Quickstarts are very basic pre-made applications you can start a project from, instead of starting from scratch.
You can create new applications from a list of curated Quickstart applications via the jx create quickstart
We will run the following quickstart command where the -l go
will filter the list of available quickstarts to a specific language and the -f http
will filter for text that is part of the project names - so the following command will result in a list of Golang projects with 'http' in their names:
jx create quickstart -l go -f http
In this case there is only one match so it will automatically choose that one for you and move right to setting it up.
When prompted with:
? Do you wish to use ckcd-sa-bot as the Git user name? (Y/n) - choose the value n for "No". Do not choose the default value Y for "Yes".
When prompted for:
? Git user name?- specify your own/usual GitHub account username.
? GitHub user name: choose the default value, which should be your own GitHub account username that you specified in the previous step.
? API Token:*- click on this link - logging in to GitHub with the same GitHub account used in the previus steps and enter the API token.
? Enter the new repository name: - this will be your project name and the name of the repository created for the project. We will all call 'go-http' but prefix it with our GitHub account username, so I would enter kmadel-go-http. All of these repositories will be created in the same GitHub organization, so they must all have unique names.
? Would you like to initialise git now? Choose the value "Y" to initialize git for your new project.
? Commit message: (Initial import) Just hit enter to execept the default commit message of "Initial import".
After you finish responding to the prompts a Jenkins X quickstart will automate all of the following for you:
- creates a new application from the quickstart in a sub directory
- add your source code into a git repository
- create a remote git repository on a git service, such as GitHub
- push your code to the remote git service
- adds default files:
- Dockerfile to build your application as a docker image
- Jenkinsfile to implement the CI / CD pipeline
- Helm chart to run your application inside Kubernetes
- register a webhook on the remote git repository to your teams Jenkins
- add the git repository to your teams Jenkins
- trigger the first pipeline
Watch pipeline activity via: jx get activity -f jx-go-http -w
Browse the pipeline log via: jx get build logs kmadel/jx-go-http/master
Open the Jenkins console via jx console
You can list the pipelines via: jx get pipelines
When the pipeline is complete: jx get applications
And you can take a look at your project in CKCD.
To see a list of all the quickstarts available in the current environment run the following command:
jx create quickstart
Cancel that command with ctrl+c
Now typically you would need to set up your computer with all the tools needed to makes changes to the code in the project and to be able to test those changes locally. In the next exercise you will see how DevPods do all of that for you.