diff --git a/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/ang/afsearchManageScheduledJobs.aff.html b/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/ang/afsearchManageScheduledJobs.aff.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15cfe161e99a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/ang/afsearchManageScheduledJobs.aff.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{{:: ts('You can configure scheduled jobs (cron tasks) for your CiviCRM installation. For most sites, your system administrator should set up one or more "cron" tasks to run the enabled jobs. However, you can also run all scheduled jobs manually using the button below, or specific jobs from this screen using the "Execute Now" buttons.')}}
diff --git a/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/ang/afsearchManageScheduledJobs.aff.json b/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/ang/afsearchManageScheduledJobs.aff.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4aebf05131b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/ang/afsearchManageScheduledJobs.aff.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "search",
+ "title": "Manage Scheduled Jobs",
+ "icon": "fa-list-alt",
+ "server_route": "civicrm/admin/job",
+ "permission": "access CiviCRM"
diff --git a/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/managed/SavedSearch_Manage_Scheduled_Jobs.mgd.php b/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/managed/SavedSearch_Manage_Scheduled_Jobs.mgd.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f759bd35f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/civicrm_admin_ui/managed/SavedSearch_Manage_Scheduled_Jobs.mgd.php
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ 'SavedSearch_Scheduled_Jobs',
+ 'entity' => 'SavedSearch',
+ 'cleanup' => 'always',
+ 'update' => 'unmodified',
+ 'params' => [
+ 'version' => 4,
+ 'values' => [
+ 'name' => 'Scheduled_Jobs',
+ 'label' => E::ts('Scheduled Jobs'),
+ 'form_values' => NULL,
+ 'mapping_id' => NULL,
+ 'search_custom_id' => NULL,
+ 'api_entity' => 'Job',
+ 'api_params' => [
+ 'version' => 4,
+ 'select' => [
+ 'id',
+ 'name',
+ 'description',
+ 'run_frequency:label',
+ 'parameters',
+ 'last_run',
+ 'is_active',
+ 'api_entity',
+ 'api_action',
+ ],
+ 'orderBy' => [],
+ 'where' => [],
+ 'groupBy' => [],
+ 'join' => [],
+ 'having' => [],
+ ],
+ 'expires_date' => NULL,
+ 'description' => NULL,
+ ],
+ 'match' => [
+ 'name',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'name' => 'SavedSearch_Scheduled_Jobs_SearchDisplay_Scheduled_Jobs_Table_2',
+ 'entity' => 'SearchDisplay',
+ 'cleanup' => 'always',
+ 'update' => 'unmodified',
+ 'params' => [
+ 'version' => 4,
+ 'values' => [
+ 'name' => 'Scheduled_Jobs_Table_2',
+ 'label' => E::ts('Scheduled Jobs Table 2'),
+ 'saved_search_id.name' => 'Scheduled_Jobs',
+ 'type' => 'table',
+ 'settings' => [
+ 'description' => NULL,
+ 'sort' => [
+ [
+ 'is_active',
+ 'DESC',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'name',
+ 'ASC',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'limit' => 50,
+ 'pager' => [],
+ 'placeholder' => 5,
+ 'columns' => [
+ [
+ 'type' => 'html',
+ 'key' => 'name',
+ 'dataType' => 'String',
+ 'label' => E::ts('Job'),
+ 'sortable' => TRUE,
+ 'cssRules' => [
+ [
+ 'disabled',
+ 'is_active',
+ '=',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'rewrite' => '[name]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'type' => 'field',
+ 'key' => 'run_frequency:label',
+ 'dataType' => 'String',
+ 'label' => E::ts('Frequency'),
+ 'sortable' => TRUE,
+ 'cssRules' => [
+ [
+ 'disabled',
+ 'is_active',
+ '=',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'type' => 'field',
+ 'key' => 'last_run',
+ 'dataType' => 'Timestamp',
+ 'label' => E::ts('Last Run'),
+ 'sortable' => TRUE,
+ 'cssRules' => [
+ [
+ 'disabled',
+ 'is_active',
+ '=',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'type' => 'field',
+ 'key' => 'is_active',
+ 'dataType' => 'Boolean',
+ 'label' => E::ts('Enabled'),
+ 'sortable' => TRUE,
+ 'editable' => TRUE,
+ 'cssRules' => [
+ [
+ 'disabled',
+ 'is_active',
+ '=',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'type' => 'field',
+ 'key' => 'api_entity',
+ 'dataType' => 'String',
+ 'label' => E::ts('API'),
+ 'sortable' => TRUE,
+ 'cssRules' => [
+ [
+ 'disabled',
+ 'is_active',
+ '=',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'rewrite' => '[api_entity].[api_action]',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'text' => E::ts(''),
+ 'style' => 'default',
+ 'size' => 'btn-sm',
+ 'icon' => 'fa-bars',
+ 'links' => [
+ [
+ 'entity' => '',
+ 'action' => '',
+ 'join' => '',
+ 'target' => '',
+ 'icon' => 'fa-file-o',
+ 'text' => E::ts('View joblog'),
+ 'style' => 'default',
+ 'path' => 'civicrm/admin/joblog?jid=[id]&reset=1',
+ 'condition' => [],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'entity' => '',
+ 'action' => '',
+ 'join' => '',
+ 'target' => '',
+ 'icon' => 'fa-play',
+ 'text' => E::ts('Execute now'),
+ 'style' => 'default',
+ 'path' => 'civicrm/admin/job/edit?action=view&id=[id]&reset=1',
+ 'condition' => [],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'entity' => 'Job',
+ 'action' => 'update',
+ 'join' => '',
+ 'target' => 'crm-popup',
+ 'icon' => 'fa-pencil',
+ 'text' => E::ts('Edit Job'),
+ 'style' => 'default',
+ 'path' => '',
+ 'condition' => [],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'entity' => '',
+ 'action' => '',
+ 'join' => '',
+ 'target' => '',
+ 'icon' => 'fa-clone',
+ 'text' => E::ts('Clone'),
+ 'style' => 'secondary',
+ 'path' => 'civicrm/admin/job/edit?action=copy&id=[id]',
+ 'condition' => [],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'entity' => 'Job',
+ 'action' => 'delete',
+ 'join' => '',
+ 'target' => 'crm-popup',
+ 'icon' => 'fa-trash',
+ 'text' => E::ts('Delete Job'),
+ 'style' => 'danger',
+ 'path' => '',
+ 'condition' => [],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'type' => 'menu',
+ 'alignment' => 'text-right',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'actions' => FALSE,
+ 'classes' => [
+ 'table',
+ 'table-striped',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'acl_bypass' => FALSE,
+ ],
+ 'match' => [
+ 'name',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],