diff --git a/scripts/ccpp_suite.py b/scripts/ccpp_suite.py
index 7fa5e88a..130a828c 100644
--- a/scripts/ccpp_suite.py
+++ b/scripts/ccpp_suite.py
@@ -78,6 +78,20 @@ class Suite(VarDictionary):
__scheme_template = '{}'
+ # The var_type_vals are bits to describe the status of a variable in
+ # each phase with a single number.
+ # Each phase is 2 bits with the following table:
+ # 0: Variable not present in this phase
+ # 1: Variable is intent(in) in this phase
+ # 2: Variable is intent(out) in this phase
+ # 3: Variable is intent(inout) in this phase
+ __var_type_vals = [f"{phase}_{bit}_bitpos"
+ for phase in CCPP_STATE_MACH.transitions()
+ for bit in ("input", "output")]
+ # __struct_element is a bit for variables which are part of a DDT
+ __struct_element = "struct_element"
+ __var_type_vals.append(__struct_element)
def __init__(self, filename, api, run_env):
"""Initialize this Suite object from the SDF, .
serves as the Suite's parent."""
@@ -111,6 +125,11 @@ def __init__(self, filename, api, run_env):
# end if
# Parse the SDF
+ # For completeness, we initilize these here, however,
+ # they will receive correct values at the end of analyze
+ self.__regular_vars = None
+ self.__parent_vars = None
+ self.__elem_vars = None
def name(self):
@@ -261,6 +280,78 @@ def groups(self):
"""Get the list of groups in this suite."""
return self.__groups
+ def _interface_vars_dict(self, check_dict, ddt_lib):
+ """Collect the input, output, and inout variables for each phase
+ of this suite."""
+ parent = self.parent
+ # Collect all the suite variables, by type
+ regular_vars = {} # Fortran intrinsics
+ parent_vars = {} # E.g., DDT
+ elem_vars = {} # Intrinsic vars inside a DDT
+ for part in self.groups:
+ phase = part.phase()
+ for var in part.call_list.variable_list():
+ stdname = var.get_prop_value("standard_name")
+ intent = var.get_prop_value("intent")
+ protected = var.get_prop_value("protected")
+ if (parent is not None) and (not protected):
+ pvar = parent.find_variable(standard_name=stdname)
+ if pvar is not None:
+ protected = pvar.get_prop_value("protected")
+ # end if
+ # end if
+ elements = var.intrinsic_elements(check_dict=check_dict,
+ ddt_lib=ddt_lib)
+ if (intent == 'in') and (not protected):
+ if isinstance(elements, list):
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(parent_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "input")
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(elem_vars, elements,
+ phase, "input")
+ else:
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(regular_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "input")
+ # end if
+ elif intent == 'inout':
+ if isinstance(elements, list):
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(parent_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "input")
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(elem_vars, elements,
+ phase, "input")
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(parent_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "output")
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(elem_vars, elements,
+ phase, "output")
+ else:
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(regular_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "input")
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(regular_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "output")
+ # end if
+ elif intent == 'out':
+ if isinstance(elements, list):
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(parent_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "output")
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(elem_vars, elements,
+ phase, "output")
+ else:
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(regular_vars, stdname,
+ phase, "output")
+ # end if
+ # end if
+ # end for
+ # end for
+ # Check for overlap (there should not be any)
+ reg_set = set(regular_vars.keys())
+ par_set = set(parent_vars.keys())
+ if not reg_set.isdisjoint(par_set):
+ overlap = reg_set.intersection(par_set)
+ emsg = (f"Suite {self.name}: Standard name overlap with: " +
+ f"{', '.join(overlap)}.")
