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CLI Product Specific Style Guide

Abby Chau edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 38 revisions

Product Style Guide

The goal of this guide is to provide Contributors with an easy-to-reference document to promote product consistency. This document is meant for Contributors to CLI to reference when creating and updating CLI command output.


  • Where possible, these examples reference refactored CLI commands, which displays the newer CLI style of output.
  • This is a living document as the CLI team works toward consistency and predictability.

Table of Contents

Types of Happy Path Output We Display
Types of Sad Path Output We Display (error cases)
How We Display New Lines
How Do We Display Enabling a Resource
How We Display Details About a Specific Resource - Table and Key Value Display
Favor Text
Progress Bars

How Do We Display Color

  • resource name, org name, space name, and user name in cyan
  • Ok in green flavor text
  • Fail in red flavor text
  • down apps in the cf app display in red flavor text
  • warnings, error messages, TIP in plain text

Types of Happy Path Output We Display

Creating a resource

$ ./cf create-org abby3
Creating org abby3 as admin...

Assigning role OrgManager to user admin in org abby3...

TIP: Use 'cf target -o "abby3"' to target new org

Creating a resource (if it is a multi-step process)

$ cf create-buildpack v3-delete13 ~/Downloads/modstatic 1
Creating buildpack v3-delete13 as admin...

Uploading buildpack v3-delete13 as admin...
 12.16 MiB / 12.16 MiB [=======================================================================================================] 100.00% 2s

Processing uploaded buildpack v3-delete13...

Creating AND updating a resource (usurp commands)

  • Do not print the environment variable or the labels being set in the output, especially for the former which might contain sensitive data.
  • Examples of these commands: cf set-env, cf set-label:
Setting label(s) for app dodo in org odod / space development as

Reading a resource

$ ./cf stacks
Getting stacks as admin...

name            description
cflinuxfs2      Cloud Foundry Linux-based filesystem (Ubuntu 14.04)
cflinuxfs3      Cloud Foundry Linux-based filesystem (Ubuntu 18.04)
windows2012R2   windows
  • If no resources exists (0):
$ cf7 spaces
Getting spaces in org abby as admin...

No spaces found.

Updating a resource

$ cf update-buildpack delete-me -i 1 -s cflinuxfs2
Updating buildpack delete-me with stack cflinuxfs2 as admin...

Idempotent (Exits with 0 to indicate the app state has not changed.)

$ cf7 stop bart
Stopping app bart in org abby / space abby as admin...
App bart is already stopped.

Deleting a resource

$ cf delete-space delete
Really delete the space delete? [yN]: y
Deleting space delete in org bar as admin...

Idempotent (Exits with 0 to indicate the app state has not changed.)

$cf7 delete-route
This action impacts all apps using this route.
Deleting the route will remove associated apps which will make apps with this route unreachable.
Really delete the route [yN]: y
Deleting route
Unable to delete. Route with domain '' not found.

Types of Sad Path Output We Display (error cases)

Flags that cannot be used together (exit 1)

$ cf update-buildpack delete-me --assign-stack nope -s stack
Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: -s, --assign-stack

Too many arguments are passed (exit 1)

wlan-10-81-130-168:dora achau$ ./cf create-shared-domain dkjfdk dkjfkdjf dkfjdkjf
Incorrect Usage: unexpected argument "dkjfkdjf"

   create-shared-domain - Create a domain that can be used by all orgs (admin-only)

User is not logged in (exit 1)

Not logged in. Use 'cf login' to log in.

User is logged in but not targeted to an org (exit 1)

$ cf bind-route-service domain foo
No org and space targeted. Use 'cf target -o ORG -s SPACE' to target an org and space.

Providing resource that does not exist/not accessible due to permissions (exit 1)

$ cf org nope
Getting info for org nope as admin...

Organization 'nope' not found.
$ cf create-buildpack acceptance17 ~/workspace/cf-acceptance-tests/assets/ 1
Incorrect Usage: The specified path '/Users/achau/workspace/cf-acceptance-tests/assets/' does not exist.

Providing an unknown flag option

wlan-10-81-130-168:dora achau$ ./cf create-org nope --noexisto
Incorrect Usage: unknown flag `noexisto'

   create-org - Create an org

Insufficient permissions

$ cf create-org no-perms
Creating org no-perms as nope...
You are not authorized to perform the requested action

Required arg is not provided (exit 1)

$ ./cf7 create-service nope
Incorrect Usage: the required arguments `SERVICE_PLAN` and `SERVICE_INSTANCE` were not provided

   create-service - Create a service instance
cf add-network-policy abby1 --destination-app nono -o new
Incorrect Usage: A space must be provided when an org is provided, but the '-s' flag was not specified.

