid int, wstatus *WaitStatus, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { var status _C_int var r Pid_t @@ -372,6 +376,7 @@ func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } //sys fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) //sys fsyncRange(fd int, how int, start int64, length int64) (err error) = fsync_range + func Fsync(fd int) error { return fsyncRange(fd, O_SYNC, 0, 0) } @@ -536,6 +541,7 @@ func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { //sys Getsystemcfg(label int) (n uint64) //sys umount(target string) (err error) + func Unmount(target string, flags int) (err error) { if flags != 0 { // AIX doesn't have any flags for umount. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go index 9c87c5f0..c437fc5d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go @@ -325,27 +325,26 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { //sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) - var iov Iovec - if len(p) > 0 { - iov.Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0])) - iov.SetLen(len(p)) - } var dummy byte if len(oob) > 0 { // receive at least one normal byte - if len(p) == 0 { - iov.Base = &dummy - iov.SetLen(1) + if emptyIovecs(iov) { + var iova [1]Iovec + iova[0].Base = &dummy + iova[0].SetLen(1) + iov = iova[:] } msg.Control = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&oob[0])) msg.SetControllen(len(oob)) } - msg.Iov = &iov - msg.Iovlen = 1 + if len(iov) > 0 { + msg.Iov = &iov[0] + msg.SetIovlen(len(iov)) + } if n, err = recvmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { return } @@ -356,31 +355,32 @@ func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { +func sendmsgN(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) - var iov Iovec - if len(p) > 0 { - iov.Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0])) - iov.SetLen(len(p)) - } var dummy byte + var empty bool if len(oob) > 0 { // send at least one normal byte - if len(p) == 0 { - iov.Base = &dummy - iov.SetLen(1) + empty := emptyIovecs(iov) + if empty { + var iova [1]Iovec + iova[0].Base = &dummy + iova[0].SetLen(1) + iov = iova[:] } msg.Control = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&oob[0])) msg.SetControllen(len(oob)) } - msg.Iov = &iov - msg.Iovlen = 1 + if len(iov) > 0 { + msg.Iov = &iov[0] + msg.SetIovlen(len(iov)) + } if n, err = sendmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { return 0, err } - if len(oob) > 0 && len(p) == 0 { + if len(oob) > 0 && empty { n = 0 } return n, nil diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go index 09a25c65..4f87f16e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go @@ -393,6 +393,13 @@ func GetsockoptXucred(fd, level, opt int) (*Xucred, error) { return x, err } +func GetsockoptTCPConnectionInfo(fd, level, opt int) (*TCPConnectionInfo, error) { + var value TCPConnectionInfo + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofTCPConnectionInfo) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen) + return &value, err +} + func SysctlKinfoProc(name string, args ...int) (*KinfoProc, error) { mib, err := sysctlmib(name, args...) if err != nil { @@ -504,6 +511,7 @@ func SysctlKinfoProcSlice(name string, args ...int) ([]KinfoProc, error) { //sys Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) //sys Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) //sys Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) +//sys Mount(fsType string, dir string, flags int, data unsafe.Pointer) (err error) //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) @@ -572,7 +580,6 @@ func SysctlKinfoProcSlice(name string, args ...int) ([]KinfoProc, error) { // Nfssvc // Getfh // Quotactl -// Mount // Csops // Waitid // Add_profil diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go index c61e2749..61c0d0de 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go @@ -125,11 +125,13 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { } //sys extpread(fd int, p []byte, flags int, offset int64) (n int, err error) + func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return extpread(fd, p, 0, offset) } //sys extpwrite(fd int, p []byte, flags int, offset int64) (n int, err error) + func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return extpwrite(fd, p, 0, offset) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go index 8d5f294c..e48244a9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go @@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ func bytes2iovec(bs [][]byte) []Iovec { for i, b := range bs { iovecs[i].SetLen(len(b)) if len(b) > 0 { - // somehow Iovec.Base on illumos is (*int8), not (*byte) - iovecs[i].Base = (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) + iovecs[i].Base = &b[0] } else { - iovecs[i].Base = (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)) + iovecs[i].Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)) } } return iovecs diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go index d251dafa..5e4a94f7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go @@ -512,24 +512,24 @@ func (sa *SockaddrL2) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { // // Server example: // -// fd, _ := Socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM) -// _ = unix.Bind(fd, &unix.SockaddrRFCOMM{ -// Channel: 1, -// Addr: [6]uint8{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // BDADDR_ANY or 00:00:00:00:00:00 -// }) -// _ = Listen(fd, 1) -// nfd, sa, _ := Accept(fd) -// fmt.Printf("conn addr=%v fd=%d", sa.(*unix.SockaddrRFCOMM).Addr, nfd) -// Read(nfd, buf) +// fd, _ := Socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM) +// _ = unix.Bind(fd, &unix.SockaddrRFCOMM{ +// Channel: 1, +// Addr: [6]uint8{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // BDADDR_ANY or 00:00:00:00:00:00 +// }) +// _ = Listen(fd, 1) +// nfd, sa, _ := Accept(fd) +// fmt.Printf("conn addr=%v fd=%d", sa.(*unix.SockaddrRFCOMM).Addr, nfd) +// Read(nfd, buf) // // Client example: // -// fd, _ := Socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM) -// _ = Connect(fd, &SockaddrRFCOMM{ -// Channel: 1, -// Addr: [6]byte{0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc}, // CC:BB:AA:33:22:11 -// }) -// Write(fd, []byte(`hello`)) +// fd, _ := Socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM) +// _ = Connect(fd, &SockaddrRFCOMM{ +// Channel: 1, +// Addr: [6]byte{0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc}, // CC:BB:AA:33:22:11 +// }) +// Write(fd, []byte(`hello`)) type SockaddrRFCOMM struct { // Addr represents a bluetooth address, byte ordering is little-endian. Addr [6]uint8 @@ -556,12 +556,12 @@ func (sa *SockaddrRFCOMM) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { // The SockaddrCAN struct must be bound to the socket file descriptor // using Bind before the CAN socket can be used. // -// // Read one raw CAN frame -// fd, _ := Socket(AF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW) -// addr := &SockaddrCAN{Ifindex: index} -// Bind(fd, addr) -// frame := make([]byte, 16) -// Read(fd, frame) +// // Read one raw CAN frame +// fd, _ := Socket(AF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW) +// addr := &SockaddrCAN{Ifindex: index} +// Bind(fd, addr) +// frame := make([]byte, 16) +// Read(fd, frame) // // The full SocketCAN documentation can be found in the linux kernel // archives at: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/can.txt @@ -632,13 +632,13 @@ func (sa *SockaddrCANJ1939) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { // Here is an example of using an AF_ALG socket with SHA1 hashing. // The initial socket setup process is as follows: // -// // Open a socket to perform SHA1 hashing. -// fd, _ := unix.Socket(unix.AF_ALG, unix.SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0) -// addr := &unix.SockaddrALG{Type: "hash", Name: "sha1"} -// unix.Bind(fd, addr) -// // Note: unix.Accept does not work at this time; must invoke accept() -// // manually using unix.Syscall. -// hashfd, _, _ := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) +// // Open a socket to perform SHA1 hashing. +// fd, _ := unix.Socket(unix.AF_ALG, unix.SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0) +// addr := &unix.SockaddrALG{Type: "hash", Name: "sha1"} +// unix.Bind(fd, addr) +// // Note: unix.Accept does not work at this time; must invoke accept() +// // manually using unix.Syscall. +// hashfd, _, _ := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) // // Once a file descriptor has been returned from Accept, it may be used to // perform SHA1 hashing. The descriptor is not safe for concurrent use, but @@ -647,39 +647,39 @@ func (sa *SockaddrCANJ1939) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { // When hashing a small byte slice or string, a single Write and Read may // be used: // -// // Assume hashfd is already configured using the setup process. -// hash := os.NewFile(hashfd, "sha1") -// // Hash an input string and read the results. Each Write discards -// // previous hash state. Read always reads the current state. -// b := make([]byte, 20) -// for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { -// io.WriteString(hash, "Hello, world.") -// hash.Read(b) -// fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(b)) -// } -// // Output: -// // 2ae01472317d1935a84797ec1983ae243fc6aa28 -// // 2ae01472317d1935a84797ec1983ae243fc6aa28 +// // Assume hashfd is already configured using the setup process. +// hash := os.NewFile(hashfd, "sha1") +// // Hash an input string and read the results. Each Write discards +// // previous hash state. Read always reads the current state. +// b := make([]byte, 20) +// for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { +// io.WriteString(hash, "Hello, world.") +// hash.Read(b) +// fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(b)) +// } +// // Output: +// // 2ae01472317d1935a84797ec1983ae243fc6aa28 +// // 2ae01472317d1935a84797ec1983ae243fc6aa28 // // For hashing larger byte slices, or byte streams such as those read from // a file or socket, use Sendto with MSG_MORE to instruct the kernel to update // the hash digest instead of creating a new one for a given chunk and finalizing it. // -// // Assume hashfd and addr are already configured using the setup process. -// hash := os.NewFile(hashfd, "sha1") -// // Hash the contents of a file. -// f, _ := os.Open("/tmp/linux-4.10-rc7.tar.xz") -// b := make([]byte, 4096) -// for { -// n, err := f.Read(b) -// if err == io.EOF { -// break -// } -// unix.Sendto(hashfd, b[:n], unix.MSG_MORE, addr) -// } -// hash.Read(b) -// fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(b)) -// // Output: 85cdcad0c06eef66f805ecce353bec9accbeecc5 +// // Assume hashfd and addr are already configured using the setup process. +// hash := os.NewFile(hashfd, "sha1") +// // Hash the contents of a file. +// f, _ := os.Open("/tmp/linux-4.10-rc7.tar.xz") +// b := make([]byte, 4096) +// for { +// n, err := f.Read(b) +// if err == io.EOF { +// break +// } +// unix.Sendto(hashfd, b[:n], unix.MSG_MORE, addr) +// } +// hash.Read(b) +// fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(b)) +// // Output: 85cdcad0c06eef66f805ecce353bec9accbeecc5 // // For more information, see: http://www.chronox.de/crypto-API/crypto/userspace-if.html. type SockaddrALG struct { @@ -1499,18 +1499,13 @@ func KeyctlRestrictKeyring(ringid int, keyType string, restriction string) error //sys keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL //sys keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL -func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) - var iov Iovec - if len(p) > 0 { - iov.Base = &p[0] - iov.SetLen(len(p)) - } var dummy byte if len(oob) > 0 { - if len(p) == 0 { + if emptyIovecs(iov) { var sockType int sockType, err = GetsockoptInt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE) if err != nil { @@ -1518,15 +1513,19 @@ func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn } // receive at least one normal byte if sockType != SOCK_DGRAM { - iov.Base = &dummy - iov.SetLen(1) + var iova [1]Iovec + iova[0].Base = &dummy + iova[0].SetLen(1) + iov = iova[:] } } msg.Control = &oob[0] msg.SetControllen(len(oob)) } - msg.Iov = &iov - msg.Iovlen = 1 + if len(iov) > 0 { + msg.Iov = &iov[0] + msg.SetIovlen(len(iov)) + } if n, err = recvmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { return } @@ -1535,18 +1534,15 @@ func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn return } -func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { +func sendmsgN(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(ptr) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) - var iov Iovec - if len(p) > 0 { - iov.Base = &p[0] - iov.SetLen(len(p)) - } var dummy byte + var empty bool if len(oob) > 0 { - if len(p) == 0 { + empty := emptyIovecs(iov) + if empty { var sockType int sockType, err = GetsockoptInt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE) if err != nil { @@ -1554,19 +1550,22 @@ func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags i } // send at least one normal byte if sockType != SOCK_DGRAM { - iov.Base = &dummy - iov.SetLen(1) + var iova [1]Iovec + iova[0].Base = &dummy + iova[0].SetLen(1) } } msg.Control = &oob[0] msg.SetControllen(len(oob)) } - msg.Iov = &iov - msg.Iovlen = 1 + if len(iov) > 0 { + msg.Iov = &iov[0] + msg.SetIovlen(len(iov)) + } if n, err = sendmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { return 0, err } - if len(oob) > 0 && len(p) == 0 { + if len(oob) > 0 && empty { n = 0 } return n, nil diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b69c3ef --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build loong64 && linux +// +build loong64,linux + +package unix + +import "unsafe" + +//sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) = SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT +//sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 +//sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) +//sys Fstatfs(fd int, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) +//sys Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) +//sysnb Getegid() (egid int) +//sysnb Geteuid() (euid int) +//sysnb Getgid() (gid int) +//sysnb Getuid() (uid int) +//sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK + +func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { + var ts *Timespec + if timeout != nil { + ts = &Timespec{Sec: timeout.Sec, Nsec: timeout.Usec * 1000} + } + return Pselect(nfd, r, w, e, ts, nil) +} + +//sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) +//sys setfsgid(gid int) (prev int, err error) +//sys setfsuid(uid int) (prev int, err error) +//sysnb Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) +//sysnb Setresgid(rgid int, egid int, sgid int) (err error) +//sysnb Setresuid(ruid int, euid int, suid int) (err error) +//sysnb Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) +//sys Shutdown(fd int, how int) (err error) +//sys Splice(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) + +func timespecFromStatxTimestamp(x StatxTimestamp) Timespec { + return Timespec{ + Sec: x.Sec, + Nsec: int64(x.Nsec), + } +} + +func Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) error { + var r Statx_t + // Do it the glibc way, add AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT. + if err := Statx(fd, path, AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT|flags, STATX_BASIC_STATS, &r); err != nil { + return err + } + + stat.Dev = Mkdev(r.Dev_major, r.Dev_minor) + stat.Ino = r.Ino + stat.Mode = uint32(r.Mode) + stat.Nlink = r.Nlink + stat.Uid = r.Uid + stat.Gid = r.Gid + stat.Rdev = Mkdev(r.Rdev_major, r.Rdev_minor) + // hope we don't get to process files so large to overflow these size + // fields... + stat.Size = int64(r.Size) + stat.Blksize = int32(r.Blksize) + stat.Blocks = int64(r.Blocks) + stat.Atim = timespecFromStatxTimestamp(r.Atime) + stat.Mtim = timespecFromStatxTimestamp(r.Mtime) + stat.Ctim = timespecFromStatxTimestamp(r.Ctime) + + return nil +} + +func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + return Fstatat(fd, "", stat, AT_EMPTY_PATH) +} + +func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + return Fstatat(AT_FDCWD, path, stat, 0) +} + +func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + return Fchownat(AT_FDCWD, path, uid, gid, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) +} + +func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + return Fstatat(AT_FDCWD, path, stat, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) +} + +//sys Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) +//sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) +//sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) + +func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { + return ENOSYS +} + +//sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) +//sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sysnb getgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (nn int, err error) +//sysnb setgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (err error) +//sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sys setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) +//sysnb socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) +//sysnb socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) +//sysnb getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sysnb getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sys recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) +//sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) +//sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) +//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset int64) (xaddr uintptr, err error) + +//sysnb Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) + +func setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec { + return Timespec{Sec: sec, Nsec: nsec} +} + +func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { + return Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec} +} + +func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { + err = Prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) + return +} + +func Setrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { + err = Prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) + return +} + +func futimesat(dirfd int, path string, tv *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + if tv == nil { + return utimensat(dirfd, path, nil, 0) + } + + ts := []Timespec{ + NsecToTimespec(TimevalToNsec(tv[0])), + NsecToTimespec(TimevalToNsec(tv[1])), + } + return utimensat(dirfd, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) +} + +func Time(t *Time_t) (Time_t, error) { + var tv Timeval + err := Gettimeofday(&tv) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if t != nil { + *t = Time_t(tv.Sec) + } + return Time_t(tv.Sec), nil +} + +func Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) error { + tv := []Timeval{ + {Sec: buf.Actime}, + {Sec: buf.Modtime}, + } + return Utimes(path, tv) +} + +func utimes(path string, tv *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + if tv == nil { + return utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, nil, 0) + } + + ts := []Timespec{ + NsecToTimespec(TimevalToNsec(tv[0])), + NsecToTimespec(TimevalToNsec(tv[1])), + } + return utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) +} + +func (r *PtraceRegs) PC() uint64 { return r.Era } + +func (r *PtraceRegs) SetPC(era uint64) { r.Era = era } + +func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) { + iov.Len = uint64(length) +} + +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { + msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length) +} + +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) { + msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length) +} + +func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { + cmsg.Len = uint64(length) +} + +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) +} + +func Pause() error { + _, err := ppoll(nil, 0, nil, nil) + return err +} + +func Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { + return Renameat2(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath, 0) +} + +//sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) + +func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error { + cmdlineLen := len(cmdline) + if cmdlineLen > 0 { + // Account for the additional NULL byte added by + // BytePtrFromString in kexecFileLoad. The kexec_file_load + // syscall expects a NULL-terminated string. + cmdlineLen++ + } + return kexecFileLoad(kernelFd, initrdFd, cmdlineLen, cmdline, flags) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go index 8ff7adba..925a748a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import "unsafe" //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) +//sys MemfdSecret(flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 //sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go index 15d637d6..78daceb3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { } //sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) + func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { if len(p) != 2 { return EINVAL @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { } //sys Getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) + func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) { n, err = Getdents(fd, buf) if err != nil || basep == nil { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_mips64.go index 30f28534..1378489f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length) } +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) { + msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length) +} + func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint32(length) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go index 5c2003ce..b5ec457c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go @@ -451,26 +451,25 @@ func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = libsocket.__xnet_recvmsg -func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) - var iov Iovec - if len(p) > 0 { - iov.Base = (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0])) - iov.SetLen(len(p)) - } - var dummy int8 + var dummy byte if len(oob) > 0 { // receive at least one normal byte - if len(p) == 0 { - iov.Base = &dummy - iov.SetLen(1) + if emptyIovecs(iov) { + var iova [1]Iovec + iova[0].Base = &dummy + iova[0].SetLen(1) + iov = iova[:] } msg.Accrightslen = int32(len(oob)) } - msg.Iov = &iov - msg.Iovlen = 1 + if len(iov) > 0 { + msg.Iov = &iov[0] + msg.SetIovlen(len(iov)) + } if n, err = recvmsg(fd, &msg, flags); n == -1 { return } @@ -480,30 +479,31 @@ func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = libsocket.__xnet_sendmsg -func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { +func sendmsgN(fd int, iov []Iovec, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) - var iov Iovec - if len(p) > 0 { - iov.Base = (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0])) - iov.SetLen(len(p)) - } - var dummy int8 + var dummy byte + var empty bool if len(oob) > 0 { // send at least one normal byte - if len(p) == 0 { - iov.Base = &dummy - iov.SetLen(1) + empty = emptyIovecs(iov) + if empty { + var iova [1]Iovec + iova[0].Base = &dummy + iova[0].SetLen(1) + iov = iova[:] } msg.Accrightslen = int32(len(oob)) } - msg.Iov = &iov - msg.Iovlen = 1 + if len(iov) > 0 { + msg.Iov = &iov[0] + msg.SetIovlen(len(iov)) + } if n, err = sendmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { return 0, err } - if len(oob) > 0 && len(p) == 0 { + if len(oob) > 0 && empty { n = 0 } return n, nil @@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Getpriority(which int, who int) (n int, err error) //sysnb Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) +//sysnb Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) //sysnb Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Kill(pid int, signum syscall.Signal) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go index 70508afc..1ff5060b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go @@ -338,8 +338,13 @@ func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) { } func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { + var iov [1]Iovec + if len(p) > 0 { + iov[0].Base = &p[0] + iov[0].SetLen(len(p)) + } var rsa RawSockaddrAny - n, oobn, recvflags, err = recvmsgRaw(fd, p, oob, flags, &rsa) + n, oobn, recvflags, err = recvmsgRaw(fd, iov[:], oob, flags, &rsa) // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) @@ -347,12 +352,67 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from return } +// RecvmsgBuffers receives a message from a socket using the recvmsg +// system call. The flags are passed to recvmsg. Any non-control data +// read is scattered into the buffers slices. The results are: +// - n is the number of non-control data read into bufs +// - oobn is the number of control data read into oob; this may be interpreted using [ParseSocketControlMessage] +// - recvflags is flags returned by recvmsg +// - from is the address of the sender +func RecvmsgBuffers(fd int, buffers [][]byte, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { + iov := make([]Iovec, len(buffers)) + for i := range buffers { + if len(buffers[i]) > 0 { + iov[i].Base = &buffers[i][0] + iov[i].SetLen(len(buffers[i])) + } else { + iov[i].Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)) + } + } + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + n, oobn, recvflags, err = recvmsgRaw(fd, iov, oob, flags, &rsa) + if err == nil && rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { + from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) + } + return +} + func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) return } func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + var iov [1]Iovec + if len(p) > 0 { + iov[0].Base = &p[0] + iov[0].SetLen(len(p)) + } + var ptr unsafe.Pointer + var salen _Socklen + if to != nil { + ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return sendmsgN(fd, iov[:], oob, ptr, salen, flags) +} + +// SendmsgBuffers sends a message on a socket to an address using the sendmsg +// system call. The flags are passed to sendmsg. Any non-control data written +// is gathered from buffers. The function returns the number of bytes written +// to the socket. +func SendmsgBuffers(fd int, buffers [][]byte, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + iov := make([]Iovec, len(buffers)) + for i := range buffers { + if len(buffers[i]) > 0 { + iov[i].Base = &buffers[i][0] + iov[i].SetLen(len(buffers[i])) + } else { + iov[i].Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)) + } + } var ptr unsafe.Pointer var salen _Socklen if to != nil { @@ -361,7 +421,7 @@ func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) return 0, err } } - return sendmsgN(fd, p, oob, ptr, salen, flags) + return sendmsgN(fd, iov, oob, ptr, salen, flags) } func Send(s int, buf []byte, flags int) (err error) { @@ -484,3 +544,13 @@ func Lutimes(path string, tv []Timeval) error { } return UtimesNanoAt(AT_FDCWD, path, ts, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) } + +// emptyIovec reports whether there are no bytes in the slice of Iovec. +func emptyIovecs(iov []Iovec) bool { + for i := range iov { + if iov[i].Len > 0 { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go index 3de79fa2..dfa9bd93 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ const ( BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI = 0x2 BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE = 0x1 BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT = 0x2 + BPF_F_KPROBE_MULTI_RETURN = 0x1 BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE = 0x1 BPF_F_REPLACE = 0x4 BPF_F_SLEEPABLE = 0x10 @@ -191,6 +192,8 @@ const ( BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32 = 0x4 BPF_F_TEST_RUN_ON_CPU = 0x1 BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ = 0x8 + BPF_F_TEST_XDP_LIVE_FRAMES = 0x2 + BPF_F_XDP_HAS_FRAGS = 0x20 BPF_H = 0x8 BPF_IMM = 0x0 BPF_IND = 0x40 @@ -517,9 +520,9 @@ const ( DM_UUID_FLAG = 0x4000 DM_UUID_LEN = 0x81 DM_VERSION = 0xc138fd00 - DM_VERSION_EXTRA = "-ioctl (2021-03-22)" + DM_VERSION_EXTRA = "-ioctl (2022-02-22)" DM_VERSION_MAJOR = 0x4 - DM_VERSION_MINOR = 0x2d + DM_VERSION_MINOR = 0x2e DM_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL = 0x0 DT_BLK = 0x6 DT_CHR = 0x2 @@ -712,6 +715,7 @@ const ( ETH_P_EDSA = 0xdada ETH_P_ERSPAN = 0x88be ETH_P_ERSPAN2 = 0x22eb + ETH_P_ETHERCAT = 0x88a4 ETH_P_FCOE = 0x8906 ETH_P_FIP = 0x8914 ETH_P_HDLC = 0x19 @@ -749,6 +753,7 @@ const ( ETH_P_PPP_MP = 0x8 ETH_P_PPP_SES = 0x8864 ETH_P_PREAUTH = 0x88c7 + ETH_P_PROFINET = 0x8892 ETH_P_PRP = 0x88fb ETH_P_PUP = 0x200 ETH_P_PUPAT = 0x201 @@ -837,6 +842,7 @@ const ( FAN_FS_ERROR = 0x8000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW = 0x4 + FAN_MARK_EVICTABLE = 0x200 FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM = 0x100 FAN_MARK_FLUSH = 0x80 FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK = 0x20 @@ -1055,7 +1061,7 @@ const ( IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY = 0x800 IFA_F_TEMPORARY = 0x1 IFA_F_TENTATIVE = 0x40 - IFA_MAX = 0xa + IFA_MAX = 0xb IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE = 0x200 IFF_AUTOMEDIA = 0x4000 @@ -1310,6 +1316,7 @@ const ( KEXEC_ARCH_ARM = 0x280000 KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT = 0x0 KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64 = 0x320000 + KEXEC_ARCH_LOONGARCH = 0x1020000 KEXEC_ARCH_MASK = 0xffff0000 KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS = 0x80000 KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE = 0xa0000 @@ -1402,6 +1409,7 @@ const ( LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_SYM = 0x1000 LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_READ_DIR = 0x8 LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_READ_FILE = 0x4 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_REFER = 0x2000 LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_REMOVE_DIR = 0x10 LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_REMOVE_FILE = 0x20 LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_WRITE_FILE = 0x2 @@ -1757,6 +1765,7 @@ const ( NLM_F_ACK_TLVS = 0x200 NLM_F_APPEND = 0x800 NLM_F_ATOMIC = 0x400 + NLM_F_BULK = 0x200 NLM_F_CAPPED = 0x100 NLM_F_CREATE = 0x400 NLM_F_DUMP = 0x300 @@ -2074,6 +2083,11 @@ const ( PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SET_VMA = 0x53564d41 PR_SET_VMA_ANON_NAME = 0x0 + PR_SME_GET_VL = 0x40 + PR_SME_SET_VL = 0x3f + PR_SME_SET_VL_ONEXEC = 0x40000 + PR_SME_VL_INHERIT = 0x20000 + PR_SME_VL_LEN_MASK = 0xffff PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 @@ -2226,8 +2240,9 @@ const ( RTC_FEATURE_ALARM = 0x0 RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_RES_2S = 0x3 RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_RES_MINUTE = 0x1 + RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_WAKEUP_ONLY = 0x7 RTC_FEATURE_BACKUP_SWITCH_MODE = 0x6 - RTC_FEATURE_CNT = 0x7 + RTC_FEATURE_CNT = 0x8 RTC_FEATURE_CORRECTION = 0x5 RTC_FEATURE_NEED_WEEK_DAY = 0x2 RTC_FEATURE_UPDATE_INTERRUPT = 0x4 @@ -2301,6 +2316,7 @@ const ( RTM_DELRULE = 0x21 RTM_DELTCLASS = 0x29 RTM_DELTFILTER = 0x2d + RTM_DELTUNNEL = 0x79 RTM_DELVLAN = 0x71 RTM_F_CLONED = 0x200 RTM_F_EQUALIZE = 0x400 @@ -2333,8 +2349,9 @@ const ( RTM_GETSTATS = 0x5e RTM_GETTCLASS = 0x2a RTM_GETTFILTER = 0x2e + RTM_GETTUNNEL = 0x7a RTM_GETVLAN = 0x72 - RTM_MAX = 0x77 + RTM_MAX = 0x7b RTM_NEWACTION = 0x30 RTM_NEWADDR = 0x14 RTM_NEWADDRLABEL = 0x48 @@ -2358,11 +2375,13 @@ const ( RTM_NEWSTATS = 0x5c RTM_NEWTCLASS = 0x28 RTM_NEWTFILTER = 0x2c - RTM_NR_FAMILIES = 0x1a - RTM_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x68 + RTM_NEWTUNNEL = 0x78 + RTM_NR_FAMILIES = 0x1b + RTM_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6c RTM_SETDCB = 0x4f RTM_SETLINK = 0x13 RTM_SETNEIGHTBL = 0x43 + RTM_SETSTATS = 0x5f RTNH_ALIGNTO = 0x4 RTNH_COMPARE_MASK = 0x59 RTNH_F_DEAD = 0x1 @@ -2543,6 +2562,9 @@ const ( SOCK_RDM = 0x4 SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 SOCK_SNDBUF_LOCK = 0x1 + SOCK_TXREHASH_DEFAULT = 0xff + SOCK_TXREHASH_DISABLED = 0x0 + SOCK_TXREHASH_ENABLED = 0x1 SOL_AAL = 0x109 SOL_ALG = 0x117 SOL_ATM = 0x108 @@ -2558,6 +2580,8 @@ const ( SOL_IUCV = 0x115 SOL_KCM = 0x119 SOL_LLC = 0x10c + SOL_MCTP = 0x11d + SOL_MPTCP = 0x11c SOL_NETBEUI = 0x10b SOL_NETLINK = 0x10e SOL_NFC = 0x118 @@ -2673,7 +2697,7 @@ const ( TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME = "TASKSTATS" TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION = 0x1 TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX = 0x6 - TASKSTATS_VERSION = 0xb + TASKSTATS_VERSION = 0xd TCIFLUSH = 0x0 TCIOFF = 0x2 TCIOFLUSH = 0x2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go index 234fd4a5..274e2dab 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build 386,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 _const.go package unix @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 @@ -350,6 +351,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go index 58619b75..95b6eeed 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build amd64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 _const.go package unix @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 @@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go index 3a64ff59..918cd130 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build arm,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 @@ -357,6 +358,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go index abe0b925..3907dc5a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build arm64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char _const.go package unix @@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 @@ -347,6 +348,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 @@ -511,6 +513,7 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + ZA_MAGIC = 0x54366345 _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03d5c105 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go @@ -0,0 +1,818 @@ +// mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build loong64 && linux +// +build loong64,linux + +// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go + +package unix + +import "syscall" + +const ( + B1000000 = 0x1008 + B115200 = 0x1002 + B1152000 = 0x1009 + B1500000 = 0x100a + B2000000 = 0x100b + B230400 = 0x1003 + B2500000 = 0x100c + B3000000 = 0x100d + B3500000 = 0x100e + B4000000 = 0x100f + B460800 = 0x1004 + B500000 = 0x1005 + B57600 = 0x1001 + B576000 = 0x1006 + B921600 = 0x1007 + BLKBSZGET = 0x80081270 + BLKBSZSET = 0x40081271 + BLKFLSBUF = 0x1261 + BLKFRAGET = 0x1265 + BLKFRASET = 0x1264 + BLKGETSIZE = 0x1260 + BLKGETSIZE64 = 0x80081272 + BLKPBSZGET = 0x127b + BLKRAGET = 0x1263 + BLKRASET = 0x1262 + BLKROGET = 0x125e + BLKROSET = 0x125d + BLKRRPART = 0x125f + BLKSECTGET = 0x1267 + BLKSECTSET = 0x1266 + BLKSSZGET = 0x1268 + BOTHER = 0x1000 + BS1 = 0x2000 + BSDLY = 0x2000 + CBAUD = 0x100f + CBAUDEX = 0x1000 + CIBAUD = 0x100f0000 + CLOCAL = 0x800 + CR1 = 0x200 + CR2 = 0x400 + CR3 = 0x600 + CRDLY = 0x600 + CREAD = 0x80 + CS6 = 0x10 + CS7 = 0x20 + CS8 = 0x30 + CSIZE = 0x30 + CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 + ECHOCTL = 0x200 + ECHOE = 0x10 + ECHOK = 0x20 + ECHOKE = 0x800 + ECHONL = 0x40 + ECHOPRT = 0x400 + EFD_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + EFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + EPOLL_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + EXTPROC = 0x10000 + FF1 = 0x8000 + FFDLY = 0x8000 + FICLONE = 0x40049409 + FICLONERANGE = 0x4020940d + FLUSHO = 0x1000 + FPU_CTX_MAGIC = 0x46505501 + FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY = 0x40806685 + FS_IOC_GETFLAGS = 0x80086601 + FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_NONCE = 0x8010661b + FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY = 0x400c6615 + FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT = 0x40106614 + FS_IOC_SETFLAGS = 0x40086602 + FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY = 0x800c6613 + F_GETLK = 0x5 + F_GETLK64 = 0x5 + F_GETOWN = 0x9 + F_RDLCK = 0x0 + F_SETLK = 0x6 + F_SETLK64 = 0x6 + F_SETLKW = 0x7 + F_SETLKW64 = 0x7 + F_SETOWN = 0x8 + F_UNLCK = 0x2 + F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 + HUPCL = 0x400 + ICANON = 0x2 + IEXTEN = 0x8000 + IN_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + IN_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID = 0x7b9 + ISIG = 0x1 + IUCLC = 0x200 + IXOFF = 0x1000 + IXON = 0x400 + MAP_ANON = 0x20 + MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20 + MAP_DENYWRITE = 0x800 + MAP_EXECUTABLE = 0x1000 + MAP_GROWSDOWN = 0x100 + MAP_HUGETLB = 0x40000 + MAP_LOCKED = 0x2000 + MAP_NONBLOCK = 0x10000 + MAP_NORESERVE = 0x4000 + MAP_POPULATE = 0x8000 + MAP_STACK = 0x20000 + MAP_SYNC = 0x80000 + MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 + MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 + MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 + NFDBITS = 0x40 + NLDLY = 0x100 + NOFLSH = 0x80 + NS_GET_NSTYPE = 0xb703 + NS_GET_OWNER_UID = 0xb704 + NS_GET_PARENT = 0xb702 + NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 + OLCUC = 0x2 + ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d + O_APPEND = 0x400 + O_ASYNC = 0x2000 + O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + O_CREAT = 0x40 + O_DIRECT = 0x4000 + O_DIRECTORY = 0x10000 + O_DSYNC = 0x1000 + O_EXCL = 0x80 + O_FSYNC = 0x101000 + O_LARGEFILE = 0x0 + O_NDELAY = 0x800 + O_NOATIME = 0x40000 + O_NOCTTY = 0x100 + O_NOFOLLOW = 0x20000 + O_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + O_PATH = 0x200000 + O_RSYNC = 0x101000 + O_SYNC = 0x101000 + O_TMPFILE = 0x410000 + O_TRUNC = 0x200 + PARENB = 0x100 + PARODD = 0x200 + PENDIN = 0x4000 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE = 0x2401 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE = 0x2400 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID = 0x80082407 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES = 0x4008240b + PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT = 0x40042409 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD = 0x40082404 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF = 0xc008240a + PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH = 0x2402 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET = 0x2403 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF = 0x40042408 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER = 0x40082406 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 + PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d + PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 + PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a + PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c + PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 + PPPIOCGASYNCMAP = 0x80047458 + PPPIOCGCHAN = 0x80047437 + PPPIOCGDEBUG = 0x80047441 + PPPIOCGFLAGS = 0x8004745a + PPPIOCGIDLE = 0x8010743f + PPPIOCGIDLE32 = 0x8008743f + PPPIOCGIDLE64 = 0x8010743f + PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS = 0x80487436 + PPPIOCGMRU = 0x80047453 + PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP = 0x80047455 + PPPIOCGUNIT = 0x80047456 + PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP = 0x80207450 + PPPIOCSACTIVE = 0x40107446 + PPPIOCSASYNCMAP = 0x40047457 + PPPIOCSCOMPRESS = 0x4010744d + PPPIOCSDEBUG = 0x40047440 + PPPIOCSFLAGS = 0x40047459 + PPPIOCSMAXCID = 0x40047451 + PPPIOCSMRRU = 0x4004743b + PPPIOCSMRU = 0x40047452 + PPPIOCSNPMODE = 0x4008744b + PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40107447 + PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 + PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 + PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e + PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff + PTRACE_SYSEMU = 0x1f + PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP = 0x20 + RLIMIT_AS = 0x9 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x7 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x6 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 + RNDADDENTROPY = 0x40085203 + RNDADDTOENTCNT = 0x40045201 + RNDCLEARPOOL = 0x5206 + RNDGETENTCNT = 0x80045200 + RNDGETPOOL = 0x80085202 + RNDRESEEDCRNG = 0x5207 + RNDZAPENTCNT = 0x5204 + RTC_AIE_OFF = 0x7002 + RTC_AIE_ON = 0x7001 + RTC_ALM_READ = 0x80247008 + RTC_ALM_SET = 0x40247007 + RTC_EPOCH_READ = 0x8008700d + RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e + RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b + RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 + RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 + RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 + RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 + RTC_PLL_SET = 0x40207012 + RTC_RD_TIME = 0x80247009 + RTC_SET_TIME = 0x4024700a + RTC_UIE_OFF = 0x7004 + RTC_UIE_ON = 0x7003 + RTC_VL_CLR = 0x7014 + RTC_VL_READ = 0x80047013 + RTC_WIE_OFF = 0x7010 + RTC_WIE_ON = 0x700f + RTC_WKALM_RD = 0x80287010 + RTC_WKALM_SET = 0x4028700f + SCM_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS = 0x36 + SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO = 0x3a + SCM_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SCM_TXTIME = 0x3d + SCM_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 + SFD_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + SFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + SIOCATMARK = 0x8905 + SIOCGPGRP = 0x8904 + SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW = 0x80108907 + SIOCGSTAMP_NEW = 0x80108906 + SIOCINQ = 0x541b + SIOCOUTQ = 0x5411 + SIOCSPGRP = 0x8902 + SOCK_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 + SOCK_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_SOCKET = 0x1 + SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x1e + SO_ATTACH_BPF = 0x32 + SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 + SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 + SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e + SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 + SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 + SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 + SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 + SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 + SO_COOKIE = 0x39 + SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 + SO_DOMAIN = 0x27 + SO_DONTROUTE = 0x5 + SO_ERROR = 0x4 + SO_INCOMING_CPU = 0x31 + SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID = 0x38 + SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x9 + SO_LINGER = 0xd + SO_LOCK_FILTER = 0x2c + SO_MARK = 0x24 + SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f + SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 + SO_NOFCS = 0x2b + SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa + SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 + SO_PASSSEC = 0x22 + SO_PEEK_OFF = 0x2a + SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 + SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b + SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 + SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 + SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 + SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 + SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b + SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 + SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 + SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf + SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 + SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION = 0x16 + SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK = 0x18 + SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_TRANSPORT = 0x17 + SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE = 0x2d + SO_SNDBUF = 0x7 + SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 + SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 + SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 + SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a + SO_TXTIME = 0x3d + SO_TYPE = 0x3 + SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 + SO_ZEROCOPY = 0x3c + TAB1 = 0x800 + TAB2 = 0x1000 + TAB3 = 0x1800 + TABDLY = 0x1800 + TCFLSH = 0x540b + TCGETA = 0x5405 + TCGETS = 0x5401 + TCGETS2 = 0x802c542a + TCGETX = 0x5432 + TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 + TCSBRK = 0x5409 + TCSBRKP = 0x5425 + TCSETA = 0x5406 + TCSETAF = 0x5408 + TCSETAW = 0x5407 + TCSETS = 0x5402 + TCSETS2 = 0x402c542b + TCSETSF = 0x5404 + TCSETSF2 = 0x402c542d + TCSETSW = 0x5403 + TCSETSW2 = 0x402c542c + TCSETX = 0x5433 + TCSETXF = 0x5434 + TCSETXW = 0x5435 + TCXONC = 0x540a + TFD_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + TFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + TIOCCBRK = 0x5428 + TIOCCONS = 0x541d + TIOCEXCL = 0x540c + TIOCGDEV = 0x80045432 + TIOCGETD = 0x5424 + TIOCGEXCL = 0x80045440 + TIOCGICOUNT = 0x545d + TIOCGISO7816 = 0x80285442 + TIOCGLCKTRMIOS = 0x5456 + TIOCGPGRP = 0x540f + TIOCGPKT = 0x80045438 + TIOCGPTLCK = 0x80045439 + TIOCGPTN = 0x80045430 + TIOCGPTPEER = 0x5441 + TIOCGRS485 = 0x542e + TIOCGSERIAL = 0x541e + TIOCGSID = 0x5429 + TIOCGSOFTCAR = 0x5419 + TIOCGWINSZ = 0x5413 + TIOCINQ = 0x541b + TIOCLINUX = 0x541c + TIOCMBIC = 0x5417 + TIOCMBIS = 0x5416 + TIOCMGET = 0x5415 + TIOCMIWAIT = 0x545c + TIOCMSET = 0x5418 + TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 + TIOCM_CD = 0x40 + TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 + TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 + TIOCM_RI = 0x80 + TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 + TIOCM_SR = 0x10 + TIOCM_ST = 0x8 + TIOCNOTTY = 0x5422 + TIOCNXCL = 0x540d + TIOCOUTQ = 0x5411 + TIOCPKT = 0x5420 + TIOCSBRK = 0x5427 + TIOCSCTTY = 0x540e + TIOCSERCONFIG = 0x5453 + TIOCSERGETLSR = 0x5459 + TIOCSERGETMULTI = 0x545a + TIOCSERGSTRUCT = 0x5458 + TIOCSERGWILD = 0x5454 + TIOCSERSETMULTI = 0x545b + TIOCSERSWILD = 0x5455 + TIOCSER_TEMT = 0x1 + TIOCSETD = 0x5423 + TIOCSIG = 0x40045436 + TIOCSISO7816 = 0xc0285443 + TIOCSLCKTRMIOS = 0x5457 + TIOCSPGRP = 0x5410 + TIOCSPTLCK = 0x40045431 + TIOCSRS485 = 0x542f + TIOCSSERIAL = 0x541f + TIOCSSOFTCAR = 0x541a + TIOCSTI = 0x5412 + TIOCSWINSZ = 0x5414 + TIOCVHANGUP = 0x5437 + TOSTOP = 0x100 + TUNATTACHFILTER = 0x401054d5 + TUNDETACHFILTER = 0x401054d6 + TUNGETDEVNETNS = 0x54e3 + TUNGETFEATURES = 0x800454cf + TUNGETFILTER = 0x801054db + TUNGETIFF = 0x800454d2 + TUNGETSNDBUF = 0x800454d3 + TUNGETVNETBE = 0x800454df + TUNGETVNETHDRSZ = 0x800454d7 + TUNGETVNETLE = 0x800454dd + TUNSETCARRIER = 0x400454e2 + TUNSETDEBUG = 0x400454c9 + TUNSETFILTEREBPF = 0x800454e1 + TUNSETGROUP = 0x400454ce + TUNSETIFF = 0x400454ca + TUNSETIFINDEX = 0x400454da + TUNSETLINK = 0x400454cd + TUNSETNOCSUM = 0x400454c8 + TUNSETOFFLOAD = 0x400454d0 + TUNSETOWNER = 0x400454cc + TUNSETPERSIST = 0x400454cb + TUNSETQUEUE = 0x400454d9 + TUNSETSNDBUF = 0x400454d4 + TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF = 0x800454e0 + TUNSETTXFILTER = 0x400454d1 + TUNSETVNETBE = 0x400454de + TUNSETVNETHDRSZ = 0x400454d8 + TUNSETVNETLE = 0x400454dc + UBI_IOCATT = 0x40186f40 + UBI_IOCDET = 0x40046f41 + UBI_IOCEBCH = 0x40044f02 + UBI_IOCEBER = 0x40044f01 + UBI_IOCEBISMAP = 0x80044f05 + UBI_IOCEBMAP = 0x40084f03 + UBI_IOCEBUNMAP = 0x40044f04 + UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 + UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 + UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 + UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 + UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 + UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 + UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 + UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 + VDISCARD = 0xd + VEOF = 0x4 + VEOL = 0xb + VEOL2 = 0x10 + VMIN = 0x6 + VREPRINT = 0xc + VSTART = 0x8 + VSTOP = 0x9 + VSUSP = 0xa + VSWTC = 0x7 + VT1 = 0x4000 + VTDLY = 0x4000 + VTIME = 0x5 + VWERASE = 0xe + WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS = 0x80045702 + WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT = 0x80045709 + WDIOC_GETSTATUS = 0x80045701 + WDIOC_GETSUPPORT = 0x80285700 + WDIOC_GETTEMP = 0x80045703 + WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT = 0x8004570a + WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT = 0x80045707 + WDIOC_KEEPALIVE = 0x80045705 + WDIOC_SETOPTIONS = 0x80045704 + WORDSIZE = 0x40 + XCASE = 0x4 + XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 +) + +// Errors +const ( + EADDRINUSE = syscall.Errno(0x62) + EADDRNOTAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x63) + EADV = syscall.Errno(0x44) + EAFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x61) + EALREADY = syscall.Errno(0x72) + EBADE = syscall.Errno(0x34) + EBADFD = syscall.Errno(0x4d) + EBADMSG = syscall.Errno(0x4a) + EBADR = syscall.Errno(0x35) + EBADRQC = syscall.Errno(0x38) + EBADSLT = syscall.Errno(0x39) + EBFONT = syscall.Errno(0x3b) + ECANCELED = syscall.Errno(0x7d) + ECHRNG = syscall.Errno(0x2c) + ECOMM = syscall.Errno(0x46) + ECONNABORTED = syscall.Errno(0x67) + ECONNREFUSED = syscall.Errno(0x6f) + ECONNRESET = syscall.Errno(0x68) + EDEADLK = syscall.Errno(0x23) + EDEADLOCK = syscall.Errno(0x23) + EDESTADDRREQ = syscall.Errno(0x59) + EDOTDOT = syscall.Errno(0x49) + EDQUOT = syscall.Errno(0x7a) + EHOSTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x70) + EHOSTUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x71) + EHWPOISON = syscall.Errno(0x85) + EIDRM = syscall.Errno(0x2b) + EILSEQ = syscall.Errno(0x54) + EINPROGRESS = syscall.Errno(0x73) + EISCONN = syscall.Errno(0x6a) + EISNAM = syscall.Errno(0x78) + EKEYEXPIRED = syscall.Errno(0x7f) + EKEYREJECTED = syscall.Errno(0x81) + EKEYREVOKED = syscall.Errno(0x80) + EL2HLT = syscall.Errno(0x33) + EL2NSYNC = syscall.Errno(0x2d) + EL3HLT = syscall.Errno(0x2e) + EL3RST = syscall.Errno(0x2f) + ELIBACC = syscall.Errno(0x4f) + ELIBBAD = syscall.Errno(0x50) + ELIBEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x53) + ELIBMAX = syscall.Errno(0x52) + ELIBSCN = syscall.Errno(0x51) + ELNRNG = syscall.Errno(0x30) + ELOOP = syscall.Errno(0x28) + EMEDIUMTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x7c) + EMSGSIZE = syscall.Errno(0x5a) + EMULTIHOP = syscall.Errno(0x48) + ENAMETOOLONG = syscall.Errno(0x24) + ENAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x77) + ENETDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x64) + ENETRESET = syscall.Errno(0x66) + ENETUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x65) + ENOANO = syscall.Errno(0x37) + ENOBUFS = syscall.Errno(0x69) + ENOCSI = syscall.Errno(0x32) + ENODATA = syscall.Errno(0x3d) + ENOKEY = syscall.Errno(0x7e) + ENOLCK = syscall.Errno(0x25) + ENOLINK = syscall.Errno(0x43) + ENOMEDIUM = syscall.Errno(0x7b) + ENOMSG = syscall.Errno(0x2a) + ENONET = syscall.Errno(0x40) + ENOPKG = syscall.Errno(0x41) + ENOPROTOOPT = syscall.Errno(0x5c) + ENOSR = syscall.Errno(0x3f) + ENOSTR = syscall.Errno(0x3c) + ENOSYS = syscall.Errno(0x26) + ENOTCONN = syscall.Errno(0x6b) + ENOTEMPTY = syscall.Errno(0x27) + ENOTNAM = syscall.Errno(0x76) + ENOTRECOVERABLE = syscall.Errno(0x83) + ENOTSOCK = syscall.Errno(0x58) + ENOTSUP = syscall.Errno(0x5f) + ENOTUNIQ = syscall.Errno(0x4c) + EOPNOTSUPP = syscall.Errno(0x5f) + EOVERFLOW = syscall.Errno(0x4b) + EOWNERDEAD = syscall.Errno(0x82) + EPFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x60) + EPROTO = syscall.Errno(0x47) + EPROTONOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x5d) + EPROTOTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x5b) + EREMCHG = syscall.Errno(0x4e) + EREMOTE = syscall.Errno(0x42) + EREMOTEIO = syscall.Errno(0x79) + ERESTART = syscall.Errno(0x55) + ERFKILL = syscall.Errno(0x84) + ESHUTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x6c) + ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x5e) + ESRMNT = syscall.Errno(0x45) + ESTALE = syscall.Errno(0x74) + ESTRPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x56) + ETIME = syscall.Errno(0x3e) + ETIMEDOUT = syscall.Errno(0x6e) + ETOOMANYREFS = syscall.Errno(0x6d) + EUCLEAN = syscall.Errno(0x75) + EUNATCH = syscall.Errno(0x31) + EUSERS = syscall.Errno(0x57) + EXFULL = syscall.Errno(0x36) +) + +// Signals +const ( + SIGBUS = syscall.Signal(0x7) + SIGCHLD = syscall.Signal(0x11) + SIGCLD = syscall.Signal(0x11) + SIGCONT = syscall.Signal(0x12) + SIGIO = syscall.Signal(0x1d) + SIGPOLL = syscall.Signal(0x1d) + SIGPROF = syscall.Signal(0x1b) + SIGPWR = syscall.Signal(0x1e) + SIGSTKFLT = syscall.Signal(0x10) + SIGSTOP = syscall.Signal(0x13) + SIGSYS = syscall.Signal(0x1f) + SIGTSTP = syscall.Signal(0x14) + SIGTTIN = syscall.Signal(0x15) + SIGTTOU = syscall.Signal(0x16) + SIGURG = syscall.Signal(0x17) + SIGUSR1 = syscall.Signal(0xa) + SIGUSR2 = syscall.Signal(0xc) + SIGVTALRM = syscall.Signal(0x1a) + SIGWINCH = syscall.Signal(0x1c) + SIGXCPU = syscall.Signal(0x18) + SIGXFSZ = syscall.Signal(0x19) +) + +// Error table +var errorList = [...]struct { + num syscall.Errno + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "EPERM", "operation not permitted"}, + {2, "ENOENT", "no such file or directory"}, + {3, "ESRCH", "no such process"}, + {4, "EINTR", "interrupted system call"}, + {5, "EIO", "input/output error"}, + {6, "ENXIO", "no such device or address"}, + {7, "E2BIG", "argument list too long"}, + {8, "ENOEXEC", "exec format error"}, + {9, "EBADF", "bad file descriptor"}, + {10, "ECHILD", "no child processes"}, + {11, "EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"}, + {12, "ENOMEM", "cannot allocate memory"}, + {13, "EACCES", "permission denied"}, + {14, "EFAULT", "bad address"}, + {15, "ENOTBLK", "block device required"}, + {16, "EBUSY", "device or resource busy"}, + {17, "EEXIST", "file exists"}, + {18, "EXDEV", "invalid cross-device link"}, + {19, "ENODEV", "no such device"}, + {20, "ENOTDIR", "not a directory"}, + {21, "EISDIR", "is a directory"}, + {22, "EINVAL", "invalid argument"}, + {23, "ENFILE", "too many open files in system"}, + {24, "EMFILE", "too many open files"}, + {25, "ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"}, + {26, "ETXTBSY", "text file busy"}, + {27, "EFBIG", "file too large"}, + {28, "ENOSPC", "no space left on device"}, + {29, "ESPIPE", "illegal seek"}, + {30, "EROFS", "read-only file system"}, + {31, "EMLINK", "too many links"}, + {32, "EPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {33, "EDOM", "numerical argument out of domain"}, + {34, "ERANGE", "numerical result out of range"}, + {35, "EDEADLK", "resource deadlock avoided"}, + {36, "ENAMETOOLONG", "file name too long"}, + {37, "ENOLCK", "no locks available"}, + {38, "ENOSYS", "function not implemented"}, + {39, "ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"}, + {40, "ELOOP", "too many levels of symbolic links"}, + {42, "ENOMSG", "no message of desired type"}, + {43, "EIDRM", "identifier removed"}, + {44, "ECHRNG", "channel number out of range"}, + {45, "EL2NSYNC", "level 2 not synchronized"}, + {46, "EL3HLT", "level 3 halted"}, + {47, "EL3RST", "level 3 reset"}, + {48, "ELNRNG", "link number out of range"}, + {49, "EUNATCH", "protocol driver not attached"}, + {50, "ENOCSI", "no CSI structure available"}, + {51, "EL2HLT", "level 2 halted"}, + {52, "EBADE", "invalid exchange"}, + {53, "EBADR", "invalid request descriptor"}, + {54, "EXFULL", "exchange full"}, + {55, "ENOANO", "no anode"}, + {56, "EBADRQC", "invalid request code"}, + {57, "EBADSLT", "invalid slot"}, + {59, "EBFONT", "bad font file format"}, + {60, "ENOSTR", "device not a stream"}, + {61, "ENODATA", "no data available"}, + {62, "ETIME", "timer expired"}, + {63, "ENOSR", "out of streams resources"}, + {64, "ENONET", "machine is not on the network"}, + {65, "ENOPKG", "package not installed"}, + {66, "EREMOTE", "object is remote"}, + {67, "ENOLINK", "link has been severed"}, + {68, "EADV", "advertise error"}, + {69, "ESRMNT", "srmount error"}, + {70, "ECOMM", "communication error on send"}, + {71, "EPROTO", "protocol error"}, + {72, "EMULTIHOP", "multihop attempted"}, + {73, "EDOTDOT", "RFS specific error"}, + {74, "EBADMSG", "bad message"}, + {75, "EOVERFLOW", "value too large for defined data type"}, + {76, "ENOTUNIQ", "name not unique on network"}, + {77, "EBADFD", "file descriptor in bad state"}, + {78, "EREMCHG", "remote address changed"}, + {79, "ELIBACC", "can not access a needed shared library"}, + {80, "ELIBBAD", "accessing a corrupted shared library"}, + {81, "ELIBSCN", ".lib section in a.out corrupted"}, + {82, "ELIBMAX", "attempting to link in too many shared libraries"}, + {83, "ELIBEXEC", "cannot exec a shared library directly"}, + {84, "EILSEQ", "invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character"}, + {85, "ERESTART", "interrupted system call should be restarted"}, + {86, "ESTRPIPE", "streams pipe error"}, + {87, "EUSERS", "too many users"}, + {88, "ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"}, + {89, "EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"}, + {90, "EMSGSIZE", "message too long"}, + {91, "EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"}, + {92, "ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"}, + {93, "EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"}, + {94, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "socket type not supported"}, + {95, "ENOTSUP", "operation not supported"}, + {96, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "protocol family not supported"}, + {97, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported by protocol"}, + {98, "EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"}, + {99, "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "cannot assign requested address"}, + {100, "ENETDOWN", "network is down"}, + {101, "ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"}, + {102, "ENETRESET", "network dropped connection on reset"}, + {103, "ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"}, + {104, "ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"}, + {105, "ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"}, + {106, "EISCONN", "transport endpoint is already connected"}, + {107, "ENOTCONN", "transport endpoint is not connected"}, + {108, "ESHUTDOWN", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"}, + {109, "ETOOMANYREFS", "too many references: cannot splice"}, + {110, "ETIMEDOUT", "connection timed out"}, + {111, "ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"}, + {112, "EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"}, + {113, "EHOSTUNREACH", "no route to host"}, + {114, "EALREADY", "operation already in progress"}, + {115, "EINPROGRESS", "operation now in progress"}, + {116, "ESTALE", "stale file handle"}, + {117, "EUCLEAN", "structure needs cleaning"}, + {118, "ENOTNAM", "not a XENIX named type file"}, + {119, "ENAVAIL", "no XENIX semaphores available"}, + {120, "EISNAM", "is a named type file"}, + {121, "EREMOTEIO", "remote I/O error"}, + {122, "EDQUOT", "disk quota exceeded"}, + {123, "ENOMEDIUM", "no medium found"}, + {124, "EMEDIUMTYPE", "wrong medium type"}, + {125, "ECANCELED", "operation canceled"}, + {126, "ENOKEY", "required key not available"}, + {127, "EKEYEXPIRED", "key has expired"}, + {128, "EKEYREVOKED", "key has been revoked"}, + {129, "EKEYREJECTED", "key was rejected by service"}, + {130, "EOWNERDEAD", "owner died"}, + {131, "ENOTRECOVERABLE", "state not recoverable"}, + {132, "ERFKILL", "operation not possible due to RF-kill"}, + {133, "EHWPOISON", "memory page has hardware error"}, +} + +// Signal table +var signalList = [...]struct { + num syscall.Signal + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "SIGHUP", "hangup"}, + {2, "SIGINT", "interrupt"}, + {3, "SIGQUIT", "quit"}, + {4, "SIGILL", "illegal instruction"}, + {5, "SIGTRAP", "trace/breakpoint trap"}, + {6, "SIGABRT", "aborted"}, + {7, "SIGBUS", "bus error"}, + {8, "SIGFPE", "floating point exception"}, + {9, "SIGKILL", "killed"}, + {10, "SIGUSR1", "user defined signal 1"}, + {11, "SIGSEGV", "segmentation fault"}, + {12, "SIGUSR2", "user defined signal 2"}, + {13, "SIGPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {14, "SIGALRM", "alarm clock"}, + {15, "SIGTERM", "terminated"}, + {16, "SIGSTKFLT", "stack fault"}, + {17, "SIGCHLD", "child exited"}, + {18, "SIGCONT", "continued"}, + {19, "SIGSTOP", "stopped (signal)"}, + {20, "SIGTSTP", "stopped"}, + {21, "SIGTTIN", "stopped (tty input)"}, + {22, "SIGTTOU", "stopped (tty output)"}, + {23, "SIGURG", "urgent I/O condition"}, + {24, "SIGXCPU", "CPU time limit exceeded"}, + {25, "SIGXFSZ", "file size limit exceeded"}, + {26, "SIGVTALRM", "virtual timer expired"}, + {27, "SIGPROF", "profiling timer expired"}, + {28, "SIGWINCH", "window changed"}, + {29, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"}, + {30, "SIGPWR", "power failure"}, + {31, "SIGSYS", "bad system call"}, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go index 14d7a843..bd794e01 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build mips,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 @@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go index 99e7c4ac..6c741b05 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build mips64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 @@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go index 496364c3..807b8cd2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build mips64le,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 @@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go index 3e408308..a39e4f5c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build mipsle,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 @@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go index 1151a7df..c0fcda86 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build ppc,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x10 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 @@ -405,6 +406,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go index ed17f249..f3b72407 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build ppc64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x10 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 @@ -409,6 +410,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go index d84a37c1..72f2a45d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build ppc64le,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x10 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 @@ -409,6 +410,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go index 5cafba83..45b214b4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build riscv64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 @@ -338,6 +339,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go index 6d122da4..1897f207 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build s390x,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char _const.go package unix @@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x4b SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 @@ -413,6 +414,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXREHASH = 0x4a SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go index 6bd19e51..1fb7a395 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // +build sparc64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include _const.go package unix @@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x100b SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x800 + SO_RCVMARK = 0x54 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x2000 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x44 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x2000 @@ -404,6 +405,7 @@ const ( SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x42 SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x21 SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x46 + SO_TXREHASH = 0x53 SO_TXTIME = 0x3f SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x25 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go index 87937658..467deed7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go @@ -1643,6 +1643,30 @@ var libc_mknod_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func Mount(fsType string, dir string, flags int, data unsafe.Pointer) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(fsType) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(dir) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_mount_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(data), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_mount_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mount mount "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s index 8da90cf0..7e308a47 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s @@ -600,6 +600,12 @@ TEXT libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_mount_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_mount(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_mount_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mount_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mount_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_open_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_open(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go index f47eedd5..35938d34 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go @@ -1643,6 +1643,30 @@ var libc_mknod_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func Mount(fsType string, dir string, flags int, data unsafe.Pointer) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(fsType) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(dir) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_mount_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(data), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_mount_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mount mount "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s index 4d26f7d0..b09e5bb0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s @@ -600,6 +600,12 @@ TEXT libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_mount_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_mount(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_mount_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mount_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mount_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_open_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_open(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..523f2ba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,loong64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_loong64.