+ raise CCPPError(emsg)
+ # end if
+ return regular_vars, parent_vars, elem_vars
def find_variable(self, standard_name=None, source_var=None,
any_scope=True, clone=None,
search_call_list=False, loop_subst=False):
@@ -446,6 +537,9 @@ def analyze(self, host_model, scheme_library, ddt_library, run_env):
# end if
# end for
# end for
+ # Finally, collect usage dictionaries of Suite variables
+ args = self._interface_vars_dict(host_model, ddt_library)
+ self.__regular_vars, self.__parent_vars, self.__elem_vars = args
def is_run_group(self, group):
"""Method to separate out run-loop groups from special initial
@@ -485,7 +579,208 @@ def constituent_dictionary(self):
"""Return the constituent dictionary for this suite"""
return self.parent
- def write(self, output_dir, run_env):
+ @staticmethod
+ def _add_vars_to_dict(vdict, stdname, phase, inout):
+ # Add a presence flag to the set in
+ # Add a new set if is not in
+ # If is a list, apply this function to each element
+ if isinstance(stdname, list):
+ for var in stdname:
+ self._add_vars_to_dict(vdict, var, phase, inout)
+ # end for
+ else:
+ if not stdname in vdict:
+ vdict[stdname] = set()
+ # end if
+ vdict[stdname].add(f"{phase}_{inout}_bitpos")
+ # end if
+ def req_vars_subname(self):
+ """Return the name of the required variables subroutine for this suite"""
+ return f"suite_{self.name}_variables"
+ def write_req_vars_sub(self, ofile, errvars):
+ """Write the required variables subroutine"""
+ bitfield_funcname = "find_bitfld_val"
+ varmatch_funcname = "var_match"
+ # Find error variables (only support old style for now)
+ errmsg_var = None
+ errcode_var= None
+ for evar in errvars:
+ if evar.get_prop_value('standard_name') == 'ccpp_error_code':
+ errcode_var = evar
+ elif evar.get_prop_value('standard_name') == 'ccpp_error_message':
+ errmsg_var = evar
+ else:
+ raise ParseInternalError("Unsupported error variable")
+ # end if
+ # end for
+ if (errmsg_var == None) or (errcode_var == None):
+ emsg = "Could not find error variable names: errvars = "
+ emsg += f"{', '.join([str(x) for x in errvars])}"
+ raise ParseInternalError(emsg)
+ # end if
+ errmsg = errmsg_var.get_prop_value('local_name')
+ errcode = errcode_var.get_prop_value('local_name')
+ inargs = f"variable_list, {errmsg}, {errcode}"
+ inargs += ", input_vars, output_vars, phases, struct_elements"
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ofile.write(f"subroutine {self.req_vars_subname()}({inargs})", 1)
+ ofile.write("! Dummy arguments", 2)
+ vtype = "character(len=*)"
+ oline = f"{vtype}, allocatable, intent(out) :: variable_list(:)"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
+ errmsg_var.write_def(ofile, 2, self,
+ extra_space=11, dummy=True, add_intent="out")
+ errcode_var.write_def(ofile, 2, self,
+ extra_space=11, dummy=True, add_intent="out")
+ oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: input_vars"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
+ oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: output_vars"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
+ oline = "character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: phases(:)"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
+ oline = f"logical,{' '*9} optional, intent(in) :: struct_elements"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
+ ofile.write("! Local variables", 2)
+ spc = 37
+ ofile.write(f"logical {' '*spc}:: input_vars_use", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"logical {' '*spc}:: output_vars_use", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"logical {' '*spc}:: struct_elements_use", 2)
+ mlen = max([len(x.phase()) for x in self.groups])
+ mspc = ' '*15
+ ofile.write(f"character(len={mlen}), allocatable{mspc}:: phases_use(:)",
+ 2)
+ ofile.write(f"integer {' '*spc}:: num_vars", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"integer {' '*spc}:: var_index", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"integer(int_kind) {' '*(spc - 10)}:: var_mask", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"integer(int_kind) {' '*(spc - 10)}:: ptype_val", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"integer {' '*spc}:: out_index", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"integer {' '*spc}:: ierr", 2)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ofile.write(f"{errcode} = 0", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"{errmsg} = ''", 2)
+ ofile.write("if (present(input_vars)) then", 2)
