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IBM FHE toolkits on Linux and Mac


I tried out the Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) toolkit on MacOS and Ubuntu.

Last version I tried: Public Release Installation date: 30-January-2022 => build fails and preconfig image examples don't work

Installation of the toolkit

Make sure you have Docker installed. On MacOS you can use Docker for Desktop. For instructions to install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 see here.

I'm using the command line to download and install.

git clone

The quick and dirty way is to start with the preconfigured Docker images. Those are not up always up to date.

Better use the latest helib version inside the toolkit and build the Docker image from scratch.

Official instructions:

Build toolkit

Build image on Ubuntu:

./ ubuntu


Check that you have the toolkit image is present:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

Typically, on Ubuntu you will experience issues with missing writing permissions. The following workaround will fix this:

Permission Issue Workaround

As noted in Issue #28, there is a permissions issue which does not allow to write from the toolkit to the FHE-Toolkit-Workspace directory on Linux (note on Mac I haven't had that problem).

First change permissions of the working folder.

chmod 777 FHE-Toolkit-Workspace

Then make this fix persistent and edit the file, at the end of the file, line 260 or beyond, add a change permission command to the directory such as this...


Execute the script to persist a local toolkit:

./ local/fhe-toolkit-ubuntu

To persist a fetched toolkit build:

./ ibmcom/fhe-toolkit-ubuntu

Now it should be possible to retain writing permissions inside the toolkit. Start the toolkit.

Start the locally built toolkit

Start the toolkit from the IBM preconfigured image.

./ -l ubuntu

You should see the message

FHE Development is open for business:

In order to stop the container, you can run.


Next: go to the examples.

Build toolkit from preconfigured image

Get the image from the github repo:

./ ubuntu

Check that you have the toolkit image is present:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ibmcom/fhe-toolkit-ubuntu-amd64   latest    fc8b02460f0a   7 months ago    2.64GB
ibmcom/fhe-toolkit-ubuntu         latest    fc8b02460f0a   7 months ago    2.64GB

If you are on Ubuntu you may experience issues with missing writing permissions. See here for a workaround.

Start the toolkit from the IBM preconfigured image.

./ -p ubuntu

You should see the message

FHE Development is open for business:

In order to stop the container, you can run.


Next: go to the examples.

Update (30-Jan-2022): build works, examples fail.

Working with the toolkit

Open the browser link and accept the certificate warning.

To make sure that I have write permissions, I switch to the terminal, type bash into the terminal window on the bottom. Type touch a which will make a file called a appear in my local directory. If you encounter writing permission issues, stop the toolkit using ./, and execute the steps here before relaunching the container.

During the Welcome the IDE asks for which compiler to choose. This choice can be adapted when clicking on the compiler on the bottom blue bar. I chose GCC 9.3.0.

Encrypted Search example

Open the BGV_world_country_db_lookup example in the terminal (right click on the folder and 'Open in Integrated Terminal').

fhe@69e45d6791c3:/opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace/myexamples/BGV_world_country_db_lookup$ ls
BGV_world_country_db_lookup.cpp  CMakeLists.txt  countries_dataset.csv

Compile and run the example:

cmake .

Run the example and check the time:

$ time ./BGV_world_country_db_lookup 

*           Privacy Preserving Search Example           *
*           =================================           *
*                                                       *
* This is a sample program for education purposes only. *
* It implements a very simple homomorphic encryption    *
* based db search algorithm for demonstration purposes. *
*                                                       *
---Initialising HE Environment ... 
Initializing the Context ... 
m=128 r=1 L=1000 c=2

***Security Level: 0 *** Negligible for this example ***

Number of slots: 32

---Initializing the encrypted key,value pair database (226 entries)...
Converting strings to numeric representation into Ptxt objects ...

Initialization Completed - Ready for Queries

Please enter the name of a Country: Germany
Looking for the Capital of Germany
This may take a few minutes ... 

Query result:  Berlin
  timer_TotalQuery: 3.05808 / 1 = 3.05808   [/opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace/myexamples/BGV_world_country_db_lookup/BGV_world_country_db_lookup.cpp:229]

real    0m5.629s
user    0m3.129s

Useful commands

  • Toolkit terminal: type bash to get a bash-like terminal.

  • Clean up folders with compiled files:

rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles cmake_install.cmake Makefile helib.log rm bin/*

Author: Christiane Peters.