From 211081c0a8596588c8b50a2034ca474635588815 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anand Gaitonde <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 15:17:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] move integration tests into version specific suites

V7 CLI doesn't support router groups; these tests are split so the V7
CLI no longer needs to check for anything related to the Router client.


Authored-by: Anand Gaitonde <>
 .../isolated/create_route_command_test.go     |   0
 .../isolated/verbose_flag_test.go             |   0
 .../v7/isolated/create_route_command_test.go  | 357 ++++++++++++++++++
 integration/v7/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go  | 312 +++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 669 insertions(+)
 rename integration/{shared => v6}/isolated/create_route_command_test.go (100%)
 rename integration/{shared => v6}/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go (100%)
 create mode 100644 integration/v7/isolated/create_route_command_test.go
 create mode 100644 integration/v7/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go

diff --git a/integration/shared/isolated/create_route_command_test.go b/integration/v6/isolated/create_route_command_test.go
similarity index 100%
rename from integration/shared/isolated/create_route_command_test.go
rename to integration/v6/isolated/create_route_command_test.go
diff --git a/integration/shared/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go b/integration/v6/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go
similarity index 100%
rename from integration/shared/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go
rename to integration/v6/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go
diff --git a/integration/v7/isolated/create_route_command_test.go b/integration/v7/isolated/create_route_command_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d9ec00ab071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration/v7/isolated/create_route_command_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+package isolated
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+var _ = Describe("create-route command", func() {
+	Context("Help", func() {
+		It("displays the help information", func() {
+			session := helpers.CF("create-route", "--help")
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`NAME:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`create-route - Create a url route in a space for later use\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`USAGE:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Create an HTTP route:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-route SPACE DOMAIN \[--hostname HOSTNAME\] \[--path PATH\]\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Create a TCP route:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-route SPACE DOMAIN \(--port PORT \| --random-port\)\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`EXAMPLES:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-route my-space\s+#`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-route my-space --hostname myapp\s+#`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-route my-space --hostname myapp --path foo\s+#`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-route my-space --port 5000\s+#\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OPTIONS:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`--hostname, -n\s+Hostname for the HTTP route \(required for shared domains\)`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`--path\s+Path for the HTTP route`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`--port\s+Port for the TCP route`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`--random-port\s+Create a random port for the TCP route\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`SEE ALSO:`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`check-route, domains, map-route`))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+		})
+	})
+	Context("Flag Errors", func() {
+		When("--hostname and --port are provided", func() {
+			It("fails with a message about being unable to mix --port with the HTTP route options", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", "some-space", "some-domain", "--hostname", "some-host", "--port", "1122")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: --hostname, --port`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("--hostname and --random-port are provided", func() {
+			It("fails with a message about being unable to mix --random-port with any other options", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", "some-space", "some-domain", "--hostname", "some-host", "--random-port")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: --hostname, --random-port`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("--path and --port are provided", func() {
+			It("fails with a message about being unable to mix --port with the HTTP route options", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", "some-space", "some-domain", "--path", "/some-path", "--port", "1111")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: --path, --port`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("--path and --random-port are provided", func() {
+			It("fails with a message about being unable to mix --random-port with any other options", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", "some-space", "some-domain", "--path", "/some-path", "--random-port")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: --path, --random-port`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("both --port and --random-port are provided", func() {
+			It("fails with a message about being unable to mix --random-port with any other options", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", "some-space", "some-domain", "--port", "1121", "--random-port")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: --port, --random-port`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("the provided port is not valid / parseable", func() {
+			It("fails with an appropriate error", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", "some-space", "some-domain", "--port", "ABC")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Incorrect Usage: invalid argument for flag '--port' \(expected int > 0\)`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+	})