+ ofile.write("input_vars_use = input_vars", 3)
+ ofile.write("else", 2)
+ ofile.write("input_vars_use = .true.", 3)
+ ofile.write("end if", 2)
+ ofile.write("if (present(output_vars)) then", 2)
+ ofile.write("output_vars_use = output_vars", 3)
+ ofile.write("else", 2)
+ ofile.write("output_vars_use = .true.", 3)
+ ofile.write("end if", 2)
+ ofile.write("if (present(phases)) then", 2)
+ ofile.write("allocate(phases_use(size(phases, 1)), stat=ierr)", 3)
+ ofile.write("if (ierr /= 0) then", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"{errcode} = ierr", 4)
+ ofile.write(f"{errmsg} = 'Unable to allocate phases_use'", 4)
+ ofile.write("return", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write("phases_use(:) = phases(:)", 3)
+ ofile.write("else", 2)
+ pnames = [f"\"{x.phase()}{' '*(mlen - len(x.phase()))}\""
+ for x in self.groups]
+ ofile.write(f"allocate(phases_use({len(pnames)}), stat=ierr)", 3)
+ ofile.write("if (ierr /= 0) then", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"{errcode} = ierr", 4)
+ ofile.write(f"{errmsg} = 'Unable to allocate phases_use'", 4)
+ ofile.write("return", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"phases_use(:) = (/ {', '.join(pnames)} /)", 3)
+ ofile.write("end if", 2)
+ ofile.write("if (present(struct_elements)) then", 2)
+ ofile.write("struct_elements_use = struct_elements", 3)
+ ofile.write("else", 2)
+ ofile.write("struct_elements_use = .true.", 3)
+ ofile.write("end if", 2)
+ ofile.comment("Find the correct variable mask based on phase and type",
+ 2)
+ ofile.write("var_mask = 0_int_kind", 2)
+ ofile.write("do var_index = 1, size(phases_use, 1)", 2)
+ ofile.write("if (input_vars_use) then", 3)
+ args = f"(phases_use(var_index), 'input')"
+ ofile.write(f"ptype_val = {bitfield_funcname}{args}", 4)
+ ofile.write("if (ptype_val == 0_int_kind) then", 4)
+ ofile.write(f"{errcode} = 1", 5)
+ emsg = "'No bitval for input phase = '//trim(phases_use(var_index))"
+ ofile.write(f"{errmsg} = {emsg}", 5)
+ ofile.write("return", 5)
+ ofile.write("end if", 4)
+ ofile.write("var_mask = var_mask + ptype_val", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write("if (output_vars_use) then", 3)
+ args = f"(phases_use(var_index), 'output')"
+ ofile.write(f"ptype_val = {bitfield_funcname}{args}", 4)
+ ofile.write("if (ptype_val == 0_int_kind) then", 4)
+ ofile.write(f"{errcode} = 1", 5)
+ emsg = "'No bitval for output phase = '//trim(phases_use(var_index))"
+ ofile.write(f"{errmsg} = {emsg}", 5)
+ ofile.write("return", 5)
+ ofile.write("end if", 4)
+ ofile.write("var_mask = var_mask + ptype_val", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write("end do", 2)
+ ofile.comment("Find the number of variables that match the pattern", 2)
+ ofile.write("num_vars = 0", 2)
+ ofile.write("do var_index = 1, size(suite_bitvals, 1)", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"if ({varmatch_funcname}(suite_bitvals(var_index))) then",
+ 3)
+ ofile.write("num_vars = num_vars + 1", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write("end do", 2)
+ ofile.write("allocate(variable_list(num_vars), stat=ierr)", 2)
+ ofile.write("if (ierr /= 0) then", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"{errcode} = ierr", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"{errmsg} = 'Unable to allocate variable_list'", 3)
+ ofile.write("return", 3)
+ ofile.write("end if", 2)
+ ofile.write("out_index = 0", 2)
+ ofile.write("do var_index = 1, size(suite_allvars, 1)", 2)
+ ofile.write(f"if ({varmatch_funcname}(suite_bitvals(var_index))) then",
+ 3)
+ ofile.write("out_index = out_index + 1", 4)
+ ofile.write("variable_list(out_index) = suite_allvars(var_index)", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write("end do", 2)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ofile.write("contains", 1)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ofile.comment("Find the bit value for this phase and inout type", 2)
+ int_type = "integer(int_kind)"
+ ofile.write(f"{int_type} function {bitfield_funcname}(phase, iotype)", 2)
+ ofile.write("character(len=*), intent(in) :: phase", 3)
+ ofile.write("character(len=*), intent(in) :: iotype", 3)
+ ofile.write("character(len=:), allocatable :: ptype_name", 3)
+ ofile.write("ptype_name = trim(phase)//'_'//trim(iotype)//'_bitpos'", 3)
+ ofile.write("select case(trim(ptype_name))", 3)
+ for vtype in self.__var_type_vals:
+ if vtype == self.__struct_element:
+ continue
+ # end if
