This annotation is to be used together with @JakartaRequest
for API(S) written using Jakarta.
This is the name of the collection, default is "Sample Collection".
This is a boolean value to enable creating tests for the requests or not, default is false;
This is the base url that should be used across the collection, default is "{{BASE_URL}}"
This example shows a spring collection variables defined
name = "susan more collection",
createTest = true,
baseUrl = "")
public class PathGenerator {
@JakartaRequest(requestBean = Info.class, auth = Auth.Type.bearer, authValue = "ABCTOKEN")
@PostMapping(value = "/{resortID}/seasons/{seasonID}/days/{dayID}/skiers/{skierID}")
public String generate(
@PathVariable( "resortID" ) int resortID,
@RequestParam("id") @NotNull @ChocoRandom(dynamic = DynamicVariables.randomCatchPhrase) String id,
@RequestBody Info resource,
@RequestHeader("Authorization") String authorization){