+	When("the environment is not setup correctly", func() {
+		It("fails with the appropriate errors", func() {
+			helpers.CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(true, false, ReadOnlyOrg, "create-route", "some-space", "some-domain")
+		})
+	})
+	When("the environment is set up correctly", func() {
+		var (
+			orgName   string
+			spaceName string
+		)
+		BeforeEach(func() {
+			orgName = helpers.NewOrgName()
+			spaceName = helpers.NewSpaceName()
+			helpers.SetupCF(orgName, spaceName)
+		})
+		AfterEach(func() {
+			helpers.QuickDeleteOrg(orgName)
+		})
+		When("the space does not exist", func() {
+			It("displays 'space not found' and exits 1", func() {
+				badSpaceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-1", spaceName)
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", badSpaceName, "some-domain")
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED`))
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Space '%s' not found\.`, badSpaceName))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("the space is not specified", func() {
+			It("displays error and exits 1", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route")
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: the required arguments `SPACE` and `DOMAIN` were not provided\n"))
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("\n"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:\n"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("the domain does not exist", func() {
+			It("displays error and exits 1", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, "some-domain")
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED`))
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Domain some-domain not found`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("the domain is not specified", func() {
+			It("displays error and exits 1", func() {
+				session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName)
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: the required argument `DOMAIN` was not provided\n"))
+				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("\n"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:\n"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			})
+		})
+		When("the space and domain exist", func() {
+			var (
+				userName   string
+				domainName string
+			)
+			BeforeEach(func() {
+				domainName = helpers.NewDomainName()
+				userName, _ = helpers.GetCredentials()
+			})
+			When("the route already exists", func() {
+				var domain helpers.Domain
+				BeforeEach(func() {
+					domain = helpers.NewDomain(orgName, domainName)
+					domain.Create()
+					Eventually(helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)).Should(Exit(0))
+				})
+				AfterEach(func() {
+					domain.Delete()
+				})
+				It("warns the user that it has already been created and runs to completion without failing", func() {
+					session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)
+					Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+					Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Route %s already exists\.`, domainName))
+					Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OK`))
+					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+				})
+			})
+			When("the route already exists in a different space", func() {
+				var domain helpers.Domain
+				BeforeEach(func() {
+					domain = helpers.NewDomain(orgName, domainName)
+					domain.Create()
+					differentSpaceName := helpers.NewSpaceName()
+					helpers.CreateSpace(differentSpaceName)
+					Eventually(helpers.CF("create-route", differentSpaceName, domainName)).Should(Exit(0))
+				})
+				AfterEach(func() {
+					domain.Delete()
+				})
+				It("warns the user that the route is already in use and then fails", func() {
+					session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)
+					Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+					Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("The app cannot be mapped to route %s because the route exists in a different space.", domainName))
+					Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED`))
+					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+				})
+			})
+			When("the route does not already exist", func() {
+				When("the domain is private", func() {
+					var domain helpers.Domain
+					BeforeEach(func() {
+						domain = helpers.NewDomain(orgName, domainName)
+						domain.Create()
+						Eventually(helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)).Should(Exit(0))
+					})
+					AfterEach(func() {
+						domain.Delete()
+					})
+					When("no flags are used", func() {
+						It("creates the route", func() {
+							session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)
+							Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+						})
+					})
+					When("the path is provided but the hostname is not", func() {
+						var path string
+						BeforeEach(func() {
+							path = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("path")
+						})
+						It("creates the route", func() {
+							session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--path", path)
+							Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s/%s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, path, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+						})
+					})
+				})
+				When("the domain is a shared HTTP domain", func() {
+					var domain helpers.Domain
+					BeforeEach(func() {
+						domain = helpers.NewDomain(orgName, domainName)
+						domain.CreateShared()
+					})
+					AfterEach(func() {
+						domain.DeleteShared()
+					})
+					When("no flags are used", func() {
+						When("the domain already has some routes", func() {
+							var hostName string
+							BeforeEach(func() {
+								hostName = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("my-host")
+								Eventually(helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--hostname", hostName)).Should(Exit(0))
+							})
+							It("fails with error message informing users to provide a port or random-port", func() {