+ ofile.write(f"case ('{vtype}')", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"{bitfield_funcname} = {vtype}", 4)
+ # end for
+ ofile.write("case default", 3)
+ ofile.comment("Error, return 0: Caller must trap", 4)
+ ofile.write(f"{bitfield_funcname} = 0", 4)
+ ofile.write("end select", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"end function {bitfield_funcname}", 2)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ofile.write(f"logical function {varmatch_funcname}(var_bfield)", 2)
+ ofile.write("integer(int_kind), intent(in) :: var_bfield", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"{varmatch_funcname} = .false.", 3)
+ etest = "if (struct_elements_use .or. "
+ etest += "(iand(struct_element, var_bfield) == 0_int_kind)) then"
+ ofile.write(etest, 3)
+ ofile.write(f"{varmatch_funcname} = iand(var_bfield, var_mask) /= 0", 4)
+ ofile.write("end if", 3)
+ ofile.write(f"end function {varmatch_funcname}", 2)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ofile.write(f"end subroutine {self.req_vars_subname()}", 1)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ def write(self, output_dir, run_env, check_dict, ddt_lib):
"""Create caps for all groups in the suite and for the entire suite
(calling the group caps one after another)"""
# Set name of module and filename of cap
@@ -501,6 +796,18 @@ def write(self, output_dir, run_env):
"CCPP Suite Cap for {}".format(self.name),
self.module) as outfile:
# Write module 'use' statements here
+ # For proper conversion of binary literals
+ bitmax = len(self.__var_type_vals) + 1
+ if bitmax >= 64:
+ raise ParseInternalError("Not enough bits for Suite var types")
+ # end if
+ if bitmax >= 32:
+ int_str = "INT64"
+ else:
+ int_str = "INT32"
+ # end if
+ outfile.write(f"use ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, only: int_kind => {int_str}",
+ 1)
outfile.write('use {}'.format(KINDS_MODULE), 1)
# Look for any DDT types
@@ -516,8 +823,9 @@ def write(self, output_dir, run_env):
state=var_state), 1)
for group in self.__groups:
- outfile.write('public :: {}'.format(group.name), 1)
+ outfile.write(f"public :: {group.name}", 1)
# end for
+ outfile.write(f"public :: {self.req_vars_subname()}", 1)
# Declare constituent public interfaces
const_dict.declare_public_interfaces(outfile, 1)
# Declare constituent private suite interfaces and data
@@ -526,6 +834,66 @@ def write(self, output_dir, run_env):
for svar in self.keys():
self[svar].write_def(outfile, 1, self, allocatable=True)
# end for
+ # Declare suite variable variables and parameters
+ int_type = f"integer(int_kind)"
+ bitpos = 1 # Position in value where 1 is least significant
+ bitfld = 1 # Value of binary digit at bitpos
+ valbits = {} # Remember bitfld of each entry type
+ mspc = max([len(x) for x in self.__var_type_vals])
+ vtype_names = []
+ # First, the bitpos parameters
+ for vtype in self.__var_type_vals:
+ vfld = f"{vtype}{' '*(mspc - len(vtype))}"
+ bitstr = f"int(b'{bitfld:0{bitmax}b}', int_kind)"
+ outfile.write(f"{int_type}, parameter :: {vfld} = {bitstr}", 1)
+ valbits[f"{vtype}"] = bitfld
+ vtype_names.append(f'"{vfld}"')
+ bitpos += 1
+ bitfld *= 2
+ # end for
+ # Now some strings so we can find the right pos
+ oline = f"character(len={mspc}), private :: vartype_names"
+ oline += f"({len(valbits)}) = (/ {', '.join(vtype_names)} /)"
+ outfile.write(oline, 1)
+ # Collect all the Suite variables in one list
+ allvars = set()
+ allvars.update(self.__regular_vars.keys())
+ allvars.update(self.__parent_vars.keys())
+ allvars.update(self.__elem_vars.keys())
+ # Change allvars to a list for a consistent ordering
+ allvars = sorted(allvars)
+ mspc = max([len(x) for x in allvars])
+ nvars = len(allvars)
+ # Declare an array of all this Suite's variable standard names
+ decl = f"character(len={mspc}), private :: suite_allvars({nvars}) = "
+ vlist = ', '.join([f"\"{x}{' '*(mspc - len(x))}\"" for x in allvars])
+ decl += f"(/ {vlist} /)"
+ outfile.write(decl, 1)
+ # Declare a bitfield for each variable with phase and type info
+ decl = f"{int_type}, private :: suite_bitvals({nvars}) = "
+ vlist = []
+ for stdname in allvars:
+ if stdname in self.__regular_vars:
+ var = self.__regular_vars[stdname]
+ varval = 0
+ elif stdname in self.__parent_vars:
+ var = self.__parent_vars[stdname]
+ varval = 0
+ elif stdname in self.__elem_vars:
+ var = self.__elem_vars[stdname]
+ varval = valbits[self.__struct_element]
+ else:
+ raise ParseInternalError(f"No var for '{stdname}'?")