Providing invalid values for flag options (exit 1). There are many different responses for this error.

  1. it's preferable to return the exact error message that we get from CAPI so that we don't need to wrap the error message with a custom CLI message. If the error we get back from CAPI is not helpful for some reason, we should talk to CAPI about improving their error message.
  2. if the CLI is required to wrap the error message for some reason, then ensure you detail the exact error:
    1. identify where in the command the validation failed
    2. provide a helpful message so that they can fix the issue


 - Add a `TIP` - this is usually reserved for calling out other commands that will help them understand their error, or if there is additional actions they need to take, for example, restaging their app. 
 - for `TIP`, if we specify a command for them to run, the command should be in single quotes. The resource they are attempting to update should also be in blue and single quotes. 
$ ./cf create-buildpack v3-delete12 ~/Downloads/modstatic 1
Creating buildpack v3-delete12 as admin...

Uploading buildpack v3-delete12 as admin...
 12.16 MiB / 12.16 MiB [========================================================================================================] 100.00% 2s

Processing uploaded buildpack v3-delete12...

The buildpack name v3-delete12 is already in use for the stack cflinuxfs2

TIP: Buildpack  'v3-delete12' with a nil stack has been created. Use 'delete-buildpack' or 'cf update-buildpack' to delete or modify the buildpack.


How We Display New Lines

  • No space in the output message if only one resource is being created/updated; if the output contains a TIP, a new line should separate OK and the TIP
$ cf create-user bar user
Creating user bar...

TIP: Assign roles with 'cf set-org-role' and 'cf set-space-role'.
  • If multiple resources are being created/updated (in this example buildpack and stack):
$ cf update-buildpack abby-delete-delete --assign-stack windows2012R2 -i 1
Assigning stack windows2012R2 to abby-delete-delete as admin...

Updating buildpack abby-delete-delete with stack windows2012R2 as admin...
  • If multiple resources are being created/updated AND multiple operations are invoked (in this example, buildpack is being renamed, stack is being reassigned, and the buildpack position is updated:
$ ./cf update-buildpack old_buildpack -p ~/Downloads/modstatic --rename new_buildpack --assign-stack cflinuxfs2 -i 5`
Renaming buildpack old_buildpack to new_buildpack in org bar / space dodo as admin...

Assigning stack cflinuxfs2 to new_buildpack as admin...

Updating buildpack new_buildpack with stack cflinuxfs2 as admin...
  • Display newline between flavor text and tip, flavor text and table
  • Do not display newline between flavor text and error.

How Do We Display Enabling a Resource

$ ./cf enable-org-isolation abby persistent_isolation_segment
Enabling isolation segment persistent_isolation_segment for org abby as admin...


  • Display them if a command will incur app downtime or if running the command is destructive (deletes more than one resource (examples include delete-org)
  • Commands which display a prompt can and do include a --force flag, giving the user the ability to override the prompt
$ ./cf7 delete-org delete
Really delete the org delete, including its spaces, apps, service instances, routes, private domains and space-scoped service brokers? [yN]: y
Deleting org delete as admin...

How We List/Display Details About a Specific Resource (Table and Key Value)

This can be displayed as a key value:

$ cf org abby
Getting info for org abby as admin...

name:                 abby
domains:    ,
quota:                default
spaces:               abby
isolation segments:

This can also be displayed as a table:

  • name is used as a column for the resource
  • column headers are lower case
  • headers are in white text, bolded
  • alphabetize the list
  • we do not display the OK message
  • if this is a minor or point release, do not add a new column in the middle of a table; it must be added as the last column in the sequence
$ ./cf stack cflinuxfs2
Getting info for stack cflinuxfs2 as admin...

name:          cflinuxfs2
description:   Cloud Foundry Linux-based filesystem

Providing filters to a list command:

  • A few commands (service-access) allow you to filter a list if you provide flag options. The list that is returned must satisfy ALL given requirements. If not all requirements are met, the command should return an empty list.

Flavor Text

  • flavour text highlights the resource being retrieved and who the user is
  • we display flavor text for output information for resource, org name, space name, and user
  • for tables, no color for the table itself. The headers are in white and in bold.

Progress Bars

$ cf create-buildpack abby ~/Downloads/  1
Creating buildpack abby as admin...

Uploading buildpack abby as admin...
 170 B / 170 B [==============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 1s

Done uploading

Commands that allow you to retrieve a list when you are not targeted

  • cf orgs