+								session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)
+								Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+								Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED`))
+								Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`The route is invalid: host is required for shared-domains`))
+								Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+							})
+						})
+						It("fails with an error message and exits 1", func() {
+							session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName)
+							Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+							Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`The route is invalid: host is required for shared-domains`))
+							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+						})
+					})
+					When("TCP flag options are provided", func() {
+						It("fails with an error message and exits 1", func() {
+							port := "90230"
+							session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--port", port)
+							Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s:%s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, port, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+							Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Port not allowed in HTTP domain %s`, domainName))
+							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+						})
+						It("fails with an error message and exits 1", func() {
+							session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--random-port")
+							Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+							Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Port not allowed in HTTP domain %s`, domainName))
+							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+						})
+					})
+					When("the hostname is provided", func() {
+						var hostName string
+						BeforeEach(func() {
+							hostName = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("my-host")
+						})
+						When("no path is provided", func() {
+							It("creates the route", func() {
+								session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--hostname", hostName)
+								Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s.%s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, hostName, domainName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+								Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+							})
+						})
+						When("a path is provided", func() {
+							It("creates the route", func() {
+								path := fmt.Sprintf("/%s", helpers.PrefixedRandomName("path"))
+								session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--hostname", hostName, "--path", path)
+								Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s.%s%s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, hostName, domainName, path, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+								Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+							})
+						})
+					})
+					When("the hostname is not provided", func() {
+						var path string
+						BeforeEach(func() {
+							path = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("path")
+						})
+						When("the path is provided", func() {
+							It("fails with an error message and exits 1", func() {
+								session := helpers.CF("create-route", spaceName, domainName, "--path", path)
+								Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating route %s/%s for org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, domainName, path, orgName, spaceName, userName))
+								Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`The route is invalid: host is required for shared-domains`))
+								Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+							})
+						})
+					})
+				})
+			})
+		})
+	})
diff --git a/integration/v7/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go b/integration/v7/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c00416f4950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration/v7/isolated/verbose_flag_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+package isolated
+import (
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"runtime"
+	"strings"
+	""
+	""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+var _ = Describe("Verbose", func() {
+	DescribeTable("displays verbose output to terminal",
+		func(env string, configTrace string, flag bool) {
+			tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
+			defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
+			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
+			helpers.SetupCF(ReadOnlyOrg, ReadOnlySpace)
+			// Invalidate the access token to cause a token refresh in order to
+			// test the call to the UAA.
+			helpers.SetConfig(func(config *configv3.Config) {
+				config.ConfigFile.AccessToken = helpers.InvalidAccessToken()
+			})
+			var envMap map[string]string
+			if env != "" {
+				if string(env[0]) == "/" {
+					env = filepath.Join(tmpDir, env)
+				}
+				envMap = map[string]string{"CF_TRACE": env}
+			}
+			command := []string{"run-task", "app", "echo"}
+			if flag {
+				command = append(command, "-v")
+			}
+			if configTrace != "" {
+				if string(configTrace[0]) == "/" {
+					configTrace = filepath.Join(tmpDir, configTrace)
+				}
+				session := helpers.CF("config", "--trace", configTrace)
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+			}
+			session := helpers.CFWithEnv(envMap, command...)
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say("REQUEST:"))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say("GET /v3/apps"))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`User-Agent: cf/[\w.+-]+ \(go\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?; %s %s\)`, runtime.GOARCH, runtime.GOOS))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say("RESPONSE:"))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say("REQUEST:"))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say("POST /oauth/token"))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`User-Agent: cf/[\w.+-]+ \(go\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?; %s %s\)`, runtime.GOARCH, runtime.GOOS))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN\]`)) //This is required to test the previous line. If it fails, the previous matcher went too far.