+ # end if
+ # Compute value of variable
+ for entry in var:
+ varval += valbits[entry]
+ # end for
+ vlist.append(f"int(b'{varval:0{bitmax}b}', int_kind)")
+ # end for
+ decl += f"(/ {', '.join(vlist)} /)"
+ outfile.write(decl, 1)
for group in self.__groups:
if group.name in self._beg_groups:
@@ -541,6 +909,8 @@ def write(self, output_dir, run_env):
# end for
err_vars = self.find_error_variables(any_scope=True,
+ # Write the required variables subroutine for this suite
+ self.write_req_vars_sub(outfile, err_vars)
# Write the constituent properties interface
const_dict.write_constituent_routines(outfile, 1,
self.name, err_vars)
@@ -687,7 +1057,8 @@ def write(self, output_dir, run_env):
api_filenames = list()
# Write out the suite files
for suite in self.suites:
- out_file_name = suite.write(output_dir, run_env)
+ out_file_name = suite.write(output_dir, run_env,
+ self.parent, self.__ddt_lib)
# end for
return api_filenames
@@ -760,308 +1131,47 @@ def write_suite_part_list_sub(self, ofile, errmsg_name, errcode_name):
def write_req_vars_sub(self, ofile, errmsg_name, errcode_name):
"""Write the required variables subroutine"""
oline = "suite_name, variable_list, {errmsg}, {errcode}"
- oline += ", input_vars, output_vars, struct_elements"
+ oline += ", input_vars, output_vars, phases, struct_elements"
inargs = oline.format(errmsg=errmsg_name, errcode=errcode_name)
ofile.write("\nsubroutine {}({})".format(API.__vars_fname, inargs), 1)
+ # Declare use statements for suite varlist routines
+ mlen = max([len(x.module) for x in self.suites])
+ for suite in self.suites:
+ mod = f"{suite.module}{' '*(mlen - len(suite.module))}"
+ ofile.write(f"use {mod}, only: {suite.req_vars_subname()}", 2)
+ # end for
ofile.write("! Dummy arguments", 2)
oline = "character(len=*), intent(in) :: suite_name"
ofile.write(oline, 2)
oline = "character(len=*), allocatable, intent(out) :: variable_list(:)"
ofile.write(oline, 2)
- self._errmsg_var.write_def(ofile, 2, self, extra_space=22)
- self._errcode_var.write_def(ofile, 2, self, extra_space=22)
- oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: input_vars"
+ self._errmsg_var.write_def(ofile, 2, self, extra_space=11,
+ dummy=True, add_intent="out")
+ self._errcode_var.write_def(ofile, 2, self, extra_space=11,
+ dummy=True, add_intent="out")
+ oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: input_vars"
ofile.write(oline, 2)
- oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: output_vars"
+ oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: output_vars"
ofile.write(oline, 2)
- oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: struct_elements"
+ oline = "character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: phases(:)"
ofile.write(oline, 2)
- ofile.write("! Local variables", 2)
- ofile.write("logical {}:: input_vars_use".format(' '*34), 2)
- ofile.write("logical {}:: output_vars_use".format(' '*34), 2)
- ofile.write("logical {}:: struct_elements_use".format(' '*34), 2)
- ofile.write("integer {}:: num_vars".format(' '*34), 2)
- ofile.write("", 0)
- ename = self._errcode_var.get_prop_value('local_name')
- ofile.write("{} = 0".format(ename), 2)
- ename = self._errmsg_var.get_prop_value('local_name')
- ofile.write("{} = ''".format(ename), 2)
- ofile.write("if (present(input_vars)) then", 2)
- ofile.write("input_vars_use = input_vars", 3)
- ofile.write("else", 2)
- ofile.write("input_vars_use = .true.", 3)
- ofile.write("end if", 2)
- ofile.write("if (present(output_vars)) then", 2)
- ofile.write("output_vars_use = output_vars", 3)
- ofile.write("else", 2)
- ofile.write("output_vars_use = .true.", 3)
- ofile.write("end if", 2)
- ofile.write("if (present(struct_elements)) then", 2)
- ofile.write("struct_elements_use = struct_elements", 3)
- ofile.write("else", 2)
- ofile.write("struct_elements_use = .true.", 3)
- ofile.write("end if", 2)
+ oline = "logical, optional, intent(in) :: struct_elements"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
+ ofile.blank_line()
+ ecname = self._errcode_var.get_prop_value('local_name')
+ ofile.write(f"{ecname} = 0", 2)
+ emname = self._errmsg_var.get_prop_value('local_name')
+ ofile.write(f"{emname} = ''", 2)
else_str = ''
for suite in self.suites:
- parent = suite.parent
- # Collect all the suite variables
- oline = "{}if(trim(suite_name) == '{}') then"
- input_vars = [set(), set(), set()] # leaves, arrays, leaf elements