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build linux && loong64 +// +build linux,loong64 + +package unix + +import ( + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +var _ syscall.Errno + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fanotifyMark(fd int, flags uint, mask uint64, dirFd int, pathname *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), uintptr(mask), uintptr(dirFd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pathname)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fallocate(fd int, mode uint32, off int64, len int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FALLOCATE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), uintptr(off), uintptr(len), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_TEE, uintptr(rfd), uintptr(wfd), uintptr(len), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + n = int64(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(events) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&events[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT, uintptr(epfd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(events)), uintptr(msec), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FADVISE64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(length), uintptr(advice), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstatfs(fd int, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSTATFS, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FTRUNCATE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getegid() (egid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETEGID, 0, 0, 0) + egid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Geteuid() (euid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETEUID, 0, 0, 0) + euid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getgid() (gid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETGID, 0, 0, 0) + gid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getuid() (uid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETUID, 0, 0, 0) + uid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(s), uintptr(n), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PREAD64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PWRITE64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LSEEK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence)) + off = int64(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDFILE, uintptr(outfd), uintptr(infd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(offset)), uintptr(count), 0, 0) + written = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setfsgid(gid int) (prev int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETFSGID, uintptr(gid), 0, 0) + prev = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setfsuid(uid int) (prev int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETFSUID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + prev = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setresgid(rgid int, egid int, sgid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRESGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), uintptr(sgid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setresuid(ruid int, euid int, suid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRESUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), uintptr(suid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Shutdown(fd int, how int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Splice(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SPLICE, uintptr(rfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(roff)), uintptr(wfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(woff)), uintptr(len), uintptr(flags)) + n = int64(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_STATFS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(off), uintptr(n), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_TRUNCATE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_BIND, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CONNECT, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (nn int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETGROUPS, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(list)), 0) + nn = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETGROUPS, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(list)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall6(SYS_SOCKETPAIR, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPEERNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETSOCKNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RECVFROM, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDTO, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset int64) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset)) + xaddr = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tv)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go index a1a9bcbb..1239cc2d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -180,6 +180,17 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func MemfdSecret(flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MEMFD_SECRET, uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go index d12f4fbf..fdf53f8d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import ( //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpriority getpriority "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrlimit getrlimit "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrusage getrusage "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsid getsid "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_gettimeofday gettimeofday "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getuid getuid "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kill kill "libc.so" @@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ import ( //go:linkname procGetpriority libc_getpriority //go:linkname procGetrlimit libc_getrlimit //go:linkname procGetrusage libc_getrusage +//go:linkname procGetsid libc_getsid //go:linkname procGettimeofday libc_gettimeofday //go:linkname procGetuid libc_getuid //go:linkname procKill libc_kill @@ -339,6 +341,7 @@ var ( procGetpriority, procGetrlimit, procGetrusage, + procGetsid, procGettimeofday, procGetuid, procKill, @@ -1044,6 +1047,17 @@ func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := rawSysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procGetsid)), 1, uintptr(pid), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + sid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) { _, _, e1 := rawSysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procGettimeofday)), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tv)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44a764c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +// go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build loong64 && linux +// +build loong64,linux + +package unix + +const ( + SYS_IO_SETUP = 0 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 1 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 2 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 3 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4 + SYS_SETXATTR = 5 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 6 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 7 + SYS_GETXATTR = 8 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 9 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 10 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 11 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 12 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 13 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 14 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 15 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 16 + SYS_GETCWD = 17 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 18 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 19 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 20 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 21 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 22 + SYS_DUP = 23 + SYS_DUP3 = 24 + SYS_FCNTL = 25 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 26 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 27 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 28 + SYS_IOCTL = 29 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 30 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 31 + SYS_FLOCK = 32 + SYS_MKNODAT = 33 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 34 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 35 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 36 + SYS_LINKAT = 37 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 39 + SYS_MOUNT = 40 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 41 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 42 + SYS_STATFS = 43 + SYS_FSTATFS = 44 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 45 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 46 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 47 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 48 + SYS_CHDIR = 49 + SYS_FCHDIR = 50 + SYS_CHROOT = 51 + SYS_FCHMOD = 52 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 53 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 54 + SYS_FCHOWN = 55 + SYS_OPENAT = 56 + SYS_CLOSE = 57 + SYS_VHANGUP = 58 + SYS_PIPE2 = 59 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 60 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 61 + SYS_LSEEK = 62 + SYS_READ = 63 + SYS_WRITE = 64 + SYS_READV = 65 + SYS_WRITEV = 66 + SYS_PREAD64 = 67 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 + SYS_PREADV = 69 + SYS_PWRITEV = 70 + SYS_SENDFILE = 71 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 72 + SYS_PPOLL = 73 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 74 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 75 + SYS_SPLICE = 76 + SYS_TEE = 77 + SYS_READLINKAT = 78 + SYS_SYNC = 81 + SYS_FSYNC = 82 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 83 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 84 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 85 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 86 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 87 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 88 + SYS_ACCT = 89 + SYS_CAPGET = 90 + SYS_CAPSET = 91 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 92 + SYS_EXIT = 93 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 94 + SYS_WAITID = 95 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 96 + SYS_UNSHARE = 97 + SYS_FUTEX = 98 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 99 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 100 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 101 + SYS_GETITIMER = 102 + SYS_SETITIMER = 103 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 104 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 105 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 106 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 107 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 108 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 109 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 110 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 111 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 112 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 113 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 114 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 115 + SYS_SYSLOG = 116 + SYS_PTRACE = 117 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 118 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 119 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 120 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 121 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 122 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 123 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 124 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 125 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 126 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 127 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 128 + SYS_KILL = 129 + SYS_TKILL = 130 + SYS_TGKILL = 131 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 132 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 133 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 134 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 135 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 136 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 137 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 138 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 139 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 140 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 141 + SYS_REBOOT = 142 + SYS_SETREGID = 143 + SYS_SETGID = 144 + SYS_SETREUID = 145 + SYS_SETUID = 146 + SYS_SETRESUID = 147 + SYS_GETRESUID = 148 + SYS_SETRESGID = 149 + SYS_GETRESGID = 150 + SYS_SETFSUID = 151 + SYS_SETFSGID = 152 + SYS_TIMES = 153 + SYS_SETPGID = 154 + SYS_GETPGID = 155 + SYS_GETSID = 156 + SYS_SETSID = 157 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 158 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 159 + SYS_UNAME = 160 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 161 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 162 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 165 + SYS_UMASK = 166 + SYS_PRCTL = 167 + SYS_GETCPU = 168 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 169 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 170 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 171 + SYS_GETPID = 172 + SYS_GETPPID = 173 + SYS_GETUID = 174 + SYS_GETEUID = 175 + SYS_GETGID = 176 + SYS_GETEGID = 177 + SYS_GETTID = 178 + SYS_SYSINFO = 179 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 180 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 181 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 182 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 183 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 184 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 185 + SYS_MSGGET = 186 + SYS_MSGCTL = 187 + SYS_MSGRCV = 188 + SYS_MSGSND = 189 + SYS_SEMGET = 190 + SYS_SEMCTL = 191 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 192 + SYS_SEMOP = 193 + SYS_SHMGET = 194 + SYS_SHMCTL = 195 + SYS_SHMAT = 196 + SYS_SHMDT = 197 + SYS_SOCKET = 198 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 199 + SYS_BIND = 200 + SYS_LISTEN = 201 + SYS_ACCEPT = 202 + SYS_CONNECT = 203 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 204 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 205 + SYS_SENDTO = 206 + SYS_RECVFROM = 207 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 208 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 209 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 210 + SYS_SENDMSG = 211 + SYS_RECVMSG = 212 + SYS_READAHEAD = 213 + SYS_BRK = 214 + SYS_MUNMAP = 215 + SYS_MREMAP = 216 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 217 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 218 + SYS_KEYCTL = 219 + SYS_CLONE = 220 + SYS_EXECVE = 221 + SYS_MMAP = 222 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 223 + SYS_SWAPON = 224 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 225 + SYS_MPROTECT = 226 + SYS_MSYNC = 227 + SYS_MLOCK = 228 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 229 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 230 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 231 + SYS_MINCORE = 232 + SYS_MADVISE = 233 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 234 + SYS_MBIND = 235 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 236 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 237 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 238 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 239 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 240 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 241 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 242 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 243 + SYS_ARCH_SPECIFIC_SYSCALL = 244 + SYS_WAIT4 = 260 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 261 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 262 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 263 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 264 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 265 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 266 + SYS_SYNCFS = 267 + SYS_SETNS = 268 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 269 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 270 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 271 + SYS_KCMP = 272 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 273 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 274 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 275 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 276 + SYS_SECCOMP = 277 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 278 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 279 + SYS_BPF = 280 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 281 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 282 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 283 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 284 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 285 + SYS_PREADV2 = 286 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 287 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 288 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 289 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 290 + SYS_STATX = 291 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 + SYS_RSEQ = 293 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go index c3a5af86..3a9c96b2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go @@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go index 885842c0..e2a64f09 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go @@ -366,30 +366,57 @@ type ICMPv6Filter struct { Filt [8]uint32 } +type TCPConnectionInfo struct { + State uint8 + Snd_wscale uint8 + Rcv_wscale uint8 + _ uint8 + Options uint32 + Flags uint32 + Rto uint32 + Maxseg uint32 + Snd_ssthresh uint32 + Snd_cwnd uint32 + Snd_wnd uint32 + Snd_sbbytes uint32 + Rcv_wnd uint32 + Rttcur uint32 + Srtt uint32 + Rttvar uint32 + Txpackets uint64 + Txbytes uint64 + Txretransmitbytes uint64 + Rxpackets uint64 + Rxbytes uint64 + Rxoutoforderbytes uint64 + Txretransmitpackets uint64 +} + const ( - SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 - SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c - SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c - SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a - SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 - SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 - SizeofSockaddrVM = 0xc - SizeofXvsockpcb = 0xa8 - SizeofXSocket = 0x64 - SizeofXSockbuf = 0x18 - SizeofXVSockPgen = 0x20 - SizeofXucred = 0x4c - SizeofLinger = 0x8 - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 - SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc - SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc - SizeofInet4Pktinfo = 0xc - SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 - SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 - SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c + SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c + SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 + SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrVM = 0xc + SizeofXvsockpcb = 0xa8 + SizeofXSocket = 0x64 + SizeofXSockbuf = 0x18 + SizeofXVSockPgen = 0x20 + SizeofXucred = 0x4c + SizeofLinger = 0x8 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 + SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc + SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofInet4Pktinfo = 0xc + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 + SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 + SizeofTCPConnectionInfo = 0x70 ) const ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go index b23c0233..34aa7752 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go @@ -366,30 +366,57 @@ type ICMPv6Filter struct { Filt [8]uint32 } +type TCPConnectionInfo struct { + State uint8 + Snd_wscale uint8 + Rcv_wscale uint8 + _ uint8 + Options uint32 + Flags uint32 + Rto uint32 + Maxseg uint32 + Snd_ssthresh uint32 + Snd_cwnd uint32 + Snd_wnd uint32 + Snd_sbbytes uint32 + Rcv_wnd uint32 + Rttcur uint32 + Srtt uint32 + Rttvar uint32 + Txpackets uint64 + Txbytes uint64 + Txretransmitbytes uint64 + Rxpackets uint64 + Rxbytes uint64 + Rxoutoforderbytes uint64 + Txretransmitpackets uint64 +} + const ( - SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 - SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c - SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c - SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a - SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 - SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 - SizeofSockaddrVM = 0xc - SizeofXvsockpcb = 0xa8 - SizeofXSocket = 0x64 - SizeofXSockbuf = 0x18 - SizeofXVSockPgen = 0x20 - SizeofXucred = 0x4c - SizeofLinger = 0x8 - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 - SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc - SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc - SizeofInet4Pktinfo = 0xc - SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 - SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 - SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c + SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c + SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 + SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrVM = 0xc + SizeofXvsockpcb = 0xa8 + SizeofXSocket = 0x64 + SizeofXSockbuf = 0x18 + SizeofXVSockPgen = 0x20 + SizeofXucred = 0x4c + SizeofLinger = 0x8 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 + SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc + SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofInet4Pktinfo = 0xc + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 + SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 + SizeofTCPConnectionInfo = 0x70 ) const ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go index 9962d26b..e62611e5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go @@ -1127,7 +1127,9 @@ const ( PERF_BR_SYSRET = 0x8 PERF_BR_COND_CALL = 0x9 PERF_BR_COND_RET = 0xa - PERF_BR_MAX = 0xb + PERF_BR_ERET = 0xb + PERF_BR_IRQ = 0xc + PERF_BR_MAX = 0xd PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_ABI_NONE = 0x0 PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_ABI_32 = 0x1 PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_ABI_64 = 0x2 @@ -2969,7 +2971,7 @@ const ( DEVLINK_CMD_TRAP_POLICER_NEW = 0x47 DEVLINK_CMD_TRAP_POLICER_DEL = 0x48 DEVLINK_CMD_HEALTH_REPORTER_TEST = 0x49 - DEVLINK_CMD_MAX = 0x4d + DEVLINK_CMD_MAX = 0x51 DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET = 0x0 DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO = 0x1 DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH = 0x2 @@ -3198,7 +3200,7 @@ const ( DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_NODE_NAME = 0xa8 DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_PARENT_NODE_NAME = 0xa9 DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_MAX_SNAPSHOTS = 0xaa - DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX = 0xaa + DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX = 0xae DEVLINK_DPIPE_FIELD_MAPPING_TYPE_NONE = 0x0 DEVLINK_DPIPE_FIELD_MAPPING_TYPE_IFINDEX = 0x1 DEVLINK_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD_EXACT = 0x0 @@ -3638,7 +3640,11 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_MINI = 0x7 ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_JUMBO = 0x8 ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_TX = 0x9 - ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_MAX = 0xa + ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_BUF_LEN = 0xa + ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_TCP_DATA_SPLIT = 0xb + ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_CQE_SIZE = 0xc + ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_TX_PUSH = 0xd + ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_MAX = 0xd ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_UNSPEC = 0x0 ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_HEADER = 0x1 ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_RX_MAX = 0x2 @@ -4323,7 +4329,7 @@ const ( NL80211_ATTR_MAC_HINT = 0xc8 NL80211_ATTR_MAC_MASK = 0xd7 NL80211_ATTR_MAX_AP_ASSOC_STA = 0xca - NL80211_ATTR_MAX = 0x135 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX = 0x137 NL80211_ATTR_MAX_CRIT_PROT_DURATION = 0xb4 NL80211_ATTR_MAX_CSA_COUNTERS = 0xce NL80211_ATTR_MAX_MATCH_SETS = 0x85 @@ -4549,7 +4555,7 @@ const ( NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_PHY = 0x3 NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_PPE = 0x5 NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_IFTYPES = 0x1 - NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_MAX = 0xb NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ = 0x4 NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_2GHZ_SHORTPREAMBLE = 0x2 NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 @@ -4887,7 +4893,7 @@ const ( NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_GO_CONCURRENT = 0xf NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_INDOOR_ONLY = 0xe NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_IR_CONCURRENT = 0xf - NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX = 0x19 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX = 0x1b NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX_TX_POWER = 0x6 NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_10MHZ = 0x11 NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_160MHZ = 0xc @@ -5254,7 +5260,7 @@ const ( NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_52 = 0x1 NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_996 = 0x5 NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC = 0x11 - NL80211_RATE_INFO_MAX = 0x11 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_MAX = 0x16 NL80211_RATE_INFO_MCS = 0x2 NL80211_RATE_INFO_SHORT_GI = 0x4 NL80211_RATE_INFO_VHT_MCS = 0x6 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go index 53140925..7551af48 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && linux @@ -324,6 +324,13 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + _ [4]byte + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go index b02ab83d..3e738ac0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && linux @@ -338,6 +338,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go index 9e6871d2..6183eef4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && linux @@ -315,6 +315,13 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + _ [4]byte + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go index b732d125..968cecb1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && linux @@ -317,6 +317,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fe4c522 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build loong64 && linux +// +build loong64,linux + +package unix + +const ( + SizeofPtr = 0x8 + SizeofLong = 0x8 +) + +type ( + _C_long int64 +) + +type Timespec struct { + Sec int64 + Nsec int64 +} + +type Timeval struct { + Sec int64 + Usec int64 +} + +type Timex struct { + Modes uint32 + Offset int64 + Freq