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UDP Offload Engine (UOE)

This document describes the design of the UDP Offload Engine (UOE) used by the cloudFPGA platform.

Preliminary and Acknowledgments

This code was initially developed by Xilinx Dublin Labs, Ireland who kindly accepted to share it with the cloudFPGA project via the GitHub repository: In 2018, the code was ported and adapted for the needs and specificity of the cloudFPGA platform.


The UOE consists of a RxEngine (RXe) to handle the incoming data packets from the IP layer, and a TxEngine (TXe) to assemble outgoing data packets for the IP layer. RXe is depicted in Figure-1 and TXe is depicted in Figure-2. Block diagram of the RXe

Figure-1: Block diagram of the Rx Engine of the UDP Offload Engine

Block diagram of the TXe

Figure-2: Block diagram of the Tx Engine of the UDP Offload Engine

The UDP offload engine is entirely written in C/C++, and the Xilinx HLS flow is used here to synthesize and export UOE as a standalone IP core. With respect to Figure-1 and Figure-2, every white box represents a sub-process of RXe respectively TXe, while gray boxes represent interfaces to neighbouring IP blocks.

The top-level file uoe.cpp defines the architecture body of UOE while its header counterpart uoe.hpp defines the entity interfaces of UOE.

HLS Coding Style and Naming Conventions

The HLS design of UOE uses some specific naming rules to ease the description and the understanding of its architecture. Please consider reading the document [HLS coding style and naming conventions]( ./ before diving or contributing to this part of the cloudFPGA project.

List of Processes

The following table lists the sub-processes of the components UOE/RXe and UOE/TXe.

Component Process Description File
RXe Ihs Ip Header Stripper uoe
RXe Rph Rx Packet Handler uoe
RXe Ucc Udp Checksum Checker uoe
RXe Upt Udp Port Table uoe
TXe Tai Tx Application Interface uoe
TXe Tdh Tx Datagram Handler uoe
TXe Uca Udp Checksum Accumulator uoe
TXe Uha Udp Header Adder uoe
TXe Iha Ip Header Adder uoe

Description of the Interfaces

The entity declaration of UOE is specified as follows. It consists of 4 groups of interfaces referred to as:

void uoe(
    //-- MMIO Interface
    CmdBit                           piMMIO_En,
    stream<StsBool>                 &soMMIO_Ready,
    //-- IPRX / IP Rx / Data Interface
    stream<AxisIp4>                 &siIPRX_Data,
    //-- IPTX / IP Tx / Data Interface
    stream<AxisIp4>                 &soIPTX_Data,
    //-- UAIF / Control Port Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppLsnReq>            &siUAIF_LsnReq,
    stream<UdpAppLsnRep>            &soUAIF_LsnRep,
    stream<UdpAppClsReq>            &siUAIF_ClsReq,
    stream<UdpAppClsRep>            &soUAIF_ClsRep,
    //-- UAIF / Rx Data Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppData>              &soUAIF_Data,
    stream<UdpAppMeta>              &soUAIF_Meta,
    stream<UdpAppDLen>              &soUAIF_DLen,
    //-- UAIF / Tx Data Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppData>              &siUAIF_Data,
    stream<UdpAppMeta>              &siUAIF_Meta,
    stream<UdpAppDLen>              &siUAIF_DLen,
    //-- ICMP / Message Data Interface (Port Unreachable)
    stream<AxisIcmp>                &soICMP_Data

Note that the entity declaration of UOE does not contain any clock or reset port. These ports are created by the Vivado HLS synthesis tool and are described in the Implementation Dependent Block Interfaces section.

Memory Mapped IO Interface

The memory mapped IO (MMIO) interface consists of a set of status and configuration IO signals.

    //-- MMIO Interface
    CmdBit                           piMMIO_En,
    stream<StsBool>                 &soMMIO_Ready,
  • piMMIO_En is an active high enable signal used to delay the start of UOE after a reset. It implements a scalar input port of type <CmdBit>.
  • soMMIO_Ready is used to indicate the readiness of UOE. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <StsBool>.

IP Network Layer-3 Interface

The IP network layer-3 interface consists of a receive (IPRX) and a transmit (IPTX) interface.

    //-- IPRX / IP Rx / Data Interface
    stream<AxisIp4>                 &siIPRX_Data,
    //-- IPTX / IP Tx / Data Interface
    stream<AxisIp4>                 &soIPTX_Data,
  • siIPRX_Data is used to receive IPv4 packets from the IP network layer-3. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <AxisIp4>.
  • soIPTX_Data is used to send IPv4 packets to the IP network layer-3. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <AxisIp4>.