- inout_vars = [set(), set(), set()] # leaves, arrays, leaf elements
- output_vars = [set(), set(), set()] # leaves, arrays, leaf elements
- const_initialized_in_physics = {}
- for part in suite.groups:
- for var in part.call_list.variable_list():
- phase = part.phase()
- stdname = var.get_prop_value("standard_name")
- intent = var.get_prop_value("intent")
- protected = var.get_prop_value("protected")
- constituent = var.is_constituent()
- if stdname not in const_initialized_in_physics:
- const_initialized_in_physics[stdname] = False
- if (parent is not None) and (not protected):
- pvar = parent.find_variable(standard_name=stdname)
- if pvar is not None:
- protected = pvar.get_prop_value("protected")
- # end if
- # end if
- elements = var.intrinsic_elements(check_dict=self.parent,
- ddt_lib=self.__ddt_lib)
- if (intent == 'in') and (not protected) and (not const_initialized_in_physics[stdname]):
- if isinstance(elements, list):
- input_vars[1].add(stdname)
- input_vars[2].update(elements)
- else:
- input_vars[0].add(stdname)
- # end if
- elif intent == 'inout' and (not const_initialized_in_physics[stdname]):
- if isinstance(elements, list):
- inout_vars[1].add(stdname)
- inout_vars[2].update(elements)
- else:
- inout_vars[0].add(stdname)
- # end if
- elif intent == 'out' and phase != 'initialize' and constituent and not const_initialized_in_physics[stdname]:
- # constituents HAVE to be initialized in the init phase because the dycore needs to advect them
- emsg = "constituent variable '{}' cannot be initialized in the '{}' phase"
- raise CCPPError(emsg.format(stdname, phase))
- elif intent == 'out' and constituent and phase == 'initialize':
- const_initialized_in_physics[stdname] = True
- elif intent == 'out':
- if isinstance(elements, list):
- output_vars[1].add(stdname)
- output_vars[2].update(elements)
- else:
- output_vars[0].add(stdname)
- # end if
- # end if
- # end for
- # end for
- # Figure out how many total variables to return and allocate
- # variable_list to that size
- ofile.write(oline.format(else_str, suite.name), 2)
- ofile.write("if (input_vars_use .and. output_vars_use) then", 3)
- have_elems = input_vars[2] or inout_vars[2] or output_vars[2]
- if have_elems:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 4)
- numvars = len(input_vars[0] | input_vars[2] | inout_vars[0] |
- inout_vars[2] | output_vars[0] | output_vars[2])
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(numvars), 5)
- ofile.write("else", 4)
- # end if
- numvars = len(input_vars[0] | input_vars[1] | inout_vars[0] |
- inout_vars[1] | output_vars[0] | output_vars[1])
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(numvars), 5 if have_elems else 4)
- if have_elems:
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- # end if
- ofile.write("else if (input_vars_use) then", 3)
- have_elems = input_vars[2] or inout_vars[2]
- if have_elems:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 4)
- numvars = len(input_vars[0] | input_vars[2] |
- inout_vars[0] | inout_vars[2])
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(numvars), 5)
- ofile.write("else", 4)
- # end if
- numvars = len(input_vars[0] | input_vars[1] |
- inout_vars[0] | inout_vars[1])
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(numvars), 5 if have_elems else 4)
- if have_elems:
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- # end if
- ofile.write("else if (output_vars_use) then", 3)
- have_elems = inout_vars[2] or output_vars[2]
- if have_elems:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 4)
- numvars = len(inout_vars[0] | inout_vars[2] |
- output_vars[0] | output_vars[2])
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(numvars), 5)
- ofile.write("else", 4)
- # end if
- numvars = len(inout_vars[0] | inout_vars[1] |
- output_vars[0] | output_vars[1])
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(numvars), 5 if have_elems else 4)
- if have_elems:
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- # end if
- ofile.write("else", 3)
- ofile.write("num_vars = 0", 4)
- ofile.write("end if", 3)
- ofile.write("allocate(variable_list(num_vars))", 3)
- # Now, fill in the variable_list array
- # Start with inout variables
- elem_start = 1
- leaf_start = 1
- leaf_written_set = inout_vars[0].copy()
- elem_written_set = inout_vars[0].copy()
- leaf_list = sorted(inout_vars[0])