int64 + Maxerror int64 + Esterror int64 + Status int32 + Constant int64 + Precision int64 + Tolerance int64 + Time Timeval + Tick int64 + Ppsfreq int64 + Jitter int64 + Shift int32 + Stabil int64 + Jitcnt int64 + Calcnt int64 + Errcnt int64 + Stbcnt int64 + Tai int32 + _ [44]byte +} + +type Time_t int64 + +type Tms struct { + Utime int64 + Stime int64 + Cutime int64 + Cstime int64 +} + +type Utimbuf struct { + Actime int64 + Modtime int64 +} + +type Rusage struct { + Utime Timeval + Stime Timeval + Maxrss int64 + Ixrss int64 + Idrss int64 + Isrss int64 + Minflt int64 + Majflt int64 + Nswap int64 + Inblock int64 + Oublock int64 + Msgsnd int64 + Msgrcv int64 + Nsignals int64 + Nvcsw int64 + Nivcsw int64 +} + +type Stat_t struct { + Dev uint64 + Ino uint64 + Mode uint32 + Nlink uint32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Rdev uint64 + _ uint64 + Size int64 + Blksize int32 + _ int32 + Blocks int64 + Atim Timespec + Mtim Timespec + Ctim Timespec + _ [2]int32 +} + +type Dirent struct { + Ino uint64 + Off int64 + Reclen uint16 + Type uint8 + Name [256]int8 + _ [5]byte +} + +type Flock_t struct { + Type int16 + Whence int16 + Start int64 + Len int64 + Pid int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type DmNameList struct { + Dev uint64 + Next uint32 + Name [0]byte + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + FADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 + FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 +) + +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + +type RawSockaddr struct { + Family uint16 + Data [14]int8 +} + +type RawSockaddrAny struct { + Addr RawSockaddr + Pad [96]int8 +} + +type Iovec struct { + Base *byte + Len uint64 +} + +type Msghdr struct { + Name *byte + Namelen uint32 + Iov *Iovec + Iovlen uint64 + Control *byte + Controllen uint64 + Flags int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type Cmsghdr struct { + Len uint64 + Level int32 + Type int32 +} + +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 +) + +const ( + SizeofSockFprog = 0x10 +) + +type PtraceRegs struct { + Regs [32]uint64 + Orig_a0 uint64 + Era uint64 + Badv uint64 + Reserved [10]uint64 +} + +type FdSet struct { + Bits [16]int64 +} + +type Sysinfo_t struct { + Uptime int64 + Loads [3]uint64 + Totalram uint64 + Freeram uint64 + Sharedram uint64 + Bufferram uint64 + Totalswap uint64 + Freeswap uint64 + Procs uint16 + Pad uint16 + Totalhigh uint64 + Freehigh uint64 + Unit uint32 + _ [0]int8 + _ [4]byte +} + +type Ustat_t struct { + Tfree int32 + Tinode uint64 + Fname [6]int8 + Fpack [6]int8 + _ [4]byte +} + +type EpollEvent struct { + Events uint32 + _ int32 + Fd int32 + Pad int32 +} + +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + +const ( + POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 +) + +type Sigset_t struct { + Val [16]uint64 +} + +const _C__NSIG = 0x41 + +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + +type Termios struct { + Iflag uint32 + Oflag uint32 + Cflag uint32 + Lflag uint32 + Line uint8 + Cc [19]uint8 + Ispeed uint32 + Ospeed uint32 +} + +type Taskstats struct { + Version uint16 + Ac_exitcode uint32 + Ac_flag uint8 + Ac_nice uint8 + Cpu_count uint64 + Cpu_delay_total uint64 + Blkio_count uint64 + Blkio_delay_total uint64 + Swapin_count uint64 + Swapin_delay_total uint64 + Cpu_run_real_total uint64 + Cpu_run_virtual_total uint64 + Ac_comm [32]int8 + Ac_sched uint8 + Ac_pad [3]uint8 + _ [4]byte + Ac_uid uint32 + Ac_gid uint32 + Ac_pid uint32 + Ac_ppid uint32 + Ac_btime uint32 + Ac_etime uint64 + Ac_utime uint64 + Ac_stime uint64 + Ac_minflt uint64 + Ac_majflt uint64 + Coremem uint64 + Virtmem uint64 + Hiwater_rss uint64 + Hiwater_vm uint64 + Read_char uint64 + Write_char uint64 + Read_syscalls uint64 + Write_syscalls uint64 + Read_bytes uint64 + Write_bytes uint64 + Cancelled_write_bytes uint64 + Nvcsw uint64 + Nivcsw uint64 + Ac_utimescaled uint64 + Ac_stimescaled uint64 + Cpu_scaled_run_real_total uint64 + Freepages_count uint64 + Freepages_delay_total uint64 + Thrashing_count uint64 + Thrashing_delay_total uint64 + Ac_btime64 uint64 + Compact_count uint64 + Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 +} + +type cpuMask uint64 + +const ( + _NCPUBITS = 0x40 +) + +const ( + CBitFieldMaskBit0 = 0x1 + CBitFieldMaskBit1 = 0x2 + CBitFieldMaskBit2 = 0x4 + CBitFieldMaskBit3 = 0x8 + CBitFieldMaskBit4 = 0x10 + CBitFieldMaskBit5 = 0x20 + CBitFieldMaskBit6 = 0x40 + CBitFieldMaskBit7 = 0x80 + CBitFieldMaskBit8 = 0x100 + CBitFieldMaskBit9 = 0x200 + CBitFieldMaskBit10 = 0x400 + CBitFieldMaskBit11 = 0x800 + CBitFieldMaskBit12 = 0x1000 + CBitFieldMaskBit13 = 0x2000 + CBitFieldMaskBit14 = 0x4000 + CBitFieldMaskBit15 = 0x8000 + CBitFieldMaskBit16 = 0x10000 + CBitFieldMaskBit17 = 0x20000 + CBitFieldMaskBit18 = 0x40000 + CBitFieldMaskBit19 = 0x80000 + CBitFieldMaskBit20 = 0x100000 + CBitFieldMaskBit21 = 0x200000 + CBitFieldMaskBit22 = 0x400000 + CBitFieldMaskBit23 = 0x800000 + CBitFieldMaskBit24 = 0x1000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit25 = 0x2000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit26 = 0x4000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit27 = 0x8000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit28 = 0x10000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit29 = 0x20000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit30 = 0x40000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit31 = 0x80000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit32 = 0x100000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit33 = 0x200000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit34 = 0x400000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit35 = 0x800000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit36 = 0x1000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit37 = 0x2000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit38 = 0x4000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit39 = 0x8000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit40 = 0x10000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit41 = 0x20000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit42 = 0x40000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit43 = 0x80000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit44 = 0x100000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit45 = 0x200000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit46 = 0x400000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit47 = 0x800000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit48 = 0x1000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit49 = 0x2000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit50 = 0x4000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit51 = 0x8000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit52 = 0x10000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit53 = 0x20000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit54 = 0x40000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit55 = 0x80000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit56 = 0x100000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit57 = 0x200000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit58 = 0x400000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit59 = 0x800000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit60 = 0x1000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit61 = 0x2000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit62 = 0x4000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit63 = 0x8000000000000000 +) + +type SockaddrStorage struct { + Family uint16 + _ [118]int8 + _ uint64 +} + +type HDGeometry struct { + Heads uint8 + Sectors uint8 + Cylinders uint16 + Start uint64 +} + +type Statfs_t struct { + Type int64 + Bsize int64 + Blocks uint64 + Bfree uint64 + Bavail uint64 + Files uint64 + Ffree uint64 + Fsid Fsid + Namelen int64 + Frsize int64 + Flags int64 + Spare [4]int64 +} + +type TpacketHdr struct { + Status uint64 + Len uint32 + Snaplen uint32 + Mac uint16 + Net uint16 + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + SizeofTpacketHdr = 0x20 +) + +type RTCPLLInfo struct { + Ctrl int32 + Value int32 + Max int32 + Min int32 + Posmult int32 + Negmult int32 + Clock int64 +} + +type BlkpgPartition struct { + Start int64 + Length int64 + Pno int32 + Devname [64]uint8 + Volname [64]uint8 + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + BLKPG = 0x1269 +) + +type XDPUmemReg struct { + Addr uint64 + Len uint64 + Size uint32 + Headroom uint32 + Flags uint32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type LoopInfo struct { + Number int32 + Device uint32 + Inode uint64 + Rdevice uint32 + Offset int32 + Encrypt_type int32 + Encrypt_key_size int32 + Flags int32 + Name [64]int8 + Encrypt_key [32]uint8 + Init [2]uint64 + Reserved [4]int8 + _ [4]byte +} + +type TIPCSubscr struct { + Seq TIPCServiceRange + Timeout uint32 + Filter uint32 + Handle [8]int8 +} + +type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct { + Peer uint32 + Id uint32 + Linkname [68]int8 +} + +type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct { + Peer uint32 + Id [16]int8 +} + +type PPSKInfo struct { + Assert_sequence uint32 + Clear_sequence uint32 + Assert_tu PPSKTime + Clear_tu PPSKTime + Current_mode int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + PPS_GETPARAMS = 0x800870a1 + PPS_SETPARAMS = 0x400870a2 + PPS_GETCAP = 0x800870a3 + PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 +) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go index 5310f71e..11426a30 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips && linux @@ -320,6 +320,13 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + _ [4]byte + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go index 219bbb12..ad1c3b3d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && linux @@ -320,6 +320,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go index be9432da..15fd84e4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64le && linux @@ -320,6 +320,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go index d0155a42..49c49825 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mipsle && linux @@ -320,6 +320,13 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + _ [4]byte + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go index 01c17bcc..cd36d0da 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc && linux @@ -327,6 +327,13 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + _ [4]byte + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go index 944a9c3c..8c6fce03 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && linux @@ -327,6 +327,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go index 5d2c90e1..20910f2a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64le && linux @@ -327,6 +327,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go index e173cb51..71b7b333 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && linux @@ -345,6 +345,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go index 6106715d..71184cc2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build s390x && linux @@ -340,6 +340,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go index ca7b37b4..06156285 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build sparc64 && linux @@ -322,6 +322,12 @@ type Taskstats struct { Ac_btime64 uint64 Compact_count uint64 Compact_delay_total uint64 + Ac_tgid uint32 + Ac_tgetime uint64 + Ac_exe_dev uint64 + Ac_exe_inode uint64 + Wpcopy_count uint64 + Wpcopy_delay_total uint64 } type cpuMask uint64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go index baf5fe65..2ed718ca 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go @@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ type Statfs_t struct { F_namemax uint32 F_owner uint32 F_ctime uint64 - F_fstypename [16]int8 - F_mntonname [90]int8 - F_mntfromname [90]int8 - F_mntfromspec [90]int8 + F_fstypename [16]byte + F_mntonname [90]byte + F_mntfromname [90]byte + F_mntfromspec [90]byte Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte Mount_info [160]byte } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go index e21ae8ec..b4fb97eb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ type Statfs_t struct { F_namemax uint32 F_owner uint32 F_ctime uint64 - F_fstypename [16]int8 - F_mntonname [90]int8 - F_mntfromname [90]int8 - F_mntfromspec [90]int8 + F_fstypename [16]byte + F_mntonname [90]byte + F_mntfromname [90]byte + F_mntfromspec [90]byte _ [2]byte Mount_info [160]byte } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go index f190651c..2c467504 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ type Statfs_t struct { F_namemax uint32 F_owner uint32 F_ctime uint64 - F_fstypename [16]int8 - F_mntonname [90]int8 - F_mntfromname [90]int8 - F_mntfromspec [90]int8 + F_fstypename [16]byte + F_mntonname [90]byte + F_mntfromname [90]byte + F_mntfromspec [90]byte _ [2]byte Mount_info [160]byte } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go index 84747c58..ddee0451 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ type Statfs_t struct { F_namemax uint32 F_owner uint32 F_ctime uint64 - F_fstypename [16]int8 - F_mntonname [90]int8 - F_mntfromname [90]int8 - F_mntfromspec [90]int8 + F_fstypename [16]byte + F_mntonname [90]byte + F_mntfromname [90]byte + F_mntfromspec [90]byte _ [2]byte Mount_info [160]byte } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go index ac5c8b63..eb13d4e8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ type Statfs_t struct { F_namemax uint32 F_owner uint32 F_ctime uint64 - F_fstypename [16]int8 - F_mntonname [90]int8 - F_mntfromname [90]int8 - F_mntfromspec [90]int8 + F_fstypename [16]byte + F_mntonname [90]byte + F_mntfromname [90]byte + F_mntfromspec [90]byte _ [2]byte Mount_info [160]byte } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go index ad4aad27..c1a9b83a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ type Linger struct { } type Iovec struct { - Base *int8 + Base *byte Len uint64 } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go index 855698bb..75980fd4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ import ( // in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms880421. // This function returns "" (2 double quotes) if s is empty. // Alternatively, these transformations are done: -// - every back slash (\) is doubled, but only if immediately -// followed by double quote ("); -// - every double quote (") is escaped by back slash (\); -// - finally, s is wrapped with double quotes (arg -> "arg"), -// but only if there is space or tab inside s. +// - every back slash (\) is doubled, but only if immediately +// followed by double quote ("); +// - every double quote (") is escaped by back slash (\); +// - finally, s is wrapped with double quotes (arg -> "arg"), +// but only if there is space or tab inside s. func EscapeArg(s string) string { if len(s) == 0 { return "\"\"" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go index ce3075c4..636e5de6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go @@ -623,7 +623,6 @@ var ( func getStdHandle(stdhandle uint32) (fd Handle) { r, _ := GetStdHandle(stdhandle) - CloseOnExec(r) return r } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/balancer.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/balancer.go index bcc6f545..f7a7697c 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/balancer.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/balancer.go @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import ( "net" "strings" + "google.golang.org/grpc/channelz" "google.golang.org/grpc/connectivity" "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal" @@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ type BuildOptions struct { // server can ignore this field. Authority string // ChannelzParentID is the parent ClientConn's channelz ID. - ChannelzParentID int64 + ChannelzParentID *channelz.Identifier // CustomUserAgent is the custom user agent set on the parent ClientConn. // The balancer should set the same custom user agent if it creates a // ClientConn. diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer_conn_wrappers.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer_conn_wrappers.go index f4ea6174..b1c23eaa 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer_conn_wrappers.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer_conn_wrappers.go @@ -20,130 +20,178 @@ package grpc import ( "fmt" + "strings" "sync" "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer" "google.golang.org/grpc/connectivity" + "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/balancer/gracefulswitch" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/buffer" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcsync" "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver" ) -// scStateUpdate contains the subConn and the new state it changed to. -type scStateUpdate struct { - sc balancer.SubConn - state connectivity.State - err error -} +// ccBalancerWrapper sits between the ClientConn and the Balancer. +// +// ccBalancerWrapper implements methods corresponding to the ones on the +// balancer.Balancer interface. The ClientConn is free to call these methods +// concurrently and the ccBalancerWrapper ensures that calls from the ClientConn +// to the Balancer happen synchronously and in order. +// +// ccBalancerWrapper also implements the balancer.ClientConn interface and is +// passed to the Balancer implementations. It invokes unexported methods on the +// ClientConn to handle these calls from the Balancer. +// +// It uses the gracefulswitch.Balancer internally to ensure that balancer +// switches happen in a graceful manner. +type ccBalancerWrapper struct { + cc *ClientConn -// exitIdle contains no data and is just a signal sent on the updateCh in -// ccBalancerWrapper to instruct the balancer to exit idle. -type exitIdle struct{} + // Since these fields are accessed only from handleXxx() methods which are + // synchronized by the watcher goroutine, we do not need a mutex to protect + // these fields. + balancer *gracefulswitch.Balancer + curBalancerName string -// ccBalancerWrapper is a wrapper on top of cc for balancers. -// It implements balancer.ClientConn interface. -type ccBalancerWrapper struct { - cc *ClientConn - balancerMu sync.Mutex // synchronizes calls to the balancer - balancer balancer.Balancer - hasExitIdle bool - updateCh *buffer.Unbounded - closed *grpcsync.Event - done *grpcsync.Event - - mu sync.Mutex - subConns map[*acBalancerWrapper]struct{} + updateCh *buffer.Unbounded // Updates written on this channel are processed by watcher(). + resultCh *buffer.Unbounded // Results of calls to UpdateClientConnState() are pushed here. + closed *grpcsync.Event // Indicates if close has been called. + done *grpcsync.Event // Indicates if close has completed its work. } -func newCCBalancerWrapper(cc *ClientConn, b balancer.Builder, bopts balancer.BuildOptions) *ccBalancerWrapper { +// newCCBalancerWrapper creates a new balancer wrapper. The underlying balancer +// is not created until the switchTo() method is invoked. +func newCCBalancerWrapper(cc *ClientConn, bopts balancer.BuildOptions) *ccBalancerWrapper { ccb := &ccBalancerWrapper{ cc: cc, updateCh: buffer.NewUnbounded(), + resultCh: buffer.NewUnbounded(), closed: grpcsync.NewEvent(), done: grpcsync.NewEvent(), - subConns: make(map[*acBalancerWrapper]struct{}), } go ccb.watcher() - ccb.balancer = b.Build(ccb, bopts) - _, ccb.hasExitIdle = ccb.balancer.(balancer.ExitIdler) + ccb.balancer = gracefulswitch.NewBalancer(ccb, bopts) return ccb } -// watcher balancer functions sequentially, so the balancer can be implemented -// lock-free. +// The following xxxUpdate structs wrap the arguments received as part of the +// corresponding update. The watcher goroutine uses the 'type' of the update to +// invoke the appropriate handler routine to handle the update. + +type ccStateUpdate struct { + ccs *balancer.ClientConnState +} + +type scStateUpdate struct { + sc balancer.SubConn + state connectivity.State + err error +} + +type exitIdleUpdate struct{} + +type resolverErrorUpdate struct { + err error +} + +type switchToUpdate struct { + name string +} + +type subConnUpdate struct { + acbw *acBalancerWrapper +} + +// watcher is a long-running goroutine which reads updates from a channel and +// invokes corresponding methods on the underlying balancer. It ensures that +// these methods are invoked in a synchronous fashion. It also ensures that +// these methods are invoked in the order in which the updates were received. func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) watcher() { for { select { - case t := <-ccb.updateCh.Get(): + case u := <-ccb.updateCh.Get(): ccb.updateCh.Load() if ccb.closed.HasFired() { break } - switch u := t.(type) { + switch update := u.(type) { + case *ccStateUpdate: + ccb.handleClientConnStateChange(update.ccs) case *scStateUpdate: - ccb.balancerMu.Lock() - ccb.balancer.UpdateSubConnState(u.sc, balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: u.state, ConnectionError: u.err}) - ccb.balancerMu.Unlock() - case *acBalancerWrapper: - ccb.mu.Lock() - if ccb.subConns != nil { - delete(ccb.subConns, u) - ccb.cc.removeAddrConn(u.getAddrConn(), errConnDrain) - } - ccb.mu.Unlock() - case exitIdle: - if ccb.cc.GetState() == connectivity.Idle { - if ei, ok := ccb.balancer.(balancer.ExitIdler); ok { - // We already checked that the balancer implements - // ExitIdle before pushing the event to updateCh, but - // check conditionally again as defensive programming. - ccb.balancerMu.Lock() - ei.ExitIdle() - ccb.balancerMu.Unlock() - } - } + ccb.handleSubConnStateChange(update) + case *exitIdleUpdate: + ccb.handleExitIdle() + case *resolverErrorUpdate: + ccb.handleResolverError(update.err) + case *switchToUpdate: + ccb.handleSwitchTo(update.name) + case *subConnUpdate: + ccb.handleRemoveSubConn(update.acbw) default: - logger.Errorf("ccBalancerWrapper.watcher: unknown update %+v, type %T", t, t) + logger.Errorf("ccBalancerWrapper.watcher: unknown update %+v, type %T", update, update) } case <-ccb.closed.Done(): } if ccb.closed.HasFired() { - ccb.balancerMu.Lock() - ccb.balancer.Close() - ccb.balancerMu.Unlock() - ccb.mu.Lock() - scs := ccb.subConns - ccb.subConns = nil - ccb.mu.Unlock() - ccb.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting, Picker: nil}) - ccb.done.Fire() - // Fire done before removing the addr conns. We can safely unblock - // ccb.close and allow the removeAddrConns to happen - // asynchronously. - for acbw := range scs { - ccb.cc.removeAddrConn(acbw.getAddrConn(), errConnDrain) - } + ccb.handleClose() return } } } -func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) close() { - ccb.closed.Fire() - <-ccb.done.Done() +// updateClientConnState is invoked by grpc to push a ClientConnState update to +// the underlying balancer. +// +// Unlike other methods invoked by grpc to push updates to the underlying +// balancer, this method cannot simply push the update onto the update channel +// and return. It needs to return the error returned by the underlying balancer +// back to grpc which propagates that to the resolver. +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) updateClientConnState(ccs *balancer.ClientConnState) error { + ccb.updateCh.Put(&ccStateUpdate{ccs: ccs}) + + var res interface{} + select { + case res = <-ccb.resultCh.Get(): + ccb.resultCh.Load() + case <-ccb.closed.Done(): + // Return early if the balancer wrapper is closed while we are waiting for + // the underlying balancer to process a ClientConnState update. + return nil + } + // If the returned error is nil, attempting to type assert to error leads to + // panic. So, this needs to handled separately. + if res == nil { + return nil + } + return res.(error) } -func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) exitIdle() bool { - if !ccb.hasExitIdle { - return false +// handleClientConnStateChange handles a ClientConnState update from the update +// channel and invokes the appropriate method on the underlying balancer. +// +// If the addresses specified in the update contain addresses of type "grpclb" +// and the selected LB policy is not "grpclb", these addresses will be filtered +// out and ccs will be modified with the updated address list. +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleClientConnStateChange(ccs *balancer.ClientConnState) { + if ccb.curBalancerName != grpclbName { + // Filter any grpclb addresses since we don't have the grpclb balancer. + var addrs []resolver.Address + for _, addr := range ccs.ResolverState.Addresses { + if addr.Type == resolver.GRPCLB { + continue + } + addrs = append(addrs, addr) + } + ccs.ResolverState.Addresses = addrs } - ccb.updateCh.Put(exitIdle{}) - return true + ccb.resultCh.Put(ccb.balancer.UpdateClientConnState(*ccs)) } -func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleSubConnStateChange(sc balancer.SubConn, s connectivity.State, err error) { +// updateSubConnState is invoked by grpc to push a subConn state update to the +// underlying balancer. +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) updateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, s connectivity.State, err error) { // When updating addresses for a SubConn, if the address in use is not in // the new addresses, the old ac will be tearDown() and a new ac will be // created. tearDown() generates a state change with Shutdown state, we @@ -161,44 +209,125 @@ func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleSubConnStateChange(sc balancer.SubConn, s co }) } -func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) updateClientConnState(ccs *balancer.ClientConnState) error { - ccb.balancerMu.Lock() - defer ccb.balancerMu.Unlock() - return ccb.balancer.UpdateClientConnState(*ccs) +// handleSubConnStateChange handles a SubConnState update from the update +// channel and invokes the appropriate method on the underlying balancer. +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleSubConnStateChange(update *scStateUpdate) { + ccb.balancer.UpdateSubConnState(update.sc, balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: update.state, ConnectionError: update.err}) +} + +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) exitIdle() { + ccb.updateCh.Put(&exitIdleUpdate{}) +} + +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleExitIdle() { + if ccb.cc.GetState() != connectivity.Idle { + return + } + ccb.balancer.ExitIdle() } func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) resolverError(err error) { - ccb.balancerMu.Lock() - defer ccb.balancerMu.Unlock() + ccb.updateCh.Put(&resolverErrorUpdate{err: err}) +} + +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleResolverError(err error) { ccb.balancer.ResolverError(err) } +// switchTo is invoked by grpc to instruct the balancer wrapper to switch to the +// LB policy identified by name. +// +// ClientConn calls newCCBalancerWrapper() at creation time. Upon receipt of the +// first good update from the name resolver, it determines the LB policy to use +// and invokes the switchTo() method. Upon receipt of every subsequent update +// from the name resolver, it invokes this method. +// +// the ccBalancerWrapper keeps track of the current LB policy name, and skips +// the graceful balancer switching process if the name does not change. +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) switchTo(name string) { + ccb.updateCh.Put(&switchToUpdate{name: name}) +} + +// handleSwitchTo handles a balancer switch update from the update channel. It +// calls the SwitchTo() method on the gracefulswitch.Balancer with a +// balancer.Builder corresponding to name. If no balancer.Builder is registered +// for the given name, it uses the default LB policy which is "pick_first". +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleSwitchTo(name string) { + // TODO: Other languages use case-insensitive balancer registries. We should + // switch as well. See: https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/issues/5288. + if strings.EqualFold(ccb.curBalancerName, name) { + return + } + + // TODO: Ensure that name is a registered LB policy when we get here. + // We currently only validate the `loadBalancingConfig` field. We need to do + // the same for the `loadBalancingPolicy` field and reject the service config + // if the specified policy is not registered. + builder := balancer.Get(name) + if builder == nil { + channelz.Warningf(logger, ccb.cc.channelzID, "Channel switches to new LB policy %q, since the specified LB policy %q was not registered", PickFirstBalancerName, name) + builder = newPickfirstBuilder() + } else { + channelz.Infof(logger, ccb.cc.channelzID, "Channel switches to new LB policy %q", name) + } + + if err := ccb.balancer.SwitchTo(builder); err != nil { + channelz.Errorf(logger, ccb.cc.channelzID, "Channel failed to build new LB policy %q: %v", name, err) + return + } + ccb.curBalancerName = builder.Name() +} + +// handleRemoveSucConn handles a request from the underlying balancer to remove +// a subConn. +// +// See comments in RemoveSubConn() for more details. +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleRemoveSubConn(acbw *acBalancerWrapper) { + ccb.cc.removeAddrConn(acbw.getAddrConn(), errConnDrain) +} + +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) close() { + ccb.closed.Fire() + <-ccb.done.Done() +} + +func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) handleClose() { + ccb.balancer.Close() + ccb.done.Fire() +} + func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) NewSubConn(addrs []resolver.Address, opts balancer.NewSubConnOptions) (balancer.SubConn, error) { if len(addrs) <= 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("grpc: cannot create SubConn with empty address list") } - ccb.mu.Lock() - defer ccb.mu.Unlock() - if ccb.subConns == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("grpc: ClientConn balancer wrapper was closed") - } ac, err := ccb.cc.newAddrConn(addrs, opts) if err != nil { + channelz.Warningf(logger, ccb.cc.channelzID, "acBalancerWrapper: NewSubConn: failed to newAddrConn: %v", err) return nil, err } acbw := &acBalancerWrapper{ac: ac} acbw.ac.mu.Lock() ac.acbw = acbw acbw.ac.mu.Unlock() - ccb.subConns[acbw] = struct{}{} return acbw, nil } func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) RemoveSubConn(sc balancer.SubConn) { - // The RemoveSubConn() is handled in the run() goroutine, to avoid deadlock - // during switchBalancer() if the old balancer calls RemoveSubConn() in its - // Close(). - ccb.updateCh.Put(sc) + // Before we switched the ccBalancerWrapper to use gracefulswitch.Balancer, it + // was required to handle the RemoveSubConn() method asynchronously by pushing + // the update onto the update channel. This was done to avoid a deadlock as + // switchBalancer() was holding cc.mu when calling Close() on the old + // balancer, which would in turn call RemoveSubConn(). + // + // With the use of gracefulswitch.Balancer in ccBalancerWrapper, handling this + // asynchronously is probably not required anymore since the switchTo() method + // handles the balancer switch by pushing the update onto the channel. + // TODO(easwars): Handle this inline. + acbw, ok := sc.