node {

 // If the build is triggered by any upstream job
 if (currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)) {
def sendEmail() {

 // Name of the Jenkins jobs for email notification will be sent if status is FAILURE
 def String[] jobsForStatusNotification = ["Kernel", "Authentication", "Pre-Registration", "Registration", "Registration-Processor", "modify-pipeline-poc", "master-branch-build-all-modules"]

 def upstream = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)

 // Description for upstream job by which this pipeline has been triggered
 def description = upstream?.shortDescription

 // projectName for upstream job by which this pipeline has been triggered
 def projectName = description.substring(description.indexOf("\"") + 1, description.indexOf("\"", description.indexOf("\"") + 1));

 // projectStatus for upstream job by which this pipeline has been triggered
 def projectStatus = Jenkins.instance.getItem(projectName).lastCompletedBuild.getResult().toString()

 // projectBuildNumber for upstream job by which this pipeline has been triggered
 def projectBuildNumber = Jenkins.instance.getItem(projectName).lastCompletedBuild.getNumber().toString()

 // projectBuildURL for upstream job by which this pipeline has been triggered
 def projectBuildURL = Jenkins.instance.getItem(projectName).lastCompletedBuild.absoluteUrl.toString()

 echo "projectName: " + projectName
 echo "projectStatus: " + projectStatus
 echo "projectBuildNumber: "+projectBuildNumber
 echo "projectBuildURL: "+projectBuildURL

 def recipients
 if (jobsForStatusNotification.contains(projectName) && projectStatus.equals("FAILURE")) {
  if (projectName.equals("Kernel")) {
    recipients = "$env.KERNEL_RECIPIENT_LIST"
  } else if (projectName.equals("Pre-Registration")) {
  } else if (projectName.equals("Authentication")) {
    recipients = "$env.IDA_RECIPIENT_LIST"
  } else if (projectName.equals("Registration")) {
    recipients = "$env.REGISTRATION_RECIPIENT_LIST"
  } else if (projectName.equals("Registration-Processor")) {
  } else if (projectName.equals("master-branch-build-all-modules")) {
  } else if (projectName.equals("modify-pipeline-poc")) {
   recipients = "$env.TEST_RECIPIENT_LIST"

    emailext (
                        subject: "MOSIP Jenkins Job '${projectName} with build no ${projectBuildNumber} failed'",
                        body: """<p>Check console output at <a href="${projectBuildURL}">${projectName}</a></p>""",
                        to: "$recipients",
                        from: '"Jenkins" <>'