- if inout_vars[0] or inout_vars[1] or inout_vars[2]:
- ofile.write("if (input_vars_use .or. output_vars_use) then", 3)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_list, 4,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_index=leaf_start)
- # end if
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list)
- elem_start += len(leaf_list)
- # elements which have not been written out
- elem_list = sorted(inout_vars[2] - elem_written_set)
- elem_written_set = elem_written_set | inout_vars[2]
- leaf_list = sorted(inout_vars[1] - leaf_written_set)
- leaf_written_set = leaf_written_set | inout_vars[1]
- if elem_list or leaf_list:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', elem_list, 5,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_index=elem_start)
- elem_start += len(elem_list)
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(elem_start - 1), 5)
- ofile.write("else", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_list, 5,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_index=leaf_start)
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list)
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(leaf_start - 1), 5)
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- else:
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(len(leaf_written_set)),
- 4 if leaf_written_set else 3)
- # end if
- if inout_vars[0] or inout_vars[1] or inout_vars[2]:
- ofile.write("end if", 3)
- # end if
- # Write input variables
- leaf_list = sorted(input_vars[0] - leaf_written_set)
- # Are there any output variables which are also input variables
- # (e.g., for a different part (group) of the suite)?
- # We need to collect them now in case is selected
- # but not .
- leaf_cross_set = output_vars[0] & input_vars[0]
- simp_cross_set = (output_vars[1] & input_vars[1]) - leaf_cross_set
- elem_cross_set = (output_vars[2] & input_vars[2]) - leaf_cross_set
- # Subtract the variables which have already been written out
- leaf_cross_list = sorted(leaf_cross_set - leaf_written_set)
- simp_cross_list = sorted(simp_cross_set - leaf_written_set)
- elem_cross_list = sorted(elem_cross_set - elem_written_set)
- # Next move back to processing the input variables
- leaf_written_set = leaf_written_set | input_vars[0]
- elem_list = sorted(input_vars[2] - elem_written_set)
- elem_written_set = elem_written_set | input_vars[0] | input_vars[2]
- have_inputs = elem_list or leaf_list
- if have_inputs:
- ofile.write("if (input_vars_use) then", 3)
- # elements which have not been written out
- # end if
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_list, 4,
- add_allocate=False, start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=1)
- if leaf_list:
- ofile.write("num_vars = num_vars + {}".format(len(leaf_list)),
- 4)
- # end if
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list)
- elem_start += len(leaf_list)
- leaf_list = input_vars[1].difference(leaf_written_set)
- leaf_written_set.union(input_vars[1])
- if elem_list or leaf_list:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', elem_list, 5,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_index=elem_start)
- elem_start += len(elem_list) - 1
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(elem_start), 5)
- ofile.write("else", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_list, 5,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_index=leaf_start)
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list) - 1
- ofile.write("num_vars = {}".format(leaf_start), 5)
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- # end if
- if have_inputs:
- ofile.write("end if", 3)
- # end if
- # Write output variables
- leaf_list = sorted(output_vars[0].difference(leaf_written_set))
- leaf_written_set = leaf_written_set.union(output_vars[0])
- elem_written_set = elem_written_set.union(output_vars[0])
- elem_list = sorted(output_vars[2].difference(elem_written_set))
- elem_written_set = elem_written_set.union(output_vars[2])
- have_outputs = elem_list or leaf_list
- if have_outputs:
- ofile.write("if (output_vars_use) then", 3)
- # end if
- leaf_start = 1
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_list, 4,
- add_allocate=False, start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=leaf_start)
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list)
- elem_start = leaf_start