+			Eventually(session).Should(Say("RESPONSE:"))
+			Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+		},
+		Entry("CF_TRACE true: enables verbose", "true", "", false),
+		Entry("CF_Trace true, config trace false: enables verbose", "true", "false", false),
+		Entry("CF_Trace true, config trace file path: enables verbose AND logging to file", "true", "/foo", false),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE false, '-v': enables verbose", "false", "", true),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE false, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "false", "/foo", true),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE empty:, '-v': enables verbose", "", "", true),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace true: enables verbose", "", "true", false),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "", "/foo", true),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, '-v': enables logging to file", "/foo", "", true),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace true: enables verbose AND logging to file", "/foo", "true", false),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace filepath, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file for BOTH paths", "/foo", "/bar", true),
+	)
+	DescribeTable("displays verbose output to multiple files",
+		func(env string, configTrace string, flag bool, location []string) {
+			tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
+			defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
+			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
+			helpers.SetupCF(ReadOnlyOrg, ReadOnlySpace)
+			// Invalidate the access token to cause a token refresh in order to
+			// test the call to the UAA.
+			helpers.SetConfig(func(config *configv3.Config) {
+				config.ConfigFile.AccessToken = helpers.InvalidAccessToken()
+			})
+			var envMap map[string]string
+			if env != "" {
+				if string(env[0]) == "/" {
+					env = filepath.Join(tmpDir, env)
+				}
+				envMap = map[string]string{"CF_TRACE": env}
+			}
+			command := []string{"run-task", "app", "echo"}
+			if flag {
+				command = append(command, "-v")
+			}
+			if configTrace != "" {
+				if string(configTrace[0]) == "/" {
+					configTrace = filepath.Join(tmpDir, configTrace)
+				}
+				session := helpers.CF("config", "--trace", configTrace)
+				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+			}
+			session := helpers.CFWithEnv(envMap, command...)
+			Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
+			for _, filePath := range location {
+				contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmpDir + filePath)
+				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+				Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("REQUEST:"))
+				Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("GET /v3/apps"))
+				Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("RESPONSE:"))
+				Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("REQUEST:"))
+				Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("POST /oauth/token"))
+				Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("RESPONSE:"))
+				stat, err := os.Stat(tmpDir + filePath)
+				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+				if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+					Expect(stat.Mode().String()).To(Equal(os.FileMode(0666).String()))
+				} else {
+					Expect(stat.Mode().String()).To(Equal(os.FileMode(0600).String()))
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		Entry("CF_Trace true, config trace file path: enables verbose AND logging to file", "true", "/foo", false, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE false, config trace file path: enables logging to file", "false", "/foo", false, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE false, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "false", "/foo", true, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace file path: enables logging to file", "", "/foo", false, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "", "/foo", true, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath: enables logging to file", "/foo", "", false, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, '-v': enables logging to file", "/foo", "", true, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace true: enables verbose AND logging to file", "/foo", "true", false, []string{"/foo"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace filepath: enables logging to file for BOTH paths", "/foo", "/bar", false, []string{"/foo", "/bar"}),
+		Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace filepath, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file for BOTH paths", "/foo", "/bar", true, []string{"/foo", "/bar"}),
+	)
+	Describe("NOAA", func() {
+		var orgName string
+		BeforeEach(func() {
+			orgName = helpers.NewOrgName()
+			spaceName := helpers.NewSpaceName()
+			helpers.SetupCF(orgName, spaceName)
+		})
+		AfterEach(func() {
+			Eventually(helpers.CF("config", "--trace", "false")).Should(Exit(0))
+			helpers.QuickDeleteOrg(orgName)
+		})
+		DescribeTable("displays verbose output to terminal",
+			func(env string, configTrace string, flag bool) {
+				tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
+				defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
+				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
+				appName := helpers.PrefixedRandomName("app")
+				helpers.WithHelloWorldApp(func(appDir string) {
+					Eventually(helpers.CF("push", appName, "--no-start", "-p", appDir, "-b", "staticfile_buildpack", "--no-route")).Should(Exit(0))
+				})
+				var envMap map[string]string
+				if env != "" {
+					if string(env[0]) == "/" {
+						env = filepath.Join(tmpDir, env)
+					}
+					envMap = map[string]string{"CF_TRACE": env}
+				}
+				command := []string{"logs", appName}
+				if flag {
+					command = append(command, "-v")
+				}
+				if configTrace != "" {
+					if string(configTrace[0]) == "/" {
+						configTrace = filepath.Join(tmpDir, configTrace)
+					}
+					session := helpers.CF("config", "--trace", configTrace)
+					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+				}
+				session := helpers.CFWithEnv(envMap, command...)