(*acBalancerWrapper) + if !ok { + return + } + ccb.updateCh.Put(&subConnUpdate{acbw: acbw}) } func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) UpdateAddresses(sc balancer.SubConn, addrs []resolver.Address) { @@ -210,11 +339,6 @@ func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) UpdateAddresses(sc balancer.SubConn, addrs []resol } func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) UpdateState(s balancer.State) { - ccb.mu.Lock() - defer ccb.mu.Unlock() - if ccb.subConns == nil { - return - } // Update picker before updating state. Even though the ordering here does // not matter, it can lead to multiple calls of Pick in the common start-up // case where we wait for ready and then perform an RPC. If the picker is diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/channelz/channelz.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/channelz/channelz.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a220c47c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/channelz/channelz.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2020 gRPC authors. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + +// Package channelz exports internals of the channelz implementation as required +// by other gRPC packages. +// +// The implementation of the channelz spec as defined in +// https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A14-channelz.md, is provided by +// the `internal/channelz` package. +// +// Experimental +// +// Notice: All APIs in this package are experimental and may be removed in a +// later release. +package channelz + +import "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz" + +// Identifier is an opaque identifier which uniquely identifies an entity in the +// channelz database. +type Identifier = channelz.Identifier diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/clientconn.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/clientconn.go index f9af7891..de6d41c2 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/clientconn.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/clientconn.go @@ -159,23 +159,20 @@ func DialContext(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...DialOption) (conn * } }() - if channelz.IsOn() { - if cc.dopts.channelzParentID != 0 { - cc.channelzID = channelz.RegisterChannel(&channelzChannel{cc}, cc.dopts.channelzParentID, target) - channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, cc.channelzID, 0, &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: "Channel Created", - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - Parent: &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Nested Channel(id:%d) created", cc.channelzID), - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - }, - }) - } else { - cc.channelzID = channelz.RegisterChannel(&channelzChannel{cc}, 0, target) - channelz.Info(logger, cc.channelzID, "Channel Created") + pid := cc.dopts.channelzParentID + cc.channelzID = channelz.RegisterChannel(&channelzChannel{cc}, pid, target) + ted := &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: "Channel created", + Severity: channelz.CtInfo, + } + if cc.dopts.channelzParentID != nil { + ted.Parent = &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Nested Channel(id:%d) created", cc.channelzID.Int()), + Severity: channelz.CtInfo, } - cc.csMgr.channelzID = cc.channelzID } + channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, cc.channelzID, 1, ted) + cc.csMgr.channelzID = cc.channelzID if cc.dopts.copts.TransportCredentials == nil && cc.dopts.copts.CredsBundle == nil { return nil, errNoTransportSecurity @@ -281,7 +278,7 @@ func DialContext(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...DialOption) (conn * if creds := cc.dopts.copts.TransportCredentials; creds != nil { credsClone = creds.Clone() } - cc.balancerBuildOpts = balancer.BuildOptions{ + cc.balancerWrapper = newCCBalancerWrapper(cc, balancer.BuildOptions{ DialCreds: credsClone, CredsBundle: cc.dopts.copts.CredsBundle, Dialer: cc.dopts.copts.Dialer, @@ -289,7 +286,7 @@ func DialContext(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...DialOption) (conn * CustomUserAgent: cc.dopts.copts.UserAgent, ChannelzParentID: cc.channelzID, Target: cc.parsedTarget, - } + }) // Build the resolver. rWrapper, err := newCCResolverWrapper(cc, resolverBuilder) @@ -398,7 +395,7 @@ type connectivityStateManager struct { mu sync.Mutex state connectivity.State notifyChan chan struct{} - channelzID int64 + channelzID *channelz.Identifier } // updateState updates the connectivity.State of ClientConn. @@ -464,34 +461,36 @@ var _ ClientConnInterface = (*ClientConn)(nil) // handshakes. It also handles errors on established connections by // re-resolving the name and reconnecting. type ClientConn struct { - ctx context.Context - cancel context.CancelFunc - - target string - parsedTarget resolver.Target - authority string - dopts dialOptions - csMgr *connectivityStateManager - - balancerBuildOpts balancer.BuildOptions - blockingpicker *pickerWrapper - + ctx context.Context // Initialized using the background context at dial time. + cancel context.CancelFunc // Cancelled on close. + + // The following are initialized at dial time, and are read-only after that. + target string // User's dial target. + parsedTarget resolver.Target // See parseTargetAndFindResolver(). + authority string // See determineAuthority(). + dopts dialOptions // Default and user specified dial options. + channelzID *channelz.Identifier // Channelz identifier for the channel. + balancerWrapper *ccBalancerWrapper // Uses gracefulswitch.balancer underneath. + + // The following provide their own synchronization, and therefore don't + // require cc.mu to be held to access them. + csMgr *connectivityStateManager + blockingpicker *pickerWrapper safeConfigSelector iresolver.SafeConfigSelector + czData *channelzData + retryThrottler atomic.Value // Updated from service config. - mu sync.RWMutex - resolverWrapper *ccResolverWrapper - sc *ServiceConfig - conns map[*addrConn]struct{} - // Keepalive parameter can be updated if a GoAway is received. - mkp keepalive.ClientParameters - curBalancerName string - balancerWrapper *ccBalancerWrapper - retryThrottler atomic.Value - + // firstResolveEvent is used to track whether the name resolver sent us at + // least one update. RPCs block on this event. firstResolveEvent *grpcsync.Event - channelzID int64 // channelz unique identification number - czData *channelzData + // mu protects the following fields. + // TODO: split mu so the same mutex isn't used for everything. + mu sync.RWMutex + resolverWrapper *ccResolverWrapper // Initialized in Dial; cleared in Close. + sc *ServiceConfig // Latest service config received from the resolver. + conns map[*addrConn]struct{} // Set to nil on close. + mkp keepalive.ClientParameters // May be updated upon receipt of a GoAway. lceMu sync.Mutex // protects lastConnectionError lastConnectionError error @@ -536,14 +535,7 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) GetState() connectivity.State { // Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later // release. func (cc *ClientConn) Connect() { - cc.mu.Lock() - defer cc.mu.Unlock() - if cc.balancerWrapper != nil && cc.balancerWrapper.exitIdle() { - return - } - for ac := range cc.conns { - go ac.connect() - } + cc.balancerWrapper.exitIdle() } func (cc *ClientConn) scWatcher() { @@ -623,9 +615,7 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) updateResolverState(s resolver.State, err error) error { // with the new addresses. cc.maybeApplyDefaultServiceConfig(nil) - if cc.balancerWrapper != nil { - cc.balancerWrapper.resolverError(err) - } + cc.balancerWrapper.resolverError(err) // No addresses are valid with err set; return early. cc.mu.Unlock() @@ -653,16 +643,10 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) updateResolverState(s resolver.State, err error) error { cc.applyServiceConfigAndBalancer(sc, configSelector, s.Addresses) } else { ret = balancer.ErrBadResolverState - if cc.balancerWrapper == nil { - var err error - if s.ServiceConfig.Err != nil { - err = status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "error parsing service config: %v", s.ServiceConfig.Err) - } else { - err = status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "illegal service config type: %T", s.ServiceConfig.Config) - } - cc.safeConfigSelector.UpdateConfigSelector(&defaultConfigSelector{cc.sc}) - cc.blockingpicker.updatePicker(base.NewErrPicker(err)) - cc.csMgr.updateState(connectivity.TransientFailure) + if cc.sc == nil { + // Apply the failing LB only if we haven't received valid service config + // from the name resolver in the past. + cc.applyFailingLB(s.ServiceConfig) cc.mu.Unlock() return ret } @@ -670,24 +654,12 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) updateResolverState(s resolver.State, err error) error { } var balCfg serviceconfig.LoadBalancingConfig - if cc.dopts.balancerBuilder == nil && cc.sc != nil && cc.sc.lbConfig != nil { + if cc.sc != nil && cc.sc.lbConfig != nil { balCfg = cc.sc.lbConfig.cfg } - - cbn := cc.curBalancerName bw := cc.balancerWrapper cc.mu.Unlock() - if cbn != grpclbName { - // Filter any grpclb addresses since we don't have the grpclb balancer. - for i := 0; i < len(s.Addresses); { - if s.Addresses[i].Type == resolver.GRPCLB { - copy(s.Addresses[i:], s.Addresses[i+1:]) - s.Addresses = s.Addresses[:len(s.Addresses)-1] - continue - } - i++ - } - } + uccsErr := bw.updateClientConnState(&balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: s, BalancerConfig: balCfg}) if ret == nil { ret = uccsErr // prefer ErrBadResolver state since any other error is @@ -696,56 +668,28 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) updateResolverState(s resolver.State, err error) error { return ret } -// switchBalancer starts the switching from current balancer to the balancer -// with the given name. -// -// It will NOT send the current address list to the new balancer. If needed, -// caller of this function should send address list to the new balancer after -// this function returns. +// applyFailingLB is akin to configuring an LB policy on the channel which +// always fails RPCs. Here, an actual LB policy is not configured, but an always +// erroring picker is configured, which returns errors with information about +// what was invalid in the received service config. A config selector with no +// service config is configured, and the connectivity state of the channel is +// set to TransientFailure. // // Caller must hold cc.mu. -func (cc *ClientConn) switchBalancer(name string) { - if strings.EqualFold(cc.curBalancerName, name) { - return - } - - channelz.Infof(logger, cc.channelzID, "ClientConn switching balancer to %q", name) - if cc.dopts.balancerBuilder != nil { - channelz.Info(logger, cc.channelzID, "ignoring balancer switching: Balancer DialOption used instead") - return - } - if cc.balancerWrapper != nil { - // Don't hold cc.mu while closing the balancers. The balancers may call - // methods that require cc.mu (e.g. cc.NewSubConn()). Holding the mutex - // would cause a deadlock in that case. - cc.mu.Unlock() - cc.balancerWrapper.close() - cc.mu.Lock() - } - - builder := balancer.Get(name) - if builder == nil { - channelz.Warningf(logger, cc.channelzID, "Channel switches to new LB policy %q due to fallback from invalid balancer name", PickFirstBalancerName) - channelz.Infof(logger, cc.channelzID, "failed to get balancer builder for: %v, using pick_first instead", name) - builder = newPickfirstBuilder() +func (cc *ClientConn) applyFailingLB(sc *serviceconfig.ParseResult) { + var err error + if sc.Err != nil { + err = status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "error parsing service config: %v", sc.Err) } else { - channelz.Infof(logger, cc.channelzID, "Channel switches to new LB policy %q", name) + err = status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "illegal service config type: %T", sc.Config) } - - cc.curBalancerName = builder.Name() - cc.balancerWrapper = newCCBalancerWrapper(cc, builder, cc.balancerBuildOpts) + cc.safeConfigSelector.UpdateConfigSelector(&defaultConfigSelector{nil}) + cc.blockingpicker.updatePicker(base.NewErrPicker(err)) + cc.csMgr.updateState(connectivity.TransientFailure) } func (cc *ClientConn) handleSubConnStateChange(sc balancer.SubConn, s connectivity.State, err error) { - cc.mu.Lock() - if cc.conns == nil { - cc.mu.Unlock() - return - } - // TODO(bar switching) send updates to all balancer wrappers when balancer - // gracefully switching is supported. - cc.balancerWrapper.handleSubConnStateChange(sc, s, err) - cc.mu.Unlock() + cc.balancerWrapper.updateSubConnState(sc, s, err) } // newAddrConn creates an addrConn for addrs and adds it to cc.conns. @@ -768,17 +712,21 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) newAddrConn(addrs []resolver.Address, opts balancer.NewSub cc.mu.Unlock() return nil, ErrClientConnClosing } - if channelz.IsOn() { - ac.channelzID = channelz.RegisterSubChannel(ac, cc.channelzID, "") - channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, ac.channelzID, 0, &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: "Subchannel Created", - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - Parent: &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Subchannel(id:%d) created", ac.channelzID), - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - }, - }) + + var err error + ac.channelzID, err = channelz.RegisterSubChannel(ac, cc.channelzID, "") + if err != nil { + return nil, err } + channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, ac.channelzID, 0, &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: "Subchannel created", + Severity: channelz.CtInfo, + Parent: &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Subchannel(id:%d) created", ac.channelzID.Int()), + Severity: channelz.CtInfo, + }, + }) + cc.conns[ac] = struct{}{} cc.mu.Unlock() return ac, nil @@ -853,16 +801,31 @@ func (ac *addrConn) connect() error { return nil } +func equalAddresses(a, b []resolver.Address) bool { + if len(a) != len(b) { + return false + } + for i, v := range a { + if !v.Equal(b[i]) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + // tryUpdateAddrs tries to update ac.addrs with the new addresses list. // -// If ac is Connecting, it returns false. The caller should tear down the ac and -// create a new one. Note that the backoff will be reset when this happens. -// // If ac is TransientFailure, it updates ac.addrs and returns true. The updated // addresses will be picked up by retry in the next iteration after backoff. // // If ac is Shutdown or Idle, it updates ac.addrs and returns true. // +// If the addresses is the same as the old list, it does nothing and returns +// true. +// +// If ac is Connecting, it returns false. The caller should tear down the ac and +// create a new one. Note that the backoff will be reset when this happens. +// // If ac is Ready, it checks whether current connected address of ac is in the // new addrs list. // - If true, it updates ac.addrs and returns true. The ac will keep using @@ -879,6 +842,10 @@ func (ac *addrConn) tryUpdateAddrs(addrs []resolver.Address) bool { return true } + if equalAddresses(ac.addrs, addrs) { + return true + } + if ac.state == connectivity.Connecting { return false } @@ -959,14 +926,10 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) healthCheckConfig() *healthCheckConfig { } func (cc *ClientConn) getTransport(ctx context.Context, failfast bool, method string) (transport.ClientTransport, func(balancer.DoneInfo), error) { - t, done, err := cc.blockingpicker.pick(ctx, failfast, balancer.PickInfo{ + return cc.blockingpicker.pick(ctx, failfast, balancer.PickInfo{ Ctx: ctx, FullMethodName: method, }) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, toRPCErr(err) - } - return t, done, nil } func (cc *ClientConn) applyServiceConfigAndBalancer(sc *ServiceConfig, configSelector iresolver.ConfigSelector, addrs []resolver.Address) { @@ -991,35 +954,26 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) applyServiceConfigAndBalancer(sc *ServiceConfig, configSel cc.retryThrottler.Store((*retryThrottler)(nil)) } - if cc.dopts.balancerBuilder == nil { - // Only look at balancer types and switch balancer if balancer dial - // option is not set. - var newBalancerName string - if cc.sc != nil && cc.sc.lbConfig != nil { - newBalancerName = cc.sc.lbConfig.name - } else { - var isGRPCLB bool - for _, a := range addrs { - if a.Type == resolver.GRPCLB { - isGRPCLB = true - break - } - } - if isGRPCLB { - newBalancerName = grpclbName - } else if cc.sc != nil && cc.sc.LB != nil { - newBalancerName = *cc.sc.LB - } else { - newBalancerName = PickFirstBalancerName + var newBalancerName string + if cc.sc != nil && cc.sc.lbConfig != nil { + newBalancerName = cc.sc.lbConfig.name + } else { + var isGRPCLB bool + for _, a := range addrs { + if a.Type == resolver.GRPCLB { + isGRPCLB = true + break } } - cc.switchBalancer(newBalancerName) - } else if cc.balancerWrapper == nil { - // Balancer dial option was set, and this is the first time handling - // resolved addresses. Build a balancer with dopts.balancerBuilder. - cc.curBalancerName = cc.dopts.balancerBuilder.Name() - cc.balancerWrapper = newCCBalancerWrapper(cc, cc.dopts.balancerBuilder, cc.balancerBuildOpts) + if isGRPCLB { + newBalancerName = grpclbName + } else if cc.sc != nil && cc.sc.LB != nil { + newBalancerName = *cc.sc.LB + } else { + newBalancerName = PickFirstBalancerName + } } + cc.balancerWrapper.switchTo(newBalancerName) } func (cc *ClientConn) resolveNow(o resolver.ResolveNowOptions) { @@ -1070,11 +1024,11 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Close() error { rWrapper := cc.resolverWrapper cc.resolverWrapper = nil bWrapper := cc.balancerWrapper - cc.balancerWrapper = nil cc.mu.Unlock() + // The order of closing matters here since the balancer wrapper assumes the + // picker is closed before it is closed. cc.blockingpicker.close() - if bWrapper != nil { bWrapper.close() } @@ -1085,22 +1039,22 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Close() error { for ac := range conns { ac.tearDown(ErrClientConnClosing) } - if channelz.IsOn() { - ted := &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: "Channel Deleted", + ted := &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: "Channel deleted", + Severity: channelz.CtInfo, + } + if cc.dopts.channelzParentID != nil { + ted.Parent = &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Nested channel(id:%d) deleted", cc.channelzID.Int()), Severity: channelz.CtInfo, } - if cc.dopts.channelzParentID != 0 { - ted.Parent = &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Nested channel(id:%d) deleted", cc.channelzID), - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - } - } - channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, cc.channelzID, 0, ted) - // TraceEvent needs to be called before RemoveEntry, as TraceEvent may add trace reference to - // the entity being deleted, and thus prevent it from being deleted right away. - channelz.RemoveEntry(cc.channelzID) } + channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, cc.channelzID, 0, ted) + // TraceEvent needs to be called before RemoveEntry, as TraceEvent may add + // trace reference to the entity being deleted, and thus prevent it from being + // deleted right away. + channelz.RemoveEntry(cc.channelzID) + return nil } @@ -1130,7 +1084,7 @@ type addrConn struct { backoffIdx int // Needs to be stateful for resetConnectBackoff. resetBackoff chan struct{} - channelzID int64 // channelz unique identification number. + channelzID *channelz.Identifier czData *channelzData } @@ -1284,6 +1238,7 @@ func (ac *addrConn) createTransport(addr resolver.Address, copts transport.Conne ac.mu.Lock() defer ac.mu.Unlock() defer connClosed.Fire() + defer hcancel() if !hcStarted || hctx.Err() != nil { // We didn't start the health check or set the state to READY, so // no need to do anything else here. @@ -1294,7 +1249,6 @@ func (ac *addrConn) createTransport(addr resolver.Address, copts transport.Conne // state, since there may be a new transport in this addrConn. return } - hcancel() ac.transport = nil // Refresh the name resolver ac.cc.resolveNow(resolver.ResolveNowOptions{}) @@ -1312,14 +1266,13 @@ func (ac *addrConn) createTransport(addr resolver.Address, copts transport.Conne connectCtx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(ac.ctx, connectDeadline) defer cancel() - if channelz.IsOn() { - copts.ChannelzParentID = ac.channelzID - } + copts.ChannelzParentID = ac.channelzID newTr, err := transport.NewClientTransport(connectCtx, ac.cc.ctx, addr, copts, func() { prefaceReceived.Fire() }, onGoAway, onClose) if err != nil { // newTr is either nil, or closed. - channelz.Warningf(logger, ac.channelzID, "grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to %v. Err: %v", addr, err) + hcancel() + channelz.Warningf(logger, ac.channelzID, "grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to %s. Err: %v", addr, err) return err } @@ -1332,7 +1285,7 @@ func (ac *addrConn) createTransport(addr resolver.Address, copts transport.Conne newTr.Close(transport.ErrConnClosing) if connectCtx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded { err := errors.New("failed to receive server preface within timeout") - channelz.Warningf(logger, ac.channelzID, "grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to %v: %v", addr, err) + channelz.Warningf(logger, ac.channelzID, "grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to %s: %v", addr, err) return err } return nil @@ -1497,19 +1450,18 @@ func (ac *addrConn) tearDown(err error) { curTr.GracefulClose() ac.mu.Lock() } - if channelz.IsOn() { - channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, ac.channelzID, 0, &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: "Subchannel Deleted", + channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, ac.channelzID, 0, &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: "Subchannel deleted", + Severity: channelz.CtInfo, + Parent: &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Subchannel(id:%d) deleted", ac.channelzID.Int()), Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - Parent: &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Subchanel(id:%d) deleted", ac.channelzID), - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - }, - }) - // TraceEvent needs to be called before RemoveEntry, as TraceEvent may add trace reference to - // the entity being deleted, and thus prevent it from being deleted right away. - channelz.RemoveEntry(ac.channelzID) - } + }, + }) + // TraceEvent needs to be called before RemoveEntry, as TraceEvent may add + // trace reference to the entity being deleted, and thus prevent it from + // being deleted right away. + channelz.RemoveEntry(ac.channelzID) ac.mu.Unlock() } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/dialoptions.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/dialoptions.go index c4bf09f9..f2f605a1 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/dialoptions.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/dialoptions.go @@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ package grpc import ( "context" - "fmt" "net" "time" "google.golang.org/grpc/backoff" - "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer" + "google.golang.org/grpc/channelz" "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials" "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials/insecure" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal" @@ -45,19 +44,17 @@ type dialOptions struct { chainUnaryInts []UnaryClientInterceptor chainStreamInts []StreamClientInterceptor - cp Compressor - dc Decompressor - bs internalbackoff.Strategy - block bool - returnLastError bool - timeout time.Duration - scChan <-chan ServiceConfig - authority string - copts transport.ConnectOptions - callOptions []CallOption - // This is used by WithBalancerName dial option. - balancerBuilder balancer.Builder - channelzParentID int64 + cp Compressor + dc Decompressor + bs internalbackoff.Strategy + block bool + returnLastError bool + timeout time.Duration + scChan <-chan ServiceConfig + authority string + copts transport.ConnectOptions + callOptions []CallOption + channelzParentID *channelz.Identifier disableServiceConfig bool disableRetry bool disableHealthCheck bool @@ -195,25 +192,6 @@ func WithDecompressor(dc Decompressor) DialOption { }) } -// WithBalancerName sets the balancer that the ClientConn will be initialized -// with. Balancer registered with balancerName will be used. This function -// panics if no balancer was registered by balancerName. -// -// The balancer cannot be overridden by balancer option specified by service -// config. -// -// Deprecated: use WithDefaultServiceConfig and WithDisableServiceConfig -// instead. Will be removed in a future 1.x release. -func WithBalancerName(balancerName string) DialOption { - builder := balancer.Get(balancerName) - if builder == nil { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("grpc.WithBalancerName: no balancer is registered for name %v", balancerName)) - } - return newFuncDialOption(func(o *dialOptions) { - o.balancerBuilder = builder - }) -} - // WithServiceConfig returns a DialOption which has a channel to read the // service configuration. // @@ -304,8 +282,8 @@ func WithReturnConnectionError() DialOption { // WithCredentialsBundle or WithPerRPCCredentials) which require transport // security is incompatible and will cause grpc.Dial() to fail. // -// Deprecated: use WithTransportCredentials and insecure.NewCredentials() instead. -// Will be supported throughout 1.x. +// Deprecated: use WithTransportCredentials and insecure.NewCredentials() +// instead. Will be supported throughout 1.x. func WithInsecure() DialOption { return newFuncDialOption(func(o *dialOptions) { o.copts.TransportCredentials = insecure.NewCredentials() @@ -498,7 +476,7 @@ func WithAuthority(a string) DialOption { // // Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a // later release. -func WithChannelzParentID(id int64) DialOption { +func WithChannelzParentID(id *channelz.Identifier) DialOption { return newFuncDialOption(func(o *dialOptions) { o.channelzParentID = id }) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/encoding/encoding.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/encoding/encoding.go index 6d84f74c..18e530fc 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/encoding/encoding.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/encoding/encoding.go @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ var registeredCodecs = make(map[string]Codec) // more details. // // NOTE: this function must only be called during initialization time (i.e. in -// an init() function), and is not thread-safe. If multiple Compressors are +// an init() function), and is not thread-safe. If multiple Codecs are // registered with the same name, the one registered last will take effect. func RegisterCodec(codec Codec) { if codec == nil { diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/balancer/gracefulswitch/gracefulswitch.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/balancer/gracefulswitch/gracefulswitch.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ba8f4d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/balancer/gracefulswitch/gracefulswitch.go @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2022 gRPC authors. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + +// Package gracefulswitch implements a graceful switch load balancer. +package gracefulswitch + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer" + "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/base" + "google.golang.org/grpc/connectivity" + "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver" +) + +var errBalancerClosed = errors.New("gracefulSwitchBalancer is closed") +var _ balancer.Balancer = (*Balancer)(nil) + +// NewBalancer returns a graceful switch Balancer. +func NewBalancer(cc balancer.ClientConn, opts balancer.BuildOptions) *Balancer { + return &Balancer{ + cc: cc, + bOpts: opts, + } +} + +// Balancer is a utility to gracefully switch from one balancer to +// a new balancer. It implements the balancer.Balancer interface. +type Balancer struct { + bOpts balancer.BuildOptions + cc balancer.ClientConn + + // mu protects the following fields and all fields within balancerCurrent + // and balancerPending. mu does not need to be held when calling into the + // child balancers, as all calls into these children happen only as a direct + // result of a call into the gracefulSwitchBalancer, which are also + // guaranteed to be synchronous. There is one exception: an UpdateState call + // from a child balancer when current and pending are populated can lead to + // calling Close() on the current. To prevent that racing with an + // UpdateSubConnState from the channel, we hold currentMu during Close and + // UpdateSubConnState calls. + mu sync.Mutex + balancerCurrent *balancerWrapper + balancerPending *balancerWrapper + closed bool // set to true when this balancer is closed + + // currentMu must be locked before mu. This mutex guards against this + // sequence of events: UpdateSubConnState() called, finds the + // balancerCurrent, gives up lock, updateState comes in, causes Close() on + // balancerCurrent before the UpdateSubConnState is called on the + // balancerCurrent. + currentMu sync.Mutex +} + +// swap swaps out the current lb with the pending lb and updates the ClientConn. +// The caller must hold gsb.mu. +func (gsb *Balancer) swap() { + gsb.cc.UpdateState(gsb.balancerPending.lastState) + cur := gsb.balancerCurrent + gsb.balancerCurrent = gsb.balancerPending + gsb.balancerPending = nil + go func() { + gsb.currentMu.Lock() + defer gsb.currentMu.Unlock() + cur.Close() + }() +} + +// Helper function that checks if the balancer passed in is current or pending. +// The caller must hold gsb.mu. +func (gsb *Balancer) balancerCurrentOrPending(bw *balancerWrapper) bool { + return bw == gsb.balancerCurrent || bw == gsb.balancerPending +} + +// SwitchTo initializes the graceful switch process, which completes based on +// connectivity state changes on the current/pending balancer. Thus, the switch +// process is not complete when this method returns. This method must be called +// synchronously alongside the rest of the balancer.Balancer methods this +// Graceful Switch Balancer implements. +func (gsb *Balancer) SwitchTo(builder balancer.Builder) error { + gsb.mu.Lock() + if gsb.closed { + gsb.mu.Unlock() + return errBalancerClosed + } + bw := &balancerWrapper{ + gsb: gsb, + lastState: balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting, + Picker: base.NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable), + }, + subconns: make(map[balancer.SubConn]bool), + } + balToClose := gsb.balancerPending // nil if there is no pending balancer + if gsb.balancerCurrent == nil { + gsb.balancerCurrent = bw + } else { + gsb.balancerPending = bw + } + gsb.mu.Unlock() + balToClose.Close() + // This function takes a builder instead of a balancer because builder.Build + // can call back inline, and this utility needs to handle the callbacks. + newBalancer := builder.Build(bw, gsb.bOpts) + if newBalancer == nil { + // This is illegal and should never happen; we clear the balancerWrapper + // we were constructing if it happens to avoid a potential panic. + gsb.mu.Lock() + if gsb.balancerPending != nil { + gsb.balancerPending = nil + } else { + gsb.balancerCurrent = nil + } + gsb.mu.Unlock() + return balancer.ErrBadResolverState + } + + // This write doesn't need to take gsb.mu because this field never gets read + // or written to on any calls from the current or pending. Calls from grpc + // to this balancer are guaranteed to be called synchronously, so this + // bw.Balancer field will never be forwarded to until this SwitchTo() + // function returns. + bw.Balancer = newBalancer + return nil +} + +// Returns nil if the graceful switch balancer is closed. +func (gsb *Balancer) latestBalancer() *balancerWrapper { + gsb.mu.Lock() + defer gsb.mu.Unlock() + if gsb.balancerPending != nil { + return gsb.balancerPending + } + return gsb.balancerCurrent +} + +// UpdateClientConnState forwards the update to the latest balancer created. +func (gsb *Balancer) UpdateClientConnState(state balancer.ClientConnState) error { + // The resolver data is only relevant to the most recent LB Policy. + balToUpdate := gsb.latestBalancer() + if balToUpdate == nil { + return errBalancerClosed + } + // Perform this call without gsb.mu to prevent deadlocks if the child calls + // back into the channel. The latest balancer can never be closed during a + // call from the channel, even without gsb.mu held. + return balToUpdate.UpdateClientConnState(state) +} + +// ResolverError forwards the error to the latest balancer created. +func (gsb *Balancer) ResolverError(err error) { + // The resolver data is only relevant to the most recent LB Policy. + balToUpdate := gsb.latestBalancer() + if balToUpdate == nil { + return + } + // Perform this call without gsb.mu to prevent deadlocks if the child calls + // back into the channel. The latest balancer can never be closed during a + // call from the channel, even without gsb.mu held. + balToUpdate.ResolverError(err) +} + +// ExitIdle forwards the call to the latest balancer created. +// +// If the latest balancer does not support ExitIdle, the subConns are +// re-connected to manually. +func (gsb *Balancer) ExitIdle() { + balToUpdate := gsb.latestBalancer() + if balToUpdate == nil { + return + } + // There is no need to protect this read with a mutex, as the write to the + // Balancer field happens in SwitchTo, which completes before this can be + // called. + if ei, ok := balToUpdate.Balancer.