UDP Application Layer Interface

The UDP application layer interface (UAIF) connects UOE to a network application layer or directly to a user application. It consists of a receive data path, a transmit data path and a control interface.

  • RxAppData implements the receive data path between UOE and the application layer (i.e., the incoming network traffic direction).
  • TxAppData implements the transmit data path between the application layer and UOE (i.e., the outgoing network traffic direction).
  • AppCtrl manages the control path.

Application Control Interface

In order for the application (APP) to receive data from a remote node, the APP must first request UOE to open a UDP port in listening mode. Only when a port is set in open mode, will UOE start accepting data for it. Otherwise, if a port is closed, all data traffic destined to it is dropped.

    //-- UAIF / Control Port Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppLsnReq>            &siUAIF_LsnReq,
    stream<UdpAppLsnRep>            &soUAIF_LsnRep,
    stream<UdpAppClsReq>            &siUAIF_ClsReq,
    stream<UdpAppClsRep>            &soUAIF_ClsRep,
  • siUAIF_LsnReq is used by the APP to request a UDP port number to be opened in listening mode. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpPort>.
  • soUAIF_LsnRep is a status reply returned by UOE upon a listen port request. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <StsBool>.
  • siUAIF_ClsReq is used by the APP to request a UDP port number to be closed. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpPort>.
  • soUAIF_ClsRep is a status reply returned by UOE upon a close port request. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <StsBool>.

Rx Application Data Interface

The data transfer between UOE and APP is flow-controlled by the stream based operation of the interface, but the data transfer between the Ethernet network and the UOE is not. Therefore, since UOE comes with limited input buffering (~16KB), it is mandatory for the APP to read the incoming data provided by UOE as soon possible. Otherwise, the input buffer of UOE will fill up and once full, every new incoming IP packet will be dropped.

    //-- UAIF / Rx Data Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppData>              &soUAIF_Data,
    stream<UdpAppMeta>              &soUAIF_Meta,
    stream<UdpAppDLen>              &soUAIF_DLen,
  • soUAIF_Data is the data stream forwarded by UOE upon data arrival from the network. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpAppData> and its maximum length equals the UDP Maximum Datagram Size where UDP_MDS = (MTU_ZYC2-IP4_HEADER_LEN-UDP_HEADER_LEN) & ~0x7 = 1416 bytes.
  • soUAIF_Meta is the metadata of the data stream forwarded by UOE upon data arrival. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpAppMeta> which specifies the socket-pair associated with this data stream.
  • soUAIF_DLen specifies the length of the data stream forwarded by UOE. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpAppDLen>.

Tx Application Data Interface

For UOE to send data on the network, the APP must provide the data as a stream of chunks, and every stream must be accompanied by a metadata and payload length information. The metadata specifies the socket-pair that the stream belongs to, while the payload length specifies its length.

    //-- UAIF / Tx Data Interfaces
    stream<UdpAppData>              &siUAIF_Data,
    stream<UdpAppMeta>              &siUAIF_Meta,
    stream<UdpAppDLen>              &siUAIF_DLen,
  • siUAIF_Data is the data stream forwarded by APP to UOE for transmission on the Ethernet network. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpAppData>.
  • siUAIF_Meta is the metadata associated with the forwarded data stream. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpAppMeta> which specifies the socket-pair associated with this data stream.
  • siUAIF_DLen specifies the length of the data stream that APP is requesting to send. It implements an AXI4-Stream interface of type <UdpAppDLen> and the value loaded into it defines one of the two following modes of operation:
    1. DATAGRAM_MODE: If the 'DLen' stream is loaded with a length != 0, this length is used as reference for handling the corresponding data stream. If the length is larger than UDP_MDS bytes (.i.e, MTU_ZYC2-IP_HEADER_LEN-UDP_HEADER_LEN), this process will split the incoming datagram and will generate as many sub-datagrams as required to transport all 'DLen' bytes over multiple Ethernet frames.
      • Warning: While in DATAGRAM_MODE mode, the setting of the 'TLAST' bit of the data stream is not required but is highly recommended.
    2. STREAMING_MODE: If the 'DLen' stream is loaded with a length == 0, the corresponding data stream will keep on being forwarded based on the current metadata information until the 'TLAST' bit of the data stream is set. In this mode, UOE will wait for the reception of UDP_MDS bytes before generating a new UDP-over-IPv4 packet, unless the 'TLAST' bit of the data stream is set.
      • Warning: While in STREAMING_MODE, it is the responsibility of the application to set the 'TLAST' bit of the data stream back to '1' from time to time, otherwise that single stream will monopolize the UOE indefinitely.