- leaf_list = output_vars[1].difference(leaf_written_set)
- leaf_written_set.union(output_vars[1])
- if elem_list or leaf_list:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', elem_list, 5,
- add_allocate=False, start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=elem_start)
- elem_start += len(elem_list)
- ofile.write("else", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_list, 5,
- add_allocate=False, start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=leaf_start)
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list)
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- # end if
- if leaf_cross_list or elem_cross_list:
- ofile.write("if (.not. input_vars_use) then", 4)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list', leaf_cross_list,
- 5, add_allocate=False,
- start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=leaf_start)
- leaf_start += len(leaf_cross_list)
- elem_start += len(leaf_cross_list)
- if elem_cross_list or simp_cross_list:
- ofile.write("if (struct_elements_use) then", 5)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list',
- elem_cross_list, 6,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=elem_start)
- elem_start += len(elem_list)
- ofile.write("else", 5)
- API.write_var_set_loop(ofile, 'variable_list',
- leaf_cross_list, 6,
- add_allocate=False,
- start_var="num_vars",
- start_index=leaf_start)
- leaf_start += len(leaf_list)
- ofile.write("end if", 5)
- # end if
- ofile.write("end if", 4)
- if have_outputs:
- ofile.write("end if", 3)
- # end if
+ oline = f"{else_str}if(trim(suite_name) == '{suite.name}') then"
+ ofile.write(oline, 2)
else_str = 'else '
+ args = ["variable_list", emname, ecname, "input_vars=input_vars",
+ "output_vars=output_vars", "phases=phases",
+ "struct_elements=struct_elements"]
+ ofile.write(f"call {suite.req_vars_subname()}({', '.join(args)})",
+ 3)
# end for
ofile.write("else", 2)
emsg = "write({errmsg}, '(3a)')".format(errmsg=errmsg_name)
diff --git a/scripts/constituents.py b/scripts/constituents.py
index 7a60af04..f7d09b2e 100644
--- a/scripts/constituents.py
+++ b/scripts/constituents.py
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def find_variable(self, standard_name=None, source_var=None,
# end for
# end for
- var = source_var.clone({'dimensions' : newdims}, remove_intent=False,
+ var = source_var.clone({'dimensions' : newdims}, remove_intent=True,
self.add_variable(var, self.__run_env)
return var
diff --git a/scripts/metavar.py b/scripts/metavar.py
index e2a22e24..7549f9ad 100755
--- a/scripts/metavar.py
+++ b/scripts/metavar.py
@@ -1004,15 +1004,15 @@ def write_def(self, outfile, indent, wdict, allocatable=False,
intent = None
# end if
if protected and allocatable:
- errmsg = 'Cannot create allocatable variable from protected, {}'
+ errmsg = "Cannot create allocatable variable from protected, {}"
raise CCPPError(errmsg.format(name))
# end if
if dummy and (intent is None):
if add_intent is not None:
intent = add_intent
- errmsg = " is missing for dummy argument, {}"
- raise CCPPError(errmsg.format(name))
+ errmsg = f" is missing for dummy argument, {name}"
+ raise CCPPError(errmsg)
# end if
# end if
if protected and dummy:
@@ -1025,7 +1025,12 @@ def write_def(self, outfile, indent, wdict, allocatable=False,
# end if
elif intent is not None:
alloval = self.get_prop_value('allocatable')
- if (intent.lower()[-3:] == 'out') and alloval:
+ if alloval:
+ if intent.lower() == 'in':
+ # We should not have allocatable, intent(in), makes no sense
+ errmsg = f"{name} ({stdname}) is allocatable and intent(in)"
+ raise CCPPError(errmsg)
+ # end if
intent_str = f"allocatable, intent({intent})"
intent_str = f"intent({intent}){' '*(5 - len(intent))}"
@@ -1064,7 +1069,7 @@ def write_def(self, outfile, indent, wdict, allocatable=False,
cspc = comma + ' '*(extra_space + 19 - len(vtype))
# end if
# end if
outfile.write(dstr.format(type=vtype, kind=kind, intent=intent_str,
name=name, dims=dimstr, cspc=cspc,
sname=stdname), indent)
diff --git a/test/var_action_test/run_test b/test/var_action_test/run_test
index 2b4db0ac..d26cee1d 100755
--- a/test/var_action_test/run_test
+++ b/test/var_action_test/run_test
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ scriptdir="$( cd $( dirname $0 ); pwd -P )"
## Option default values
cleanup="PASS" # Other supported options are ALWAYS and NEVER