(balancer.ExitIdler); ok { + ei.ExitIdle() + return + } + for sc := range balToUpdate.subconns { + sc.Connect() + } +} + +// UpdateSubConnState forwards the update to the appropriate child. +func (gsb *Balancer) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) { + gsb.currentMu.Lock() + defer gsb.currentMu.Unlock() + gsb.mu.Lock() + // Forward update to the appropriate child. Even if there is a pending + // balancer, the current balancer should continue to get SubConn updates to + // maintain the proper state while the pending is still connecting. + var balToUpdate *balancerWrapper + if gsb.balancerCurrent != nil && gsb.balancerCurrent.subconns[sc] { + balToUpdate = gsb.balancerCurrent + } else if gsb.balancerPending != nil && gsb.balancerPending.subconns[sc] { + balToUpdate = gsb.balancerPending + } + gsb.mu.Unlock() + if balToUpdate == nil { + // SubConn belonged to a stale lb policy that has not yet fully closed, + // or the balancer was already closed. + return + } + balToUpdate.UpdateSubConnState(sc, state) +} + +// Close closes any active child balancers. +func (gsb *Balancer) Close() { + gsb.mu.Lock() + gsb.closed = true + currentBalancerToClose := gsb.balancerCurrent + gsb.balancerCurrent = nil + pendingBalancerToClose := gsb.balancerPending + gsb.balancerPending = nil + gsb.mu.Unlock() + + currentBalancerToClose.Close() + pendingBalancerToClose.Close() +} + +// balancerWrapper wraps a balancer.Balancer, and overrides some Balancer +// methods to help cleanup SubConns created by the wrapped balancer. +// +// It implements the balancer.ClientConn interface and is passed down in that +// capacity to the wrapped balancer. It maintains a set of subConns created by +// the wrapped balancer and calls from the latter to create/update/remove +// SubConns update this set before being forwarded to the parent ClientConn. +// State updates from the wrapped balancer can result in invocation of the +// graceful switch logic. +type balancerWrapper struct { + balancer.Balancer + gsb *Balancer + + lastState balancer.State + subconns map[balancer.SubConn]bool // subconns created by this balancer +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) { + if state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Shutdown { + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + delete(bw.subconns, sc) + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + } + // There is no need to protect this read with a mutex, as the write to the + // Balancer field happens in SwitchTo, which completes before this can be + // called. + bw.Balancer.UpdateSubConnState(sc, state) +} + +// Close closes the underlying LB policy and removes the subconns it created. bw +// must not be referenced via balancerCurrent or balancerPending in gsb when +// called. gsb.mu must not be held. Does not panic with a nil receiver. +func (bw *balancerWrapper) Close() { + // before Close is called. + if bw == nil { + return + } + // There is no need to protect this read with a mutex, as Close() is + // impossible to be called concurrently with the write in SwitchTo(). The + // callsites of Close() for this balancer in Graceful Switch Balancer will + // never be called until SwitchTo() returns. + bw.Balancer.Close() + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + for sc := range bw.subconns { + bw.gsb.cc.RemoveSubConn(sc) + } + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) UpdateState(state balancer.State) { + // Hold the mutex for this entire call to ensure it cannot occur + // concurrently with other updateState() calls. This causes updates to + // lastState and calls to cc.UpdateState to happen atomically. + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + defer bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + bw.lastState = state + + if !bw.gsb.balancerCurrentOrPending(bw) { + return + } + + if bw == bw.gsb.balancerCurrent { + // In the case that the current balancer exits READY, and there is a pending + // balancer, you can forward the pending balancer's cached State up to + // ClientConn and swap the pending into the current. This is because there + // is no reason to gracefully switch from and keep using the old policy as + // the ClientConn is not connected to any backends. + if state.ConnectivityState != connectivity.Ready && bw.gsb.balancerPending != nil { + bw.gsb.swap() + return + } + // Even if there is a pending balancer waiting to be gracefully switched to, + // continue to forward current balancer updates to the Client Conn. Ignoring + // state + picker from the current would cause undefined behavior/cause the + // system to behave incorrectly from the current LB policies perspective. + // Also, the current LB is still being used by grpc to choose SubConns per + // RPC, and thus should use the most updated form of the current balancer. + bw.gsb.cc.UpdateState(state) + return + } + // This method is now dealing with a state update from the pending balancer. + // If the current balancer is currently in a state other than READY, the new + // policy can be swapped into place immediately. This is because there is no + // reason to gracefully switch from and keep using the old policy as the + // ClientConn is not connected to any backends. + if state.ConnectivityState != connectivity.Connecting || bw.gsb.balancerCurrent.lastState.ConnectivityState != connectivity.Ready { + bw.gsb.swap() + } +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) NewSubConn(addrs []resolver.Address, opts balancer.NewSubConnOptions) (balancer.SubConn, error) { + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + if !bw.gsb.balancerCurrentOrPending(bw) { + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T at address %p that called NewSubConn is deleted", bw, bw) + } + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + + sc, err := bw.gsb.cc.NewSubConn(addrs, opts) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + if !bw.gsb.balancerCurrentOrPending(bw) { // balancer was closed during this call + bw.gsb.cc.RemoveSubConn(sc) + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T at address %p that called NewSubConn is deleted", bw, bw) + } + bw.subconns[sc] = true + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + return sc, nil +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) ResolveNow(opts resolver.ResolveNowOptions) { + // Ignore ResolveNow requests from anything other than the most recent + // balancer, because older balancers were already removed from the config. + if bw != bw.gsb.latestBalancer() { + return + } + bw.gsb.cc.ResolveNow(opts) +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) RemoveSubConn(sc balancer.SubConn) { + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + if !bw.gsb.balancerCurrentOrPending(bw) { + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + return + } + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + bw.gsb.cc.RemoveSubConn(sc) +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) UpdateAddresses(sc balancer.SubConn, addrs []resolver.Address) { + bw.gsb.mu.Lock() + if !bw.gsb.balancerCurrentOrPending(bw) { + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + return + } + bw.gsb.mu.Unlock() + bw.gsb.cc.UpdateAddresses(sc, addrs) +} + +func (bw *balancerWrapper) Target() string { + return bw.gsb.cc.Target() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/binarylog.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/binarylog.go index 5cc3aedd..0a25ce43 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/binarylog.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/binarylog.go @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ( // Logger is the global binary logger. It can be used to get binary logger for // each method. type Logger interface { - getMethodLogger(methodName string) *MethodLogger + GetMethodLogger(methodName string) MethodLogger } // binLogger is the global binary logger for the binary. One of this should be @@ -49,17 +49,24 @@ func SetLogger(l Logger) { binLogger = l } +// GetLogger gets the binarg logger. +// +// Only call this at init time. +func GetLogger() Logger { + return binLogger +} + // GetMethodLogger returns the methodLogger for the given methodName. // // methodName should be in the format of "/service/method". // // Each methodLogger returned by this method is a new instance. This is to // generate sequence id within the call. -func GetMethodLogger(methodName string) *MethodLogger { +func GetMethodLogger(methodName string) MethodLogger { if binLogger == nil { return nil } - return binLogger.getMethodLogger(methodName) + return binLogger.GetMethodLogger(methodName) } func init() { @@ -68,17 +75,29 @@ func init() { binLogger = NewLoggerFromConfigString(configStr) } -type methodLoggerConfig struct { +// MethodLoggerConfig contains the setting for logging behavior of a method +// logger. Currently, it contains the max length of header and message. +type MethodLoggerConfig struct { // Max length of header and message. - hdr, msg uint64 + Header, Message uint64 +} + +// LoggerConfig contains the config for loggers to create method loggers. +type LoggerConfig struct { + All *MethodLoggerConfig + Services map[string]*MethodLoggerConfig + Methods map[string]*MethodLoggerConfig + + Blacklist map[string]struct{} } type logger struct { - all *methodLoggerConfig - services map[string]*methodLoggerConfig - methods map[string]*methodLoggerConfig + config LoggerConfig +} - blacklist map[string]struct{} +// NewLoggerFromConfig builds a logger with the given LoggerConfig. +func NewLoggerFromConfig(config LoggerConfig) Logger { + return &logger{config: config} } // newEmptyLogger creates an empty logger. The map fields need to be filled in @@ -88,57 +107,57 @@ func newEmptyLogger() *logger { } // Set method logger for "*". -func (l *logger) setDefaultMethodLogger(ml *methodLoggerConfig) error { - if l.all != nil { +func (l *logger) setDefaultMethodLogger(ml *MethodLoggerConfig) error { + if l.config.All != nil { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting global rules found") } - l.all = ml + l.config.All = ml return nil } // Set method logger for "service/*". // // New methodLogger with same service overrides the old one. -func (l *logger) setServiceMethodLogger(service string, ml *methodLoggerConfig) error { - if _, ok := l.services[service]; ok { +func (l *logger) setServiceMethodLogger(service string, ml *MethodLoggerConfig) error { + if _, ok := l.config.Services[service]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting service rules for service %v found", service) } - if l.services == nil { - l.services = make(map[string]*methodLoggerConfig) + if l.config.Services == nil { + l.config.Services = make(map[string]*MethodLoggerConfig) } - l.services[service] = ml + l.config.Services[service] = ml return nil } // Set method logger for "service/method". // // New methodLogger with same method overrides the old one. -func (l *logger) setMethodMethodLogger(method string, ml *methodLoggerConfig) error { - if _, ok := l.blacklist[method]; ok { +func (l *logger) setMethodMethodLogger(method string, ml *MethodLoggerConfig) error { + if _, ok := l.config.Blacklist[method]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting blacklist rules for method %v found", method) } - if _, ok := l.methods[method]; ok { + if _, ok := l.config.Methods[method]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting method rules for method %v found", method) } - if l.methods == nil { - l.methods = make(map[string]*methodLoggerConfig) + if l.config.Methods == nil { + l.config.Methods = make(map[string]*MethodLoggerConfig) } - l.methods[method] = ml + l.config.Methods[method] = ml return nil } // Set blacklist method for "-service/method". func (l *logger) setBlacklist(method string) error { - if _, ok := l.blacklist[method]; ok { + if _, ok := l.config.Blacklist[method]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting blacklist rules for method %v found", method) } - if _, ok := l.methods[method]; ok { + if _, ok := l.config.Methods[method]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting method rules for method %v found", method) } - if l.blacklist == nil { - l.blacklist = make(map[string]struct{}) + if l.config.Blacklist == nil { + l.config.Blacklist = make(map[string]struct{}) } - l.blacklist[method] = struct{}{} + l.config.Blacklist[method] = struct{}{} return nil } @@ -148,23 +167,23 @@ func (l *logger) setBlacklist(method string) error { // // Each methodLogger returned by this method is a new instance. This is to // generate sequence id within the call. -func (l *logger) getMethodLogger(methodName string) *MethodLogger { +func (l *logger) GetMethodLogger(methodName string) MethodLogger { s, m, err := grpcutil.ParseMethod(methodName) if err != nil { grpclogLogger.Infof("binarylogging: failed to parse %q: %v", methodName, err) return nil } - if ml, ok := l.methods[s+"/"+m]; ok { - return newMethodLogger(ml.hdr, ml.msg) + if ml, ok := l.config.Methods[s+"/"+m]; ok { + return newMethodLogger(ml.Header, ml.Message) } - if _, ok := l.blacklist[s+"/"+m]; ok { + if _, ok := l.config.Blacklist[s+"/"+m]; ok { return nil } - if ml, ok := l.services[s]; ok { - return newMethodLogger(ml.hdr, ml.msg) + if ml, ok := l.config.Services[s]; ok { + return newMethodLogger(ml.Header, ml.Message) } - if l.all == nil { + if l.config.All == nil { return nil } - return newMethodLogger(l.all.hdr, l.all.msg) + return newMethodLogger(l.config.All.Header, l.config.All.Message) } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/env_config.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/env_config.go index d8f4e760..ab589a76 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/env_config.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/env_config.go @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ func (l *logger) fillMethodLoggerWithConfigString(config string) error { if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid config: %q, %v", config, err) } - if err := l.setDefaultMethodLogger(&methodLoggerConfig{hdr: hdr, msg: msg}); err != nil { + if err := l.setDefaultMethodLogger(&MethodLoggerConfig{Header: hdr, Message: msg}); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid config: %v", err) } return nil @@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ func (l *logger) fillMethodLoggerWithConfigString(config string) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid header/message length config: %q, %v", suffix, err) } if m == "*" { - if err := l.setServiceMethodLogger(s, &methodLoggerConfig{hdr: hdr, msg: msg}); err != nil { + if err := l.setServiceMethodLogger(s, &MethodLoggerConfig{Header: hdr, Message: msg}); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid config: %v", err) } } else { - if err := l.setMethodMethodLogger(s+"/"+m, &methodLoggerConfig{hdr: hdr, msg: msg}); err != nil { + if err := l.setMethodMethodLogger(s+"/"+m, &MethodLoggerConfig{Header: hdr, Message: msg}); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid config: %v", err) } } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/method_logger.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/method_logger.go index 0cdb4183..24df0a1a 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/method_logger.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog/method_logger.go @@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ func (g *callIDGenerator) reset() { var idGen callIDGenerator // MethodLogger is the sub-logger for each method. -type MethodLogger struct { +type MethodLogger interface { + Log(LogEntryConfig) +} + +type methodLogger struct { headerMaxLen, messageMaxLen uint64 callID uint64 @@ -57,8 +61,8 @@ type MethodLogger struct { sink Sink // TODO(blog): make this plugable. } -func newMethodLogger(h, m uint64) *MethodLogger { - return &MethodLogger{ +func newMethodLogger(h, m uint64) *methodLogger { + return &methodLogger{ headerMaxLen: h, messageMaxLen: m, @@ -69,8 +73,10 @@ func newMethodLogger(h, m uint64) *MethodLogger { } } -// Log creates a proto binary log entry, and logs it to the sink. -func (ml *MethodLogger) Log(c LogEntryConfig) { +// Build is an internal only method for building the proto message out of the +// input event. It's made public to enable other library to reuse as much logic +// in methodLogger as possible. +func (ml *methodLogger) Build(c LogEntryConfig) *pb.GrpcLogEntry { m := c.toProto() timestamp, _ := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Now()) m.Timestamp = timestamp @@ -85,11 +91,15 @@ func (ml *MethodLogger) Log(c LogEntryConfig) { case *pb.GrpcLogEntry_Message: m.PayloadTruncated = ml.truncateMessage(pay.Message) } + return m +} - ml.sink.Write(m) +// Log creates a proto binary log entry, and logs it to the sink. +func (ml *methodLogger) Log(c LogEntryConfig) { + ml.sink.Write(ml.Build(c)) } -func (ml *MethodLogger) truncateMetadata(mdPb *pb.Metadata) (truncated bool) { +func (ml *methodLogger) truncateMetadata(mdPb *pb.Metadata) (truncated bool) { if ml.headerMaxLen == maxUInt { return false } @@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ func (ml *MethodLogger) truncateMetadata(mdPb *pb.Metadata) (truncated bool) { return truncated } -func (ml *MethodLogger) truncateMessage(msgPb *pb.Message) (truncated bool) { +func (ml *methodLogger) truncateMessage(msgPb *pb.Message) (truncated bool) { if ml.messageMaxLen == maxUInt { return false } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/funcs.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/funcs.go index ea660a14..777cbcd7 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/funcs.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/funcs.go @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ package channelz import ( "context" + "errors" "fmt" "sort" "sync" @@ -184,54 +185,77 @@ func GetServer(id int64) *ServerMetric { return db.get().GetServer(id) } -// RegisterChannel registers the given channel c in channelz database with ref -// as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent (identified -// by pid). pid = 0 means no parent. It returns the unique channelz tracking id -// assigned to this channel. -func RegisterChannel(c Channel, pid int64, ref string) int64 { +// RegisterChannel registers the given channel c in the channelz database with +// ref as its reference name, and adds it to the child list of its parent +// (identified by pid). pid == nil means no parent. +// +// Returns a unique channelz identifier assigned to this channel. +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, the channelz database is not mutated. +func RegisterChannel(c Channel, pid *Identifier, ref string) *Identifier { id := idGen.genID() + var parent int64 + isTopChannel := true + if pid != nil { + isTopChannel = false + parent = pid.Int() + } + + if !IsOn() { + return newIdentifer(RefChannel, id, pid) + } + cn := &channel{ refName: ref, c: c, subChans: make(map[int64]string), nestedChans: make(map[int64]string), id: id, - pid: pid, + pid: parent, trace: &channelTrace{createdTime: time.Now(), events: make([]*TraceEvent, 0, getMaxTraceEntry())}, } - if pid == 0 { - db.get().addChannel(id, cn, true, pid) - } else { - db.get().addChannel(id, cn, false, pid) - } - return id + db.get().addChannel(id, cn, isTopChannel, parent) + return newIdentifer(RefChannel, id, pid) } -// RegisterSubChannel registers the given channel c in channelz database with ref -// as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent (identified -// by pid). It returns the unique channelz tracking id assigned to this subchannel. -func RegisterSubChannel(c Channel, pid int64, ref string) int64 { - if pid == 0 { - logger.Error("a SubChannel's parent id cannot be 0") - return 0 +// RegisterSubChannel registers the given subChannel c in the channelz database +// with ref as its reference name, and adds it to the child list of its parent +// (identified by pid). +// +// Returns a unique channelz identifier assigned to this subChannel. +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, the channelz database is not mutated. +func RegisterSubChannel(c Channel, pid *Identifier, ref string) (*Identifier, error) { + if pid == nil { + return nil, errors.New("a SubChannel's parent id cannot be nil") } id := idGen.genID() + if !IsOn() { + return newIdentifer(RefSubChannel, id, pid), nil + } + sc := &subChannel{ refName: ref, c: c, sockets: make(map[int64]string), id: id, - pid: pid, + pid: pid.Int(), trace: &channelTrace{createdTime: time.Now(), events: make([]*TraceEvent, 0, getMaxTraceEntry())}, } - db.get().addSubChannel(id, sc, pid) - return id + db.get().addSubChannel(id, sc, pid.Int()) + return newIdentifer(RefSubChannel, id, pid), nil } // RegisterServer registers the given server s in channelz database. It returns // the unique channelz tracking id assigned to this server. -func RegisterServer(s Server, ref string) int64 { +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, the channelz database is not mutated. +func RegisterServer(s Server, ref string) *Identifier { id := idGen.genID() + if !IsOn() { + return newIdentifer(RefServer, id, nil) + } + svr := &server{ refName: ref, s: s, @@ -240,71 +264,92 @@ func RegisterServer(s Server, ref string) int64 { id: id, } db.get().addServer(id, svr) - return id + return newIdentifer(RefServer, id, nil) } // RegisterListenSocket registers the given listen socket s in channelz database // with ref as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent // (identified by pid). It returns the unique channelz tracking id assigned to // this listen socket. -func RegisterListenSocket(s Socket, pid int64, ref string) int64 { - if pid == 0 { - logger.Error("a ListenSocket's parent id cannot be 0") - return 0 +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, the channelz database is not mutated. +func RegisterListenSocket(s Socket, pid *Identifier, ref string) (*Identifier, error) { + if pid == nil { + return nil, errors.New("a ListenSocket's parent id cannot be 0") } id := idGen.genID() - ls := &listenSocket{refName: ref, s: s, id: id, pid: pid} - db.get().addListenSocket(id, ls, pid) - return id + if !IsOn() { + return newIdentifer(RefListenSocket, id, pid), nil + } + + ls := &listenSocket{refName: ref, s: s, id: id, pid: pid.Int()} + db.get().addListenSocket(id, ls, pid.Int()) + return newIdentifer(RefListenSocket, id, pid), nil } // RegisterNormalSocket registers the given normal socket s in channelz database -// with ref as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent +// with ref as its reference name, and adds it to the child list of its parent // (identified by pid). It returns the unique channelz tracking id assigned to // this normal socket. -func RegisterNormalSocket(s Socket, pid int64, ref string) int64 { - if pid == 0 { - logger.Error("a NormalSocket's parent id cannot be 0") - return 0 +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, the channelz database is not mutated. +func RegisterNormalSocket(s Socket, pid *Identifier, ref string) (*Identifier, error) { + if pid == nil { + return nil, errors.New("a NormalSocket's parent id cannot be 0") } id := idGen.genID() - ns := &normalSocket{refName: ref, s: s, id: id, pid: pid} - db.get().addNormalSocket(id, ns, pid) - return id + if !IsOn() { + return newIdentifer(RefNormalSocket, id, pid), nil + } + + ns := &normalSocket{refName: ref, s: s, id: id, pid: pid.Int()} + db.get().addNormalSocket(id, ns, pid.Int()) + return newIdentifer(RefNormalSocket, id, pid), nil } // RemoveEntry removes an entry with unique channelz tracking id to be id from // channelz database. -func RemoveEntry(id int64) { - db.get().removeEntry(id) +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, this function is a no-op. +func RemoveEntry(id *Identifier) { + if !IsOn() { + return + } + db.get().removeEntry(id.Int()) } -// TraceEventDesc is what the caller of AddTraceEvent should provide to describe the event to be added -// to the channel trace. -// The Parent field is optional. It is used for event that will be recorded in the entity's parent -// trace also. +// TraceEventDesc is what the caller of AddTraceEvent should provide to describe +// the event to be added to the channel trace. +// +// The Parent field is optional. It is used for an event that will be recorded +// in the entity's parent trace. type TraceEventDesc struct { Desc string Severity Severity Parent *TraceEventDesc } -// AddTraceEvent adds trace related to the entity with specified id, using the provided TraceEventDesc. -func AddTraceEvent(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, depth int, desc *TraceEventDesc) { - for d := desc; d != nil; d = d.Parent { - switch d.Severity { - case CtUnknown, CtInfo: - l.InfoDepth(depth+1, d.Desc) - case CtWarning: - l.WarningDepth(depth+1, d.Desc) - case CtError: - l.ErrorDepth(depth+1, d.Desc) - } +// AddTraceEvent adds trace related to the entity with specified id, using the +// provided TraceEventDesc. +// +// If channelz is not turned ON, this will simply log the event descriptions. +func AddTraceEvent(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, depth int, desc *TraceEventDesc) { + // Log only the trace description associated with the bottom most entity. + switch desc.Severity { + case CtUnknown, CtInfo: + l.InfoDepth(depth+1, withParens(id)+desc.Desc) + case CtWarning: + l.WarningDepth(depth+1, withParens(id)+desc.Desc) + case CtError: + l.ErrorDepth(depth+1, withParens(id)+desc.Desc) } + if getMaxTraceEntry() == 0 { return } - db.get().traceEvent(id, desc) + if IsOn() { + db.get().traceEvent(id.Int(), desc) + } } // channelMap is the storage data structure for channelz. diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/id.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/id.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9a27acd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/id.go @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2022 gRPC authors. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + +package channelz + +import "fmt" + +// Identifier is an opaque identifier which uniquely identifies an entity in the +// channelz database. +type Identifier struct { + typ RefChannelType + id int64 + str string + pid *Identifier +} + +// Type returns the entity type corresponding to id. +func (id *Identifier) Type() RefChannelType { + return id.typ +} + +// Int returns the integer identifier corresponding to id. +func (id *Identifier) Int() int64 { + return id.id +} + +// String returns a string representation of the entity corresponding to id. +// +// This includes some information about the parent as well. Examples: +// Top-level channel: [Channel #channel-number] +// Nested channel: [Channel #parent-channel-number Channel #channel-number] +// Sub channel: [Channel #parent-channel SubChannel #subchannel-number] +func (id *Identifier) String() string { + return id.str +} + +// Equal returns true if other is the same as id. +func (id *Identifier) Equal(other *Identifier) bool { + if (id != nil) != (other != nil) { + return false + } + if id == nil && other == nil { + return true + } + return id.typ == other.typ && id.id == other.id && id.pid == other.pid +} + +// NewIdentifierForTesting returns a new opaque identifier to be used only for +// testing purposes. +func NewIdentifierForTesting(typ RefChannelType, id int64, pid *Identifier) *Identifier { + return newIdentifer(typ, id, pid) +} + +func newIdentifer(typ RefChannelType, id int64, pid *Identifier) *Identifier { + str := fmt.Sprintf("%s #%d", typ, id) + if pid != nil { + str = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", pid, str) + } + return &Identifier{typ: typ, id: id, str: str, pid: pid} +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/logging.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/logging.go index b0013f9c..8e13a3d2 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/logging.