- Removed dependency to OpenCV and PCL.
- The RGB jpeg image is published in a compressed format.
- Removed the god_bad pixel publisher and the XYZ publisher (use cloud` instead).
- The /cloud topic is published as sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 instead of pcl::PointCloud<ifm3d::PointT>
Breaking changes: * Restructure the ifm3d-ros package into independent subpackages. Please check your path declarations again, especially for the launch files and messages and services.
Changes between ifm3d_ros 0.6.x and 1.0.0: + Order of axis changed in 3D (cloud topic and extrinsic calibration parameters): This wrapper keeps the axis orientation as defined by the underlying API, ifm3d. Therefore, you may see a different axis order for the cloud message compared to older versions of the ifm3d and ifm cameras. + Extrinsic calibration parameters: now consistent with SI units, e.g. translation are scaled in m and rotation parameters are scaled in rad. + Added publisher for 2D RGB data + Use CameraBase for compatibility with other O3 devices + Comment out methods / publisher which are not available for the O3RCamera (at the moment) + Comment out the unit vector publishing + Changed services trigger and softon, softoff to be compatible with new JSON methods and schema. + Changed service trigger to a dummy method until triggers are implemented for the O3R platform. It only has a status message at the moment. + Changed service dump: coverts from json to str for displaying the message
added: * Added pcic_port to the list of framegrabber arguments
known limitations: * This version of the ifm3d-ros package only works with the O3R camera platform.
Changes between ifm3d_ros 0.6.1 and 0.6.2
- Updated maintainer email address
- Added ifm3d-core dependency in preparation for submission to the ROS index
- Added support syncing the system and camera clocks at startup. Side-effect, is we can now stamp the images with the camera-side capture time and not the host-side reception time.
- Added the SyncClocks Service
- Added a image transport plugin _blacklist_ to the nodlet launch file. This prevents many of the errors seen in the terminal when running rosbag -a to capture camera data
- Added the SoftOn and SoftOff service calls
- Added support for Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic
- Converted primary data publisher to a nodelet architecture
- Provide the dump and config scripts to call into the exposed ROS services of the nodelet. Removed the older "config node".
- Added unit tests
- Now requires ifm3d 0.9.0 and by association the more modernized tooling (C++14, cmake 3.5, dropped support for 14.04/Indigo, etc.)
- Now publishing extrinsics on a topic
- Added Dump Service
- Added Config Service
- Added Trigger Service
- Updates to CMakeLists.txt to support Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo
This file has started tracking ifm3d_ros at 0.1.0
- Initial (alpha) release