From cc67bd8cc753f71962944e6b5cf4737062a91dcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: demeritcowboy Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2021 22:15:47 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] don't crash for users with only my cases access --- templates/CRM/Case/Page/DashboardSelector.tpl | 10 +++++++++- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/templates/CRM/Case/Page/DashboardSelector.tpl b/templates/CRM/Case/Page/DashboardSelector.tpl index 30392c8d53c4..c5bfe78df7ad 100644 --- a/templates/CRM/Case/Page/DashboardSelector.tpl +++ b/templates/CRM/Case/Page/DashboardSelector.tpl @@ -31,11 +31,19 @@ var selectorClass = '.case-selector-' + list; var filterClass = '.case-search-options-' + list; + // Determine the url `type` parameter which is a combination of `list` and the `upcoming` checkbox. + // @todo This seems fragile. It makes `list` serve double-duty, and also relies on the fact that when list=all-cases that can only happen for users with all cases permission, which itself is what determines whether the upcoming checkbox is present. + var computeGetCasesType = function(selectorListType) { + return (!$("input[name='upcoming']").length) ? + (selectorListType == 'my-cases' ? 'any' : selectorListType) : + ($("input[name='upcoming']").prop('checked') ? 'upcoming' : 'any'); + } + CRM.$('table' + selectorClass).data({ "ajax": { "url": {/literal}'{crmURL p="civicrm/ajax/get-cases" h=0 q="snippet=4&all=`$all`"}'{literal}, "data": function (d) { - d.type = (!$("input[name='upcoming']").length) ? list : $("input[name='upcoming']").prop('checked') ? 'upcoming' : 'any'; + d.type = computeGetCasesType(list); d.case_type_id = $(filterClass + ' select#case_type_id').val() || []; d.case_type_id = d.case_type_id.join(','); d.status_id = $(filterClass + ' select#case_status_id').val() || [];