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/logging.go @@ -26,77 +26,54 @@ import ( var logger = grpclog.Component("channelz") +func withParens(id *Identifier) string { + return "[" + id.String() + "] " +} + // Info logs and adds a trace event if channelz is on. -func Info(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, args ...interface{}) { - if IsOn() { - AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprint(args...), - Severity: CtInfo, - }) - } else { - l.InfoDepth(1, args...) - } +func Info(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, args ...interface{}) { + AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprint(args...), + Severity: CtInfo, + }) } // Infof logs and adds a trace event if channelz is on. -func Infof(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, format string, args ...interface{}) { - msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) - if IsOn() { - AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: msg, - Severity: CtInfo, - }) - } else { - l.InfoDepth(1, msg) - } +func Infof(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, format string, args ...interface{}) { + AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), + Severity: CtInfo, + }) } // Warning logs and adds a trace event if channelz is on. -func Warning(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, args ...interface{}) { - if IsOn() { - AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprint(args...), - Severity: CtWarning, - }) - } else { - l.WarningDepth(1, args...) - } +func Warning(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, args ...interface{}) { + AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprint(args...), + Severity: CtWarning, + }) } // Warningf logs and adds a trace event if channelz is on. -func Warningf(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, format string, args ...interface{}) { - msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) - if IsOn() { - AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: msg, - Severity: CtWarning, - }) - } else { - l.WarningDepth(1, msg) - } +func Warningf(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, format string, args ...interface{}) { + AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), + Severity: CtWarning, + }) } // Error logs and adds a trace event if channelz is on. -func Error(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, args ...interface{}) { - if IsOn() { - AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprint(args...), - Severity: CtError, - }) - } else { - l.ErrorDepth(1, args...) - } +func Error(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, args ...interface{}) { + AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprint(args...), + Severity: CtError, + }) } // Errorf logs and adds a trace event if channelz is on. -func Errorf(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id int64, format string, args ...interface{}) { - msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) - if IsOn() { - AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: msg, - Severity: CtError, - }) - } else { - l.ErrorDepth(1, msg) - } +func Errorf(l grpclog.DepthLoggerV2, id *Identifier, format string, args ...interface{}) { + AddTraceEvent(l, id, 1, &TraceEventDesc{ + Desc: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), + Severity: CtError, + }) } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/types.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/types.go index 3c595d15..ad0ce4da 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/types.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz/types.go @@ -686,12 +686,33 @@ const ( type RefChannelType int const ( + // RefUnknown indicates an unknown entity type, the zero value for this type. + RefUnknown RefChannelType = iota // RefChannel indicates the referenced entity is a Channel. - RefChannel RefChannelType = iota + RefChannel // RefSubChannel indicates the referenced entity is a SubChannel. RefSubChannel + // RefServer indicates the referenced entity is a Server. + RefServer + // RefListenSocket indicates the referenced entity is a ListenSocket. + RefListenSocket + // RefNormalSocket indicates the referenced entity is a NormalSocket. + RefNormalSocket ) +var refChannelTypeToString = map[RefChannelType]string{ + RefUnknown: "Unknown", + RefChannel: "Channel", + RefSubChannel: "SubChannel", + RefServer: "Server", + RefListenSocket: "ListenSocket", + RefNormalSocket: "NormalSocket", +} + +func (r RefChannelType) String() string { + return refChannelTypeToString[r] +} + func (c *channelTrace) dumpData() *ChannelTrace { c.mu.Lock() ct := &ChannelTrace{EventNum: c.eventCount, CreationTime: c.createdTime} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/internal.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/internal.go index 20fb880f..6d355b0b 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/internal.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/internal.go @@ -85,3 +85,9 @@ const ( // that supports backend returned by grpclb balancer. CredsBundleModeBackendFromBalancer = "backend-from-balancer" ) + +// RLSLoadBalancingPolicyName is the name of the RLS LB policy. +// +// It currently has an experimental suffix which would be removed once +// end-to-end testing of the policy is completed. +const RLSLoadBalancingPolicyName = "rls_experimental" diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/metadata/metadata.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/metadata/metadata.go index b8733dbf..b2980f8a 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/metadata/metadata.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/metadata/metadata.go @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ package metadata import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata" "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver" ) @@ -72,3 +75,46 @@ func Set(addr resolver.Address, md metadata.MD) resolver.Address { addr.Attributes = addr.Attributes.WithValue(mdKey, mdValue(md)) return addr } + +// Validate returns an error if the input md contains invalid keys or values. +// +// If the header is not a pseudo-header, the following items are checked: +// - header names must contain one or more characters from this set [0-9 a-z _ - .]. +// - if the header-name ends with a "-bin" suffix, no validation of the header value is performed. +// - otherwise, the header value must contain one or more characters from the set [%x20-%x7E]. +func Validate(md metadata.MD) error { + for k, vals := range md { + // pseudo-header will be ignored + if k[0] == ':' { + continue + } + // check key, for i that saving a conversion if not using for range + for i := 0; i < len(k); i++ { + r := k[i] + if !(r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') && !(r >= '0' && r <= '9') && r != '.' && r != '-' && r != '_' { + return fmt.Errorf("header key %q contains illegal characters not in [0-9a-z-_.]", k) + } + } + if strings.HasSuffix(k, "-bin") { + continue + } + // check value + for _, val := range vals { + if hasNotPrintable(val) { + return fmt.Errorf("header key %q contains value with non-printable ASCII characters", k) + } + } + } + return nil +} + +// hasNotPrintable return true if msg contains any characters which are not in %x20-%x7E +func hasNotPrintable(msg string) bool { + // for i that saving a conversion if not using for range + for i := 0; i < len(msg); i++ { + if msg[i] < 0x20 || msg[i] > 0x7E { + return true + } + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/pretty/pretty.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/pretty/pretty.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0177af4b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/pretty/pretty.go @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2021 gRPC authors. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + +// Package pretty defines helper functions to pretty-print structs for logging. +package pretty + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + + "github.com/golang/protobuf/jsonpb" + protov1 "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson" + protov2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" +) + +const jsonIndent = " " + +// ToJSON marshals the input into a json string. +// +// If marshal fails, it falls back to fmt.Sprintf("%+v"). +func ToJSON(e interface{}) string { + switch ee := e.(type) { + case protov1.Message: + mm := jsonpb.Marshaler{Indent: jsonIndent} + ret, err := mm.MarshalToString(ee) + if err != nil { + // This may fail for proto.Anys, e.g. for xDS v2, LDS, the v2 + // messages are not imported, and this will fail because the message + // is not found. + return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ee) + } + return ret + case protov2.Message: + mm := protojson.MarshalOptions{ + Multiline: true, + Indent: jsonIndent, + } + ret, err := mm.Marshal(ee) + if err != nil { + // This may fail for proto.Anys, e.g. for xDS v2, LDS, the v2 + // messages are not imported, and this will fail because the message + // is not found. + return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ee) + } + return string(ret) + default: + ret, err := json.MarshalIndent(ee, "", jsonIndent) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ee) + } + return string(ret) + } +} + +// FormatJSON formats the input json bytes with indentation. +// +// If Indent fails, it returns the unchanged input as string. +func FormatJSON(b []byte) string { + var out bytes.Buffer + err := json.Indent(&out, b, "", jsonIndent) + if err != nil { + return string(b) + } + return out.String() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/controlbuf.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/controlbuf.go index 8394d252..244f4b08 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/controlbuf.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/controlbuf.go @@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ type earlyAbortStream struct { streamID uint32 contentSubtype string status *status.Status + rst bool } func (*earlyAbortStream) isTransportResponseFrame() bool { return false } @@ -786,6 +787,11 @@ func (l *loopyWriter) earlyAbortStreamHandler(eas *earlyAbortStream) error { if err := l.writeHeader(eas.streamID, true, headerFields, nil); err != nil { return err } + if eas.rst { + if err := l.framer.fr.WriteRSTStream(eas.streamID, http2.ErrCodeNo); err != nil { + return err + } + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_client.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_client.go index f0c72d33..24ca5908 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_client.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_client.go @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ type http2Client struct { kpDormant bool // Fields below are for channelz metric collection. - channelzID int64 // channelz unique identification number + channelzID *channelz.Identifier czData *channelzData onGoAway func(GoAwayReason) @@ -351,8 +351,9 @@ func newHTTP2Client(connectCtx, ctx context.Context, addr resolver.Address, opts } t.statsHandler.HandleConn(t.ctx, connBegin) } - if channelz.IsOn() { - t.channelzID = channelz.RegisterNormalSocket(t, opts.ChannelzParentID, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", t.localAddr, t.remoteAddr)) + t.channelzID, err = channelz.RegisterNormalSocket(t, opts.ChannelzParentID, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", t.localAddr, t.remoteAddr)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err } if t.keepaliveEnabled { t.kpDormancyCond = sync.NewCond(&t.mu) @@ -630,8 +631,8 @@ func (t *http2Client) getCallAuthData(ctx context.Context, audience string, call // the wire. However, there are two notable exceptions: // // 1. If the stream headers violate the max header list size allowed by the -// server. In this case there is no reason to retry at all, as it is -// assumed the RPC would continue to fail on subsequent attempts. +// server. It's possible this could succeed on another transport, even if +// it's unlikely, but do not transparently retry. // 2. If the credentials errored when requesting their headers. In this case, // it's possible a retry can fix the problem, but indefinitely transparently // retrying is not appropriate as it is likely the credentials, if they can @@ -639,8 +640,7 @@ func (t *http2Client) getCallAuthData(ctx context.Context, audience string, call type NewStreamError struct { Err error - DoNotRetry bool - DoNotTransparentRetry bool + AllowTransparentRetry bool } func (e NewStreamError) Error() string { @@ -649,11 +649,11 @@ func (e NewStreamError) Error() string { // NewStream creates a stream and registers it into the transport as "active" // streams. All non-nil errors returned will be *NewStreamError. -func (t *http2Client) NewStream(ctx context.Context, callHdr *CallHdr) (_ *Stream, err error) { +func (t *http2Client) NewStream(ctx context.Context, callHdr *CallHdr) (*Stream, error) { ctx = peer.NewContext(ctx, t.getPeer()) headerFields, err := t.createHeaderFields(ctx, callHdr) if err != nil { - return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: err, DoNotTransparentRetry: true} + return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: err, AllowTransparentRetry: false} } s := t.newStream(ctx, callHdr) cleanup := func(err error) { @@ -753,13 +753,14 @@ func (t *http2Client) NewStream(ctx context.Context, callHdr *CallHdr) (_ *Strea return true }, hdr) if err != nil { - return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: err} + // Connection closed. + return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: err, AllowTransparentRetry: true} } if success { break } if hdrListSizeErr != nil { - return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: hdrListSizeErr, DoNotRetry: true} + return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: hdrListSizeErr} } firstTry = false select { @@ -767,9 +768,9 @@ func (t *http2Client) NewStream(ctx context.Context, callHdr *CallHdr) (_ *Strea case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: ContextErr(ctx.Err())} case <-t.goAway: - return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: errStreamDrain} + return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: errStreamDrain, AllowTransparentRetry: true} case <-t.ctx.Done(): - return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: ErrConnClosing} + return nil, &NewStreamError{Err: ErrConnClosing, AllowTransparentRetry: true} } } if t.statsHandler != nil { @@ -898,9 +899,7 @@ func (t *http2Client) Close(err error) { t.controlBuf.finish() t.cancel() t.conn.Close() - if channelz.IsOn() { - channelz.RemoveEntry(t.channelzID) - } + channelz.RemoveEntry(t.channelzID) // Append info about previous goaways if there were any, since this may be important // for understanding the root cause for this connection to be closed. _, goAwayDebugMessage := t.GetGoAwayReason() diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_server.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_server.go index 2c6eaf0e..45d7bd14 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_server.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/http2_server.go @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ package transport import ( "bytes" "context" - "errors" "fmt" "io" "math" @@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ import ( "golang.org/x/net/http2" "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcutil" + "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/syscall" "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials" @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ import ( var ( // ErrIllegalHeaderWrite indicates that setting header is illegal because of // the stream's state. - ErrIllegalHeaderWrite = errors.New("transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called") + ErrIllegalHeaderWrite = status.Error(codes.Internal, "transport: SendHeader called multiple times") // ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation indicates that the header list size is larger // than the limit set by peer. - ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation = errors.New("transport: trying to send header list size larger than the limit set by peer") + ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation = status.Error(codes.Internal, "transport: trying to send header list size larger than the limit set by peer") ) // serverConnectionCounter counts the number of connections a server has seen @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ type http2Server struct { idle time.Time // Fields below are for channelz metric collection. - channelzID int64 // channelz unique identification number + channelzID *channelz.Identifier czData *channelzData bufferPool *bufferPool @@ -231,6 +231,11 @@ func NewServerTransport(conn net.Conn, config *ServerConfig) (_ ServerTransport, if kp.Timeout == 0 { kp.Timeout = defaultServerKeepaliveTimeout } + if kp.Time != infinity { + if err = syscall.SetTCPUserTimeout(conn, kp.Timeout); err != nil { + return nil, connectionErrorf(false, err, "transport: failed to set TCP_USER_TIMEOUT: %v", err) + } + } kep := config.KeepalivePolicy if kep.MinTime == 0 { kep.MinTime = defaultKeepalivePolicyMinTime @@ -275,12 +280,12 @@ func NewServerTransport(conn net.Conn, config *ServerConfig) (_ ServerTransport, connBegin := &stats.ConnBegin{} t.stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connBegin) } - if channelz.IsOn() { - t.channelzID = channelz.RegisterNormalSocket(t, config.ChannelzParentID, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", t.remoteAddr, t.localAddr)) + t.channelzID, err = channelz.RegisterNormalSocket(t, config.ChannelzParentID, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", t.remoteAddr, t.localAddr)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err } t.connectionID = atomic.AddUint64(&serverConnectionCounter, 1) - t.framer.writer.Flush() defer func() { @@ -443,6 +448,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) operateHeaders(frame *http2.MetaHeadersFrame, handle func( streamID: streamID, contentSubtype: s.contentSubtype, status: status.New(codes.Internal, errMsg), + rst: !frame.StreamEnded(), }) return false } @@ -516,14 +522,16 @@ func (t *http2Server) operateHeaders(frame *http2.MetaHeadersFrame, handle func( } if httpMethod != http.MethodPost { t.mu.Unlock() + errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("http2Server.operateHeaders parsed a :method field: %v which should be POST", httpMethod) if logger.V(logLevel) { - logger.Infof("transport: http2Server.operateHeaders parsed a :method field: %v which should be POST", httpMethod) + logger.Infof("transport: %v", errMsg) } - t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{ - streamID: streamID, - rst: true, - rstCode: http2.ErrCodeProtocol, - onWrite: func() {}, + t.controlBuf.put(&earlyAbortStream{ + httpStatus: 405, + streamID: streamID, + contentSubtype: s.contentSubtype, + status: status.New(codes.Internal, errMsg), + rst: !frame.StreamEnded(), }) s.cancel() return false @@ -544,6 +552,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) operateHeaders(frame *http2.MetaHeadersFrame, handle func( streamID: s.id, contentSubtype: s.contentSubtype, status: stat, + rst: !frame.StreamEnded(), }) return false } @@ -925,11 +934,25 @@ func (t *http2Server) checkForHeaderListSize(it interface{}) bool { return true } +func (t *http2Server) streamContextErr(s *Stream) error { + select { + case <-t.done: + return ErrConnClosing + default: + } + return ContextErr(s.ctx.Err()) +} + // WriteHeader sends the header metadata md back to the client. func (t *http2Server) WriteHeader(s *Stream, md metadata.MD) error { - if s.updateHeaderSent() || s.getState() == streamDone { + if s.updateHeaderSent() { return ErrIllegalHeaderWrite } + + if s.getState() == streamDone { + return t.streamContextErr(s) + } + s.hdrMu.Lock() if md.Len() > 0 { if s.header.Len() > 0 { @@ -940,7 +963,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) WriteHeader(s *Stream, md metadata.MD) error { } if err := t.writeHeaderLocked(s); err != nil { s.hdrMu.Unlock() - return err + return status.Convert(err).Err() } s.hdrMu.Unlock() return nil @@ -1056,23 +1079,12 @@ func (t *http2Server) WriteStatus(s *Stream, st *status.Status) error { func (t *http2Server) Write(s *Stream, hdr []byte, data []byte, opts *Options) error { if !s.isHeaderSent() { // Headers haven't been written yet. if err := t.WriteHeader(s, nil); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(ConnectionError); ok { - return err - } - // TODO(mmukhi, dfawley): Make sure this is the right code to return. - return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "transport: %v", err) + return err } } else { // Writing headers checks for this condition. if s.getState() == streamDone { - // TODO(mmukhi, dfawley): Should the server write also return io.EOF? - s.cancel() - select { - case <-t.done: - return ErrConnClosing - default: - } - return ContextErr(s.ctx.Err()) + return t.streamContextErr(s) } } df := &dataFrame{ @@ -1082,12 +1094,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) Write(s *Stream, hdr []byte, data []byte, opts *Options) e onEachWrite: t.setResetPingStrikes, } if err := s.wq.get(int32(len(hdr) + len(data))); err != nil { - select { - case <-t.done: - return ErrConnClosing - default: - } - return ContextErr(s.ctx.Err()) + return t.streamContextErr(s) } return t.controlBuf.put(df) } @@ -1210,9 +1217,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) Close() { if err := t.conn.Close(); err != nil && logger.V(logLevel) { logger.Infof("transport: error closing conn during Close: %v", err) } - if channelz.IsOn() { - channelz.RemoveEntry(t.channelzID) - } + channelz.RemoveEntry(t.channelzID) // Cancel all active streams. for _, s := range streams { s.cancel() @@ -1225,10 +1230,6 @@ func (t *http2Server) Close() { // deleteStream deletes the stream s from transport's active streams. func (t *http2Server) deleteStream(s *Stream, eosReceived bool) { - // In case stream sending and receiving are invoked in separate - // goroutines (e.g., bi-directional streaming), cancel needs to be - // called to interrupt the potential blocking on other goroutines. - s.cancel() t.mu.Lock() if _, ok := t.activeStreams[s.id]; ok { @@ -1250,6 +1251,11 @@ func (t *http2Server) deleteStream(s *Stream, eosReceived bool) { // finishStream closes the stream and puts the trailing headerFrame into controlbuf. func (t *http2Server) finishStream(s *Stream, rst bool, rstCode http2.ErrCode, hdr *headerFrame, eosReceived bool) { + // In case stream sending and receiving are invoked in separate + // goroutines (e.g., bi-directional streaming), cancel needs to be + // called to interrupt the potential blocking on other goroutines. + s.cancel() + oldState := s.swapState(streamDone) if oldState == streamDone { // If the stream was already done, return. @@ -1269,6 +1275,11 @@ func (t *http2Server) finishStream(s *Stream, rst bool, rstCode http2.ErrCode, h // closeStream clears the footprint of a stream when the stream is not needed any more. func (t *http2Server) closeStream(s *Stream, rst bool, rstCode http2.ErrCode, eosReceived bool) { + // In case stream sending and receiving are invoked in separate + // goroutines (e.g., bi-directional streaming), cancel needs to be + // called to interrupt the potential blocking on other goroutines. + s.cancel() + s.swapState(streamDone) t.deleteStream(s, eosReceived) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go index 0c43efaa..a9ce717f 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import ( "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials" + "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz" "google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive" "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata" "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver" @@ -529,7 +530,7 @@ type ServerConfig struct { InitialConnWindowSize int32 WriteBufferSize int ReadBufferSize int - ChannelzParentID int64 + ChannelzParentID *channelz.Identifier MaxHeaderListSize *uint32 HeaderTableSize *uint32 } @@ -563,7 +564,7 @@ type ConnectOptions struct { // ReadBufferSize sets the size of read buffer, which in turn determines how much data can be read at most for one read syscall. ReadBufferSize int // ChannelzParentID sets the addrConn id which initiate the creation of this client transport. - ChannelzParentID int64 + ChannelzParentID *channelz.Identifier // MaxHeaderListSize sets the max (uncompressed) size of header list that is prepared to be received. MaxHeaderListSize *uint32 // UseProxy specifies if a proxy should be used. diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/metadata/metadata.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/metadata/metadata.go index 3604c781..8e0f6abe 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/metadata/metadata.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/metadata/metadata.go @@ -188,7 +188,9 @@ func FromIncomingContext(ctx context.Context) (MD, bool) { // map, and there's no guarantee that the MD attached to the context is // created using our helper functions. key := strings.ToLower(k) - out[key] = v + s := make([]string, len(v)) + copy(s, v) + out[key] = s } return out, true } @@ -226,7 +228,9 @@ func FromOutgoingContext(ctx context.Context) (MD, bool) { // map, and there's no guarantee that the MD attached to the context is // created using our helper functions. key := strings.ToLower(k) - out[key] = v + s := make([]string, len(v)) + copy(s, v) + out[key] = s } for _, added := range raw.added { if len(added)%2 == 1 { diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go index e8367cb8..843633c9 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ func (pw *pickerWrapper) pick(ctx context.Context, failfast bool, info balancer. } if _, ok := status.FromError(err); ok { // Status error: end the RPC unconditionally with this status. - return nil, nil, err + return nil, nil, dropError{error: err} } // For all other errors, wait for ready RPCs should block and other // RPCs should fail with unavailable. @@ -175,3 +175,9 @@ func (pw *pickerWrapper) close() { pw.done = true close(pw.blockingCh) } + +// dropError is a wrapper error that indicates the LB policy wishes to drop the +// RPC and not retry it. +type dropError struct { + error +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/pickfirst.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/pickfirst.go index 5168b62b..fb7a99e0 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/pickfirst.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/pickfirst.go @@ -44,79 +44,107 @@ func (*pickfirstBuilder) Name() string { } type pickfirstBalancer struct { - state connectivity.State - cc balancer.ClientConn - sc balancer.SubConn + state connectivity.State + cc balancer.ClientConn + subConn balancer.SubConn } func (b *pickfirstBalancer) ResolverError(err error) { - switch b.state { - case connectivity.TransientFailure, connectivity.Idle, connectivity.Connecting: - // Set a failing picker if we don't have a good picker. - b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure, - Picker: &picker{err: fmt.Errorf("name resolver error: %v", err)}, - }) - } if logger.V(2) { logger.Infof("pickfirstBalancer: ResolverError called with error %v", err) } + if b.subConn == nil { + b.state = connectivity.TransientFailure + } + + if b.state != connectivity.TransientFailure { + // The picker will not change since the balancer does not currently + // report an error. + return + } + b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure, + Picker: &picker{err: fmt.Errorf("name resolver error: %v", err)}, + }) } -func (b *pickfirstBalancer) UpdateClientConnState(cs balancer.ClientConnState) error { - if len(cs.ResolverState.Addresses) == 0 { +func (b *pickfirstBalancer) UpdateClientConnState(state balancer.ClientConnState) error { + if len(state.ResolverState.Addresses) == 0 { + // The resolver reported an empty address list. Treat it like an error by + // calling b.ResolverError. + if b.subConn != nil { + // Remove the old subConn. All addresses were removed, so it is no longer + // valid. + b.cc.RemoveSubConn(b.subConn) + b.subConn = nil + } b.ResolverError(errors.New("produced zero addresses")) return balancer.ErrBadResolverState } - if b.sc == nil { - var err error - b.sc, err = b.cc.NewSubConn(cs.ResolverState.Addresses, balancer.NewSubConnOptions{}) - if err != nil { - if logger.V(2) { - logger.Errorf("pickfirstBalancer: failed to NewSubConn: %v", err) - } - b.state = connectivity.TransientFailure - b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure, - Picker: &picker{err: fmt.Errorf("error creating connection: %v", err)}, - }) - return balancer.ErrBadResolverState + + if b.subConn != nil { + b.cc.UpdateAddresses(b.subConn, state.ResolverState.Addresses) + return nil + } + + subConn, err := b.cc.NewSubConn(state.ResolverState.Addresses, balancer.NewSubConnOptions{}) + if err != nil { + if logger.V(2) { + logger.Errorf("pickfirstBalancer: failed to NewSubConn: %v", err) } - b.state = connectivity.Idle - b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Idle, Picker: &picker{result: balancer.PickResult{SubConn: b.sc}}}) - b.sc.Connect() - } else { - b.cc.UpdateAddresses(b.sc, cs.ResolverState.Addresses) - b.sc.Connect() + b.state = connectivity.TransientFailure + b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure, + Picker: &picker{err: fmt.Errorf("error creating connection: %v", err)}, + }) + return balancer.ErrBadResolverState } + b.subConn = subConn + b.state = connectivity.Idle + b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: connectivity.Idle, + Picker: &picker{result: balancer.PickResult{SubConn: b.subConn}}, + }) + b.subConn.Connect() return nil } -func (b *pickfirstBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, s balancer.SubConnState) { +func (b *pickfirstBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(subConn balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) { if logger.V(2) { - logger.Infof("pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: %p, %v", sc, s) + logger.Infof("pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: %p, %v", subConn, state) } - if b.sc != sc { + if b.subConn != subConn { if logger.V(2) { - logger.Infof("pickfirstBalancer: ignored state change because sc is not recognized") + logger.Infof("pickfirstBalancer: ignored state change because subConn is not recognized") } return } - b.state = s.ConnectivityState - if s.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Shutdown { - b.sc = nil + b.state = state.ConnectivityState + if state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Shutdown { + b.subConn = nil return } - switch s.ConnectivityState { + switch state.ConnectivityState { case connectivity.Ready: - b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: s.ConnectivityState, Picker: &picker{result: balancer.PickResult{SubConn: sc}}}) + b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: state.ConnectivityState, + Picker: &picker{result: balancer.PickResult{SubConn: subConn}}, + }) case connectivity.Connecting: - b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: s.ConnectivityState, Picker: &picker{err: balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable}}) + b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: state.ConnectivityState, + Picker: &picker{err: balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable}, + }) case connectivity.Idle: - b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: s.ConnectivityState, Picker: &idlePicker{sc: sc}}) + b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ + ConnectivityState: state.ConnectivityState, + Picker: &idlePicker{subConn: subConn}, + }) case connectivity.TransientFailure: b.cc.UpdateState(balancer.State{ - ConnectivityState: s.ConnectivityState, - Picker: &picker{err: s.ConnectionError}, + ConnectivityState: state.ConnectivityState, + Picker: &picker{err: state.ConnectionError}, }) } } @@ -125,8 +153,8 @@ func (b *pickfirstBalancer) Close() { } func (b *pickfirstBalancer) ExitIdle() { - if b.sc != nil && b.state == connectivity.Idle { - b.sc.Connect() + if b.subConn != nil && b.state == connectivity.Idle { + b.subConn.Connect() } } @@ -135,18 +163,18 @@ type picker struct { err error } -func (p *picker) Pick(info balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) { +func (p *picker) Pick(balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) { return p.result, p.err } // idlePicker is used when the SubConn is IDLE and kicks the SubConn into // CONNECTING when Pick is called. type idlePicker struct { - sc balancer.SubConn + subConn balancer.SubConn } -func (i *idlePicker) Pick(info balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) { - i.sc.Connect() +func (i *idlePicker) Pick(balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) { + i.subConn.Connect() return balancer.PickResult{}, balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver/resolver.