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say("REQUEST:"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say("POST /oauth/token"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN\]`))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say("WEBSOCKET REQUEST:"))
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Authorization: \[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN\]`))
+				Eventually(session.Kill()).Should(Exit())
+			},
+			Entry("CF_TRACE true: enables verbose", "true", "", false),
+			Entry("CF_Trace true, config trace false: enables verbose", "true", "false", false),
+			Entry("CF_Trace true, config trace file path: enables verbose AND logging to file", "true", "/foo", false),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE false, '-v': enables verbose", "false", "", true),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE false, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "false", "/foo", true),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE empty:, '-v': enables verbose", "", "", true),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace true: enables verbose", "", "true", false),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "", "/foo", true),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, '-v': enables logging to file", "/foo", "", true),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace true: enables verbose AND logging to file", "/foo", "true", false),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace filepath, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file for BOTH paths", "/foo", "/bar", true),
+		)
+		DescribeTable("displays verbose output to multiple files",
+			func(env string, configTrace string, location []string) {
+				tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
+				defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
+				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
+				appName := helpers.PrefixedRandomName("app")
+				helpers.WithHelloWorldApp(func(appDir string) {
+					Eventually(helpers.CF("push", appName, "--no-start", "-p", appDir, "-b", "staticfile_buildpack", "--no-route")).Should(Exit(0))
+				})
+				var envMap map[string]string
+				if env != "" {
+					if string(env[0]) == "/" {
+						env = filepath.Join(tmpDir, env)
+					}
+					envMap = map[string]string{"CF_TRACE": env}
+				}
+				if configTrace != "" {
+					if strings.HasPrefix(configTrace, "/") {
+						configTrace = filepath.Join(tmpDir, configTrace)
+					}
+					session := helpers.CF("config", "--trace", configTrace)
+					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
+				}
+				session := helpers.CFWithEnv(envMap, "logs", "-v", appName)
+				Eventually(session).Should(Say("WEBSOCKET RESPONSE"))
+				Eventually(session.Kill()).Should(Exit())
+				for _, filePath := range location {
+					contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmpDir + filePath)
+					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+					Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("REQUEST:"))
+					Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("POST /oauth/token"))
+					Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp(`\[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN\]`))
+					Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp("WEBSOCKET REQUEST:"))
+					Expect(string(contents)).To(MatchRegexp(`Authorization: \[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN\]`))
+					stat, err := os.Stat(tmpDir + filePath)
+					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+					if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+						Expect(stat.Mode().String()).To(Equal(os.FileMode(0666).String()))
+					} else {
+						Expect(stat.Mode().String()).To(Equal(os.FileMode(0600).String()))
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			Entry("CF_Trace true, config trace file path: enables verbose AND logging to file", "true", "/foo", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE false, config trace file path: enables logging to file", "false", "/foo", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE false, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "false", "/foo", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace file path: enables logging to file", "", "/foo", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE empty, config trace file path, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file", "", "/foo", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath: enables logging to file", "/foo", "", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, '-v': enables logging to file", "/foo", "", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace true: enables verbose AND logging to file", "/foo", "true", []string{"/foo"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace filepath: enables logging to file for BOTH paths", "/foo", "/bar", []string{"/foo", "/bar"}),
+			Entry("CF_TRACE filepath, config trace filepath, '-v': enables verbose AND logging to file for BOTH paths", "/foo", "/bar", []string{"/foo", "/bar"}),
+		)
+	})
+func assertLogsWrittenToFile(filepath string, expected string) {
+	contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath)
+	Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	Expect(string(contents)).To(ContainSubstring(expected), "Logging to a file failed")