Directory of bosh releases, with meta-data
In the spirit of this page provides a community-maintained list of bosh releases, with additional qualitative meta-data. Hopefuly, this should fade out in favor of bosh hub when it becomes possible to attach meta-data to bosh releases or to bosh-hub.
release name | category | sub-type | tech. version | src url | ci | maturity | main contributors | maintained | Backlog | HA in AZ | Multi-az | Broker included ?? | app usage | comment | Backup/restore ? |
P-mysql | service | RDBMS | Mysql + galera | url | commercial | pivotal | yes | url | yes | yes | yes | dev | schema as a service (isolation w.r.t. other workloads) | N | |
Postgres-docker | service | RDBMS | pgsql | url | poc | Stark & wayne | ? | no | no | dev | N | ||||
RDPG | service | RDBMS | pgsql | url | url | poc | Stark & wayne | ? | no | no | dev | N | |||
Cassandra | service | NOSQL | Cassandra 1.2.3 | url | runs-in-prod | Emc-content | semi | yes | yes | prod | N | ||||
Riak-cs | service | Object storage | url | commercial | pivotal | yes | url | yes | planned | yes | prod | N | |||
P-redis | service | messaging | redis | commercial | pivotal | yes | yes | yes | prod | N | |||||
Memcache-hazelcast | service | Caching | hazelcast | url | runs-in-prod | lds | yes | yes | yes | prod | N | ||||
Swift | service | Object storage | url | runs-in-prod | Emc-content | semi | yes | no | prod | N | |||||
P-rabbit | service | Rabbit-mq | url | commercial | pivotal | yes | url | yes | yes | prod | N | ||||
Mongo-db service contrib | service | runs-in-prod | pivotal | no | no | v1 | dev | alternative broker | N | ||||||
Log-search | service | Log & metrics storage | ELK | url | runs-in-prod | city bank | yes | yes | no | dev | N | ||||
hadoop | service | BIG DATA | Hadoop 2.2.0 | url | poc | no | yes | no | N | ||||||
gemfire | service | NOSQL | gemfire | url | poc (commercial version private) | pivotal | no | N | |||||||
crate | service | nosql | crate | url | poc | pivotal | semi | ? | dev | N | |||||
consul | service | discovery | consul | url | Opensource,?? | stark & wayne | yes | ? | |||||||
HANA | service | db | url | ? | SAP | no | |||||||||
clam-av | service | anti-virus scanner | url | Emc-content | |||||||||||
kafka | service | messaging | url | poc? | Pivotal | ||||||||||
influxdb | service | Time series DB | url | poc | Pivotal | ||||||||||
concourse | ci | consourse | url | ||||||||||||
jenkins | ci | jenkins | url | Opensource,?? | rakuten, | yes | |||||||||
docker | infra-frmk | url | poc | pivotal | no | yes | n/a | ||||||||
deployment-vm-boshrelease | running-cf | cf ops CLIs | url | runs-in-prod | Emc-content | ||||||||||
mesos | infra-frmk | url | poc | pivotal | |||||||||||
admin-ui | running-cf | url | runs-in-prod |
Some details on the semantics of columns in the table above
- service: suiteable for appearing in cf market place
- infra-frmk: infrastructure to build something else. Unrelated to CF
- running-cf: useful when running/operating a CF instance
- poc: proof of concept
- runs-in-prod: runs in production by some folks, ask them for more. Not necessary support production workloads (may be suppporting dev activities, see app use cases)
- commercial: commercial product with support provided
app usage: for services, is the service ready for supporting development or production ?
CI: url to the ci build associated with the release. Usefull to understand prereqs and dependencies.
On chrome, consider installing
Otherwise, scroll right with keyboard or gesture on touch screens
Finally, look at the raw markdown
Was tried, the side bar makes it harder to scroll and eats up some screen space. What about pointing to this repo from cf-contrib instead ?
No, you can't.
May be we could convert the table in json format and have a CSS stylesheet do the rendering ?
Should this be moved to a google spread sheet ?
Some colleagues of Guillaume Berche asked for a summary of services states. He started as a private spread sheet and then thought it might be useful to others. Let's see if this is the case. If not, we might delete this repo to avoid polutting the cf-community github organization repo namespace.
Some of this content, such as maturity, is subjective and deserves healthy constructive discussions and debates? Let's have them on the cf-bosh mailing list of through issues.
Otherwise, as usual, the cf community is invited to improve this repo through which ever is easier
- direct git pushes (e.g. edit github button) if you're member of the community
- PRs
You may want to give a try to intellij ultimate cucumber plugin which natively supports table formatting. This makes it easy to reformat the table. In addition, the multi-cursor support, allows to edit the while column.
Not convenient? Would you prefer to contribute with something else ? (google spready sheet, others) ? Lets discuss that over issues
It was bootstraped from csv-formatted spreadsheet to markdown with