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver/resolver.go index e28b6802..ca2e35a3 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver/resolver.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver/resolver.go @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import ( "google.golang.org/grpc/attributes" "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials" + "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/pretty" "google.golang.org/grpc/serviceconfig" ) @@ -139,13 +140,18 @@ type Address struct { // Equal returns whether a and o are identical. Metadata is compared directly, // not with any recursive introspection. -func (a *Address) Equal(o Address) bool { +func (a Address) Equal(o Address) bool { return a.Addr == o.Addr && a.ServerName == o.ServerName && a.Attributes.Equal(o.Attributes) && a.BalancerAttributes.Equal(o.BalancerAttributes) && a.Type == o.Type && a.Metadata == o.Metadata } +// String returns JSON formatted string representation of the address. +func (a Address) String() string { + return pretty.ToJSON(a) +} + // BuildOptions includes additional information for the builder to create // the resolver. type BuildOptions struct { diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver_conn_wrapper.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver_conn_wrapper.go index 2c47cd54..05a9d4e0 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver_conn_wrapper.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver_conn_wrapper.go @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package grpc import ( - "fmt" "strings" "sync" @@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ import ( "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcsync" + "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/pretty" "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver" "google.golang.org/grpc/serviceconfig" ) @@ -97,10 +97,7 @@ func (ccr *ccResolverWrapper) UpdateState(s resolver.State) error { if ccr.done.HasFired() { return nil } - channelz.Infof(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: %v", s) - if channelz.IsOn() { - ccr.addChannelzTraceEvent(s) - } + ccr.addChannelzTraceEvent(s) ccr.curState = s if err := ccr.cc.updateResolverState(ccr.curState, nil); err == balancer.ErrBadResolverState { return balancer.ErrBadResolverState @@ -125,10 +122,7 @@ func (ccr *ccResolverWrapper) NewAddress(addrs []resolver.Address) { if ccr.done.HasFired() { return } - channelz.Infof(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "ccResolverWrapper: sending new addresses to cc: %v", addrs) - if channelz.IsOn() { - ccr.addChannelzTraceEvent(resolver.State{Addresses: addrs, ServiceConfig: ccr.curState.ServiceConfig}) - } + ccr.addChannelzTraceEvent(resolver.State{Addresses: addrs, ServiceConfig: ccr.curState.ServiceConfig}) ccr.curState.Addresses = addrs ccr.cc.updateResolverState(ccr.curState, nil) } @@ -141,7 +135,7 @@ func (ccr *ccResolverWrapper) NewServiceConfig(sc string) { if ccr.done.HasFired() { return } - channelz.Infof(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "ccResolverWrapper: got new service config: %v", sc) + channelz.Infof(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "ccResolverWrapper: got new service config: %s", sc) if ccr.cc.dopts.disableServiceConfig { channelz.Info(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "Service config lookups disabled; ignoring config") return @@ -151,9 +145,7 @@ func (ccr *ccResolverWrapper) NewServiceConfig(sc string) { channelz.Warningf(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "ccResolverWrapper: error parsing service config: %v", scpr.Err) return } - if channelz.IsOn() { - ccr.addChannelzTraceEvent(resolver.State{Addresses: ccr.curState.Addresses, ServiceConfig: scpr}) - } + ccr.addChannelzTraceEvent(resolver.State{Addresses: ccr.curState.Addresses, ServiceConfig: scpr}) ccr.curState.ServiceConfig = scpr ccr.cc.updateResolverState(ccr.curState, nil) } @@ -180,8 +172,5 @@ func (ccr *ccResolverWrapper) addChannelzTraceEvent(s resolver.State) { } else if len(ccr.curState.Addresses) == 0 && len(s.Addresses) > 0 { updates = append(updates, "resolver returned new addresses") } - channelz.AddTraceEvent(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, 0, &channelz.TraceEventDesc{ - Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Resolver state updated: %+v (%v)", s, strings.Join(updates, "; ")), - Severity: channelz.CtInfo, - }) + channelz.Infof(logger, ccr.cc.channelzID, "Resolver state updated: %s (%v)", pretty.ToJSON(s), strings.Join(updates, "; ")) } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/server.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/server.go index b24b6d53..65de84b3 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/server.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/server.go @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ type Server struct { channelzRemoveOnce sync.Once serveWG sync.WaitGroup // counts active Serve goroutines for GracefulStop - channelzID int64 // channelz unique identification number + channelzID *channelz.Identifier czData *channelzData serverWorkerChannels []chan *serverWorkerData @@ -584,9 +584,8 @@ func NewServer(opt ...ServerOption) *Server { s.initServerWorkers() } - if channelz.IsOn() { - s.channelzID = channelz.RegisterServer(&channelzServer{s}, "") - } + s.channelzID = channelz.RegisterServer(&channelzServer{s}, "") + channelz.Info(logger, s.channelzID, "Server created") return s } @@ -712,7 +711,7 @@ var ErrServerStopped = errors.New("grpc: the server has been stopped") type listenSocket struct { net.Listener - channelzID int64 + channelzID *channelz.Identifier } func (l *listenSocket) ChannelzMetric() *channelz.SocketInternalMetric { @@ -724,9 +723,8 @@ func (l *listenSocket) ChannelzMetric() *channelz.SocketInternalMetric { func (l *listenSocket) Close() error { err := l.Listener.Close() - if channelz.IsOn() { - channelz.RemoveEntry(l.channelzID) - } + channelz.RemoveEntry(l.channelzID) + channelz.Info(logger, l.channelzID, "ListenSocket deleted") return err } @@ -759,11 +757,6 @@ func (s *Server) Serve(lis net.Listener) error { ls := &listenSocket{Listener: lis} s.lis[ls] = true - if channelz.IsOn() { - ls.channelzID = channelz.RegisterListenSocket(ls, s.channelzID, lis.Addr().String()) - } - s.mu.Unlock() - defer func() { s.mu.Lock() if s.lis != nil && s.lis[ls] { @@ -773,8 +766,16 @@ func (s *Server) Serve(lis net.Listener) error { s.mu.Unlock() }() - var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure + var err error + ls.channelzID, err = channelz.RegisterListenSocket(ls, s.channelzID, lis.Addr().String()) + if err != nil { + s.mu.Unlock() + return err + } + s.mu.Unlock() + channelz.Info(logger, ls.channelzID, "ListenSocket created") + var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure for { rawConn, err := lis.Accept() if err != nil { @@ -1709,11 +1710,7 @@ func (s *Server) Stop() { s.done.Fire() }() - s.channelzRemoveOnce.Do(func() { - if channelz.IsOn() { - channelz.RemoveEntry(s.channelzID) - } - }) + s.channelzRemoveOnce.Do(func() { channelz.RemoveEntry(s.channelzID) }) s.mu.Lock() listeners := s.lis @@ -1751,11 +1748,7 @@ func (s *Server) GracefulStop() { s.quit.Fire() defer s.done.Fire() - s.channelzRemoveOnce.Do(func() { - if channelz.IsOn() { - channelz.RemoveEntry(s.channelzID) - } - }) + s.channelzRemoveOnce.Do(func() { channelz.RemoveEntry(s.channelzID) }) s.mu.Lock() if s.conns == nil { s.mu.Unlock() @@ -1808,12 +1801,26 @@ func (s *Server) getCodec(contentSubtype string) baseCodec { return codec } -// SetHeader sets the header metadata. -// When called multiple times, all the provided metadata will be merged. -// All the metadata will be sent out when one of the following happens: -// - grpc.SendHeader() is called; -// - The first response is sent out; -// - An RPC status is sent out (error or success). +// SetHeader sets the header metadata to be sent from the server to the client. +// The context provided must be the context passed to the server's handler. +// +// Streaming RPCs should prefer the SetHeader method of the ServerStream. +// +// When called multiple times, all the provided metadata will be merged. All +// the metadata will be sent out when one of the following happens: +// +// - grpc.SendHeader is called, or for streaming handlers, stream.SendHeader. +// - The first response message is sent. For unary handlers, this occurs when +// the handler returns; for streaming handlers, this can happen when stream's +// SendMsg method is called. +// - An RPC status is sent out (error or success). This occurs when the handler +// returns. +// +// SetHeader will fail if called after any of the events above. +// +// The error returned is compatible with the status package. However, the +// status code will often not match the RPC status as seen by the client +// application, and therefore, should not be relied upon for this purpose. func SetHeader(ctx context.Context, md metadata.MD) error { if md.Len() == 0 { return nil @@ -1825,8 +1832,14 @@ func SetHeader(ctx context.Context, md metadata.MD) error { return stream.SetHeader(md) } -// SendHeader sends header metadata. It may be called at most once. -// The provided md and headers set by SetHeader() will be sent. +// SendHeader sends header metadata. It may be called at most once, and may not +// be called after any event that causes headers to be sent (see SetHeader for +// a complete list). The provided md and headers set by SetHeader() will be +// sent. +// +// The error returned is compatible with the status package. However, the +// status code will often not match the RPC status as seen by the client +// application, and therefore, should not be relied upon for this purpose. func SendHeader(ctx context.Context, md metadata.MD) error { stream := ServerTransportStreamFromContext(ctx) if stream == nil { @@ -1840,6 +1853,10 @@ func SendHeader(ctx context.Context, md metadata.MD) error { // SetTrailer sets the trailer metadata that will be sent when an RPC returns. // When called more than once, all the provided metadata will be merged. +// +// The error returned is compatible with the status package. However, the +// status code will often not match the RPC status as seen by the client +// application, and therefore, should not be relied upon for this purpose. func SetTrailer(ctx context.Context, md metadata.MD) error { if md.Len() == 0 { return nil diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/service_config.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/service_config.go index 6926a06d..b01c548b 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/service_config.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/service_config.go @@ -381,6 +381,9 @@ func init() { // // If any of them is NOT *ServiceConfig, return false. func equalServiceConfig(a, b serviceconfig.Config) bool { + if a == nil && b == nil { + return true + } aa, ok := a.(*ServiceConfig) if !ok { return false diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go index 8cdd652e..236fc17e 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import ( "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcrand" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcutil" + imetadata "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/metadata" iresolver "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/resolver" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/serviceconfig" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport" @@ -166,6 +167,11 @@ func NewClientStream(ctx context.Context, desc *StreamDesc, cc *ClientConn, meth } func newClientStream(ctx context.Context, desc *StreamDesc, cc *ClientConn, method string, opts ...CallOption) (_ ClientStream, err error) { + if md, _, ok := metadata.FromOutgoingContextRaw(ctx); ok { + if err := imetadata.Validate(md); err != nil { + return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) + } + } if channelz.IsOn() { cc.incrCallsStarted() defer func() { @@ -297,14 +303,28 @@ func newClientStreamWithParams(ctx context.Context, desc *StreamDesc, cc *Client } cs.binlog = binarylog.GetMethodLogger(method) - if err := cs.newAttemptLocked(false /* isTransparent */); err != nil { + cs.attempt, err = cs.newAttemptLocked(false /* isTransparent */) + if err != nil { cs.finish(err) return nil, err } - op := func(a *csAttempt) error { return a.newStream() } + // Pick the transport to use and create a new stream on the transport. + // Assign cs.attempt upon success. + op := func(a *csAttempt) error { + if err := a.getTransport(); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := a.newStream(); err != nil { + return err + } + // Because this operation is always called either here (while creating + // the clientStream) or by the retry code while locked when replaying + // the operation, it is safe to access cs.attempt directly. + cs.attempt = a + return nil + } if err := cs.withRetry(op, func() { cs.bufferForRetryLocked(0, op) }); err != nil { - cs.finish(err) return nil, err } @@ -343,9 +363,15 @@ func newClientStreamWithParams(ctx context.Context, desc *StreamDesc, cc *Client return cs, nil } -// newAttemptLocked creates a new attempt with a transport. -// If it succeeds, then it replaces clientStream's attempt with this new attempt. -func (cs *clientStream) newAttemptLocked(isTransparent bool) (retErr error) { +// newAttemptLocked creates a new csAttempt without a transport or stream. +func (cs *clientStream) newAttemptLocked(isTransparent bool) (*csAttempt, error) { + if err := cs.ctx.Err(); err != nil { + return nil, toRPCErr(err) + } + if err := cs.cc.ctx.Err(); err != nil { + return nil, ErrClientConnClosing + } + ctx := newContextWithRPCInfo(cs.ctx, cs.callInfo.failFast, cs.callInfo.codec, cs.cp, cs.comp) method := cs.callHdr.Method sh := cs.cc.dopts.copts.StatsHandler @@ -379,44 +405,39 @@ func (cs *clientStream) newAttemptLocked(isTransparent bool) (retErr error) { ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx, trInfo.tr) } - newAttempt := &csAttempt{ + if cs.cc.parsedTarget.Scheme == "xds" { + // Add extra metadata (metadata that will be added by transport) to context + // so the balancer can see them. + ctx = grpcutil.WithExtraMetadata(ctx, metadata.Pairs( + "content-type", grpcutil.ContentType(cs.callHdr.ContentSubtype), + )) + } + + return &csAttempt{ ctx: ctx, beginTime: beginTime, cs: cs, dc: cs.cc.dopts.dc, statsHandler: sh, trInfo: trInfo, - } - defer func() { - if retErr != nil { - // This attempt is not set in the clientStream, so it's finish won't - // be called. Call it here for stats and trace in case they are not - // nil. - newAttempt.finish(retErr) - } - }() + }, nil +} - if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil { - return toRPCErr(err) - } +func (a *csAttempt) getTransport() error { + cs := a.cs - if cs.cc.parsedTarget.Scheme == "xds" { - // Add extra metadata (metadata that will be added by transport) to context - // so the balancer can see them. - ctx = grpcutil.WithExtraMetadata(ctx, metadata.Pairs( - "content-type", grpcutil.ContentType(cs.callHdr.ContentSubtype), - )) - } - t, done, err := cs.cc.getTransport(ctx, cs.callInfo.failFast, cs.callHdr.Method) + var err error + a.t, a.done, err = cs.cc.getTransport(a.ctx, cs.callInfo.failFast, cs.callHdr.Method) if err != nil { + if de, ok := err.(dropError); ok { + err = de.error + a.drop = true + } return err } - if trInfo != nil { - trInfo.firstLine.SetRemoteAddr(t.RemoteAddr()) + if a.trInfo != nil { + a.trInfo.firstLine.SetRemoteAddr(a.t.RemoteAddr()) } - newAttempt.t = t - newAttempt.done = done - cs.attempt = newAttempt return nil } @@ -425,12 +446,21 @@ func (a *csAttempt) newStream() error { cs.callHdr.PreviousAttempts = cs.numRetries s, err := a.t.NewStream(a.ctx, cs.callHdr) if err != nil { - // Return without converting to an RPC error so retry code can - // inspect. - return err + nse, ok := err.(*transport.NewStreamError) + if !ok { + // Unexpected. + return err + } + + if nse.AllowTransparentRetry { + a.allowTransparentRetry = true + } + + // Unwrap and convert error. + return toRPCErr(nse.Err) } - cs.attempt.s = s - cs.attempt.p = &parser{r: s} + a.s = s + a.p = &parser{r: s} return nil } @@ -456,7 +486,7 @@ type clientStream struct { retryThrottler *retryThrottler // The throttler active when the RPC began. - binlog *binarylog.MethodLogger // Binary logger, can be nil. + binlog binarylog.MethodLogger // Binary logger, can be nil. // serverHeaderBinlogged is a boolean for whether server header has been // logged. Server header will be logged when the first time one of those // happens: stream.Header(), stream.Recv(). @@ -508,6 +538,11 @@ type csAttempt struct { statsHandler stats.Handler beginTime time.Time + + // set for newStream errors that may be transparently retried + allowTransparentRetry bool + // set for pick errors that are returned as a status + drop bool } func (cs *clientStream) commitAttemptLocked() { @@ -527,41 +562,21 @@ func (cs *clientStream) commitAttempt() { // shouldRetry returns nil if the RPC should be retried; otherwise it returns // the error that should be returned by the operation. If the RPC should be // retried, the bool indicates whether it is being retried transparently. -func (cs *clientStream) shouldRetry(err error) (bool, error) { - if cs.attempt.s == nil { - // Error from NewClientStream. - nse, ok := err.(*transport.NewStreamError) - if !ok { - // Unexpected, but assume no I/O was performed and the RPC is not - // fatal, so retry indefinitely. - return true, nil - } - - // Unwrap and convert error. - err = toRPCErr(nse.Err) - - // Never retry DoNotRetry errors, which indicate the RPC should not be - // retried due to max header list size violation, etc. - if nse.DoNotRetry { - return false, err - } +func (a *csAttempt) shouldRetry(err error) (bool, error) { + cs := a.cs - // In the event of a non-IO operation error from NewStream, we never - // attempted to write anything to the wire, so we can retry - // indefinitely. - if !nse.DoNotTransparentRetry { - return true, nil - } - } - if cs.finished || cs.committed { - // RPC is finished or committed; cannot retry. + if cs.finished || cs.committed || a.drop { + // RPC is finished or committed or was dropped by the picker; cannot retry. return false, err } + if a.s == nil && a.allowTransparentRetry { + return true, nil + } // Wait for the trailers. unprocessed := false - if cs.attempt.s != nil { - <-cs.attempt.s.Done() - unprocessed = cs.attempt.s.Unprocessed() + if a.s != nil { + <-a.s.Done() + unprocessed = a.s.Unprocessed() } if cs.firstAttempt && unprocessed { // First attempt, stream unprocessed: transparently retry. @@ -573,14 +588,14 @@ func (cs *clientStream) shouldRetry(err error) (bool, error) { pushback := 0 hasPushback := false - if cs.attempt.s != nil { - if !cs.attempt.s.TrailersOnly() { + if a.s != nil { + if !a.s.TrailersOnly() { return false, err } // TODO(retry): Move down if the spec changes to not check server pushback // before considering this a failure for throttling. - sps := cs.attempt.s.Trailer()["grpc-retry-pushback-ms"] + sps := a.s.Trailer()["grpc-retry-pushback-ms"] if len(sps) == 1 { var e error if pushback, e = strconv.Atoi(sps[0]); e != nil || pushback < 0 { @@ -597,10 +612,10 @@ func (cs *clientStream) shouldRetry(err error) (bool, error) { } var code codes.Code - if cs.attempt.s != nil { - code = cs.attempt.s.Status().Code() + if a.s != nil { + code = a.s.Status().Code() } else { - code = status.Convert(err).Code() + code = status.Code(err) } rp := cs.methodConfig.RetryPolicy @@ -645,19 +660,24 @@ func (cs *clientStream) shouldRetry(err error) (bool, error) { } // Returns nil if a retry was performed and succeeded; error otherwise. -func (cs *clientStream) retryLocked(lastErr error) error { +func (cs *clientStream) retryLocked(attempt *csAttempt, lastErr error) error { for { - cs.attempt.finish(toRPCErr(lastErr)) - isTransparent, err := cs.shouldRetry(lastErr) + attempt.finish(toRPCErr(lastErr)) + isTransparent, err := attempt.shouldRetry(lastErr) if err != nil { cs.commitAttemptLocked() return err } cs.firstAttempt = false - if err := cs.newAttemptLocked(isTransparent); err != nil { + attempt, err = cs.newAttemptLocked(isTransparent) + if err != nil { + // Only returns error if the clientconn is closed or the context of + // the stream is canceled. return err } - if lastErr = cs.replayBufferLocked(); lastErr == nil { + // Note that the first op in the replay buffer always sets cs.attempt + // if it is able to pick a transport and create a stream. + if lastErr = cs.replayBufferLocked(attempt); lastErr == nil { return nil } } @@ -667,7 +687,10 @@ func (cs *clientStream) Context() context.Context { cs.commitAttempt() // No need to lock before using attempt, since we know it is committed and // cannot change. - return cs.attempt.s.Context() + if cs.attempt.s != nil { + return cs.attempt.s.Context() + } + return cs.ctx } func (cs *clientStream) withRetry(op func(a *csAttempt) error, onSuccess func()) error { @@ -697,7 +720,7 @@ func (cs *clientStream) withRetry(op func(a *csAttempt) error, onSuccess func()) cs.mu.Unlock() return err } - if err := cs.retryLocked(err); err != nil { + if err := cs.retryLocked(a, err); err != nil { cs.mu.Unlock() return err } @@ -728,7 +751,7 @@ func (cs *clientStream) Header() (metadata.MD, error) { cs.binlog.Log(logEntry) cs.serverHeaderBinlogged = true } - return m, err + return m, nil } func (cs *clientStream) Trailer() metadata.MD { @@ -746,10 +769,9 @@ func (cs *clientStream) Trailer() metadata.MD { return cs.attempt.s.Trailer() } -func (cs *clientStream) replayBufferLocked() error { - a := cs.attempt +func (cs *clientStream) replayBufferLocked(attempt *csAttempt) error { for _, f := range cs.buffer { - if err := f(a); err != nil { + if err := f(attempt); err != nil { return err } } @@ -797,22 +819,17 @@ func (cs *clientStream) SendMsg(m interface{}) (err error) { if len(payload) > *cs.callInfo.maxSendMessageSize { return status.Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "trying to send message larger than max (%d vs. %d)", len(payload), *cs.callInfo.maxSendMessageSize) } - msgBytes := data // Store the pointer before setting to nil. For binary logging. op := func(a *csAttempt) error { - err := a.sendMsg(m, hdr, payload, data) - // nil out the message and uncomp when replaying; they are only needed for - // stats which is disabled for subsequent attempts. - m, data = nil, nil - return err + return a.sendMsg(m, hdr, payload, data) } err = cs.withRetry(op, func() { cs.bufferForRetryLocked(len(hdr)+len(payload), op) }) if cs.binlog != nil && err == nil { cs.binlog.Log(&binarylog.ClientMessage{ OnClientSide: true, - Message: msgBytes, + Message: data, }) } - return + return err } func (cs *clientStream) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error { @@ -1364,8 +1381,10 @@ func (as *addrConnStream) finish(err error) { // ServerStream defines the server-side behavior of a streaming RPC. // -// All errors returned from ServerStream methods are compatible with the -// status package. +// Errors returned from ServerStream methods are compatible with the status +// package. However, the status code will often not match the RPC status as +// seen by the client application, and therefore, should not be relied upon for +// this purpose. type ServerStream interface { // SetHeader sets the header metadata. It may be called multiple times. // When call multiple times, all the provided metadata will be merged. @@ -1428,7 +1447,7 @@ type serverStream struct { statsHandler stats.Handler - binlog *binarylog.MethodLogger + binlog binarylog.MethodLogger // serverHeaderBinlogged indicates whether server header has been logged. It // will happen when one of the following two happens: stream.SendHeader(), // stream.Send(). @@ -1448,11 +1467,20 @@ func (ss *serverStream) SetHeader(md metadata.MD) error { if md.Len() == 0 { return nil } + err := imetadata.Validate(md) + if err != nil { + return status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) + } return ss.s.SetHeader(md) } func (ss *serverStream) SendHeader(md metadata.MD) error { - err := ss.t.WriteHeader(ss.s, md) + err := imetadata.Validate(md) + if err != nil { + return status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) + } + + err = ss.t.WriteHeader(ss.s, md) if ss.binlog != nil && !ss.serverHeaderBinlogged { h, _ := ss.s.Header() ss.binlog.Log(&binarylog.ServerHeader{ @@ -1467,6 +1495,9 @@ func (ss *serverStream) SetTrailer(md metadata.MD) { if md.Len() == 0 { return } + if err := imetadata.Validate(md); err != nil { + logger.Errorf("stream: failed to validate md when setting trailer, err: %v", err) + } ss.s.SetTrailer(md) } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/version.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/version.go index 5bd4f534..5bc03f9b 100644 --- a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/version.go +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/version.go @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ package grpc // Version is the current grpc version. -const Version = "1.45.0" +const Version = "1.47.0" diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 9e2fecf8..084f8ffe 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -1,14 +1,16 @@ -# code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes v0.0.0-20220408221943-2db000dd671c -## explicit; go 1.16 +# code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes v0.0.0-20220601181242-ac2da19efd60 +## explicit; go 1.18 code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes # code.cloudfoundry.org/go-loggregator/v8 v8.0.5 ## explicit; go 1.16 code.cloudfoundry.org/go-loggregator/v8 code.cloudfoundry.org/go-loggregator/v8/rfc5424 code.cloudfoundry.org/go-loggregator/v8/rpc/loggregator_v2 -# code.cloudfoundry.org/tlsconfig v0.0.0-20211123175040-23cc9f05b6b3 -## explicit; go 1.16 +# code.cloudfoundry.org/tlsconfig v0.0.0-20220621140725-0e6fbd869921 +## explicit; go 1.17 code.cloudfoundry.org/tlsconfig +# github.com/Masterminds/semver v1.5.0 +## explicit # github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 ## explicit github.com/alecthomas/template @@ -22,8 +24,8 @@ github.com/beorn7/perks/quantile # github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.2 ## explicit; go 1.11 github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 -# github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.5.1 -## explicit; go 1.13 +# github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.5.4 +## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify # github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 ## explicit; go 1.15 @@ -36,6 +38,10 @@ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp +# github.com/google/go-github/v25 v25.1.3 +## explicit +# github.com/google/go-querystring v1.1.0 +## explicit; go 1.10 # github.com/iancoleman/strcase v0.2.0 ## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/iancoleman/strcase @@ -85,7 +91,9 @@ github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/edge github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/node github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/util github.com/onsi/gomega/types -# github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.12.1 +# github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 +## explicit +# github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.12.2 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal @@ -93,8 +101,8 @@ github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto # github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.2.0 ## explicit; go 1.9 github.com/prometheus/client_model/go -# github.com/prometheus/common v0.33.0 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# github.com/prometheus/common v0.35.0 +## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt github.com/prometheus/common/internal/bitbucket.org/ww/goautoneg github.com/prometheus/common/model @@ -104,10 +112,14 @@ github.com/prometheus/common/version github.com/prometheus/procfs github.com/prometheus/procfs/internal/fs github.com/prometheus/procfs/internal/util +# github.com/prometheus/promu v0.13.0 +## explicit; go 1.14 # github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/sirupsen/logrus -# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220412020605-290c469a71a5 +# go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 +## explicit; go 1.13 +# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220624214902-1bab6f366d9e ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/net/context golang.org/x/net/html @@ -119,7 +131,9 @@ golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack golang.org/x/net/idna golang.org/x/net/internal/timeseries golang.org/x/net/trace -# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220412211240-33da011f77ad +# golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20220630143837-2104d58473e0 +## explicit; go 1.17 +# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220627191245-f75cf1eec38b ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/sys/internal/unsafeheader golang.org/x/sys/unix @@ -146,10 +160,12 @@ golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule golang.org/x/text/transform golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm -# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20220407144326-9054f6ed7bac +# google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.7 +## explicit; go 1.11 +# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20220628213854-d9e0b6570c03 ## explicit; go 1.15 google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status -# google.golang.org/grpc v1.45.0 +# google.golang.org/grpc v1.47.0 ## explicit; go 1.14 google.golang.org/grpc google.golang.org/grpc/attributes @@ -159,6 +175,7 @@ google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/base google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/grpclb/state google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/roundrobin google.golang.org/grpc/binarylog/grpc_binarylog_v1 +google.golang.org/grpc/channelz google.golang.org/grpc/codes google.golang.org/grpc/connectivity google.golang.org/grpc/credentials @@ -168,6 +185,7 @@ google.golang.org/grpc/encoding/proto google.golang.org/grpc/grpclog google.golang.org/grpc/internal google.golang.org/grpc/internal/backoff +google.golang.org/grpc/internal/balancer/gracefulswitch google.golang.org/grpc/internal/balancerload google.golang.org/grpc/internal/binarylog google.golang.org/grpc/internal/buffer @@ -179,6 +197,7 @@ google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcrand google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcsync google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcutil google.golang.org/grpc/internal/metadata +google.golang.org/grpc/internal/pretty google.golang.org/grpc/internal/resolver google.golang.org/grpc/internal/resolver/dns google.golang.org/grpc/internal/resolver/passthrough